Example #1
TileMapReaderWriter::read( const std::string& location, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options )
    TileMap* tileMap = NULL;

    ReadResult r = URI(location).readString();
    if ( r.failed() )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Failed to read TMS tile map file from " << location << std::endl;
        return 0L;
    // Read tile map into a Config:
    Config conf;
    std::stringstream buf( r.getString() );
    conf.fromXML( buf );

    // parse that into a tile map:        
    tileMap = TileMapReaderWriter::read( conf );

    if (tileMap)
        tileMap->setFilename( location );

        // record the timestamp (if there is one) in the tilemap. It's not a persistent field
        // but will help with things like per-session caching.
        tileMap->setTimeStamp( r.lastModifiedTime() );

    return tileMap;
Example #2
ImageLayer::createImageInKeyProfile(const TileKey&    key, 
                                    ProgressCallback* progress)
    if (getStatus().isError())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // If the layer is disabled, bail out.
    if ( !getEnabled() )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Make sure the request is in range.
    if ( !isKeyInRange(key) )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    GeoImage result;

    OE_DEBUG << LC << "create image for \"" << key.str() << "\", ext= "
        << key.getExtent().toString() << std::endl;

    // the cache key combines the Key and the horizontal profile.
    std::string cacheKey = Stringify() << key.str() << "_" << key.getProfile()->getHorizSignature();
    const CachePolicy& policy = getCacheSettings()->cachePolicy().get();
    // Check the layer L2 cache first
    if ( _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin();
        ReadResult result = bin->readObject(cacheKey, 0L);
        if ( result.succeeded() )
            return GeoImage(static_cast<osg::Image*>(result.releaseObject()), key.getExtent());

    // locate the cache bin for the target profile for this layer:
    CacheBin* cacheBin = getCacheBin( key.getProfile() );

    // validate that we have either a valid tile source, or we're cache-only.
    if (getTileSource() || (cacheBin && policy.isCacheOnly()))
        //nop = OK.
        disable("Error: layer does not have a valid TileSource, cannot create image");
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // validate the existance of a valid layer profile (unless we're in cache-only mode, in which
    // case there is no layer profile)
    if ( !policy.isCacheOnly() && !getProfile() )
        disable("Could not establish a valid profile");
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    osg::ref_ptr< osg::Image > cachedImage;

    // First, attempt to read from the cache. Since the cached data is stored in the
    // map profile, we can try this first.
    if ( cacheBin && policy.isCacheReadable() )
        ReadResult r = cacheBin->readImage(cacheKey, 0L);
        if ( r.succeeded() )
            cachedImage = r.releaseImage();
            ImageUtils::fixInternalFormat( cachedImage.get() );            
            bool expired = policy.isExpired(r.lastModifiedTime());
            if (!expired)
                OE_DEBUG << "Got cached image for " << key.str() << std::endl;                
                return GeoImage( cachedImage.get(), key.getExtent() );                        
                OE_DEBUG << "Expired image for " << key.str() << std::endl;                
    // The data was not in the cache. If we are cache-only, fail sliently
    if ( policy.isCacheOnly() )
        // If it's cache only and we have an expired but cached image, just return it.
        if (cachedImage.valid())
            return GeoImage( cachedImage.get(), key.getExtent() );            
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // Get an image from the underlying TileSource.
    result = createImageFromTileSource( key, progress );

    // Normalize the image if necessary
    if ( result.valid() )
        ImageUtils::fixInternalFormat( result.getImage() );

    // memory cache first:
    if ( result.valid() && _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin();
        bin->write(cacheKey, result.getImage(), 0L);

    // If we got a result, the cache is valid and we are caching in the map profile,
    // write to the map cache.
    if (result.valid()  &&
        cacheBin        && 
        if ( key.getExtent() != result.getExtent() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "WARNING! mismatched extents." << std::endl;

        cacheBin->write(cacheKey, result.getImage(), 0L);

    if ( result.valid() )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << " result OK" << std::endl;
        OE_DEBUG << LC << key.str() << "result INVALID" << std::endl;        
        // We couldn't get an image from the source.  So see if we have an expired cached image
        if (cachedImage.valid())
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Using cached but expired image for " << key.str() << std::endl;
            result = GeoImage( cachedImage.get(), key.getExtent());

    return result;
ElevationLayer::createHeightField(const TileKey&    key,
                                  ProgressCallback* progress )
    METRIC_SCOPED_EX("ElevationLayer::createHeightField", 2,
                     "key", key.str().c_str(),
                     "name", getName().c_str());

    if (getStatus().isError())
        return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

    // If the layer is disabled, bail out.
    if ( getEnabled() == false )
        return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

    GeoHeightField result;
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf;
    osg::ref_ptr<NormalMap> normalMap;

    // Check the memory cache first
    bool fromMemCache = false;

    // cache key combines the key with the full signature (incl vdatum)
    // the cache key combines the Key and the horizontal profile.
    std::string cacheKey = Cache::makeCacheKey(
        Stringify() << key.str() << "-" << key.getProfile()->getHorizSignature(),
    const CachePolicy& policy = getCacheSettings()->cachePolicy().get();

    if ( _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin();
        ReadResult cacheResult = bin->readObject(cacheKey, 0L);
        if ( cacheResult.succeeded() )
            result = GeoHeightField(

            fromMemCache = true;

    if ( !result.valid() )
        // See if there's a persistent cache.
        CacheBin* cacheBin = getCacheBin( key.getProfile() );

        // Can we continue? Only if either:
        //  a) there is a valid tile source plugin;
        //  b) a tile source is not expected, meaning the subclass overrides getHeightField; or
        //  c) we are in cache-only mode and there is a valid cache bin.
        bool canContinue =
            getTileSource() ||
            !isTileSourceExpected() ||
            (policy.isCacheOnly() && cacheBin != 0L);

        if (!canContinue)
            disable("Error: layer does not have a valid TileSource, cannot create heightfield");
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        // validate the existance of a valid layer profile.
        if ( !policy.isCacheOnly() && !getProfile() )
            disable("Could not establish a valid profile.. did you set one?");
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        // Now attempt to read from the cache. Since the cached data is stored in the
        // map profile, we can try this first.
        bool fromCache = false;

        osg::ref_ptr< osg::HeightField > cachedHF;

        if ( cacheBin && policy.isCacheReadable() )
            ReadResult r = cacheBin->readObject(cacheKey, 0L);
            if ( r.succeeded() )
                bool expired = policy.isExpired(r.lastModifiedTime());
                cachedHF = r.get<osg::HeightField>();
                if ( cachedHF && validateHeightField(cachedHF.get()) )
                    if (!expired)
                        hf = cachedHF;
                        fromCache = true;

        // if we're cache-only, but didn't get data from the cache, fail silently.
        if ( !hf.valid() && policy.isCacheOnly() )
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        if ( !hf.valid() )
            if ( !isKeyInLegalRange(key) )
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            // If no tile source is expected, create a height field by calling
            // the raw inheritable method.
            if (!isTileSourceExpected())
                createImplementation(key, hf, normalMap, progress);
                //hf = createHeightFieldImplementation(key, progress);

                // bad tilesource? fail
                if ( !getTileSource() || !getTileSource()->isOK() )
                    return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

                // build a HF from the TileSource.
                //hf = createHeightFieldImplementation( key, progress );
                createImplementation(key, hf, normalMap, progress);

            // Check for cancelation before writing to a cache
            if (progress && progress->isCanceled())
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            // validate it to make sure it's legal.
            if ( hf.valid() && !validateHeightField(hf.get()) )
                OE_WARN << LC << "Driver " << getTileSource()->getName() << " returned an illegal heightfield" << std::endl;
                hf = 0L; // to fall back on cached data if possible.

            // cache if necessary
            if ( hf            && 
                 cacheBin      && 
                 !fromCache    &&
                 policy.isCacheWriteable() )
                cacheBin->write(cacheKey, hf.get(), 0L);

            // We have an expired heightfield from the cache and no new data from the TileSource.  So just return the cached data.
            if (!hf.valid() && cachedHF.valid())
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Using cached but expired heightfield for " << key.str() << std::endl;
                hf = cachedHF;

            if ( !hf.valid() )
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            // Set up the heightfield params.
            double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
            key.getExtent().getBounds(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
            hf->setOrigin( osg::Vec3d( minx, miny, 0.0 ) );
            double dx = (maxx - minx)/(double)(hf->getNumColumns()-1);
            double dy = (maxy - miny)/(double)(hf->getNumRows()-1);
            hf->setXInterval( dx );
            hf->setYInterval( dy );
            hf->setBorderWidth( 0 );

        if ( hf.valid() )
            result = GeoHeightField( hf.get(), normalMap.get(), key.getExtent() );

    // Check for cancelation before writing to a cache:
    if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
        return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

    // post-processing -- must be done before caching because it may alter the heightfield data
    if ( result.valid() && !fromMemCache && hf.valid() )
        if ( options().noDataPolicy() == NODATA_MSL )
            // requested VDatum:
            const VerticalDatum* outputVDatum = key.getExtent().getSRS()->getVerticalDatum();
            const Geoid* geoid = 0L;

            // if there's an output vdatum, just set all invalid's to zero MSL.
            if ( outputVDatum == 0L )
                // if the output is geodetic (HAE), but the input has a geoid, 
                // use that geoid to populate the invalid data at sea level.
                const VerticalDatum* profileDatum  = getProfile()->getSRS()->getVerticalDatum();
                if ( profileDatum )
                    geoid = profileDatum->getGeoid();

                geoid );

    // write to mem cache if needed:
    if ( result.valid() && !fromMemCache && _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateDefaultBin();
        bin->write(cacheKey, result.getHeightField(), 0L);

    return result;
Example #4
ElevationLayer::createHeightField(const TileKey&    key,
                                  ProgressCallback* progress )
    GeoHeightField result;
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf;

    // If the layer is disabled, bail out.
    if ( getEnabled() == false )
        return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

    // Check the memory cache first
    if ( _memCache.valid() )
        CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateBin( key.getProfile()->getFullSignature() );        
        ReadResult cacheResult = bin->readObject(key.str() );
        if ( cacheResult.succeeded() )
            result = GeoHeightField(

    if ( !result.valid() )
        // See if there's a persistent cache.
        CacheBin* cacheBin = getCacheBin( key.getProfile() );

        // validate that we have either a valid tile source, or we're cache-only.
        if ( ! (getTileSource() || (isCacheOnly() && cacheBin) ) )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error: layer does not have a valid TileSource, cannot create heightfield" << std::endl;
            _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        // validate the existance of a valid layer profile.
        if ( !isCacheOnly() && !getProfile() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish a valid profile" << std::endl;
            _runtimeOptions.enabled() = false;
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        // Now attempt to read from the cache. Since the cached data is stored in the
        // map profile, we can try this first.
        bool fromCache = false;

        osg::ref_ptr< osg::HeightField > cachedHF;

        if ( cacheBin && getCachePolicy().isCacheReadable() )
            ReadResult r = cacheBin->readObject( key.str() );
            if ( r.succeeded() )
                bool expired = getCachePolicy().isExpired(r.lastModifiedTime());
                cachedHF = r.get<osg::HeightField>();
                if ( cachedHF && validateHeightField(cachedHF) )
                    if (!expired)
                        hf = cachedHF;
                        fromCache = true;

        // if we're cache-only, but didn't get data from the cache, fail silently.
        if ( !hf.valid() && isCacheOnly() )
            return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

        if ( !hf.valid() )
            // bad tilesource? fail
            if ( !getTileSource() || !getTileSource()->isOK() )
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            if ( !isKeyInRange(key) )
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            // build a HF from the TileSource.
            hf = createHeightFieldFromTileSource( key, progress );

            // validate it to make sure it's legal.
            if ( hf.valid() && !validateHeightField(hf.get()) )
                OE_WARN << LC << "Driver " << getTileSource()->getName() << " returned an illegal heightfield" << std::endl;
                hf = 0L; // to fall back on cached data if possible.

            // memory cache first:
            if ( hf && _memCache.valid() )
                CacheBin* bin = _memCache->getOrCreateBin( key.getProfile()->getFullSignature() ); 
                bin->write(key.str(), hf.get());

            // cache if necessary
            if ( hf            && 
                 cacheBin      && 
                 !fromCache    &&
                 getCachePolicy().isCacheWriteable() )
                cacheBin->write( key.str(), hf );

            // We have an expired heightfield from the cache and no new data from the TileSource.  So just return the cached data.
            if (!hf.valid() && cachedHF.valid())
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Using cached but expired heightfield for " << key.str() << std::endl;
                hf = cachedHF;

            if ( !hf.valid() )
                return GeoHeightField::INVALID;

            // Set up the heightfield so we don't have to worry about it later
            double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
            key.getExtent().getBounds(minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
            hf->setOrigin( osg::Vec3d( minx, miny, 0.0 ) );
            double dx = (maxx - minx)/(double)(hf->getNumColumns()-1);
            double dy = (maxy - miny)/(double)(hf->getNumRows()-1);
            hf->setXInterval( dx );
            hf->setYInterval( dy );
            hf->setBorderWidth( 0 );

        if ( hf.valid() )
            result = GeoHeightField( hf.get(), key.getExtent() );

    // post-processing:
    if ( result.valid() )
        if ( _runtimeOptions.noDataPolicy() == NODATA_MSL )
            // requested VDatum:
            const VerticalDatum* outputVDatum = key.getExtent().getSRS()->getVerticalDatum();
            const Geoid* geoid = 0L;

            // if there's an output vdatum, just set all invalid's to zero MSL.
            if ( outputVDatum == 0L )
                // if the output is geodetic (HAE), but the input has a geoid, 
                // use that geoid to populate the invalid data at sea level.
                const VerticalDatum* profileDatum  = getProfile()->getSRS()->getVerticalDatum();
                if ( profileDatum )
                    geoid = profileDatum->getGeoid();

                geoid );

    return result;