Example #1
void SimpleReceiverApp::setup()
	mReceiver.setListener( "/mousemove/1",
	[&]( const osc::Message &msg ){
		mCurrentCirclePos.x = msg[0].int32();
		mCurrentCirclePos.y = msg[1].int32();
	mReceiver.setListener( "/mouseclick/1",
	[&]( const osc::Message &msg ){
		mCurrentSquarePos = vec2( msg[0].flt(), msg[1].flt() ) * vec2( getWindowSize() );
	try {
		// Bind the receiver to the endpoint. This function may throw.
	catch( const osc::Exception &ex ) {
		CI_LOG_E( "Error binding: " << ex.what() << " val: " << ex.value() );
	// UDP opens the socket and "listens" accepting any message from any endpoint. The listen
	// function takes an error handler for the underlying socket. Any errors that would
	// call this function are because of problems with the socket or with the remote message.
	[]( asio::error_code error, protocol::endpoint endpoint ) -> bool {
		if( error ) {
			CI_LOG_E( "Error Listening: " << error.message() << " val: " << error.value() << " endpoint: " << endpoint );
			return false;
			return true;
	// Error Function for Accepted Socket Errors. Will be called anytime there's an
	// error reading from a connected socket (a socket that has been accepted below).
	[&]( asio::error_code error, uint64_t identifier ) {
		if ( error ) {
			auto foundIt = mConnections.find( identifier );
			if( foundIt != mConnections.end() ) {
				// EOF or end of file error isn't specifically an error. It's just that the
				// other side closed the connection while you were expecting to still read.
				if( error == asio::error::eof ) {
					CI_LOG_W( "Other side closed the connection: " << error.message() << " val: " << error.value() << " endpoint: " << foundIt->second.address().to_string()
							 << " port: " << foundIt->second.port() );
				else {
					CI_LOG_E( "Error Reading from Socket: " << error.message() << " val: "
						 << error.value() << " endpoint: " << foundIt->second.address().to_string()
						 << " port: " << foundIt->second.port() );
				mConnections.erase( foundIt );
	auto expectedOriginator = protocol::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string( "" ), 10000 );
	// Error Handler for the acceptor. You'll return true if you want to continue accepting
	// or fals otherwise.
	[]( asio::error_code error, protocol::endpoint endpoint ) -> bool {
		if( error ) {
			CI_LOG_E( "Error Accepting: " << error.message() << " val: " << error.value()
					 << " endpoint: " << endpoint.address().to_string() );
			return false;
			return true;
	// Accept Handler. Return whether or not the acceptor should cache this connection
	// (true) or dismiss it (false).
	[&, expectedOriginator]( osc::TcpSocketRef socket, uint64_t identifier ) -> bool {
		// Here we return whether or not the remote endpoint is the expected endpoint
		mConnections.emplace( identifier, socket->remote_endpoint() );
		return socket->remote_endpoint() == expectedOriginator;
	} );