Example #1
void QgsSpatiaLiteConnection::deleteConnection( const QString &name )
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString key = "/SpatiaLite/connections/" + name;
  settings.remove( key + "/sqlitepath" );
  settings.remove( key );
Example #2
void QgsGeoNodeConnectionUtils::deleteConnection( const QString &name )
  QgsSettings settings;
  // Add Section manually
  settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "qgis/connections-geonode/" ) + name );
  settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "qgis/geonode/" ) + name );
//! Autoconnected SLOTS *
void QgsPgNewConnection::accept()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString baseKey = QStringLiteral( "/PostgreSQL/connections/" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "selected", txtName->text() );
  bool hasAuthConfigID = !mAuthSettings->configId().isEmpty();

  if ( !hasAuthConfigID && mAuthSettings->storePasswordIsChecked( ) &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Saving Passwords" ),
                              tr( "WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in unsecured plain text in your project files and in your home directory (Unix-like OS) or user profile (Windows). If you want to avoid this, press Cancel and either:\n\na) Don't save a password in the connection settings — it will be requested interactively when needed;\nb) Use the Configuration tab to add your credentials in an HTTP Basic Authentication method and store them in an encrypted database." ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // warn if entry was renamed to an existing connection
  if ( ( mOriginalConnName.isNull() || mOriginalConnName.compare( txtName->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 ) &&
       ( settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + "/service" ) ||
         settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + "/host" ) ) &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Save Connection" ),
                              tr( "Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?" ).arg( txtName->text() ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // on rename delete the original entry first
  if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() )
    settings.remove( baseKey + mOriginalConnName );

  baseKey += txtName->text();
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/service", txtService->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/host", txtHost->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/port", txtPort->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/database", txtDatabase->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/username", mAuthSettings->storeUsernameIsChecked( ) ? mAuthSettings->username() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/password", mAuthSettings->storePasswordIsChecked( ) && !hasAuthConfigID ? mAuthSettings->password() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/authcfg", mAuthSettings->configId() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/publicOnly", cb_publicSchemaOnly->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/geometryColumnsOnly", cb_geometryColumnsOnly->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/dontResolveType", cb_dontResolveType->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/allowGeometrylessTables", cb_allowGeometrylessTables->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/sslmode", cbxSSLmode->currentData().toInt() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/saveUsername", mAuthSettings->storeUsernameIsChecked( ) ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/savePassword", mAuthSettings->storePasswordIsChecked( ) && !hasAuthConfigID ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/estimatedMetadata", cb_useEstimatedMetadata->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/projectsInDatabase", cb_projectsInDatabase->isChecked() );

  // remove old save setting
  settings.remove( baseKey + "/save" );

void QgsGpsDeviceDialog::writeDeviceSettings()
  QStringList deviceNames;
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString devPath = QStringLiteral( "/Plugin-GPS/devices/%1" );
  settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "/Plugin-GPS/devices" ) );

  std::map<QString, QgsGpsDevice *>::const_iterator iter;
  for ( iter = mDevices.begin(); iter != mDevices.end(); ++iter )
    deviceNames.append( iter->first );
    QString wptDownload =
      iter->second->importCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-w" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    QString wptUpload =
      iter->second->exportCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-w" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    QString rteDownload =
      iter->second->importCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-r" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    QString rteUpload =
      iter->second->exportCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-r" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    QString trkDownload =
      iter->second->importCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-t" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    QString trkUpload =
      iter->second->exportCommand( QStringLiteral( "%babel" ), QStringLiteral( "-t" ), QStringLiteral( "%in" ), QStringLiteral( "%out" ) ).join( QStringLiteral( " " ) );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/wptdownload",
                       wptDownload );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/wptupload", wptUpload );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/rtedownload",
                       rteDownload );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/rteupload", rteUpload );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/trkdownload",
                       trkDownload );
    settings.setValue( devPath.arg( iter->first ) + "/trkupload", trkUpload );
  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "/Plugin-GPS/devicelist" ), deviceNames );
Example #5
//! Autoconnected SLOTS *
void QgsNewOgrConnection::accept()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString baseKey = '/' + cmbDatabaseTypes->currentText() + "/connections/";
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "selected", txtName->text() );

  // warn if entry was renamed to an existing connection
  if ( ( mOriginalConnName.isNull() || mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() ) &&
       settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + "/host" ) &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Save Connection" ),
                              tr( "Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?" ).arg( txtName->text() ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // on rename delete original entry first
  if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() )
    settings.remove( baseKey + mOriginalConnName );

  baseKey += txtName->text();
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/host", txtHost->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/database", txtDatabase->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/port", txtPort->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/username", mAuthSettingsDatabase->storeUsernameIsChecked() ? mAuthSettingsDatabase->username() : QLatin1String( "" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/password", mAuthSettingsDatabase->storePasswordIsChecked() ? mAuthSettingsDatabase->password() : QLatin1String( "" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/store_username", mAuthSettingsDatabase->storeUsernameIsChecked() ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/store_password", mAuthSettingsDatabase->storePasswordIsChecked() ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/configid", mAuthSettingsDatabase->configId() );

void QgsLocatorFiltersModel::commitChanges()
  QgsSettings settings;

  QHash< QgsLocatorFilter *, QString >::const_iterator itp = mPrefixes.constBegin();
  for ( ; itp != mPrefixes.constEnd(); ++itp )
    QgsLocatorFilter *filter = itp.key();
    QString activePrefix = itp.value();
    if ( !activePrefix.isEmpty() && activePrefix != filter->prefix() )
      filter->setActivePrefix( activePrefix );
      settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "locator_filters/prefix_%1" ).arg( filter->name() ), activePrefix, QgsSettings::Section::Gui );
      filter->setActivePrefix( QString() );
      settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "locator_filters/prefix_%1" ).arg( filter->name() ), QgsSettings::Section::Gui );
  QHash< QgsLocatorFilter *, bool >::const_iterator it = mEnabledChanges.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != mEnabledChanges.constEnd(); ++it )
    QgsLocatorFilter *filter = it.key();
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "locator_filters/enabled_%1" ).arg( filter->name() ), it.value(), QgsSettings::Section::Gui );
    filter->setEnabled( it.value() );
  it = mDefaultChanges.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != mDefaultChanges.constEnd(); ++it )
    QgsLocatorFilter *filter = it.key();
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "locator_filters/default_%1" ).arg( filter->name() ), it.value(), QgsSettings::Section::Gui );
    filter->setUseWithoutPrefix( it.value() );
void QgsOracleNewConnection::accept()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString baseKey = QStringLiteral( "/Oracle/connections/" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "selected" ), txtName->text() );

  if ( chkStorePassword->isChecked() &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Saving Passwords" ),
                              tr( "WARNING: You have opted to save your password. It will be stored in plain text in your project files and in your home directory on Unix-like systems, or in your user profile on Windows. If you do not want this to happen, please press the Cancel button.\n" ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // warn if entry was renamed to an existing connection
  if ( ( mOriginalConnName.isNull() || mOriginalConnName.compare( txtName->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 ) &&
       ( settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + QStringLiteral( "/service" ) ) ||
         settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + QStringLiteral( "/host" ) ) ) &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Save Connection" ),
                              tr( "Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?" ).arg( txtName->text() ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // on rename delete the original entry first
  if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() )
    settings.remove( baseKey + mOriginalConnName );

  baseKey += txtName->text();
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/database" ), txtDatabase->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/host" ), txtHost->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/port" ), txtPort->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/username" ), chkStoreUsername->isChecked() ? txtUsername->text() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/password" ), chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? txtPassword->text() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/userTablesOnly" ), cb_userTablesOnly->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/geometryColumnsOnly" ), cb_geometryColumnsOnly->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/allowGeometrylessTables" ), cb_allowGeometrylessTables->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/estimatedMetadata" ), cb_useEstimatedMetadata->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/onlyExistingTypes" ), cb_onlyExistingTypes->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/includeGeoAttributes" ), cb_includeGeoAttributes->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/saveUsername" ), chkStoreUsername->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/savePassword" ), chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral( "true" ) : QStringLiteral( "false" ) );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/dboptions" ), txtOptions->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/dbworkspace" ), txtWorkspace->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + QStringLiteral( "/schema" ), txtSchema->text() );

Example #8
void QgsOgrSourceSelect::deleteConnection()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString key = '/' + cmbDatabaseTypes->currentText() + "/connections/" + cmbConnections->currentText();
  QString msg = tr( "Are you sure you want to remove the %1 connection and all associated settings?" )
                .arg( cmbConnections->currentText() );
  QMessageBox::StandardButton result = QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Confirm Delete" ), msg, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel );
  if ( result == QMessageBox::Ok )
    settings.remove( key + "/host" );
    settings.remove( key + "/database" );
    settings.remove( key + "/username" );
    settings.remove( key + "/password" );
    settings.remove( key + "/port" );
    settings.remove( key + "/save" );
    settings.remove( key );
    cmbConnections->removeItem( cmbConnections->currentIndex() );  // populateConnectionList();
void TestQgsOgrProvider::setupProxy()

  QgsSettings settings;
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyEnabled" ), true );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPort" ), QStringLiteral( "1234" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyHost" ), QStringLiteral( "myproxyhostname.com" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyUser" ), QStringLiteral( "username" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPassword" ), QStringLiteral( "password" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyExcludedUrls" ), QStringLiteral( "http://www.myhost.com|http://www.myotherhost.com" ) );
    QgsVectorLayer vl( mTestDataDir + '/' + QStringLiteral( "lines.shp" ), QStringLiteral( "proxy_test" ), QLatin1Literal( "ogr" ) );
    QVERIFY( vl.isValid() );
    const char *proxyConfig = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_PROXY", nullptr );
    QCOMPARE( proxyConfig, "myproxyhostname.com:1234" );
    const char *proxyCredentials = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_PROXYUSERPWD", nullptr );
    QCOMPARE( proxyCredentials, "username:password" );

    // Test partial config
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyEnabled" ), true );
    settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPort" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyHost" ), QStringLiteral( "myproxyhostname.com" ) );
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyUser" ), QStringLiteral( "username" ) );
    settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyPassword" ) );
    QgsVectorLayer vl( mTestDataDir + '/' + QStringLiteral( "lines.shp" ), QStringLiteral( "proxy_test" ), QLatin1Literal( "ogr" ) );
    QVERIFY( vl.isValid() );
    const char *proxyConfig = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_PROXY", nullptr );
    QCOMPARE( proxyConfig, "myproxyhostname.com" );
    const char *proxyCredentials = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_PROXYUSERPWD", nullptr );
    QCOMPARE( proxyCredentials, "username" );

//! Autoconnected SLOTS *
void QgsMssqlNewConnection::accept()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString baseKey = QStringLiteral( "/MSSQL/connections/" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "selected", txtName->text() );

  // warn if entry was renamed to an existing connection
  if ( ( mOriginalConnName.isNull() || mOriginalConnName.compare( txtName->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 ) &&
       ( settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + "/service" ) ||
         settings.contains( baseKey + txtName->text() + "/host" ) ) &&
       QMessageBox::question( this,
                              tr( "Save Connection" ),
                              tr( "Should the existing connection %1 be overwritten?" ).arg( txtName->text() ),
                              QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )

  // on rename delete the original entry first
  if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != txtName->text() )
    settings.remove( baseKey + mOriginalConnName );

  baseKey += txtName->text();
  QString database;
  QListWidgetItem *item = listDatabase->currentItem();
  if ( item && item->text() != QLatin1String( "(from service)" ) )
    database = item->text();

  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/service", txtService->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/host", txtHost->text() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/database", database );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/username", chkStoreUsername->isChecked() ? txtUsername->text() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/password", chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? txtPassword->text() : QString() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/saveUsername", chkStoreUsername->isChecked() ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/savePassword", chkStorePassword->isChecked() ? "true" : "false" );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/geometryColumns", cb_geometryColumns->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/allowGeometrylessTables", cb_allowGeometrylessTables->isChecked() );
  settings.setValue( baseKey + "/estimatedMetadata", cb_useEstimatedMetadata->isChecked() );

Example #11
void QgsOwsConnection::deleteConnection( const QString &service, const QString &name )
  QgsSettings settings;
  settings.remove( "qgis/connections-" + service.toLower() + '/' + name );
  settings.remove( "qgis/" + service + '/' + name );
Example #12
void QgsGeoPackageConnection::deleteConnection( const QString &name )
  QgsSettings settings;
  settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "%1/%2" ).arg( connectionsPath(), name ) );
Example #13
void QgsNewHttpConnection::accept()
  QgsSettings settings;
  QString key = mBaseKey + txtName->text();
  QString credentialsKey = "qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + '/' + txtName->text();

  if ( !validate() )

  // on rename delete original entry first
  if ( !mOriginalConnName.isNull() && mOriginalConnName != key )
    settings.remove( mBaseKey + mOriginalConnName );
    settings.remove( "qgis/" + mCredentialsBaseKey + '/' + mOriginalConnName );

  QUrl url( urlTrimmed() );
  settings.setValue( key + "/url", url.toString() );

  QString wfsKey = wfsSettingsKey( mBaseKey, txtName->text() );
  QString wmsKey = wmsSettingsKey( mBaseKey, txtName->text() );

  if ( mTypes & ConnectionWfs )
    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", cbxWfsIgnoreAxisOrientation->isChecked() );
    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/invertAxisOrientation", cbxWfsInvertAxisOrientation->isChecked() );
  if ( mTypes & ConnectionWms || mTypes & ConnectionWcs )
    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/ignoreAxisOrientation", cbxWmsIgnoreAxisOrientation->isChecked() );
    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/invertAxisOrientation", cbxWmsInvertAxisOrientation->isChecked() );

    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/ignoreGetMapURI", cbxIgnoreGetMapURI->isChecked() );
    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/smoothPixmapTransform", cbxSmoothPixmapTransform->isChecked() );

    int dpiMode = 0;
    switch ( cmbDpiMode->currentIndex() )
      case 0: // all => QGIS|UMN|GeoServer
        dpiMode = 7;
      case 1: // off
        dpiMode = 0;
      case 2: // QGIS
        dpiMode = 1;
      case 3: // UMN
        dpiMode = 2;
      case 4: // GeoServer
        dpiMode = 4;

    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/dpiMode", dpiMode );

    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/referer", txtReferer->text() );
  if ( mTypes & ConnectionWms )
    settings.setValue( wmsKey + "/ignoreGetFeatureInfoURI", cbxIgnoreGetFeatureInfoURI->isChecked() );
  if ( mTypes & ConnectionWfs )
    QString version = QStringLiteral( "auto" );
    switch ( cmbVersion->currentIndex() )
      case 0:
        version = QStringLiteral( "auto" );
      case 1:
        version = QStringLiteral( "1.0.0" );
      case 2:
        version = QStringLiteral( "1.1.0" );
      case 3:
        version = QStringLiteral( "2.0.0" );
    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/version", version );

    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/maxnumfeatures", txtMaxNumFeatures->text() );

    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/pagesize", txtPageSize->text() );
    settings.setValue( wfsKey + "/pagingenabled", cbxWfsFeaturePaging->isChecked() );

  settings.setValue( credentialsKey + "/username", mAuthSettings->username() );
  settings.setValue( credentialsKey + "/password", mAuthSettings->password() );

  settings.setValue( credentialsKey + "/authcfg", mAuthSettings->configId() );

  settings.setValue( mBaseKey + "/selected", txtName->text() );

Example #14
bool QgsAuthOAuth2Method::updateNetworkRequest( QNetworkRequest &request, const QString &authcfg,
    const QString &dataprovider )
  Q_UNUSED( dataprovider )

  QMutexLocker locker( &mNetworkRequestMutex );

  QString msg;

  QgsO2 *o2 = getOAuth2Bundle( authcfg );
  if ( !o2 )
    msg = QStringLiteral( "Update request FAILED for authcfg %1: null object for requestor" ).arg( authcfg );
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
    return false;

  if ( o2->linked() )
    // Check if the cache file has been deleted outside core method routines
    QString tokencache = QgsAuthOAuth2Config::tokenCachePath( authcfg, !o2->oauth2config()->persistToken() );
    if ( !QFile::exists( tokencache ) )
      msg = QStringLiteral( "Token cache removed for authcfg %1: unlinking authenticator" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );

  if ( o2->linked() )
    // First, check if it is expired
    bool expired = false;
    if ( o2->expires() > 0 )  // QStringLiteral("").toInt() result for tokens with no expiration
      int cursecs = static_cast<int>( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 );
      expired = ( ( o2->expires() - cursecs ) < 120 ); // try refresh with expired or two minutes to go

    if ( expired )
      msg = QStringLiteral( "Token expired, attempting refresh for authcfg %1" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );

      // Try to get a refresh token first
      // go into local event loop and wait for a fired refresh-related slot
      QEventLoop rloop( nullptr );
      connect( o2, &QgsO2::refreshFinished, &rloop, &QEventLoop::quit );

      // Asynchronously attempt the refresh
      // TODO: This already has a timed reply setup in O2 base class (and in QgsNetworkAccessManager!)
      //       May need to address this or app crashes will occur!

      // block request update until asynchronous linking loop is quit
      rloop.exec( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );

      // refresh result should set o2 to (un)linked

  if ( !o2->linked() )
    // link app
    // clear any previous token session properties

    connect( o2, &QgsO2::linkedChanged, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onLinkedChanged, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::linkingFailed, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onLinkingFailed, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::linkingSucceeded, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onLinkingSucceeded, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::openBrowser, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onOpenBrowser, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::closeBrowser, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onCloseBrowser, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::getAuthCode, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onAuthCode, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    connect( this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::setAuthCode, o2,  &QgsO2::onSetAuthCode, Qt::UniqueConnection );
    //qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkReply::NetworkError>( QStringLiteral( "QNetworkReply::NetworkError" )) // for Qt::QueuedConnection, if needed;
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::refreshFinished, this, &QgsAuthOAuth2Method::onRefreshFinished, Qt::UniqueConnection );

    QgsSettings settings;
    QString timeoutkey = QStringLiteral( "qgis/networkAndProxy/networkTimeout" );
    int prevtimeout = settings.value( timeoutkey, QStringLiteral( "-1" ) ).toInt();
    int reqtimeout = o2->oauth2config()->requestTimeout() * 1000;
    settings.setValue( timeoutkey, reqtimeout );

    // go into local event loop and wait for a fired linking-related slot
    QEventLoop loop( nullptr );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::linkingFailed, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );
    connect( o2, &QgsO2::linkingSucceeded, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit );

    // add singlshot timer to quit linking after an alloted timeout
    // this should keep the local event loop from blocking forever
    QTimer timer( nullptr );
    timer.setInterval( reqtimeout * 5 );
    timer.setSingleShot( true );
    connect( &timer, &QTimer::timeout, o2, &QgsO2::linkingFailed );

    // asynchronously attempt the linking

    // block request update until asynchronous linking loop is quit
    if ( timer.isActive() )

    // don't re-apply a setting that wasn't already set
    if ( prevtimeout == -1 )
      settings.remove( timeoutkey );
      settings.setValue( timeoutkey, prevtimeout );

    if ( !o2->linked() )
      msg = QStringLiteral( "Update request FAILED for authcfg %1: requestor could not link app" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
      return false;

  if ( o2->token().isEmpty() )
    msg = QStringLiteral( "Update request FAILED for authcfg %1: access token is empty" ).arg( authcfg );
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
    return false;

  // update the request
  QgsAuthOAuth2Config::AccessMethod accessmethod = o2->oauth2config()->accessMethod();

  QUrl url = request.url();
  QUrlQuery query( url );

  switch ( accessmethod )
    case QgsAuthOAuth2Config::Header:
      request.setRawHeader( O2_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, QStringLiteral( "Bearer %1" ).arg( o2->token() ).toAscii() );
      msg = QStringLiteral( "Updated request HEADER with access token for authcfg: %1" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
    case QgsAuthOAuth2Config::Form:
      // FIXME: what to do here if the parent request is not POST?
      //        probably have to skip this until auth system support is moved into QgsNetworkAccessManager
      msg = QStringLiteral( "Update request FAILED for authcfg %1: form POST token update is unsupported" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
    case QgsAuthOAuth2Config::Query:
      if ( !query.hasQueryItem( O2_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN ) )
        query.addQueryItem( O2_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN, o2->token() );
        url.setQuery( query );
        request.setUrl( url );
        msg = QStringLiteral( "Updated request QUERY with access token for authcfg: %1" ).arg( authcfg );
        msg = QStringLiteral( "Updated request QUERY with access token SKIPPED (existing token) for authcfg: %1" ).arg( authcfg );
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, AUTH_METHOD_KEY, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );

  return true;