Example #1
void ProfileDialog::updateWidgets()
    QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem();
    bool enable_new = false;
    bool enable_del = false;
    bool enable_copy = false;
    bool enable_ok = true;
    profile_def *current_profile = NULL;

    if (item) {
        current_profile = (profile_def *) item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).value<GList *>()->data;
        enable_new = true;
        enable_copy = true;
        if (!current_profile->is_global && current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT) {
            enable_del = true;

    if (current_profile) {
        QString profile_path = current_profile->is_global ? get_global_profiles_dir() : get_profiles_dir();
        if (current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT) {
        pd_ui_->pathLabel->setToolTip(tr("Go to") + profile_path);
    } else {

    if (pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0) {
        profile_def *profile;
        for (int i = 0; i < pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
            item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
            profile = (profile_def *) item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).value<GList *>()->data;
            if (profile->is_global) continue;
            if (current_profile && !current_profile->is_global && profile != current_profile && strcmp(profile->name, current_profile->name) == 0) {
                item->setToolTip(0, tr("A profile already exists with that name."));
                item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid));
                enable_ok = false;
            } else {
                item->setBackground(0, QBrush());

Example #2
void DiagramToolBox::addItem(DrawingItem* item, const QString& section, const QString& text,
	const QString& iconPath)
	if (item)
		QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = nullptr;
		QTreeWidgetItem* sectionItem = nullptr;

		for(int i = 0; !sectionItem && i < mTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
			if (mTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) == section)
				sectionItem = mTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);

		if (!sectionItem)
			sectionItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
			sectionItem->setText(0, section);
			sectionItem->setBackground(0, palette().brush(QPalette::Button));

		newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(sectionItem);
		newItem->setText(0, text);
		if (!iconPath.isEmpty()) newItem->setIcon(0, QIcon(iconPath));

		QAction* newAction = createAction(text, iconPath, "", item->uniqueKey());
		mItemActions[newItem] = newAction;
void ColoringRulesDialog::addColoringRule(bool disabled, QString name, QString filter, QColor foreground, QColor background, bool start_editing, bool at_top)
    QTreeWidgetItem *ti = new QTreeWidgetItem();

    ti->setFlags(ti->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
    ti->setFlags(ti->flags() & ~(Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled));
    ti->setCheckState(name_col_, disabled ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked);
    ti->setText(name_col_, name);
    ti->setText(filter_col_, filter);

    for (int i = 0; i < ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->columnCount(); i++) {
        ti->setForeground(i, foreground);
        ti->setBackground(i, background);

    if (at_top) {
        ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->insertTopLevelItem(0, ti);
    } else {

    if (start_editing) {
        ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->editItem(ti, filter_col_);
Example #4
void RDTreeWidget::clearHovers(QTreeWidgetItem *root, QTreeWidgetItem *exception)
  for(int i = 0; i < root->childCount(); i++)
    QTreeWidgetItem *n = root->child(i);

    if(n == exception)

    clearHovers(n, exception);

    QVariant original = n->data(m_hoverColumn, backupNormalIconRole);

      QVariant icon = n->data(m_hoverColumn, Qt::DecorationRole);

      n->setData(m_hoverColumn, hoverIconRole, icon);
      n->setData(m_hoverColumn, Qt::DecorationRole, original);
      n->setData(m_hoverColumn, backupNormalIconRole, QVariant());

    original = n->data(m_hoverColumn, backupBackColourRole);

      QBrush orig = original.value<QBrush>();
      for(int c = 0; c < n->columnCount(); c++)
        n->setBackground(c, orig);
      n->setData(m_hoverColumn, backupBackColourRole, QVariant());
void QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget::on_mAddEntryButton_clicked()
  QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mColormapTreeWidget );
  newItem->setText( 0, "0.0" );
  newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( QColor( Qt::magenta ) ) );
  newItem->setText( 2, tr( "Custom color map entry" ) );
void QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialog::on_mAddClassButton_clicked()
  //add class which can be edited by the user later
  QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
  newItem->setText( 0, "0.00" );
  newItem->setText( 1, "0.00" );
  newItem->setBackground( 2, QBrush( QColor( 127, 127, 127 ) ) );
  mReliefClassTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( newItem );
QTreeWidgetItem* QgsAttributesTree::addContainer( QTreeWidgetItem* parent, QString title )
  QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( QList<QString>() << title );
  newItem->setBackground( 0 , QBrush( Qt::lightGray ) );
  newItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
  newItem->setData( 0 , Qt::UserRole , "container" );
  parent->addChild( newItem );
  newItem->setExpanded( true );
  return newItem;
Example #8
void PlayerListWidget::setActivePlayer(int playerId)
	QMapIterator<int, QTreeWidgetItem *> i(players);
	while (i.hasNext()) {
		QTreeWidgetItem *twi = i.value();
		QColor c = i.key() == playerId ? QColor(150, 255, 150) : Qt::white;
		twi->setBackground(4, c);
Example #9
void KateBuildView::addError(const QString &filename, const QString &line,
                             const QString &column, const QString &message)
    bool isError=false;
    bool isWarning=false;
    QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_buildUi.errTreeWidget);
    item->setBackground(1, Qt::gray);
    // The strings are twice in case kate is translated but not make.
    if (message.contains(QStringLiteral("error")) ||
        message.contains(i18nc("The same word as 'make' uses to mark an error.","error")) ||
        message.contains(QStringLiteral("undefined reference")) ||
        message.contains(i18nc("The same word as 'ld' uses to mark an ...","undefined reference"))
        item->setForeground(1, Qt::red);
    if (message.contains(QStringLiteral("warning")) ||
        message.contains(i18nc("The same word as 'make' uses to mark a warning.","warning"))
        item->setForeground(1, Qt::yellow);
        item->setHidden(m_buildUi.displayModeSlider->value() > 2);
    item->setTextAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);

    // visible text
    //remove path from visible file name
    QFileInfo file(filename);
    item->setText(0, file.fileName());
    item->setText(1, line);
    item->setText(2, message.trimmed());

    // used to read from when activating an item
    item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, filename);
    item->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, line);
    item->setData(2, Qt::UserRole, column);

    if ((isError==false) && (isWarning==false)) {
      item->setHidden(m_buildUi.displayModeSlider->value() > 1);

    item->setData(0, IsErrorRole, isError);
    item->setData(0, IsWarningRole, isWarning);

    // add tooltips in all columns
    // The enclosing <qt>...</qt> enables word-wrap for long error messages
    item->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, filename);
    item->setData(1, Qt::ToolTipRole, QStringLiteral("<qt>%1</qt>").arg(message));
    item->setData(2, Qt::ToolTipRole, QStringLiteral("<qt>%1</qt>").arg(message));
Example #10
void VarManager::search()

	QMultiMap<int, QString> vars = fieldArchive->searchAllVars();

	quint32 key;
	qint32 param;
	QTreeWidgetItem *item;
	QMap<int, bool> count;
	int lastVar=-1;

	QMapIterator<int, QString> i(vars);
	while(i.hasNext()) {
		if(lastVar == i.key())	continue;

		lastVar = i.key();
		JsmOpcode op(lastVar);
		key = op.key();
		param = op.param();
		count.insert(param, true);

		item = list->topLevelItem(param);
		item->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99));

		if(key == 10 || key == 11 || key == 16) {
			item->setText(1, QString("%1Byte").arg(key == 16 ? "Signed " : ""));
		else if(key == 12 || key == 13 || key == 17) {
			item->setText(1, QString("%1Word").arg(key == 17 ? "Signed " : ""));
			count.insert(param+1, true);
			list->topLevelItem(param+1)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99));
		else if(key == 14 || key == 15 || key == 18) {
			item->setText(1, QString("%1Long").arg(key == 18 ? "Signed " : ""));
			count.insert(param+1, true);
			list->topLevelItem(param+1)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99));
			count.insert(param+2, true);
			list->topLevelItem(param+2)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99));
			count.insert(param+3, true);
			list->topLevelItem(param+3)->setBackground(0, QColor(0xff,0xe5,0x99));
		QStringList fields(vars.values(lastVar));
		fields.append(item->text(3).split(", ", QString::SkipEmptyParts));
		item->setText(3, fields.join(", "));


	countLabel->setText(tr("Vars utilisés : %1/1536").arg(count.size()));
    @para[in]  QTreeWidgetItem * parentItem  待添加节点的父节点
    @para[in]  const QString & name  节点名称
    @para[in]  const QString & value  节点值
    @return  QTreeWidgetItem*
QTreeWidgetItem* QPatientInfoWidget::AddChildItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, const QString& name, const QString& value)
	QStringList itemStrList;
	itemStrList << name << value;
	QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, itemStrList);

	if (NULL != m_bkgrdBrushPtr)
		childItem->setBackground(0, *m_bkgrdBrushPtr);//name column
		if (value.isEmpty())
		childItem->setBackground(1, *m_bkgrdBrushPtr);//value column

	return childItem;
void QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget::populateColormapTreeWidget( const QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>& colorRampItems )
  QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>::const_iterator it = colorRampItems.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != colorRampItems.constEnd(); ++it )
    QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mColormapTreeWidget );
    newItem->setText( 0, QString::number( it->value, 'f' ) );
    newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( it->color ) );
    newItem->setText( 2, it->label );
void QgsPalettedRendererWidget::setFromRenderer( const QgsRasterRenderer* r )
  const QgsPalettedRasterRenderer* pr = dynamic_cast<const QgsPalettedRasterRenderer*>( r );
  if ( pr )
    //read values and colors and fill into tree widget
    int nColors = pr->nColors();
    QColor* colors = pr->colors();
    for ( int i = 0; i < nColors; ++i )
      QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( mTreeWidget );
      item->setText( 0, QString::number( i ) );
      item->setBackground( 1, QBrush( colors[i] ) );
      item->setText( 2, pr->label( i ) );
    delete[] colors;
    //read default palette settings from layer
    QgsRasterDataProvider *provider = mRasterLayer->dataProvider();
    if ( provider )
      QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem> itemList = provider->colorTable( mBandComboBox->itemData( mBandComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() );
      QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>::const_iterator itemIt = itemList.constBegin();
      int index = 0;
      for ( ; itemIt != itemList.constEnd(); ++itemIt )
        QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( mTreeWidget );
        item->setText( 0, QString::number( index ) );
        item->setBackground( 1, QBrush( itemIt->color ) );
        item->setText( 2, itemIt->label );
Example #14
void QgsDiagramProperties::addAttribute( QTreeWidgetItem * item )
  QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget );

  newItem->setText( 0, item->text( 0 ) );
  newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, item->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ) );
  newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );

  //set initial color for diagram category
  int red = 1 + ( int )( 255.0 * qrand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );
  int green = 1 + ( int )( 255.0 * qrand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );
  int blue = 1 + ( int )( 255.0 * qrand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );
  QColor randomColor( red, green, blue );
  newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( randomColor ) );
  mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( newItem );
    @para[in]  QTreeWidget * parentItem  treewidget本身
    @para[in]  const QString & name  节点的名称
    @return  QTreeWidgetItem*
QTreeWidgetItem* QPatientInfoWidget::AddChildItem(QTreeWidget* parentItem, const QString& name)
	QStringList itemStrList;
	itemStrList << name;
	QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, itemStrList);

	if (NULL != m_bkgrdBrushPtr)
		childItem->setBackground(0, *m_bkgrdBrushPtr);//name column
		childItem->setBackground(1, *m_bkgrdBrushPtr);//value column

	return childItem;
void QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialog::on_mAutomaticColorButton_clicked()
  QgsRelief relief( inputFile(), outputFile(), outputFormat() );
  QList< QgsRelief::ReliefColor > reliefColorList = relief.calculateOptimizedReliefClasses();
  QList< QgsRelief::ReliefColor >::iterator it = reliefColorList.begin();

  for ( ; it != reliefColorList.end(); ++it )
    QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    item->setText( 0, QString::number( it->minElevation ) );
    item->setText( 1, QString::number( it->maxElevation ) );
    item->setBackground( 2, QBrush( it->color ) );
    mReliefClassTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( item );
void MainForm::newSlaveConnected(Machine *m){
    //now go find slave and show it if needed
    QTreeWidgetItem *slaveItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    slaveItem->setText(0, m->getMachineIP());
    slaveItem->setText(1, QString::number(m->getMachineID()));
    slaveItem->setBackground(0, Qt::green);//display green, until the slave notifies with builds

    QTreeWidgetItem *activeSimulationItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    activeSimulationItem->setText(0, m->getMachineIP());
    activeSimulationItem->setText(1, QString::number(m->getMachineID()));

void CSinglePrealertEdit::updateTypes()

        for(int i = 0; i < m_paTypes->count(); i++)
            QTreeWidgetItem* litem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
            litem->setText(0, m_paTypes->at(i).type()->Desc());
            QColor lclr(m_paTypes->at(i).type()->RosterColorR(),m_paTypes->at(i).type()->RosterColorG(),m_paTypes->at(i).type()->RosterColorB());
            litem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant(m_paTypes->at(i).id()));

void KateStyleTreeWidget::updateGroupHeadings()
  for(int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
    QTreeWidgetItem* currentTopLevelItem = topLevelItem(i);
    QTreeWidgetItem* firstChild = currentTopLevelItem->child(0);
    if(firstChild) {
      QColor foregroundColor = firstChild->data(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Foreground, Qt::DisplayRole).value<QColor>();
      QColor backgroundColor = firstChild->data(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Background, Qt::DisplayRole).value<QColor>();
      currentTopLevelItem->setForeground(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Context, foregroundColor);
      if(backgroundColor.isValid()) {
        currentTopLevelItem->setBackground(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Context, backgroundColor);
void QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRendererWidget::setFromRenderer( const QgsRasterRenderer* r )
  const QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer* pr = dynamic_cast<const QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer*>( r );
  if ( pr )
    mBandComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mBandComboBox->findData( pr->band() ) );

    const QgsRasterShader* rasterShader = pr->shader();
    if ( rasterShader )
      const QgsColorRampShader* colorRampShader = dynamic_cast<const QgsColorRampShader*>( rasterShader->rasterShaderFunction() );
      if ( colorRampShader )
        if ( colorRampShader->colorRampType() == QgsColorRampShader::INTERPOLATED )
          mColorInterpolationComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mColorInterpolationComboBox->findText( tr( "Linear" ) ) );
        else if ( colorRampShader->colorRampType() == QgsColorRampShader::DISCRETE )
          mColorInterpolationComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mColorInterpolationComboBox->findText( tr( "Discrete" ) ) );
          mColorInterpolationComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mColorInterpolationComboBox->findText( tr( "Exact" ) ) );

        const QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem> colorRampItemList = colorRampShader->colorRampItemList();
        QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>::const_iterator it = colorRampItemList.constBegin();
        for ( ; it != colorRampItemList.end(); ++it )
          QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mColormapTreeWidget );
          newItem->setText( 0, QString::number( it->value, 'f' ) );
          newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( it->color ) );
          newItem->setText( 2, it->label );
        mClipCheckBox->setChecked( colorRampShader->clip() );
    setLineEditValue( mMinLineEdit, pr->classificationMin() );
    setLineEditValue( mMaxLineEdit, pr->classificationMax() );
    mMinMaxOrigin = pr->classificationMinMaxOrigin();
dmz::JsModuleUiV8QtBasic::_tree_item_background (const v8::Arguments &Args) {

   v8::HandleScope scope;
   V8Value result = v8::Undefined ();

   JsModuleUiV8QtBasic *self = _to_self (Args);
   if (self) {

      QTreeWidgetItem *item = self->_to_qtreewidgetitem (Args.This ());
      if (item) {

         if (Args.Length () > 1) {

            int column = v8_to_uint32 (Args[0]);
            QBrush *brush = self->_to_gbrush (Args[1]);
            if (brush) { item->setBackground (column, *brush); }

   return scope.Close (result);
Example #22
void NotebookList::notebookSelected(QModelIndex idx)
	QTreeWidgetItem *item = itemFromIndex(idx);
	QString fullFilePath="";

	lastSelectedItem = item;

	if(item->whatsThis(0) == "folder"){

	if (textEditorWindow->textEdit->document()->isModified())

	while (idx != QModelIndex())
		QString itemName = this->model()->data(idx).toString();
		if (fullFilePath == "") fullFilePath = itemName;
		else fullFilePath = itemName + "/" + fullFilePath;
		idx = idx.parent();

	fullFilePath = baseDirectory + fullFilePath + extensionName;
	cout << "full path : "<<fullFilePath.toAscii().data()<<endl;

	QString lastModifiedDate = svnController->getDateInfo(fullFilePath);
void QgsRasterTerrainAnalysisDialog::on_mImportColorsButton_clicked()
  QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0, tr( "Import Colors and elevations from xml" ), QDir::homePath() );
  if ( file.isEmpty() )

  QFile inputFile( file );
  if ( !inputFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Error opening file" ), tr( "The relief color file could not be opened" ) );

  QDomDocument doc;
  if ( !doc.setContent( &inputFile, false ) )
    QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Error parsing xml" ), tr( "The xml file could not be loaded" ) );


  QDomNodeList reliefColorList = doc.elementsByTagName( "ReliefColor" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < reliefColorList.size(); ++i )
    QDomElement reliefColorElem = reliefColorList.at( i ).toElement();
    QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();
    newItem->setText( 0, reliefColorElem.attribute( "MinElevation" ) );
    newItem->setText( 1, reliefColorElem.attribute( "MaxElevation" ) );
    newItem->setBackground( 2, QBrush( QColor( reliefColorElem.attribute( "red" ).toInt(), reliefColorElem.attribute( "green" ).toInt(),
                                       reliefColorElem.attribute( "blue" ).toInt() ) ) );
    mReliefClassTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( newItem );
void ColoringRulesDialog::changeColor(bool foreground)
    if (!ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->currentItem()) return;

    QTreeWidgetItem *ti = ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->currentItem();
    QColorDialog color_dlg;

    color_dlg.setCurrentColor(foreground ?
                                  ti->foreground(0).color() : ti->background(0).color());
    if (color_dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
        QColor cc = color_dlg.currentColor();
        if (foreground) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->columnCount(); i++) {
                ti->setForeground(i, cc);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < ui->coloringRulesTreeWidget->columnCount(); i++) {
                ti->setBackground(i, cc);

Example #25
QgsDiagramProperties::QgsDiagramProperties( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QWidget* parent )
    : QWidget( parent )
  mLayer = layer;

  if ( !layer )

  setupUi( this );

  int tabIdx = QSettings().value( "/Windows/VectorLayerProperties/diagram/tab", 0 ).toInt();

  mDiagramPropertiesTabWidget->setCurrentIndex( tabIdx );

  mBackgroundColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Background color" ) );
  mBackgroundColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Pen color" ) );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setColorDialogOptions( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );

  mValueLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mValueLineEdit ) );
  mMinimumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mMinimumDiagramScaleLineEdit ) );
  mMaximumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setValidator( new QDoubleValidator( mMaximumDiagramScaleLineEdit ) );

  mDiagramUnitComboBox->insertItem( 0, tr( "mm" ), QgsDiagramSettings::MM );
  mDiagramUnitComboBox->insertItem( 1, tr( "Map units" ), QgsDiagramSettings::MapUnits );

  QGis::GeometryType layerType = layer->geometryType();
  if ( layerType == QGis::UnknownGeometry || layerType == QGis::NoGeometry )
    mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->setChecked( false );
    mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->setEnabled( false );

  //insert placement options

  if ( layerType == QGis::Point || layerType == QGis::Polygon )
    mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Around Point" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AroundPoint );
    mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Over Point" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint );

  if ( layerType == QGis::Line || layerType == QGis::Polygon )
    mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Line );
    mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Horizontal" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Horizontal );

  if ( layerType == QGis::Polygon )
    mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Free" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Free );

  if ( layerType == QGis::Line )
    mLineOptionsComboBox->addItem( tr( "On line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OnLine );
    mLineOptionsComboBox->addItem( tr( "Above line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AboveLine );
    mLineOptionsComboBox->addItem( tr( "Below Line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::BelowLine );
    mLineOptionsComboBox->addItem( tr( "Map orientation" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::MapOrientation );
    mLineOptionsComboBox->setVisible( false );
    mLineOptionsLabel->setVisible( false );

  QPixmap pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "pie-chart" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Pie chart" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_PIE );
  pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "text" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Text diagram" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_TEXT );
  pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "histogram" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Histogram" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_HISTOGRAM );

  mLabelPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Height" ), QgsDiagramSettings::Height );
  mLabelPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "x-height" ), QgsDiagramSettings::XHeight );

  mScaleDependencyComboBox->addItem( tr( "Area" ), true );
  mScaleDependencyComboBox->addItem( tr( "Diameter" ), false );

  mDataDefinedXComboBox->addItem( tr( "None" ), -1 );
  mDataDefinedYComboBox->addItem( tr( "None" ), -1 );

  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Top" ), 90 * 16 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Right" ), 0 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Bottom" ), 270 * 16 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Left" ), 180 * 16 );

  //insert all attributes into the combo boxes
  const QgsFields& layerFields = layer->pendingFields();
  for ( int idx = 0; idx < layerFields.count(); ++idx )
    QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mAttributesTreeWidget );
    QString name = QString( "\"%1\"" ).arg( layerFields[idx].name() );
    newItem->setText( 0,  name );
    newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, name );
    newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
    if ( layerFields[idx].type() != QVariant::String )
      mSizeAttributeComboBox->addItem( layerFields[idx].name(), idx );

    mDataDefinedXComboBox->addItem( layerFields[idx].name(), idx );
    mDataDefinedYComboBox->addItem( layerFields[idx].name(), idx );
  mAvailableAttributes = mSizeAttributeComboBox->count();

  const QgsDiagramRendererV2* dr = layer->diagramRenderer();
  if ( !dr ) //no diagram renderer yet, insert reasonable default
    mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->setChecked( false );
    mFixedSizeCheckBox->setChecked( true );
    mDiagramUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDiagramUnitComboBox->findText( tr( "mm" ) ) );
    mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mLabelPlacementComboBox->findText( tr( "x-height" ) ) );
    mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setValue( 30 );
    mBarWidthSpinBox->setValue( 5 );
    mVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( layer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() );
    mMaximumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( layer->maximumScale() ) );
    mMinimumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( layer->minimumScale() ) );

    switch ( layerType )
      case QGis::Point:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( 0 ) );
      case QGis::Line:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( 3 ) );
        mLineOptionsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mLineOptionsComboBox->findData( 2 ) );
      case QGis::Polygon:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( 0 ) );
      case QGis::UnknownGeometry:
      case QGis::NoGeometry:
    mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
  else // already a diagram renderer present
    mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->setChecked( true );

    //single category renderer or interpolated one?
    mFixedSizeCheckBox->setChecked( dr->rendererName() == "SingleCategory" );

    //assume single category or linearly interpolated diagram renderer for now
    QList<QgsDiagramSettings> settingList = dr->diagramSettings();
    if ( settingList.size() > 0 )
      mDiagramFont = settingList.at( 0 ).font;
      QSizeF size = settingList.at( 0 ).size;
      mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( settingList.at( 0 ).backgroundColor );
      mTransparencySlider->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).transparency );
      mDiagramPenColorButton->setColor( settingList.at( 0 ).penColor );
      mPenWidthSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).penWidth );
      mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setValue(( size.width() + size.height() ) / 2.0 );
      mMinimumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( settingList.at( 0 ).minScaleDenominator, 'f' ) );
      mMaximumDiagramScaleLineEdit->setText( QString::number( settingList.at( 0 ).maxScaleDenominator, 'f' ) );
      mVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( settingList.at( 0 ).minScaleDenominator != -1 &&
                                       settingList.at( 0 ).maxScaleDenominator != -1 );
      if ( settingList.at( 0 ).sizeType == QgsDiagramSettings::MM )
        mDiagramUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        mDiagramUnitComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

      if ( settingList.at( 0 ).labelPlacementMethod == QgsDiagramSettings::Height )
        mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

      mAngleOffsetComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mAngleOffsetComboBox->findData( settingList.at( 0 ).angleOffset ) );

      mOrientationLeftButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Left );
      mOrientationRightButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Right );
      mOrientationUpButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Up );
      mOrientationDownButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Down );
      switch ( settingList.at( 0 ).diagramOrientation )
        case QgsDiagramSettings::Left:
          mOrientationLeftButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Right:
          mOrientationRightButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Up:
          mOrientationUpButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Down:
          mOrientationDownButton->setChecked( true );

      mBarWidthSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).barWidth );

      mIncreaseSmallDiagramsGroupBox->setChecked( settingList.at( 0 ).minimumSize != 0 );
      mIncreaseMinimumSizeSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).minimumSize );

      if ( settingList.at( 0 ).scaleByArea )
        mScaleDependencyComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        mScaleDependencyComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

      QList< QColor > categoryColors = settingList.at( 0 ).categoryColors;
      QList< QString > categoryAttributes = settingList.at( 0 ).categoryAttributes;
      QList< QString >::const_iterator catIt = categoryAttributes.constBegin();
      QList< QColor >::const_iterator coIt = categoryColors.constBegin();
      for ( ; catIt != categoryAttributes.constEnd(); ++catIt, ++coIt )
        QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget );
        newItem->setText( 0, *catIt );
        newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, *catIt );
        newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
        QColor col( *coIt );
        col.setAlpha( 255 );
        newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( col ) );

    if ( dr->rendererName() == "LinearlyInterpolated" )
      const QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer* lidr = dynamic_cast<const QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer*>( dr );
      if ( lidr )
        mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( false );
        mValueLineEdit->setText( QString::number( lidr->upperValue(), 'f' ) );
        mSizeSpinBox->setValue(( lidr->upperSize().width() + lidr->upperSize().height() ) / 2 );
        if ( lidr->classificationAttributeIsExpression() )
          mSizeAttributeComboBox->addItem( lidr->classificationAttributeExpression() );
          mSizeAttributeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mSizeAttributeComboBox->count() - 1 );
          mSizeAttributeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mSizeAttributeComboBox->findData( lidr->classificationAttribute() ) );

    const QgsDiagramLayerSettings *dls = layer->diagramLayerSettings();
    if ( dls )
      mDiagramDistanceSpinBox->setValue( dls->dist );
      mPrioritySlider->setValue( dls->priority );
      mDataDefinedXComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDataDefinedXComboBox->findData( dls->xPosColumn ) );
      mDataDefinedYComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDataDefinedYComboBox->findData( dls->yPosColumn ) );
      if ( dls->xPosColumn != -1 || dls->yPosColumn != -1 )
        mDataDefinedPositionGroupBox->setChecked( true );
      mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( dls->placement ) );
      mLineOptionsComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mLineOptionsComboBox->findData( dls->placementFlags ) );

    if ( dr->diagram() )
      QString diagramName = dr->diagram()->diagramName();
      mDiagramTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDiagramTypeComboBox->findData( diagramName ) );
      if ( mDiagramTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == -1 )
        QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Unknown diagram type." ),
                              tr( "The diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you." ).arg( diagramName ), QMessageBox::Ok );
        mDiagramTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDiagramTypeComboBox->findData( DIAGRAM_NAME_PIE ) );
  } // if ( !dr )

  // Trigger a clicked event, so all the items get properly enabled and disabled
  on_mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox_toggled( mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->isChecked() );

  connect( mSizeAttributeExpression, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showSizeAttributeExpressionDialog() ) );
  connect( mAddAttributeExpression, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showAddAttributeExpressionDialog() ) );
Example #26
QgsDiagramProperties::QgsDiagramProperties( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QWidget* parent, QgsMapCanvas *canvas )
    : QWidget( parent )
    , mMapCanvas( canvas )
  mLayer = layer;
  if ( !layer )

  setupUi( this );

  // get rid of annoying outer focus rect on Mac
  mDiagramOptionsListWidget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false );

  mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( true );
  QPixmap pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "diagramNone" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "No diagrams" ), "None" );
  pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "pie-chart" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Pie chart" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_PIE );
  pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "text" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Text diagram" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_TEXT );
  pix = QgsApplication::getThemePixmap( "histogram" );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->addItem( pix, tr( "Histogram" ), DIAGRAM_NAME_HISTOGRAM );
  mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( false );

  mScaleRangeWidget->setMapCanvas( QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas() );
  mSizeFieldExpressionWidget->registerExpressionContextGenerator( this );

  mBackgroundColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select background color" ) );
  mBackgroundColorButton->setAllowAlpha( true );
  mBackgroundColorButton->setContext( "symbology" );
  mBackgroundColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );
  mBackgroundColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent background" ) );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select pen color" ) );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setAllowAlpha( true );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setContext( "symbology" );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setShowNoColor( true );
  mDiagramPenColorButton->setNoColorString( tr( "Transparent outline" ) );

  mMaxValueSpinBox->setShowClearButton( false );

  connect( mFixedSizeRadio, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( scalingTypeChanged() ) );
  connect( mAttributeBasedScalingRadio, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( scalingTypeChanged() ) );

  mDiagramUnitComboBox->setUnits( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnitList() << QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters << QgsUnitTypes::RenderMapUnits << QgsUnitTypes::RenderPixels );
  mDiagramLineUnitComboBox->setUnits( QgsUnitTypes::RenderUnitList() << QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters << QgsUnitTypes::RenderMapUnits << QgsUnitTypes::RenderPixels );

  QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType layerType = layer->geometryType();
  if ( layerType == QgsWkbTypes::UnknownGeometry || layerType == QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry )
    mDiagramTypeComboBox->setEnabled( false );
    mDiagramFrame->setEnabled( false );

  //insert placement options
  mPlacementComboBox->blockSignals( true );
  switch ( layerType )
    case QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry:
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Around Point" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AroundPoint );
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Over Point" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint );
      mLinePlacementFrame->setVisible( false );
    case QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry:
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Around Line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Line );
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Over Line" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Horizontal );
      mLinePlacementFrame->setVisible( true );
    case QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry:
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Around Centroid" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AroundPoint );
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Over Centroid" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint );
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Perimeter" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Line );
      mPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Inside Polygon" ), QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Horizontal );
      mLinePlacementFrame->setVisible( false );
  mPlacementComboBox->blockSignals( false );

  mLabelPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "Height" ), QgsDiagramSettings::Height );
  mLabelPlacementComboBox->addItem( tr( "x-height" ), QgsDiagramSettings::XHeight );

  mScaleDependencyComboBox->addItem( tr( "Area" ), true );
  mScaleDependencyComboBox->addItem( tr( "Diameter" ), false );

  mDataDefinedXComboBox->addItem( tr( "None" ), -1 );
  mDataDefinedYComboBox->addItem( tr( "None" ), -1 );

  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Top" ), 90 * 16 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Right" ), 0 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Bottom" ), 270 * 16 );
  mAngleOffsetComboBox->addItem( tr( "Left" ), 180 * 16 );

  mDataDefinedVisibilityComboBox->addItem( tr( "None" ), -1 );

  QSettings settings;

  // reset horiz strech of left side of options splitter (set to 1 for previewing in Qt Designer)
  QSizePolicy policy( mDiagramOptionsListFrame->sizePolicy() );
  policy.setHorizontalStretch( 0 );
  mDiagramOptionsListFrame->setSizePolicy( policy );
  if ( !settings.contains( QString( "/Windows/Diagrams/OptionsSplitState" ) ) )
    // set left list widget width on intial showing
    QList<int> splitsizes;
    splitsizes << 115;
    mDiagramOptionsSplitter->setSizes( splitsizes );

  // restore dialog, splitters and current tab
  mDiagramOptionsSplitter->restoreState( settings.value( QString( "/Windows/Diagrams/OptionsSplitState" ) ).toByteArray() );
  mDiagramOptionsListWidget->setCurrentRow( settings.value( QString( "/Windows/Diagrams/Tab" ), 0 ).toInt() );

  // field combo and expression button
  mSizeFieldExpressionWidget->setLayer( mLayer );
  QgsDistanceArea myDa;
  myDa.setSourceCrs( mLayer->crs().srsid() );
  myDa.setEllipsoidalMode( QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas()->mapSettings().hasCrsTransformEnabled() );
  myDa.setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( "Measure", "/Ellipsoid", GEO_NONE ) );
  mSizeFieldExpressionWidget->setGeomCalculator( myDa );

  //insert all attributes into the combo boxes
  const QgsFields& layerFields = layer->fields();
  for ( int idx = 0; idx < layerFields.count(); ++idx )
    QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mAttributesTreeWidget );
    QString name = QString( "\"%1\"" ).arg( layerFields.at( idx ).name() );
    newItem->setText( 0, name );
    newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, name );
    newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );

    mDataDefinedXComboBox->addItem( layerFields.at( idx ).name(), idx );
    mDataDefinedYComboBox->addItem( layerFields.at( idx ).name(), idx );
    mDataDefinedVisibilityComboBox->addItem( layerFields.at( idx ).name(), idx );

  const QgsDiagramRenderer* dr = layer->diagramRenderer();
  if ( !dr ) //no diagram renderer yet, insert reasonable default
    mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( true );
    mDiagramTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
    mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( false );
    mFixedSizeRadio->setChecked( true );
    mDiagramUnitComboBox->setUnit( QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters );
    mDiagramLineUnitComboBox->setUnit( QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters );
    mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mLabelPlacementComboBox->findText( tr( "x-height" ) ) );
    mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( true );
    mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setValue( 15 );
    mLinearScaleFrame->setEnabled( false );
    mIncreaseMinimumSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( false );
    mIncreaseMinimumSizeLabel->setEnabled( false );
    mBarWidthSpinBox->setValue( 5 );
    mScaleVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( layer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() );
    mScaleRangeWidget->setScaleRange( 1.0 / layer->maximumScale(), 1.0 / layer->minimumScale() ); // caution: layer uses scale denoms, widget uses true scales
    mShowAllCheckBox->setChecked( true );
    mDataDefinedVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( false );
    mCheckBoxAttributeLegend->setChecked( true );
    mCheckBoxSizeLegend->setChecked( false );
    mSizeLegendSymbol.reset( QgsMarkerSymbol::createSimple( QgsStringMap() ) );

    switch ( layerType )
      case QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AroundPoint ) );
      case QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Line ) );
        chkLineAbove->setChecked( true );
        chkLineBelow->setChecked( false );
        chkLineOn->setChecked( false );
        chkLineOrientationDependent->setChecked( false );
      case QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry:
        mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AroundPoint ) );
      case QgsWkbTypes::UnknownGeometry:
      case QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry:
    mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
    //force a refresh of widget status to match diagram type
    on_mDiagramTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged( mDiagramTypeComboBox->currentIndex() );
  else // already a diagram renderer present
    //single category renderer or interpolated one?
    if ( dr->rendererName() == "SingleCategory" )
      mFixedSizeRadio->setChecked( true );
      mAttributeBasedScalingRadio->setChecked( true );
    mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( mFixedSizeRadio->isChecked() );
    mLinearScaleFrame->setEnabled( mAttributeBasedScalingRadio->isChecked() );
    mCheckBoxAttributeLegend->setChecked( dr->attributeLegend() );
    mCheckBoxSizeLegend->setChecked( dr->sizeLegend() );
    mSizeLegendSymbol.reset( dr->sizeLegendSymbol() ? dr->sizeLegendSymbol()->clone() : QgsMarkerSymbol::createSimple( QgsStringMap() ) );
    QIcon icon = QgsSymbolLayerUtils::symbolPreviewIcon( mSizeLegendSymbol.data(), mButtonSizeLegendSymbol->iconSize() );
    mButtonSizeLegendSymbol->setIcon( icon );

    //assume single category or linearly interpolated diagram renderer for now
    QList<QgsDiagramSettings> settingList = dr->diagramSettings();
    if ( !settingList.isEmpty() )
      mDiagramFrame->setEnabled( settingList.at( 0 ).enabled );
      mDiagramFont = settingList.at( 0 ).font;
      QSizeF size = settingList.at( 0 ).size;
      mBackgroundColorButton->setColor( settingList.at( 0 ).backgroundColor );
      mTransparencySpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).transparency * 100.0 / 255.0 );
      mTransparencySlider->setValue( mTransparencySpinBox->value() );
      mDiagramPenColorButton->setColor( settingList.at( 0 ).penColor );
      mPenWidthSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).penWidth );
      mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setValue(( size.width() + size.height() ) / 2.0 );
      // caution: layer uses scale denoms, widget uses true scales
      mScaleRangeWidget->setScaleRange( 1.0 / ( settingList.at( 0 ).maxScaleDenominator > 0 ? settingList.at( 0 ).maxScaleDenominator : layer->maximumScale() ),
                                        1.0 / ( settingList.at( 0 ).minScaleDenominator > 0 ? settingList.at( 0 ).minScaleDenominator : layer->minimumScale() ) );
      mScaleVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( settingList.at( 0 ).scaleBasedVisibility );
      mDiagramUnitComboBox->setUnit( settingList.at( 0 ).sizeType );
      mDiagramUnitComboBox->setMapUnitScale( settingList.at( 0 ).sizeScale );
      mDiagramLineUnitComboBox->setUnit( settingList.at( 0 ).lineSizeUnit );
      mDiagramLineUnitComboBox->setMapUnitScale( settingList.at( 0 ).lineSizeScale );

      if ( settingList.at( 0 ).labelPlacementMethod == QgsDiagramSettings::Height )
        mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        mLabelPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

      mAngleOffsetComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mAngleOffsetComboBox->findData( settingList.at( 0 ).angleOffset ) );

      mOrientationLeftButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Left );
      mOrientationRightButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Right );
      mOrientationUpButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Up );
      mOrientationDownButton->setProperty( "direction", QgsDiagramSettings::Down );
      switch ( settingList.at( 0 ).diagramOrientation )
        case QgsDiagramSettings::Left:
          mOrientationLeftButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Right:
          mOrientationRightButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Up:
          mOrientationUpButton->setChecked( true );

        case QgsDiagramSettings::Down:
          mOrientationDownButton->setChecked( true );

      mBarWidthSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).barWidth );

      mIncreaseSmallDiagramsCheck->setChecked( settingList.at( 0 ).minimumSize != 0 );
      mIncreaseMinimumSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( mIncreaseSmallDiagramsCheck->isChecked() );
      mIncreaseMinimumSizeLabel->setEnabled( mIncreaseSmallDiagramsCheck->isChecked() );

      mIncreaseMinimumSizeSpinBox->setValue( settingList.at( 0 ).minimumSize );

      if ( settingList.at( 0 ).scaleByArea )
        mScaleDependencyComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
        mScaleDependencyComboBox->setCurrentIndex( 1 );

      QList< QColor > categoryColors = settingList.at( 0 ).categoryColors;
      QList< QString > categoryAttributes = settingList.at( 0 ).categoryAttributes;
      QList< QString > categoryLabels = settingList.at( 0 ).categoryLabels;
      QList< QString >::const_iterator catIt = categoryAttributes.constBegin();
      QList< QColor >::const_iterator coIt = categoryColors.constBegin();
      QList< QString >::const_iterator labIt = categoryLabels.constBegin();
      for ( ; catIt != categoryAttributes.constEnd(); ++catIt, ++coIt, ++labIt )
        QTreeWidgetItem *newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget );
        newItem->setText( 0, *catIt );
        newItem->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, *catIt );
        newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
        QColor col( *coIt );
        col.setAlpha( 255 );
        newItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( col ) );
        newItem->setText( 2, *labIt );
        newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );

    if ( dr->rendererName() == "LinearlyInterpolated" )
      const QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer* lidr = dynamic_cast<const QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer*>( dr );
      if ( lidr )
        mDiagramSizeSpinBox->setEnabled( false );
        mLinearScaleFrame->setEnabled( true );
        mMaxValueSpinBox->setValue( lidr->upperValue() );
        mSizeSpinBox->setValue(( lidr->upperSize().width() + lidr->upperSize().height() ) / 2 );
        if ( lidr->classificationAttributeIsExpression() )
          mSizeFieldExpressionWidget->setField( lidr->classificationAttributeExpression() );
          mSizeFieldExpressionWidget->setField( mLayer->fields().at( lidr->classificationAttribute() ).name() );

    const QgsDiagramLayerSettings *dls = layer->diagramLayerSettings();
    if ( dls )
      mDiagramDistanceSpinBox->setValue( dls->distance() );
      mPrioritySlider->setValue( dls->getPriority() );
      mZIndexSpinBox->setValue( dls->getZIndex() );
      mDataDefinedXComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDataDefinedXComboBox->findData( dls->xPosColumn ) );
      mDataDefinedYComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDataDefinedYComboBox->findData( dls->yPosColumn ) );
      if ( dls->xPosColumn != -1 || dls->yPosColumn != -1 )
        mDataDefinedPositionGroupBox->setChecked( true );
      mPlacementComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mPlacementComboBox->findData( dls->getPlacement() ) );

      chkLineAbove->setChecked( dls->linePlacementFlags() & QgsDiagramLayerSettings::AboveLine );
      chkLineBelow->setChecked( dls->linePlacementFlags() & QgsDiagramLayerSettings::BelowLine );
      chkLineOn->setChecked( dls->linePlacementFlags() & QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OnLine );
      if ( !( dls->linePlacementFlags() & QgsDiagramLayerSettings::MapOrientation ) )
        chkLineOrientationDependent->setChecked( true );

      mShowAllCheckBox->setChecked( dls->showAllDiagrams() );
      mDataDefinedVisibilityComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDataDefinedVisibilityComboBox->findData( dls->showColumn ) );
      if ( dls->showColumn != -1 )
        mDataDefinedVisibilityGroupBox->setChecked( true );

    if ( dr->diagram() )
      mDiagramType = dr->diagram()->diagramName();

      mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( true );
      mDiagramTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( settingList.at( 0 ).enabled ? mDiagramTypeComboBox->findData( mDiagramType ) : 0 );
      mDiagramTypeComboBox->blockSignals( false );
      //force a refresh of widget status to match diagram type
      on_mDiagramTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged( mDiagramTypeComboBox->currentIndex() );
      if ( mDiagramTypeComboBox->currentIndex() == -1 )
        QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Unknown diagram type." ),
                              tr( "The diagram type '%1' is unknown. A default type is selected for you." ).arg( mDiagramType ), QMessageBox::Ok );
        mDiagramTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mDiagramTypeComboBox->findData( DIAGRAM_NAME_PIE ) );
  } // if ( !dr )

  connect( mAddAttributeExpression, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showAddAttributeExpressionDialog() ) );
  connect( mTransparencySlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), mTransparencySpinBox, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
  connect( mTransparencySpinBox, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), mTransparencySlider, SLOT( setValue( int ) ) );
 * Display the attrbiutes for the current feature and load the image
void eVisGenericEventBrowserGui::loadRecord()

  //Get a pointer to the current feature
  QgsFeature* myFeature;
  myFeature = featureAtId( mFeatureIds.at( mCurrentFeatureIndex ) );

  if ( !myFeature )

  QString myCompassBearingField = cboxCompassBearingField->currentText();
  QString myCompassOffsetField = cboxCompassOffsetField->currentText();
  QString myEventImagePathField = cboxEventImagePathField->currentText();
  QgsFields myFields = mDataProvider->fields();
  QgsAttributes myAttrs = myFeature->attributes();
  //loop through the attributes and display their contents
  for ( int i = 0; i < myAttrs.count(); ++i )
    QStringList myValues;
    QString fieldName = myFields.at( i ).name();
    myValues << fieldName << myAttrs.at( i ).toString();
    QTreeWidgetItem* myItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( myValues );
    if ( fieldName == myEventImagePathField )
      mEventImagePath = myAttrs.at( i ).toString();

    if ( fieldName == myCompassBearingField )
      mCompassBearing = myAttrs.at( i ).toDouble();

    if ( mConfiguration.isAttributeCompassOffsetSet() )
      if ( fieldName == myCompassOffsetField )
        mCompassOffset = myAttrs.at( i ).toDouble();
      mCompassOffset = 0.0;

    //Check to see if the attribute is a know file type
    int myIterator = 0;
    while ( myIterator < tableFileTypeAssociations->rowCount() )
      if ( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 ) && ( myAttrs.at( i ).toString().startsWith( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 )->text() + ':', Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || myAttrs.at( i ).toString().endsWith( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 )->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
        myItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( QColor( 183, 216, 125, 255 ) ) );
    treeEventData->addTopLevelItem( myItem );
  //Modify EventImagePath as needed

  //Request the image to be displayed in the browser
Example #28
/* get the list of Links from the RsRanks.  */
void  LinksDialog::updateLinks()

	std::list<std::string> rids;
	std::list<std::string>::iterator rit;
	std::list<RsRankComment>::iterator cit;

	std::cerr << "LinksDialog::updateLinks()" << std::endl;

	/* Work out the number/entries to show */
	uint32_t count = rsRanks->getRankingsCount();
	uint32_t start;

	uint32_t entries = ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK;
	if (count < entries)
		entries = count;

	if (mStart == -1)
		/* backwards */
		start = count-entries;
		start = mStart;
		if (start + entries > count)
			start = count - entries;

        /* get a link to the table */
        QTreeWidget *linkWidget = ui.linkTreeWidget;
        QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> items;

	rsRanks->getRankings(start, entries, rids);
	float maxRank = rsRanks->getMaxRank();

	for(rit = rids.begin(); rit != rids.end(); rit++)
		RsRankDetails detail;
		if (!rsRanks->getRankDetails(*rit, detail))

		/* create items */
           	QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0);

		/* (0) Title */
			item -> setText(0, QString::fromStdWString(detail.title));
			item -> setSizeHint(0,  QSize( 20,20 ) ); 

			/* Bold and bigger */
			/*QFont font = item->font(0);
			font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 2);
			item->setFont(0, font);*/

		/* (1) Rank */
			std::ostringstream out;
			out << 100 * (detail.rank / (maxRank + 0.01));
			item -> setText(1, QString::fromStdString(out.str()));
			item -> setSizeHint(1,  QSize( 20,20 ) ); 
			/* Bold and bigger */
			/*QFont font = item->font(1);
			font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 2);
			item->setFont(1, font);*/

		/* (2) Link */
			item -> setText(2, QString::fromStdWString(detail.link));
			item -> setSizeHint(2,  QSize( 20,20 ) ); 

			/* Bold and bigger */
			/*QFont font = item->font(2);
			font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 2);
			item->setFont(2, font);*/
		/* (3) Date */
				QDateTime qtime;
				QString timestamp = qtime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
				item -> setText(3, timestamp);

		/* (4) rid */
		item -> setText(4, QString::fromStdString(detail.rid));

		/* add children */
		int i = 0;
		for(cit = detail.comments.begin();
			cit != detail.comments.end(); cit++, i++)
			/* create items */
           		QTreeWidgetItem *child = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0);

			QString commentText;
			QString peerScore;
			if (cit->score > 1)
				peerScore = "[+2] ";
				child -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_GREAT)));
				item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_GREAT)));
				//peerScore = "[+2 Great Link] ";
			else if (cit->score == 1)
				peerScore = "[+1] ";
				child -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_GOOD)));
				item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_GOOD)));
				//peerScore = "[+1 Good] ";
			else if (cit->score == 0)
				peerScore = "[+0] ";
				child -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_OK)));
				item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_OK)));
				//peerScore = "[+0 Okay] ";
			else if (cit->score == -1)
				peerScore = "[-1] ";
				child -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_SUX)));
				item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_SUX)));
				//peerScore = "[-1 Not Worth It] ";
			else //if (cit->score < -1)
				peerScore = "[-2 BAD] ";
				child -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_BADLINK)));
				item -> setIcon(0,(QIcon(IMAGE_BADLINK)));
				//peerScore = "[-2 BAD Link] ";

			/* (0) Comment */
			if (cit->comment != L"")
				commentText = peerScore + QString::fromStdWString(cit->comment);
				commentText = peerScore + "No Comment";
			child -> setText(0, commentText);

			/* (2) Peer / Date */
				QDateTime qtime;
				QString timestamp = qtime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

                                QString peerLabel = QString::fromStdString(mPeers->getPeerName(cit->id));
				if (peerLabel == "")
					peerLabel = "<";
					peerLabel += QString::fromStdString(cit->id);
					peerLabel += ">";
				peerLabel += " ";

				peerLabel += timestamp;
				child -> setText(2, peerLabel);


			/* (4) Id */
			child -> setText(4, QString::fromStdString(cit->id));

			if (i % 2 == 1)
				/* set to light gray background */

			/* push to items */

		/* add to the list */

        /* remove old items */

	/* add the items in! */
	linkWidget->insertTopLevelItems(0, items);

	linkWidget->update(); /* update display */

Example #29
void ProfileDialog::updateWidgets()
    QTreeWidgetItem *item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->currentItem();
    bool enable_new = false;
    bool enable_del = false;
    bool enable_copy = false;
    bool enable_ok = true;
    profile_def *current_profile = NULL;

    if (item) {
        current_profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer<GList>::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data;
        enable_new = true;
        enable_copy = true;
        if (!current_profile->is_global && !(item->font(0).strikeOut())) {
            enable_del = true;

    if (current_profile) {
        QString profile_path;
        QString profile_info;
        switch (current_profile->status) {
        case PROF_STAT_DEFAULT:
            if (item->font(0).strikeOut()) {
                profile_info = tr("Will be reset to default values");
            } else {
                profile_path = get_persconffile_path("", FALSE);
        case PROF_STAT_EXISTS:
            char* profile_dir = current_profile->is_global ? get_global_profiles_dir() : get_profiles_dir();
            profile_path = profile_dir;

        case PROF_STAT_COPY:
            if (current_profile->reference) {
                profile_info = tr("Created from %1").arg(current_profile->reference);
                if (current_profile->from_global) {
                    profile_info.append(QString(" %1").arg(tr("(system provided)")));
            /* Fall Through */
        case PROF_STAT_NEW:
            profile_info = tr("Created from default settings");
        case PROF_STAT_CHANGED:
            profile_info = tr("Renamed from %1").arg(current_profile->reference);
        if (!profile_path.isEmpty()) {
            pd_ui_->infoLabel->setToolTip(tr("Go to %1").arg(profile_path));
        } else {
    } else {

    if (pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0) {
        profile_def *profile;
        for (int i = 0; i < pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
            item = pd_ui_->profileTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
            profile = (profile_def *) VariantPointer<GList>::asPtr(item->data(0, Qt::UserRole))->data;
            if (gchar *err_msg = profile_name_is_valid(profile->name)) {
                item->setToolTip(0, err_msg);
                item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid));
                if (profile == current_profile) {
                enable_ok = false;
            if (profile->is_global) {
                item->setToolTip(0, tr("This is a system provided profile."));
            if (current_profile && !current_profile->is_global && profile != current_profile && strcmp(profile->name, current_profile->name) == 0) {
                item->setToolTip(0, tr("A profile already exists with this name."));
                item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_invalid));
                if (current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_DEFAULT &&
                    current_profile->status != PROF_STAT_EXISTS)
                    pd_ui_->infoLabel->setText(tr("A profile already exists with this name"));
                enable_ok = false;
            } else if (item->font(0).strikeOut()) {
                item->setToolTip(0, tr("The profile will be reset to default values."));
                item->setBackground(0, ColorUtils::fromColorT(&prefs.gui_text_deprecated));
            } else {
                item->setBackground(0, QBrush());

Example #30
void VCMatrixProperties::updateTree()
    foreach(VCMatrixControl *control, m_controls)
        QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(m_controlsTree);
        item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, control->m_id);

            case VCMatrixControl::StartColor:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/color.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("Start Color"));
                item->setText(1, control->m_color.name());
                item->setBackground(1, QBrush(control->m_color));
            case VCMatrixControl::StartColorKnob:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/knob.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("Start Color Knob"));
                item->setText(1, control->m_color.name());
                item->setBackground(1, QBrush(control->m_color));
            case VCMatrixControl::EndColor:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/color.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("End Color"));
                item->setText(1, control->m_color.name());
                item->setBackground(1, QBrush(control->m_color));
            case VCMatrixControl::EndColorKnob:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/knob.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("End Color Knob"));
                item->setText(1, control->m_color.name());
                item->setBackground(1, QBrush(control->m_color));
            case VCMatrixControl::ResetEndColor:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/fileclose.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("End Color Reset"));
            case VCMatrixControl::Animation:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/script.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("Animation"));
                QString presetName = control->m_resource;
                if (!control->m_properties.isEmpty())
                    presetName += " (";
                    QHashIterator<QString, QString> it(control->m_properties);
                        presetName += it.value();
                        if (it.hasNext())
                            presetName += ",";
                    presetName += ")";
                item->setText(1, presetName);
            case VCMatrixControl::Image:
            case VCMatrixControl::Text:
                item->setIcon(0, QIcon(":/fonts.png"));
                item->setText(0, tr("Text"));
                item->setText(1, control->m_resource);