    Tries to restore the original FS on the drive using the FS descriptor provided
    @return standard error code.
static TInt DoRestoreFS(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrive, CFileSystemDescriptor* apFsDesc)
    TInt nRes;

    Log(_L("# DoRestoreFS drv:%d\n"), aDrive);

    //-- 1. check that there is no FS installed
        TBuf<128>   fsName;
        nRes = aFs.FileSystemName(fsName, aDrive);
        if(nRes == KErrNone)
            {//-- probably no file system installed at all
            Log(_L("# This drive already has FS intalled:%S \n"), &fsName);
            return KErrAlreadyExists;

    TPtrC ptrN  (apFsDesc->FsName());
    TPtrC ptrExt(apFsDesc->PrimaryExtName());
    Log(_L("# Mounting FS:%S, Prim ext:%S, synch:%d\n"), &ptrN, &ptrExt, apFsDesc->DriveIsSynch());

    if(ptrExt.Length() >0)
        {//-- there is a primary extension to be mounted
        nRes = aFs.AddExtension(ptrExt);
        if(nRes != KErrNone && nRes != KErrAlreadyExists)
            return nRes;

        nRes = aFs.MountFileSystem(ptrN, ptrExt, aDrive, apFsDesc->DriveIsSynch());
        nRes = aFs.MountFileSystem(ptrN, aDrive, apFsDesc->DriveIsSynch());

    if(nRes != KErrNone)
        Log(_L("# Mount failed! code:%d\n"),nRes);

    return nRes;