EngineOption* UciEngine::parseOption(const QStringRef& line) { enum Keyword { OptionName, OptionType, OptionDefault, OptionMin, OptionMax, OptionVar }; static const QString types[] = { "name", "type", "default", "min", "max", "var" }; QString name; QString type; QString value; QStringList choices; int min = 0; int max = 0; int keyword = -1; QStringRef token(nextToken(line)); QVarLengthArray<QStringRef> tokens; while (!token.isNull()) { token = parseUciTokens(token, types, 6, tokens, keyword); if (tokens.isEmpty() || keyword == -1) continue; QString str(joinTokens(tokens).toString()); switch (keyword) { case OptionName: name = str; break; case OptionType: type = str; break; case OptionDefault: value = str; break; case OptionMin: min = str.toInt(); break; case OptionMax: max = str.toInt(); break; case OptionVar: choices << str; break; } } if (name.isEmpty()) return 0; if (type == "button") return new EngineButtonOption(name); else if (type == "check") { if (value == "true") return new EngineCheckOption(name, true, true); else return new EngineCheckOption(name, false, false); } else if (type == "combo") return new EngineComboOption(name, value, value, choices); else if (type == "spin") return new EngineSpinOption(name, value.toInt(), value.toInt(), min, max); else if (type == "string") return new EngineTextOption(name, value, value); return 0; }
void DirectShowPlayerService::doRender(QMutexLocker *locker) { m_pendingTasks |= m_executedTasks & (Play | Pause); if (IMediaControl *control = com_cast<IMediaControl>(m_graph, IID_IMediaControl)) { control->Stop(); control->Release(); } if (m_pendingTasks & SetAudioOutput) { m_graph->AddFilter(m_audioOutput, L"AudioOutput"); m_pendingTasks ^= SetAudioOutput; m_executedTasks |= SetAudioOutput; } if (m_pendingTasks & SetVideoOutput) { m_graph->AddFilter(m_videoOutput, L"VideoOutput"); m_pendingTasks ^= SetVideoOutput; m_executedTasks |= SetVideoOutput; } IFilterGraph2 *graph = m_graph; graph->AddRef(); QVarLengthArray<IBaseFilter *, 16> filters; m_source->AddRef(); filters.append(m_source); bool rendered = false; HRESULT renderHr = S_OK; while (!filters.isEmpty()) { IEnumPins *pins = 0; IBaseFilter *filter = filters[filters.size() - 1]; filters.removeLast(); if (!(m_pendingTasks & ReleaseFilters) && SUCCEEDED(filter->EnumPins(&pins))) { int outputs = 0; for (IPin *pin = 0; pins->Next(1, &pin, 0) == S_OK; pin->Release()) { PIN_DIRECTION direction; if (pin->QueryDirection(&direction) == S_OK && direction == PINDIR_OUTPUT) { ++outputs; IPin *peer = 0; if (pin->ConnectedTo(&peer) == S_OK) { PIN_INFO peerInfo; if (SUCCEEDED(peer->QueryPinInfo(&peerInfo))) filters.append(peerInfo.pFilter); peer->Release(); } else { locker->unlock(); HRESULT hr; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = graph->RenderEx( pin, /*AM_RENDEREX_RENDERTOEXISTINGRENDERERS*/ 1, 0))) { rendered = true; } else if (renderHr == S_OK || renderHr == VFW_E_NO_DECOMPRESSOR){ renderHr = hr; } locker->relock(); } } } pins->Release(); if (outputs == 0) rendered = true; } filter->Release(); } if (m_audioOutput && !isConnected(m_audioOutput, PINDIR_INPUT)) { graph->RemoveFilter(m_audioOutput); m_executedTasks &= ~SetAudioOutput; } if (m_videoOutput && !isConnected(m_videoOutput, PINDIR_INPUT)) { graph->RemoveFilter(m_videoOutput); m_executedTasks &= ~SetVideoOutput; } graph->Release(); if (!(m_pendingTasks & ReleaseFilters)) { if (rendered) { if (!(m_executedTasks & FinalizeLoad)) m_pendingTasks |= FinalizeLoad; } else { m_pendingTasks = 0; m_graphStatus = InvalidMedia; if (!m_audioOutput && !m_videoOutput) { m_error = QMediaPlayer::ResourceError; m_errorString = QString(); } else { switch (renderHr) { case VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_AUDIO: case VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_VIDEO: case VFW_E_UNSUPPORTED_STREAM: m_error = QMediaPlayer::FormatError; m_errorString = QString(); break; default: m_error = QMediaPlayer::ResourceError; m_errorString = QString(); qWarning("DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: Unresolved error code %x", uint(renderHr)); } } QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(Error))); } m_executedTasks |= Render; } m_loop->wake(); }
void UciEngine::parseInfo(const QVarLengthArray<QStringRef>& tokens, int type) { enum Keyword { InfoDepth, InfoSelDepth, InfoTime, InfoNodes, InfoPv, InfoMultiPv, InfoScore, InfoCurrMove, InfoCurrMoveNumber, InfoHashFull, InfoNps, InfoTbHits, InfoCpuLoad, InfoString, InfoRefutation, InfoCurrLine }; if (tokens.isEmpty()) return; switch (type) { case InfoDepth: m_eval.setDepth(tokens[0].toString().toInt()); break; case InfoTime: m_eval.setTime(tokens[0].toString().toInt()); break; case InfoNodes: m_eval.setNodeCount(tokens[0].toString().toInt()); break; case InfoPv: m_eval.setPv(joinTokens(tokens).toString()); break; case InfoScore: { int score = 0; for (int i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) { if (tokens[i - 1] == "cp") { score = tokens[i].toString().toInt(); if (whiteEvalPov() && side() == Chess::Side::Black) score = -score; } else if (tokens[i - 1] == "mate") { score = tokens[i].toString().toInt(); if (score > 0) score = 30001 - score * 2; else if (score < 0) score = -30000 - score * 2; } else if (tokens[i - 1] == "lowerbound" || tokens[i - 1] == "upperbound") return; i++; } m_eval.setScore(score); } break; default: break; } }
void QQuickTextNodeEngine::processCurrentLine() { // No glyphs, do nothing if (m_currentLineTree.isEmpty()) return; // 1. Go through current line and get correct decoration position for each node based on // neighbouring decorations. Add decoration to global list // 2. Create clip nodes for all selected text. Try to merge as many as possible within // the line. // 3. Add QRects to a list of selection rects. // 4. Add all nodes to a global processed list QVarLengthArray<int> sortedIndexes; // Indexes in tree sorted by x position BinaryTreeNode::inOrder(m_currentLineTree, &sortedIndexes); Q_ASSERT(sortedIndexes.size() == m_currentLineTree.size()); SelectionState currentSelectionState = Unselected; QRectF currentRect; QQuickTextNode::Decorations currentDecorations = QQuickTextNode::NoDecoration; qreal underlineOffset = 0.0; qreal underlineThickness = 0.0; qreal overlineOffset = 0.0; qreal overlineThickness = 0.0; qreal strikeOutOffset = 0.0; qreal strikeOutThickness = 0.0; QRectF decorationRect = currentRect; QColor lastColor; QColor lastBackgroundColor; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingUnderlines; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingOverlines; QVarLengthArray<TextDecoration> pendingStrikeOuts; if (!sortedIndexes.isEmpty()) { QQuickDefaultClipNode *currentClipNode = m_hasSelection ? new QQuickDefaultClipNode(QRectF()) : 0; bool currentClipNodeUsed = false; for (int i=0; i<=sortedIndexes.size(); ++i) { BinaryTreeNode *node = 0; if (i < sortedIndexes.size()) { int sortedIndex = sortedIndexes.at(i); Q_ASSERT(sortedIndex < m_currentLineTree.size()); node = m_currentLineTree.data() + sortedIndex; } if (i == 0) currentSelectionState = node->selectionState; // Update decorations if (currentDecorations != QQuickTextNode::NoDecoration) { decorationRect.setY(m_position.y() + m_currentLine.y()); decorationRect.setHeight(m_currentLine.height()); if (node != 0) decorationRect.setRight(node->boundingRect.left()); TextDecoration textDecoration(currentSelectionState, decorationRect, lastColor); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline) pendingUnderlines.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Overline) pendingOverlines.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::StrikeOut) pendingStrikeOuts.append(textDecoration); if (currentDecorations & QQuickTextNode::Background) m_backgrounds.append(qMakePair(decorationRect, lastBackgroundColor)); } // If we've reached an unselected node from a selected node, we add the // selection rect to the graph, and we add decoration every time the // selection state changes, because that means the text color changes if (node == 0 || node->selectionState != currentSelectionState) { if (node != 0) currentRect.setRight(node->boundingRect.left()); currentRect.setY(m_position.y() + m_currentLine.y()); currentRect.setHeight(m_currentLine.height()); // Draw selection all the way up to the left edge of the unselected item if (currentSelectionState == Selected) m_selectionRects.append(currentRect); if (currentClipNode != 0) { if (!currentClipNodeUsed) { delete currentClipNode; } else { currentClipNode->setIsRectangular(true); currentClipNode->setRect(currentRect); currentClipNode->update(); } } if (node != 0 && m_hasSelection) currentClipNode = new QQuickDefaultClipNode(QRectF()); else currentClipNode = 0; currentClipNodeUsed = false; if (node != 0) { currentSelectionState = node->selectionState; currentRect = node->boundingRect; // Make sure currentRect is valid, otherwise the unite won't work if (currentRect.isNull()) currentRect.setSize(QSizeF(1, 1)); } } else { if (currentRect.isNull()) currentRect = node->boundingRect; else currentRect = currentRect.united(node->boundingRect); } if (node != 0) { node->clipNode = currentClipNode; currentClipNodeUsed = true; decorationRect = node->boundingRect; // If previous item(s) had underline and current does not, then we add the // pending lines to the lists and likewise for overlines and strikeouts if (!pendingUnderlines.isEmpty() && !(node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline)) { addTextDecorations(pendingUnderlines, underlineOffset, underlineThickness); pendingUnderlines.clear(); underlineOffset = 0.0; underlineThickness = 0.0; } // ### Add pending when overlineOffset/thickness changes to minimize number of // nodes if (!pendingOverlines.isEmpty()) { addTextDecorations(pendingOverlines, overlineOffset, overlineThickness); pendingOverlines.clear(); overlineOffset = 0.0; overlineThickness = 0.0; } // ### Add pending when overlineOffset/thickness changes to minimize number of // nodes if (!pendingStrikeOuts.isEmpty()) { addTextDecorations(pendingStrikeOuts, strikeOutOffset, strikeOutThickness); pendingStrikeOuts.clear(); strikeOutOffset = 0.0; strikeOutThickness = 0.0; } // Merge current values with previous. Prefer greatest thickness QRawFont rawFont = node->glyphRun.rawFont(); if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Underline) { if (rawFont.lineThickness() > underlineThickness) { underlineThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); underlineOffset = rawFont.underlinePosition(); } } if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::Overline) { overlineOffset = -rawFont.ascent(); overlineThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); } if (node->decorations & QQuickTextNode::StrikeOut) { strikeOutThickness = rawFont.lineThickness(); strikeOutOffset = rawFont.ascent() / -3.0; } currentDecorations = node->decorations; lastColor = node->color; lastBackgroundColor = node->backgroundColor; m_processedNodes.append(*node); } } if (!pendingUnderlines.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingUnderlines, underlineOffset, underlineThickness); if (!pendingOverlines.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingOverlines, overlineOffset, overlineThickness); if (!pendingStrikeOuts.isEmpty()) addTextDecorations(pendingStrikeOuts, strikeOutOffset, strikeOutThickness); } m_currentLineTree.clear(); m_currentLine = QTextLine(); m_hasSelection = false; }