 * @brief prepend symbol on nth match
 * @param input input string
 * @param number_length the length of the number, will prepend symbol
 * if the length smaller than this number
 * @param nth the number of match
 * @param reg the pattern want to find
 * @param symbol symbol prepand before the number
 * @return the input after symbol prepend if match the condition; if the reg
 * found the match pattern but the target length less than number_length, do nothing;
 * if reg do not find any match, return "the number of match is out of range
 * or found no match in this string"
QString prepend_symbol_on_nth_match(QString const &input, int number_length,
                                    int nth, const QRegularExpression &reg, QChar symbol)
    auto it = reg.globalMatch(input);
    QRegularExpressionMatch match;
    int count = 0;

    while (it.hasNext()){
        match = it.next();
        if(count == nth){
                QString new_file_name = input;
                    if(match.capturedLength(0) < number_length){
                                             QString(number_length - match.capturedLength(0),
                return new_file_name;

    return "the number of match is out of range or found no match in this string";
// The actual generation engine
QString ShopTemplateManager::Generate(const Items &items) {
    QString temp = shopTemplate;
        QRegularExpression expr("{(?<key>.+?)(?<options>(\\|(.+?))*?)}");
        QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matcher = expr.globalMatch(shopTemplate);
        int offset = 0;
        while (matcher.hasNext()) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = matcher.next();
            QString key = match.captured("key").toLower();
            int startPos = offset + match.capturedStart();
            int len = match.capturedLength();

            QStringList optionsAndData = match.captured("options").split("|", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            QHash<QString, QString> options;
            for (QString optionAndData : optionsAndData) {
                int split = optionAndData.indexOf(":");
                if (split == -1) {
                    options.insert(optionAndData.toLower(), "");
                else {
                    QString option = optionAndData.left(split).toLower();
                    QString data = optionAndData.mid(split + 1);
                    options.insert(option, data);

            QString replacement = FetchFromKey(key, items, &options);

            temp.replace(startPos, len, replacement);
            offset += replacement.length() - len;

    // Now clean up empty spoiler tags!
    int matches = -1;
    while (matches != 0){
        QRegularExpression expr("\\[spoiler=\\\"(?>.*?\\\"\\])(?>\\s*?\\[\\/spoiler\\]\\n)");
        QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matcher = expr.globalMatch(temp);
        int offset = 0;
        matches = 0;
        while (matcher.hasNext()) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = matcher.next();
            int startPos = match.capturedStart() + offset;
            int length = match.capturedLength();

            temp.remove(startPos, length);
            offset -= length;

    return temp;
Example #3
void Template::translate(ITemplateTranslationProvider &provider)
	//This regex captures expressions of the form
	//<?= tr("This is a test") ?> and <?= tr("optional %1 parameters %2","bla","blu") ?>
	//The first capture group is the key (untranslated string), the second the optional list of parameters
	const QRegularExpression regexp = QRegularExpression("<\\?=\\s*tr\\(\"([^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*)\"((?:,\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\")*)\\s*\\)\\?>");
	//This one is used to extract the parameters using global matching
	const QRegularExpression paramExp = QRegularExpression(",\"([^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*)\"");

	int offset = 0;
	QRegularExpressionMatch match;
		match = regexp.match(*this,offset);

			int start = match.capturedStart(0);
			int len = match.capturedLength(0);
			QString key = match.captured(1);

			//replace escaped double and single quotes
			key.replace("\\'", "'");

			QString translation = provider.getTranslation(key);

			//find out if we have optional parameters
				QString params = match.captured(2);
				//extract each optional parameter
				QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = paramExp.globalMatch(params);
					QRegularExpressionMatch paramMatch = it.next();
					QString param = paramMatch.captured(1);

					//replace escaped quotes
					param.replace("\\'", "'");

					//apply the param
					translation = translation.arg(param);

			offset = start+translation.length();
Example #4
// Handle the general case
QString GumboInterface::fix_self_closing_tags(const QString &source)
    QString newsource = source;
    QRegularExpression selfclosed("<\\s*([a-zA-Z]+)(\\s*[^>/]*)/\\s*>");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = selfclosed.match(newsource, 0);
    while (match.hasMatch()) {
        if (match.capturedStart() == -1) {
        QString tag = match.captured(0);
        int sp = match.capturedStart(0);
        int n = match.capturedLength(0);
        QString name = match.captured(1);
        QString atts = match.captured(2);;
        atts = atts.trimmed();
        if (!atts.isEmpty()) {
            atts = " " + atts;
        int nsp = sp + n;
        if (!allowed_void_tags.contains(name)) {
            QString newtag = "<" + name + atts + "></" + name + ">";
            newsource = newsource.replace(sp,n,newtag);
            nsp = sp + newtag.length();
        match = selfclosed.match(newsource, nsp);
    return newsource;
Example #5
void SyntaxHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text) {
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _keywords.size(); i++) {
    const KeywordRule &rule = _keywords.at(i);
    QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = rule.rulePattern.globalMatch(text);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
          match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), rule.ruleTextFormat);
Example #6
void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
	foreach (const HighlightingRule &rule, highlightingRules)
		QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matchIterator = rule.pattern.globalMatch(text);
		while (matchIterator.hasNext())
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next();
			setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), rule.format);
Example #7
QString StringUtils::htmlEncode(
    QString text, bool urlAsLinks, bool newlineAsBr) {
  QString s;
  QHash<int,int> linksIndexes; // start of link index -> length of link
  if (urlAsLinks) {
    QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = linkRe.globalMatch(text);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();
      linksIndexes.insert(match.capturedStart(0), match.capturedLength(0));
  for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ) {
    if (urlAsLinks && linksIndexes.contains(i)) {
      int l = linksIndexes.value(i);
      QString html = htmlEncode(text.mid(i, l), false), href = html;
      href.replace("\"", "%22");
      s.append("<a href=\"").append(href).append("\">").append(html)
      i += l;
    } else {
      const QChar c = text.at(i);
      switch(c.toLatin1()) {
      case '<':
      case '>':
      case '&':
      case '"':
      case '\'':
      case '\n':
        if (newlineAsBr)
  return s;
Example #8
    foreach (OnePartRule rule, onepartrules)
        QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = rule.pattern.globalMatch(text);

        while (i.hasNext())
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next();
            int length = match.capturedLength();
            if (length == 0)
            int start = match.capturedStart();
            setFormat(start, length, rule.format);
Example #9
bool check_links(QString text)

    QRegularExpression link_regex("http://restbase.wikitolearn.org/en.wikitolearn.org/v1/media/math/render/svg");
    QRegularExpressionMatch contain = link_regex.match(text);
    qDebug() << contain;

    QRegularExpression png_regex("http://pool.wikitolearn.org");
    QRegularExpressionMatch png = png_regex.match(text);
    qDebug() << png;

    if(contain.capturedLength() > 0 && png.capturedLength() > 0)
        // change the status to true , so that i can download dependencies
        math_svg = true;
        image_png = true;
        return true;

    else if(contain.capturedLength() > 0)
        // change the status to true , to download the dependencies
        math_svg = true;
        return  true;
    else if(png.capturedLength() > 0)
        // change the status to true , to download the images
        image_png = true;
        return true;
        return false;

Example #10
int QzRegExp::indexIn(const QString &str, int offset) const
    QzRegExp* that = const_cast<QzRegExp*>(this);
    QRegularExpressionMatch m = match(str, offset);

    if (!m.hasMatch()) {
        that->m_matchedLength = -1;
        return -1;

    that->m_matchedLength = m.capturedLength();
    that->m_capturedTexts = m.capturedTexts();
    return m.capturedStart();
Example #11
std::string GumboInterface::update_style_urls(const std::string &source)
    QString result = QString::fromStdString(source);
    // Now parse the text once looking urls and replacing them where needed
    QRegularExpression reference(
    int start_index = 0;
    QRegularExpressionMatch mo = reference.match(result, start_index);
    do {
        for (int i = 1; i < reference.captureCount(); ++i) {
            if (mo.captured(i).trimmed().isEmpty()) {
            QString apath = Utility::URLDecodePath(mo.captured(i));
            QString search_key = QDir::cleanPath(m_currentdir + FORWARD_SLASH + apath);
            QString new_href;
            if (m_sourceupdates.contains(search_key)) {
                new_href = m_sourceupdates.value(search_key);
            if (!new_href.isEmpty()) {
                new_href = Utility::URLEncodePath(new_href);
                result.replace(mo.capturedStart(i), mo.capturedLength(i), new_href);
        start_index += mo.capturedLength();
        mo = reference.match(result, start_index);
    } while (mo.hasMatch());

    return result.toStdString();
Example #12
bool HRProcessor::test(const Element &, const QString &block)
    //! No atomic grouping in python so we simulate it here for performance.
    //! The regex only matches what would be in the atomic group - the HR.
    //! Then check if we are at end of block or if next char is a newline.
    QRegularExpressionMatch m = this->SEARCH_RE.match(block);
    if ( m.hasMatch()
         && ( m.capturedEnd() == block.size()
              || block.at(m.capturedStart()+m.capturedLength()) == '\n' ) ) {
        //! Save match object on class instance so we can use it later.
        this->match = m;
        return true;
    return false;
Example #13
static QString replaceInString (const QRegularExpression &rx, QString string, T func) {
	QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = rx.globalMatch (string);
	int offset = 0;
	while (it.hasNext ()) {
		QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next ();
		QString replaceWith = func (match);
		int length = match.capturedLength ();
		int begin = match.capturedStart () + offset;
		string.replace (begin, length, replaceWith);
		offset += replaceWith.length () - length;
	return string;
Example #14
bool QuickFindPattern::matchLine( const QString& line,
        QList<QuickFindMatch>& matches ) const

    if ( active_ ) {
        QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matchIterator = regexp_.globalMatch(line);

        while( matchIterator.hasNext() ) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next();
            matches << QuickFindMatch ( match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength() );

    return ( matches.count() > 0 );
Example #15
QString Toolbox::incrementNumberInString(QString string) noexcept {
  QRegularExpression      regex("([0-9]+)(?!.*[0-9]+)");
  QRegularExpressionMatch match = regex.match(string);
  if (match.hasMatch()) {
    // string contains numbers -> increment last number
    bool ok     = false;
    uint number = match.captured().toUInt(&ok);
    if (ok) {
      string.replace(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(),
                     QString::number(number + 1U));
      return string;

  // fallback: just add a "1" at the end
  return string % "1";
Example #16
void WebApplication::translateDocument(QString &data)
    const QRegularExpression regex("QBT_TR\\((([^\\)]|\\)(?!QBT_TR))+)\\)QBT_TR\\[CONTEXT=([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\]");

    const bool isTranslationNeeded = !m_currentLocale.startsWith("en")
            || m_currentLocale.startsWith("en_AU") || m_currentLocale.startsWith("en_GB")
            || !m_translator.isEmpty();

    int i = 0;
    bool found = true;
    while (i < data.size() && found) {
        QRegularExpressionMatch regexMatch;
        i = data.indexOf(regex, i, &regexMatch);
        if (i >= 0) {
            const QString sourceText = regexMatch.captured(1);
            const QString context = regexMatch.captured(3);

            QString translation = sourceText;
            if (isTranslationNeeded) {
                const QString loadedText = m_translator.translate(context.toUtf8().constData(), sourceText.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr, 1);
                if (!loadedText.isEmpty())
                    translation = loadedText;

            // Use HTML code for quotes to prevent issues with JS
            translation.replace('\'', "&#39;");
            translation.replace('\"', "&#34;");

            data.replace(i, regexMatch.capturedLength(), translation);
            i += translation.length();
        else {
            found = false; // no more translatable strings

        data.replace(QLatin1String("${LANG}"), m_currentLocale.left(2));
        data.replace(QLatin1String("${VERSION}"), QBT_VERSION);
Example #17
// Returns the largest index of all the Sigil CSS classes
int CleanSource::MaxSigilCSSClassIndex(const QStringList &css_style_tags)
    int max_class_index = 0;
    foreach(QString style_tag, css_style_tags) {
        QRegularExpression sigil_class(SIGIL_CLASS_NAME_REG);
        int main_index = 0;

        while (true) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = sigil_class.match(style_tag, main_index);
            main_index = match.capturedStart();
            if (main_index == -1) {

            main_index += match.capturedLength();
            int class_index = match.captured(1).toInt();

            if (class_index > max_class_index) {
                max_class_index = class_index;
Example #18
// neither svg nor math tags need a namespace prefix defined
// especially as epub3 now includes them into the html5 spec
// So we need to remove the svg prefix from the tags before
// processing them with gumbo
QString CleanSource::PreprocessSpecialCases(const QString &source)
    QString newsource = source;
    // remove prefix from root tag and add unprefixed svg namespace to it
    QRegularExpression root_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:\\s*svg");
    QString root_svg_embeddedNS = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"";
    newsource.replace(root_svg_tag_with_prefix, root_svg_embeddedNS);
    // search for any prefixed svg namespace in that root tag and remove it
    QRegularExpression svg_nsprefix(SVG_NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
    QRegularExpressionMatch mo = svg_nsprefix.match(newsource);
    if (mo.hasMatch()) {
        newsource.replace(mo.capturedStart(1), mo.capturedLength(1), "");
    // now strip the prefix from all child starting tags
    QRegularExpression starting_child_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*svg\\s*:");
    QString starting_child_tag_no_prefix = "<";
    newsource.replace(starting_child_svg_tag_with_prefix, starting_child_tag_no_prefix);
    // do the same for any child ending tags
    QRegularExpression ending_child_svg_tag_with_prefix("<\\s*/\\s*svg\\s*:");
    QString ending_child_tag_no_prefix = "</";
    newsource.replace(ending_child_svg_tag_with_prefix, ending_child_tag_no_prefix);
    return newsource;
Example #19
// Handle the specific problem of iframe being self-closed
QString GumboInterface::fix_self_closing_tags(const QString &source)
    QString newsource = source;
    QRegularExpression selfclosed("<\\s*iframe(\\s*[^>/]*)/\\s*>");
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = selfclosed.match(newsource, 0);
    while (match.hasMatch()) {
        if (match.capturedStart() == -1) {
        QString tag = match.captured(0);
        int sp = match.capturedStart(0);
        int n = match.capturedLength(0);
        QString atts = match.captured(1);;
        atts = atts.trimmed();
        if (!atts.isEmpty()) {
            atts = " " + atts;
        QString newtag = "<iframe" + atts + "></iframe>";
        newsource = newsource.replace(sp,n,newtag);
        int nsp = sp + newtag.length();
        match = selfclosed.match(newsource, nsp);
    return newsource;
Example #20
void Query::buildG2Keywords( QString strPhrase )
	QStringList lPositive, lNegative;

	strPhrase = strPhrase.trimmed().replace( "_", " "
											 ).normalized( QString::NormalizationForm_KC
														   ).toLower().append( " " );
	QStringList lWords;
		QRegularExpression re( "(-?\\\".*\\\"|-?\\w+)\\W+",
							   QRegularExpression::InvertedGreedinessOption );
		int nPos = 0, nOldPos = 0;
		bool bHasDash = false;
		QRegularExpressionMatch oMatch;

		while ( ( oMatch = re.match( strPhrase, nPos ) ).hasMatch() )
			nPos = re.match( strPhrase, nPos ).capturedStart();
			QString sWord = oMatch.captured( 1 );

			if ( bHasDash &&
				 nPos - oMatch.capturedLength() - nOldPos == 0 &&
				 lWords.last().size() < 4 &&
				 sWord.size() < 4 )
				lWords.last().append( "-" ).append( sWord );
				lWords << sWord;

			nOldPos = nPos;
			nPos += oMatch.capturedLength();

			if ( strPhrase.mid( nPos - 1, 1 ) == "-" )
				bHasDash = true;
				bHasDash = false;


	for ( QStringList::iterator itWord = lWords.begin(); itWord != lWords.end(); )
		if ( ( *itWord ).size() < 4 )
			itWord = lWords.erase( itWord );

	QRegularExpression rx( "\\w+" );

	foreach ( const QString& sWord, lWords )
		if ( sWord.at( 0 ) == '-' && sWord.at( 1 ) != '"' )
			// plain negative word
			m_sG2NegativeWords.append( sWord.mid( 1 ) ).append( "," );
			lNegative.append( sWord.mid( 1 ) );
		else if ( sWord.at( 0 ) == '"' )
			// positive quoted phrase
			m_sG2PositiveWords.append( sWord ).append( "," );

			// extract words
			int p = 0;
			QRegularExpressionMatch oMatch;
			while ( ( oMatch = rx.match( sWord, p ) ).hasMatch() )
				p = oMatch.capturedStart() + oMatch.capturedLength();
				lPositive.append( oMatch.captured() );
		else if ( sWord.at( 0 ) == '-' && sWord.at( 1 ) == '"' )
			// negative quoted phrase
			m_sG2NegativeWords.append( sWord ).append( "," );

			// extract words
			int p = 0;
			QRegularExpressionMatch oMatch;
			while ( ( oMatch = rx.match( sWord, p ) ).hasMatch() )
				p = oMatch.capturedStart() + oMatch.capturedLength();
				lNegative.append( oMatch.captured() );
			// plain positive word
			m_sG2PositiveWords.append( sWord ).append( "," );
			lPositive.append( sWord );

	m_sG2PositiveWords.chop( 1 );
	m_sG2NegativeWords.chop( 1 );

	foreach( const QString& sWord, lNegative )
		lPositive.removeAll( sWord );
Example #21
void playground(QApplication& a)
	std::vector<int> l1 = { 0,1,3,6,9,11 };
	auto fromItem = std::upper_bound(l1.begin(), l1.end(), 2
		, [](const auto &a, const auto &b)
		return a > b;

	TextColorize::List _coloredTextParts;
	auto match = [&_coloredTextParts](const QString& text, Part::List& parts)
		QRegularExpression::PatternOptions options;
		/*if (tc.caseSensitive == false)
		options |= QRegularExpression::PatternOption::CaseInsensitiveOption;
		QString rePattern;
		foreach(TextColorize ctp, _coloredTextParts) {
			QString pattern;
			if (ctp.caseSensitive == false)
				pattern += "(?i)";
			pattern += ctp.text;
			rePattern += "|" + pattern;
		rePattern = rePattern.mid(1);
		QRegularExpression re(rePattern, options);

		QRegularExpressionMatchIterator it = re.globalMatch(text);

		int nonMatchedStart = 0;
		bool hasMatches = it.hasNext();
		while (it.hasNext()) {
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = it.next();

			int matchedGroup = match.lastCapturedIndex();
			while (match.capturedTexts().at(matchedGroup).length() && --matchedGroup);

				<< match.capturedTexts() << " - "
				<< match.capturedView() << " - "
				<< match.hasPartialMatch() << " - "
				<< matchedGroup;
			int nonMatechedEnd = match.capturedStart(0);

			int nonMatchedLength = nonMatechedEnd - nonMatchedStart;
			//auto& ct = _coloredTextParts[match.lastCapturedIndex() - 1];
			auto& ct = _coloredTextParts[0];
			if (nonMatchedLength)
				;// parts.push_back({ text.mid(nonMatchedStart, nonMatchedLength), nullptr });
			parts.push_back({ text.mid(match.capturedStart(0), match.capturedLength(0)), match.lastCapturedIndex() });
			nonMatchedStart = match.capturedEnd(0);
		if (nonMatchedStart < text.length())
			parts.push_back({ text.mid(nonMatchedStart), false });
		return hasMatches;
Example #22
void SignalSyntax::highlightBlock(const QString& text)
  QTextCharFormat pointFormat;

  QTextCharFormat ppointFormat;

  QTextCharFormat commaFormat;

  QRegularExpression countReg("^[0-9]*|\\[[ 0-9]*\\]");
  QRegularExpressionMatchIterator itr = countReg.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), ppointFormat);

  QRegularExpression pointReg("[A-Za-z,\\.:() <>\\[\\]\\_$0-9]*");
  itr = pointReg.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), pointFormat);

  QRegularExpression ppointReg("::[A-Za-z0-9_]*:");
  itr = ppointReg.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), ppointFormat);

  QRegularExpression ppointReg4("[ ]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*:");
  itr = ppointReg4.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), ppointFormat);

  QRegularExpression commaReg("[\\,]*");
  itr = commaReg.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), commaFormat);

  QRegularExpression pointReg2("[:]*");
   itr = pointReg2.globalMatch(text);
  while(itr.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
    setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), pointFormat);
Example #23
void GccParser::stdError(const QString &line)
    QString lne = rightTrimmed(line);

    // Blacklist some lines to not handle them:
    if (lne.startsWith(QLatin1String("TeamBuilder ")) ||
        lne.startsWith(QLatin1String("distcc["))) {

    // Handle misc issues:
    if (lne.startsWith(QLatin1String("ERROR:")) ||
        lne == QLatin1String("* cpp failed")) {
                     lne /* description */,
                     Utils::FileName() /* filename */,
                     -1 /* linenumber */,

    QRegularExpressionMatch match = m_regExpGccNames.match(lne);
    if (match.hasMatch()) {
        QString description = lne.mid(match.capturedLength());
        Task::TaskType type = Task::Error;
        if (description.startsWith(QLatin1String("warning: "))) {
            type = Task::Warning;
            description = description.mid(9);
        } else if (description.startsWith(QLatin1String("fatal: ")))  {
            description = description.mid(7);
        Task task(type, description, Utils::FileName(), /* filename */
                  -1, /* line */ Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_COMPILE);

    match = m_regExp.match(lne);
    if (match.hasMatch()) {
        Utils::FileName filename = Utils::FileName::fromUserInput(match.captured(1));
        int lineno = match.captured(3).toInt();
        Task::TaskType type = Task::Unknown;
        QString description = match.captured(8);
        if (match.captured(7) == QLatin1String("warning"))
            type = Task::Warning;
        else if (match.captured(7) == QLatin1String("error") ||
                 description.startsWith(QLatin1String("undefined reference to")) ||
                 description.startsWith(QLatin1String("multiple definition of")))
            type = Task::Error;
        // Prepend "#warning" or "#error" if that triggered the match on (warning|error)
        // We want those to show how the warning was triggered
        if (match.captured(5).startsWith(QLatin1Char('#')))
            description = match.captured(5) + description;

        Task task(type, description, filename, lineno, Constants::TASK_CATEGORY_COMPILE);

    match = m_regExpIncluded.match(lne);
    if (match.hasMatch()) {
                     lne.trimmed() /* description */,
                     Utils::FileName::fromUserInput(match.captured(1)) /* filename */,
                     match.captured(3).toInt() /* linenumber */,
    } else if (lne.startsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) {
        amendDescription(lne, true);

Example #24
	void readInlineText(const QString &data)
		QString line = data;
		// remove all but one space on the front
			bool startedWithSpace = line.startsWith(' ');
			line = line.remove(QRegularExpression("^ *"));
			if (startedWithSpace)
				line = " " + line;
		// inline code
			QRegularExpression exp("`(.*)`");
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = exp.match(line);
			while (match.hasMatch())
				line.replace(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), QString("$${{%1}}$$").arg(codeSections.size() - 1));
				match = exp.match(line);
		// link and image
			QRegularExpression exp("(\\!?)\\[(.*)\\]\\((.*)\\)");
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = exp.match(line);
			while (match.hasMatch())
				if (match.captured(1) == "!")
					// FIXME this no work
					htmlSections.append(QString("<img src=\"%1\" alt=\"%2\"/>").arg(match.captured(3), match.captured(2)));
					htmlSections.append(QString("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(match.captured(3), match.captured(2)));
				line.replace(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), QString("$$[[%1]]$$").arg(htmlSections.size() - 1));
				match = exp.match(line);
		QTextCharFormat fmt;
		int numStarsOrUnderscores = 0;
		QChar last = 0;
		for (const QChar &c : line)
			if (last != c)
				// bold
				if (numStarsOrUnderscores == 2)
					if (fmt.fontWeight() == QFont::Normal)
				// italic
				else if (numStarsOrUnderscores == 1)
				numStarsOrUnderscores = 0;
			last = c;
			if (c == '*' || c == '_')
void MarkupHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)

    if (FORMATTING.empty()){
        qWarning() << "Not given any formatting, so not highlighting.";

    if (text.isEmpty()) return;

    int start=0, end=0, highlightLength = 0;

    QRegularExpression re;
    QTextCharFormat textFormat;
    for (QString exp : TOKENS.keys()){
        start = 0, end = 0;

        re = QRegularExpression(exp);

        if (!re.isValid()){
            QString message = "Invalid regular expression \""
                    + re.pattern() + "\" :" + re.errorString();
            qFatal("%s", message.toStdString().data());

        if (previousBlockState() != 1)
            start = re.match(text).capturedStart();

        while (start >= 0){
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(text, start);
            end = match.capturedEnd();
            if (end == -1 || (end == start && end != 0)){
                highlightLength = text.length();
            } else {
                highlightLength = match.capturedLength();
            QTextCharFormat baseFormat = currentBlock().blockFormat().toCharFormat();
            MarkupHighlighter::MarkupToken tok = TOKENS[exp];
            if (!FORMATTING.contains(tok)){
                qWarning() << "Could not find" << tok;
            const StyleProxy *styleProxy = FORMATTING[tok];
            textFormat = styleProxy->toFormat(baseFormat);
            setFormat(start, highlightLength, textFormat);
            qDebug() << "highlightBlock";
            qDebug() << "Formatting"
                     << "token" << tok
                     << "with regex=" << exp
                     << ", string="
                     << text.mid(start, highlightLength)
                     << "\n"
                     << "  Bold?" << textFormat.font().bold() << "\n"
                     << "  Italic?" << textFormat.font().italic() << "\n"
                     << "  Size:" << textFormat.font().pointSize() << "\n"
                     << "  Background:" << textFormat.background().color();
            start = re.match(text, end).capturedStart();
            // This should not be 0 again. If it is, that means our search has
            // come up empty.
            if (start == 0)
                start = -1;
void syntax_highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
	m_current_block = text;

	for (const auto& rule : m_multi_rules)
		// Search for all the matching strings
		QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = rule.expression.globalMatch(m_current_block);

		// Iterate through the matching strings
		while (iter.hasNext())
			// Apply formats to their respective found groups
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();

			for (int i = 0; i <= match.lastCapturedIndex(); i++)
				setFormat(match.capturedStart(i), match.capturedLength(i), rule.formats[i]);

	for (const auto& rule : m_rules)
		for (const auto& expression : rule.expressions)
			// Search for all the matching strings
			QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = expression.globalMatch(m_current_block);
			bool contains_group = expression.captureCount() > 0;

			// Iterate through the matching strings
			while (iter.hasNext())
				// Apply format to the matching string
				QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
				if (contains_group)
					setFormat(match.capturedStart(1), match.capturedLength(1), rule.format);
					setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), rule.format);

	for (const auto& rule : m_comment_rules)
		int comment_start  = 0; // Current comment's start position in the text block
		int comment_end    = 0; // Current comment's end position in the text block
		int comment_length = 0; // Current comment length

		// We assume we end outside a comment until we know better

		// Search for the first comment in this block if we start outside or don't want to search for multiline comments
		if (!rule.multi_line || previousBlockState() != block_state::ended_inside_comment)
			comment_start = m_current_block.indexOf(rule.start_expression);

		// Set format for the rest of this block/line
		if (!rule.multi_line)
			comment_length = m_current_block.length() - comment_start;
			setFormat(comment_start, comment_length, rule.format);

		// Format all comments in this block (if they exist)
		while (comment_start >= 0)
			// Search for end of comment in the remaining text
			QRegularExpressionMatch match = rule.end_expression.match(m_current_block, comment_start);
			comment_end = match.capturedStart();

			if (comment_end == -1)
				// We end inside a comment and want to format the entire remaining text
				comment_length = m_current_block.length() - comment_start;
				// We found the end of the comment so we need to go another round
				comment_length = comment_end - comment_start + match.capturedLength();

			// Set format for this text segment
			setFormat(comment_start, comment_length, rule.format);

			// Search for the next comment
			comment_start = m_current_block.indexOf(rule.start_expression, comment_start + comment_length);
Example #27
QStringList CSDDataBase::decode_pinyin(const QString& data)
    QStringList words = data.toLower().split(' ');
    QStringList accented;
    QString temp = "";

    for (QString& pinyin : words)
        for (QChar& c : pinyin)
            if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
                temp += c;
            else if (c == ':')
                if (temp[temp.length() - 1] == 'u')
                    temp = temp.left(temp.length() - 1) + "ü";
            else //handle tone
                if (c >= '0' && c <= '4') // 5 is the null tone (NO MARK)
                    int tone = c.digitValue();

                    if (tone != 0)
                        QRegularExpression regex("[aeiouvü]+");
                        QRegularExpressionMatch match = regex.match(temp);
                        if (!match.hasMatch())
                            temp += c;
                        else if (match.capturedTexts()[0].length() == 1)
                            int char_index = m_tones[0].first.indexOf(match.capturedTexts()[0]);
                            temp = temp.mid(0, match.capturedStart())
                                + m_tones[tone].first[char_index]
                                + temp.mid(match.capturedStart() + match.capturedLength());
                            if (temp.contains("a"))
                                temp = temp.replace("a", QString(m_tones[tone].first[0]));
                            else if(temp.contains("e"))
                                temp = temp.replace("e", QString(m_tones[tone].first[1]));
                            else if (temp.contains("i"))
                                temp = temp.replace("i", QString(m_tones[tone].first[2]));
                            else if (temp.contains("o"))
                                temp = temp.replace("o", QString(m_tones[tone].first[3]));
                            else if (temp.contains("ui"))
                                temp = temp.replace("i", QString(m_tones[tone].first[4]));
                            else if (temp.contains("iu"))
                                temp = temp.replace("u", QString(m_tones[tone].first[5]));
                                temp += "!";

        temp = "";


    return accented;
// The actual generation engine
QStringList ShopTemplateManager::Generate(const Items &items) {
    QStringList result;
    QString temp = shopTemplate;

    // Records extractor
    QList<ShopTemplateRecord> records;
        QRegularExpression expr("{(?<key>.+?)(?<options>(\\|(.+?))*?)}");
        QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matcher = expr.globalMatch(shopTemplate);
        int offset = 0;
        while (matcher.hasNext()) {
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = matcher.next();
            QString key = match.captured("key").toLower();
            int startPos = offset + match.capturedStart();
            const int len = match.capturedLength();

            QStringList optionsAndData = match.captured("options").split("|", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
            QHash<QString, QString> options;
            for (QString optionAndData : optionsAndData) {
                int split = optionAndData.indexOf(":");
                if (split == -1) {
                    options.insert(optionAndData.toLower(), "");
                else {
                    QString option = optionAndData.left(split).toLower();
                    QString data = optionAndData.mid(split + 1);
                    options.insert(option, data);
            temp.remove(startPos, len);
            ShopTemplateRecord record = {key, options, startPos};
            records << record;
            offset -= len;

    const QString cleanTemplate = temp;

    // Injector
        int indexOffset = 0;
        for (ShopTemplateRecord record : records){
            QList<ShopTemplateSection> sections = FetchFromKey(record.key, items, &record.options);
            int templateOffset = record.templateIndex;
            while (!sections.isEmpty()) {
                ShopTemplateSection replacement = sections.takeFirst();
                int itemStart = 0;
                int itemCount = replacement.items();
                while (itemCount > 0) {
                    QString text = replacement.generate(itemStart, itemCount);
                    if (temp.size() + text.size() >= POE_MAX_CHAR_IN_POST) {
                    temp.insert(templateOffset + indexOffset, text);
                    templateOffset += text.size();

                    // If we ended up ignoring some items
                    if (itemStart + itemCount < replacement.items()) {
                        // We couldn't fit in all the items from last time into the chunk...
                        result << temp;
                        // New temp starts from the old templates end
                        temp = cleanTemplate.mid(record.templateIndex);
                        indexOffset = -record.templateIndex;
                        templateOffset = 0;
                        itemStart += itemCount;
                        itemCount = replacement.items() - itemStart;
                    else {
            indexOffset += (templateOffset - record.templateIndex);
        if (!temp.isEmpty())
            result << temp;

    return result;