Example #1
void xReferenceFrame::createReferenceFrameTest()
   ReferenceFrame rf1(ReferenceFrame::Unknown);
   ReferenceFrame rf2(ReferenceFrame::WGS84);
   ReferenceFrame rf3(ReferenceFrame::PZ90);
   ReferenceFrame rf4("Junk String That Will Never Match Up");
   ReferenceFrame rf5("WGS84");
   ReferenceFrame rf6("PZ90");

   ReferenceFrame test;
   test = test.createReferenceFrame("PZ90");
      //We want it to assert that test is the same as rf6 and rf3
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test == rf3);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test == rf6);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf1);

      //Made up string
   test = test.createReferenceFrame("ZP84");
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf1);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf2);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf3);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf4);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf5);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test != rf6);

   //Make a new frame of type zp84
   ReferenceFrame test1("ZP84");
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test == test1);
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test1 != rf1);
Example #2
File: body.cpp Project: osv/cose
/*! Get the angular velocity of the body in the universal frame.
Vector3d Body::getAngularVelocity(double tdb) const
    const TimelinePhase* phase = timeline->findPhase(tdb);

    Vector3d v = phase->rotationModel()->angularVelocityAtTime(tdb);

    ReferenceFrame* bodyFrame = phase->bodyFrame();
    v = bodyFrame->getOrientation(tdb).conjugate() * v;
    if (!bodyFrame->isInertial())
        v += bodyFrame->getAngularVelocity(tdb);

    return v;
Example #3
File: body.cpp Project: osv/cose
/*! Get the velocity of the body in the universal frame.
Vector3d Body::getVelocity(double tdb) const
    const TimelinePhase* phase = timeline->findPhase(tdb);

    ReferenceFrame* orbitFrame = phase->orbitFrame();

    Vector3d v = phase->orbit()->velocityAtTime(tdb);
    v = orbitFrame->getOrientation(tdb).conjugate() * v + orbitFrame->getCenter().getVelocity(tdb);

    if (!orbitFrame->isInertial())
        Vector3d r = Selection(const_cast<Body*>(this)).getPosition(tdb).offsetFromKm(orbitFrame->getCenter().getPosition(tdb));
        v += orbitFrame->getAngularVelocity(tdb).cross(r);

    return v;
Example #4
// Action_Center::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Center::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get keywords
  useMass_ = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");
  ReferenceFrame refFrm = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (refFrm.error()) return Action::ERR;
  // Determine center mode.
  if (!refFrm.empty())
    centerMode_ = REF;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("origin"))
    centerMode_ = ORIGIN;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("point")) {
    centerMode_ = POINT;
    refCenter_[0] = actionArgs.getNextDouble(0.0);
    refCenter_[1] = actionArgs.getNextDouble(0.0);
    refCenter_[2] = actionArgs.getNextDouble(0.0);
  } else
    centerMode_ = BOXCTR;

  // Get Masks
  Mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Get reference mask if reference specified.
  AtomMask refMask;
  if (centerMode_ == REF) {
    std::string rMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
    if (rMaskExpr.empty())
      rMaskExpr = Mask_.MaskExpression();
    refMask.SetMaskString( rMaskExpr );
    if (refFrm.Parm().SetupIntegerMask( refMask, refFrm.Coord() ))
      return Action::ERR;
    // Get center of mask in reference
    if (useMass_)
      refCenter_ = refFrm.Coord().VCenterOfMass( refMask );
      refCenter_ = refFrm.Coord().VGeometricCenter( refMask );

  mprintf("    CENTER: Centering coordinates using");
  if (useMass_)
    mprintf(" center of mass");
    mprintf(" geometric center");
  mprintf(" of atoms in mask (%s) to\n", Mask_.MaskString());
  switch (centerMode_) {
    case ORIGIN: mprintf("\tcoordinate origin.\n"); break;
    case BOXCTR: mprintf("\tbox center.\n"); break;
    case REF:
      mprintf("\tcenter of mask (%s) in reference '%s'.\n", refMask.MaskString(),
    case POINT:  mprintf("\tpoint (%g, %g, %g).\n",
                         refCenter_[0], refCenter_[1], refCenter_[2]);
  return Action::OK;
Example #5
// Action_Esander::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Esander::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  SANDER_.SetDebug( debugIn );
  Init_ = init;
  // Get keywords
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  save_forces_ = actionArgs.hasKey("saveforces");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) {
    refFrame_ = REF.Coord();
    currentParm_ = REF.ParmPtr();
  if (SANDER_.SetInput( actionArgs )) return Action::ERR;
  // DataSet name and array
  setname_ = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (setname_.empty())
    setname_ = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("ENE");
  Esets_.resize( (int)Energy_Sander::N_ENERGYTYPES, 0 );

  mprintf("    ESANDER: Calculating energy using Sander.\n");
  mprintf("\tTemporary topology file name is '%s'\n", SANDER_.TopFilename().full());
  if (save_forces_) mprintf("\tSaving force information to frame.\n");
  mprintf("\tReference for initialization");
  if (!REF.empty())
    mprintf(" is '%s'\n", REF.refName());
    mprintf(" will be first frame.\n");
  return Action::OK;
  void RobotConfiguration::isReadyUpdate(){
    _isReady = false;
    ReferenceFrame * baseReferenceFrame = frame(_baseReferenceFrameId);
    if (! baseReferenceFrame)
    // for each sensor, check if you can determine the transformation to the base link
    for (std::map<std::string, BaseSensor*>::iterator it = _sensorMap.begin(); it!=_sensorMap.end(); it++){
      BaseSensor* s = it->second;
      if (! s) 
      ReferenceFrame *  f = s->frame();
      if (! f)
      if (! f->canTransformTo(baseReferenceFrame))
    _isReady = true;
Example #7
// Action_Center::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Center::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
  // Get keywords
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("origin"))
    centerMode_ = ORIGIN;
    centerMode_ = BOXCTR;
  useMass_ = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");
  ReferenceFrame refFrm = DSL->GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (refFrm.error()) return Action::ERR;

  // Get Masks
  Mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  // Get reference mask if reference specified.
  AtomMask refMask;
  if (!refFrm.empty()) {
    std::string rMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
    if (rMaskExpr.empty())
      rMaskExpr = Mask_.MaskExpression();
    refMask.SetMaskString( rMaskExpr );
    if (refFrm.Parm().SetupIntegerMask( refMask, refFrm.Coord() ))
      return Action::ERR;
    // Get center of mask in reference
    if (useMass_)
      refCenter_ = refFrm.Coord().VCenterOfMass( refMask );
      refCenter_ = refFrm.Coord().VGeometricCenter( refMask );
    centerMode_ = POINT; 

  mprintf("    CENTER: Centering coordinates using");
  if (useMass_)
    mprintf(" center of mass");
    mprintf(" geometric center");
  mprintf(" of atoms in mask (%s) to\n", Mask_.MaskString());
  if (centerMode_ == POINT)
    mprintf("\tcenter of mask (%s) in reference '%s'.\n", refMask.MaskString(),
  else if (centerMode_ == ORIGIN)
    mprintf("\tcoordinate origin.\n");
    mprintf("\tbox center.\n");

  return Action::OK;
void MultiFingersObjImpController::GetFKRefFrame(int ind, ReferenceFrame& refFrame)
    if(ind < mFingerDescriptors.size())
        Vector currJntPos = mSensorsGroup.GetJointAngles();
        refFrame.Set(mRobot.GetReferenceFrame(mFingerDescriptors[ind].nEndID, mFingerDescriptors[ind].nStartID));
        //printf("Calculate Foward Kinematics between link %d and %d\n", mFingerDescriptors[ind].nStartID, mFingerDescriptors[ind].nEndID);

    //printf("Getting FK ref frame done.\n");
Example #9
// Action_Unwrap::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Unwrap::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  center_ = actionArgs.hasKey("center");
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("bymol"))
    imageMode_ = Image::BYMOL;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("byres"))
    imageMode_ = Image::BYRES;
  else if (actionArgs.hasKey("byatom")) {
    imageMode_ = Image::BYATOM;
    // Unwrapping to center by atom makes no sense
    if (center_) center_ = false;
  } else
    imageMode_ = Image::BYATOM;
  // Get reference
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) {
    RefFrame_ = REF.Coord();
    // Get reference parm for frame
    RefParm_ = REF.ParmPtr();

  // Get mask string
  maskExpression_ = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();

  mprintf("    UNWRAP: By %s", Image::ModeString(imageMode_));
  if (!maskExpression_.empty())
    mprintf(" using mask '%s'", maskExpression_.c_str());
    mprintf(" using all atoms");
  if (imageMode_ != Image::BYATOM) {
    if (center_)
      mprintf(" based on center of mass.");
      mprintf(" based on first atom position.");
  if ( !REF.empty())
    mprintf("\tReference is %s", REF.refName());
    mprintf("\tReference is first frame.");

  return Action::OK;
Example #10
File: body.cpp Project: osv/cose
/*! Get the position of the body in the universal coordinate system.
 *  This method uses high-precision coordinates and is thus
 *  slower relative to getAstrocentricPosition(), which works strictly
 *  with standard double precision. For most purposes,
 *  getAstrocentricPosition() should be used instead of the more
 *  general getPosition().
UniversalCoord Body::getPosition(double tdb) const
    Vector3d position = Vector3d::Zero();

    const TimelinePhase* phase = timeline->findPhase(tdb);
    Vector3d p = phase->orbit()->positionAtTime(tdb);
    ReferenceFrame* frame = phase->orbitFrame();

    while (frame->getCenter().getType() == Selection::Type_Body)
        phase = frame->getCenter().body()->timeline->findPhase(tdb);
        position += frame->getOrientation(tdb).conjugate() * p;
        p = phase->orbit()->positionAtTime(tdb);
        frame = phase->orbitFrame();

    position += frame->getOrientation(tdb).conjugate() * p;

    if (frame->getCenter().star())
        return frame->getCenter().star()->getPosition(tdb).offsetKm(position);
        return frame->getCenter().getPosition(tdb).offsetKm(position);
Example #11
Action::RetType Action_Unwrap::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, FrameList* FL,
                          DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
  // Get reference
  ReferenceFrame REF = FL->GetFrameFromArgs( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) {
    RefFrame_ = *(REF.Coord());
    // Get reference parm for frame
    RefParm_ = REF.Parm();

  // Get mask string
  mask_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );

  mprintf("    UNWRAP: (%s), reference is ", mask_.MaskString());
  if ( !REF.empty())
    mprintf("%s", REF.FrameName().c_str());
    mprintf("first frame.");

  return Action::OK;
Example #12
int SequenceAlign(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& argIn) {
  std::string blastfile = argIn.GetStringKey("blastfile");
  if (blastfile.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'blastfile' must be specified.\n");
    return 1;
  ReferenceFrame qref = State.DSL()->GetReferenceFrame(argIn);
  if (qref.error() || qref.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Must specify reference structure for query.\n");
    return 1;
  std::string outfilename = argIn.GetStringKey("out");
  if (outfilename.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Must specify output file.\n");
    return 1;
  TrajectoryFile::TrajFormatType fmt = TrajectoryFile::GetFormatFromArg(argIn);
  if (fmt != TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE && fmt != TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE)
    fmt = TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE; // Default to PDB
  int smaskoffset = argIn.getKeyInt("smaskoffset", 0) + 1;
  int qmaskoffset = argIn.getKeyInt("qmaskoffset", 0) + 1;

  // Load blast file
  mprintf("\tReading BLAST alignment from '%s'\n", blastfile.c_str());
  BufferedLine infile;
  if (infile.OpenFileRead( blastfile )) return 1;
  // Seek down to first Query line.
  const char* ptr = infile.Line();
  bool atFirstQuery = false;
  while (ptr != 0) {
    if (*ptr == 'Q') {
      if ( strncmp(ptr, "Query", 5) == 0 ) {
        atFirstQuery = true;
    ptr = infile.Line();
  if (!atFirstQuery) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'Query' not found.\n");
    return 1;

  // Read alignment. Replacing query with subject.
  typedef std::vector<char> Carray;
  typedef std::vector<int> Iarray;
  Carray Query; // Query residues
  Carray Sbjct; // Sbjct residues
  Iarray Smap;  // Smap[Sbjct index] = Query index
  while (ptr != 0) {
    const char* qline = ptr;           // query line
    const char* aline = infile.Line(); // alignment line
    const char* sline = infile.Line(); // subject line
    if (aline == 0 || sline == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Missing alignment line or subject line after Query:\n");
      mprinterr("Error:  %s", qline);
      return 1;
    for (int idx = 12; qline[idx] != ' '; idx++) {
      if (qline[idx] == '-') {
        // Sbjct does not have corresponding res in Query
        Sbjct.push_back( sline[idx] );
      } else if (sline[idx] == '-') {
        // Query does not have a corresponding res in Sbjct
        Query.push_back( qline[idx] );
      } else {
        // Direct Query to Sbjct map
        Smap.push_back( Query.size() );
        Sbjct.push_back( sline[idx] );
        Query.push_back( qline[idx] );
    // Scan to next Query 
    ptr = infile.Line();
    while (ptr != 0) {
      if (*ptr == 'Q') {
        if ( strncmp(ptr, "Query", 5) == 0 ) break;
      ptr = infile.Line();
  // DEBUG
  std::string SmaskExp, QmaskExp;
  if (State.Debug() > 0) mprintf("  Map of Sbjct to Query:\n");
  for (int sres = 0; sres != (int)Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    if (State.Debug() > 0)
      mprintf("%-i %3s %i", sres+smaskoffset, Residue::ConvertResName(Sbjct[sres]),
    const char* qres = "";
    if (Smap[sres] != -1) {
      qres = Residue::ConvertResName(Query[Smap[sres]]);
      if (SmaskExp.empty())
        SmaskExp.assign( integerToString(sres+smaskoffset) );
        SmaskExp.append( "," + integerToString(sres+smaskoffset) );
      if (QmaskExp.empty())
        QmaskExp.assign( integerToString(Smap[sres]+qmaskoffset) );
        QmaskExp.append( "," + integerToString(Smap[sres]+qmaskoffset) );

    if (State.Debug() > 0) mprintf(" %3s\n", qres);
  mprintf("Smask: %s\n", SmaskExp.c_str());
  mprintf("Qmask: %s\n", QmaskExp.c_str());
  // Check that query residues match reference.
  for (unsigned int sres = 0; sres != Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    int qres = Smap[sres];
    if (qres != -1) {
      if (Query[qres] != qref.Parm().Res(qres).SingleCharName()) {
        mprintf("Warning: Potential residue mismatch: Query %s reference %s\n",
                Residue::ConvertResName(Query[qres]), qref.Parm().Res(qres).c_str());
  // Build subject using coordinate from reference.
  //AtomMask sMask; // Contain atoms that should be in sTop
  Topology sTop;
  Frame sFrame;
  Iarray placeHolder; // Atom indices of placeholder residues.
  for (unsigned int sres = 0; sres != Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    int qres = Smap[sres];
    NameType SresName( Residue::ConvertResName(Sbjct[sres]) );
    if (qres != -1) {
      Residue const& QR = qref.Parm().Res(qres);
      Residue SR(SresName, sres+1, ' ', QR.ChainID());
      if (Query[qres] == Sbjct[sres]) { // Exact match. All non-H atoms.
        for (int qat = QR.FirstAtom(); qat != QR.LastAtom(); qat++)
          if (qref.Parm()[qat].Element() != Atom::HYDROGEN)
            sTop.AddTopAtom( qref.Parm()[qat], SR );
            sFrame.AddXYZ( qref.Coord().XYZ(qat) );
      } else { // Partial match. Copy only backbone and CB.
        for (int qat = QR.FirstAtom(); qat != QR.LastAtom(); qat++)
          if ( qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("N" ) ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("CA") ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("CB") ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("C" ) ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("O" ) )
            sTop.AddTopAtom( qref.Parm()[qat], SR );
            sFrame.AddXYZ( qref.Coord().XYZ(qat) );
    } else {
      // Residue in query does not exist for subject. Just put placeholder CA for now.
      Vec3 Zero(0.0);
      placeHolder.push_back( sTop.Natom() );
      sTop.AddTopAtom( Atom("CA", "C "), Residue(SresName, sres+1, ' ', ' ') );
      sFrame.AddXYZ( Zero.Dptr() );
  mprintf("\tPlaceholder residue indices:");
  for (Iarray::const_iterator p = placeHolder.begin(); p != placeHolder.end(); ++p)
    mprintf(" %i", *p + 1);
  // Try to give placeholders more reasonable coordinates.
  if (!placeHolder.empty()) {
    Iarray current_indices;
    unsigned int pidx = 0;
    while (pidx < placeHolder.size()) {
      if (current_indices.empty()) {
        current_indices.push_back( placeHolder[pidx++] );
        // Search for the end of this segment
        for (; pidx != placeHolder.size(); pidx++) {
          if (placeHolder[pidx] - current_indices.back() > 1) break;
          current_indices.push_back( placeHolder[pidx] );
        // DEBUG
        for (Iarray::const_iterator it = current_indices.begin();
                                    it != current_indices.end(); ++it)
          mprintf(" %i", *it + 1);
        // Get coordinates of residues bordering segment.
        int prev_res = sTop[current_indices.front()].ResNum() - 1;
        int next_res = sTop[current_indices.back() ].ResNum() + 1;
        mprintf(" (prev_res=%i, next_res=%i)\n", prev_res+1, next_res+1);
        Vec3 prev_crd(sFrame.XYZ(current_indices.front() - 1));
        Vec3 next_crd(sFrame.XYZ(current_indices.back()  + 1));
        Vec3 crd_step = (next_crd - prev_crd) / (double)(current_indices.size()+1);
        double* xyz = sFrame.xAddress() + (current_indices.front() * 3);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i != current_indices.size(); i++, xyz += 3) {
          prev_crd += crd_step;
          xyz[0] = prev_crd[0];
          xyz[1] = prev_crd[1];
          xyz[2] = prev_crd[2];
  //Topology* sTop = qref.Parm().partialModifyStateByMask( sMask );
  //if (sTop == 0) return 1;
  //Frame sFrame(qref.Coord(), sMask);
  // Write output traj
  Trajout_Single trajout;
  if (trajout.PrepareTrajWrite(outfilename, argIn, &sTop, CoordinateInfo(), 1, fmt)) return 1;
  if (trajout.WriteSingle(0, sFrame)) return 1;
  return 0;
Example #13
/** Called once before traj processing. Set up reference info. */
Action::RetType Action_Rmsd::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Check for keywords
  fit_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("nofit");
  if (fit_)
    rotate_ = !actionArgs.hasKey("norotate");
  useMass_ = actionArgs.hasKey("mass");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  bool saveMatrices = actionArgs.hasKey("savematrices");
  // Reference keywords
  bool previous = actionArgs.hasKey("previous");
  bool first = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  ReferenceFrame refFrm = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  std::string reftrajname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("reftraj");
  if (!reftrajname.empty())
    RefParm_ = init.DSL().GetTopology( actionArgs );
  // Per-res keywords
  perres_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perres");
  if (perres_) {
    perresout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresout") );
    perresinvert_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perresinvert");
    TgtRange_.SetRange( actionArgs.GetStringKey("range") );
    RefRange_.SetRange( actionArgs.GetStringKey("refrange") );
    perresmask_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresmask");
    if (perresmask_.empty()) 
    else {
      // If perresmask does not start with ampersand, insert one.
      if (perresmask_[0] != '&')
        perresmask_ = '&' + perresmask_;
    perrescenter_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perrescenter");
    perresavg_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresavg") );
  // Get the RMS mask string for target
  std::string tMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  // Get the RMS mask string for reference
  std::string rMaskExpr = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (rMaskExpr.empty())
    rMaskExpr = tMaskExpr;
  // Initialize reference
  if (REF_.InitRef(previous, first, useMass_, fit_, reftrajname, refFrm, 
                   RefParm_, rMaskExpr, actionArgs, "rmsd"))
    return Action::ERR;
  // Set RefParm for perres if not empty
  if (perres_ && RefParm_ == 0 && !refFrm.empty())
    RefParm_ = refFrm.ParmPtr();

  // Set up the RMSD data set.
  MetaData md( actionArgs.GetStringNext(), MetaData::M_RMS ); 
  rmsd_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, md, "RMSD");
  if (rmsd_==0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet( rmsd_ );
  // Set up rotation matrix data set if specified
  if (saveMatrices) {
    if (!fit_) {
      mprinterr("Error: Must be fitting in order to save rotation matrices.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    rmatrices_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MAT3X3, md);
    if (rmatrices_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  mprintf("    RMSD: (%s), reference is %s", tgtMask_.MaskString(),
  if (!fit_)
    mprintf(", no fitting");
  else {
    mprintf(", with fitting");
    if (!rotate_)
      mprintf(" (no rotation)");
  if (useMass_)
    mprintf(", mass-weighted");
  if (rmatrices_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tRotation matrices will be saved to set '%s'\n", rmatrices_->legend());
  // Per-residue RMSD info.
  if (perres_) {
    mprintf("          No-fit RMSD will also be calculated for ");
    if (TgtRange_.Empty()) 
      mprintf("each solute residue");
      mprintf("residues %s",TgtRange_.RangeArg());
    if (!RefRange_.Empty())
      mprintf(" (reference residues %s)",RefRange_.RangeArg());
    mprintf(" using mask [:X%s].\n",perresmask_.c_str());
    if (perresout_ != 0)
      mprintf("          Per-residue output file is %s\n",perresout_->DataFilename().base());
    if (perresavg_ != 0)
      mprintf("          Avg per-residue output file is %s\n",perresavg_->DataFilename().base());
    if (perrescenter_)
      mprintf("          perrescenter: Each residue will be centered prior to RMS calc.\n");
    if (perresinvert_)
      mprintf("          perresinvert: Frames will be written in rows instead of columns.\n");
  if (perres_)
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  return Action::OK;
Example #14
static bool CreateTimeline(Body* body,
                           PlanetarySystem* system,
                           Universe& universe,
                           Hash* planetData,
                           const string& path,
                           Disposition disposition,
                           BodyType bodyType)
    FrameTree* parentFrameTree = NULL;
    Selection parentObject = GetParentObject(system);
    bool orbitsPlanet = false;
    if (parentObject.body())
        parentFrameTree = parentObject.body()->getOrCreateFrameTree();
        orbitsPlanet = true;
    else if (parentObject.star())
        SolarSystem* solarSystem = universe.getSolarSystem(parentObject.star());
        if (solarSystem == NULL)
            solarSystem = universe.createSolarSystem(parentObject.star());
        parentFrameTree = solarSystem->getFrameTree();
        // Bad orbit barycenter specified
        return false;

    ReferenceFrame* defaultOrbitFrame = NULL;
    ReferenceFrame* defaultBodyFrame = NULL;
    if (bodyType == SurfaceObject)
        defaultOrbitFrame = new BodyFixedFrame(parentObject, parentObject);
        defaultBodyFrame = CreateTopocentricFrame(parentObject, parentObject, Selection(body));
        defaultOrbitFrame = parentFrameTree->getDefaultReferenceFrame();
        defaultBodyFrame = parentFrameTree->getDefaultReferenceFrame();
    // If there's an explicit timeline definition, parse that. Otherwise, we'll do
    // things the old way.
    Value* value = planetData->getValue("Timeline");
    if (value != NULL)
        if (value->getType() != Value::ArrayType)
            clog << "Error: Timeline must be an array\n";
            return false;

        Timeline* timeline = CreateTimelineFromArray(body, universe, value->getArray(), path,
                                                     defaultOrbitFrame, defaultBodyFrame);
        if (timeline == NULL)
            return false;
            return true;

    // Information required for the object timeline.
    ReferenceFrame* orbitFrame   = NULL;
    ReferenceFrame* bodyFrame    = NULL;
    Orbit* orbit                 = NULL;
    RotationModel* rotationModel = NULL;
    double beginning             = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    double ending                =  numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    // If any new timeline values are specified, we need to overrideOldTimeline will
    // be set to true.
    bool overrideOldTimeline = false;

    // The interaction of Modify with timelines is slightly complicated. If the timeline
    // is specified by putting the OrbitFrame, Orbit, BodyFrame, or RotationModel directly
    // in the object definition (i.e. not inside a Timeline structure), it will completely
    // replace the previous timeline if it contained more than one phase. Otherwise, the
    // properties of the single phase will be modified individually, for compatibility with
    // Celestia versions 1.5.0 and earlier.
    if (disposition == ModifyObject)
        const Timeline* timeline = body->getTimeline();
        if (timeline->phaseCount() == 1)
            const TimelinePhase* phase = timeline->getPhase(0);
            orbitFrame    = phase->orbitFrame();
            bodyFrame     = phase->bodyFrame();
            orbit         = phase->orbit();
            rotationModel = phase->rotationModel();
            beginning     = phase->startTime();
            ending        = phase->endTime();

    // Get the object's orbit reference frame.
    bool newOrbitFrame = false;
    Value* frameValue = planetData->getValue("OrbitFrame");
    if (frameValue != NULL)
        ReferenceFrame* frame = CreateReferenceFrame(universe, frameValue, parentObject, body);
        if (frame != NULL)
            orbitFrame = frame;
            newOrbitFrame = true;
            overrideOldTimeline = true;

    // Get the object's body frame.
    bool newBodyFrame = false;
    Value* bodyFrameValue = planetData->getValue("BodyFrame");
    if (bodyFrameValue != NULL)
        ReferenceFrame* frame = CreateReferenceFrame(universe, bodyFrameValue, parentObject, body);
        if (frame != NULL)
            bodyFrame = frame;
            newBodyFrame = true;
            overrideOldTimeline = true;

    // If no orbit or body frame was specified, use the default ones
    if (orbitFrame == NULL)
        orbitFrame = defaultOrbitFrame;
    if (bodyFrame == NULL)
        bodyFrame = defaultBodyFrame;

    // If the center of the is a star, orbital element units are
    // in AU; otherwise, use kilometers.
    if (orbitFrame->getCenter().star() != NULL)
        orbitsPlanet = false;
        orbitsPlanet = true;

    Orbit* newOrbit = CreateOrbit(orbitFrame->getCenter(), planetData, path, !orbitsPlanet);
    if (newOrbit == NULL && orbit == NULL)
        if (body->getTimeline() && disposition == ModifyObject)
            // The object definition is modifying an existing object with a multiple phase
            // timeline, but no orbit definition was given. This can happen for completely
            // sensible reasons, such a Modify definition that just changes visual properties.
            // Or, the definition may try to change other timeline phase properties such as
            // the orbit frame, but without providing an orbit. In both cases, we'll just
            // leave the original timeline alone.
            return true;
            clog << "No valid orbit specified for object '" << body->getName() << "'. Skipping.\n";
            return false;

    // If a new orbit was given, override any old orbit
    if (newOrbit != NULL)
        orbit = newOrbit;
        overrideOldTimeline = true;

    // Get the rotation model for this body
    double syncRotationPeriod = orbit->getPeriod();
    RotationModel* newRotationModel = CreateRotationModel(planetData, path, syncRotationPeriod);

    // If a new rotation model was given, override the old one
    if (newRotationModel != NULL)
        rotationModel = newRotationModel;
        overrideOldTimeline = true;

    // If there was no rotation model specified, nor a previous rotation model to
    // override, create the default one.
    if (rotationModel == NULL)
        // If no rotation model is provided, use a default rotation model--
        // a uniform rotation that's synchronous with the orbit (appropriate
        // for nearly all natural satellites in the solar system.)
        rotationModel = CreateDefaultRotationModel(syncRotationPeriod);
    if (ParseDate(planetData, "Beginning", beginning))
        overrideOldTimeline = true;
    if (ParseDate(planetData, "Ending", ending))
        overrideOldTimeline = true;

    // Something went wrong if the disposition isn't modify and no timeline
    // is to be created.
    assert(disposition == ModifyObject || overrideOldTimeline);

    if (overrideOldTimeline)
        if (beginning >= ending)
            clog << "Beginning time must be before Ending time.\n";
            return false;

        // We finally have an orbit, rotation model, frames, and time range. Create
        // the object timeline.
        TimelinePhase* phase = TimelinePhase::CreateTimelinePhase(universe,
                                                                  beginning, ending,

        // We've already checked that beginning < ending; nothing else should go
        // wrong during the creation of a TimelinePhase.
        assert(phase != NULL);
        if (phase == NULL)
            clog << "Internal error creating TimelinePhase.\n";
            return false;

        Timeline* timeline = new Timeline();


        // Check for circular references in frames; this can only be done once the timeline
        // has actually been set.
        // TIMELINE-TODO: This check is not comprehensive; it won't find recursion in
        // multiphase timelines.
        if (newOrbitFrame && isFrameCircular(*body->getOrbitFrame(0.0), ReferenceFrame::PositionFrame))
            clog << "Orbit frame for " << body->getName() << " is nested too deep (probably circular)\n";
            return false;

        if (newBodyFrame && isFrameCircular(*body->getBodyFrame(0.0), ReferenceFrame::OrientationFrame))
            clog << "Body frame for " << body->getName() << " is nested too deep (probably circular)\n";
            return false;

    return true;
Example #15
TimelinePhase* CreateTimelinePhase(Body* body,
                                   Universe& universe,
                                   Hash* phaseData,
                                   const string& path,
                                   ReferenceFrame* defaultOrbitFrame,
                                   ReferenceFrame* defaultBodyFrame,
                                   bool isFirstPhase,
                                   bool isLastPhase,
                                   double previousPhaseEnd)
    double beginning = previousPhaseEnd;
    double ending = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

    // Beginning is optional for the first phase of a timeline, and not
    // allowed for the other phases, where beginning is always the ending
    // of the previous phase.
    bool hasBeginning = ParseDate(phaseData, "Beginning", beginning);
    if (!isFirstPhase && hasBeginning)
        clog << "Error: Beginning can only be specified for initial phase of timeline.\n";
        return NULL;

    // Ending is required for all phases except for the final one.
    bool hasEnding = ParseDate(phaseData, "Ending", ending);
    if (!isLastPhase && !hasEnding)
        clog << "Error: Ending is required for all timeline phases other than the final one.\n";
        return NULL;

    // Get the orbit reference frame.
    ReferenceFrame* orbitFrame;
    Value* frameValue = phaseData->getValue("OrbitFrame");
    if (frameValue != NULL)
        orbitFrame = CreateReferenceFrame(universe, frameValue, defaultOrbitFrame->getCenter(), body);
        if (orbitFrame == NULL)
            return NULL;
        // No orbit frame specified; use the default frame.
        orbitFrame = defaultOrbitFrame;

    // Get the body reference frame
    ReferenceFrame* bodyFrame;
    Value* bodyFrameValue = phaseData->getValue("BodyFrame");
    if (bodyFrameValue != NULL)
        bodyFrame = CreateReferenceFrame(universe, bodyFrameValue, defaultBodyFrame->getCenter(), body);
        if (bodyFrame == NULL)
            return NULL;
        // No body frame specified; use the default frame.
        bodyFrame = defaultBodyFrame;

    // Use planet units (AU for semimajor axis) if the center of the orbit 
    // reference frame is a star.
    bool usePlanetUnits = orbitFrame->getCenter().star() != NULL;

    // Get the orbit
    Orbit* orbit = CreateOrbit(orbitFrame->getCenter(), phaseData, path, usePlanetUnits);
    if (!orbit)
        clog << "Error: missing orbit in timeline phase.\n";
        return NULL;

    // Get the rotation model
    // TIMELINE-TODO: default rotation model is UniformRotation with a period
    // equal to the orbital period. Should we do something else?
    RotationModel* rotationModel = CreateRotationModel(phaseData, path, orbit->getPeriod());
    if (!rotationModel)
        // TODO: Should distinguish between a missing rotation model (where it's
        // appropriate to use a default one) and a bad rotation model (where
        // we should report an error.)
        rotationModel = new ConstantOrientation(Quaterniond::Identity());

    TimelinePhase* phase = TimelinePhase::CreateTimelinePhase(universe,
                                                              beginning, ending,

    // Frame ownership transfered to phase; release local references

    return phase;
Example #16
// Action_Pairwise::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Pairwise::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
  // Get Keywords
  DataFile* dataout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  DataFile* vmapout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("vmapout"), actionArgs );
  DataFile* emapout = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("emapout"), actionArgs );
  avgout_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("avgout");
  std::string eout = actionArgs.GetStringKey("eout");
  cut_eelec_ = fabs(actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cuteelec",1.0));
  cut_evdw_ = fabs(actionArgs.getKeyDouble("cutevdw",1.0));
  mol2Prefix_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("cutout");
  std::string pdbout = actionArgs.GetStringKey("pdbout");
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  // Get Masks
  Mask0_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() );
  std::string refmask = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!refmask.empty())
    RefMask_.SetMaskString( Mask0_.MaskString() );

  // Datasets
  std::string ds_name = actionArgs.GetStringNext();
  if (ds_name.empty())
    ds_name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("PW");
  ds_vdw_  = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EVDW"));
  ds_elec_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(ds_name, "EELEC"));
  if (ds_vdw_ == 0 || ds_elec_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  // Add DataSets to data file list
  if (dataout != 0) {
  vdwMat_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(ds_name, "VMAP"));
  eleMat_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(ds_name, "EMAP"));
  if (vdwMat_ == 0 || eleMat_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (vmapout != 0) vmapout->AddDataSet(vdwMat_);
  if (emapout != 0) emapout->AddDataSet(eleMat_);

  // Get reference structure
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  if (!REF.empty()) { 
    // Set up reference mask
    if ( REF.Parm().SetupIntegerMask(RefMask_) ) return Action::ERR;
    if (RefMask_.None()) {
      mprinterr("Error: No atoms selected in reference mask.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    // Set up nonbonded params for reference
    if ( (N_ref_interactions_=SetupNonbondParm( RefMask_, REF.Parm() )) == -1 ) 
      return Action::ERR;
    // Calculate energy for reference
    nb_calcType_ = SET_REF;
    NonbondEnergy(REF.Coord(), REF.Parm(), RefMask_);
    nb_calcType_ = COMPARE_REF;

  // Output for individual atom energy | dEnergy
  if (!eout.empty()) {
    Eout_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(eout, "Atom Energies");
    if (Eout_ == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Could not set up file %s for eout.\n",eout.c_str());
      return Action::ERR;

  // Set up output pdb
  if (!pdbout.empty()) {
    if (PdbOut_.OpenWrite( pdbout )) return Action::ERR;

  // Action Info
  mprintf("    PAIRWISE: Atoms in mask [%s].\n",Mask0_.MaskString());
  if (!eout.empty())
    mprintf("\tEnergy info for each atom will be written to %s\n",eout.c_str());
  if (nb_calcType_ == COMPARE_REF) { 
    mprintf("\tReference %s, mask [%s]\n", REF.refName(), RefMask_.MaskString());
    mprintf("\tReference energy (kcal/mol): EVDW= %12.5e  EELEC= %12.5e\n", ELJ_, Eelec_);
    mprintf("\tSize of reference energy array is %zu elements (%s)\n",
            ByteString(ref_nonbondEnergy_.size() * 2 * sizeof(double), BYTE_DECIMAL).c_str());
  mprintf("\tEelec absolute cutoff (kcal/mol): %.4f\n", cut_eelec_);
  mprintf("\tEvdw absolute cutoff (kcal/mol) : %.4f\n", cut_evdw_);
  if (!mol2Prefix_.empty())
    mprintf("\tAtoms satisfying cutoff will be printed to %s.e<type>.mol2\n",
  if (PdbOut_.IsOpen())
    mprintf("\tPDB with evdw/eelec in occ/b-fac columns will be written to %s\n",
  return Action::OK;
Example #17
/** Called once before traj processing. Set up reference info. */
Action::RetType Action_Rmsd::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, TopologyList* PFL, FrameList* FL,
                          DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL, int debugIn)
  // Check for keywords
  GetRmsKeywords( actionArgs );
  DataFile* outfile = DFL->AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs);
  // Reference keywords
  bool previous = actionArgs.hasKey("previous");
  bool first = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  ReferenceFrame  REF = FL->GetFrameFromArgs( actionArgs );
  std::string reftrajname = actionArgs.GetStringKey("reftraj");
  RefParm_ = PFL->GetParm( actionArgs );
  // Per-res keywords
  perres_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perres");
  if (perres_) {
    perresout_ = DFL->AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresout") );
    perresinvert_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perresinvert");
    ResRange_.SetRange( actionArgs.GetStringKey("range") );
    RefRange_.SetRange( actionArgs.GetStringKey("refrange") );
    perresmask_ = actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresmask");
    if (perresmask_.empty()) 
    else {
      // If perresmask does not start with ampersand, insert one.
      if (perresmask_[0] != '&')
        perresmask_ = '&' + perresmask_;
    perrescenter_ = actionArgs.hasKey("perrescenter");
    perresavg_ = DFL->AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("perresavg") );
  // Get the RMS mask string for target
  std::string mask1 = GetRmsMasks(actionArgs); 
  // Initialize reference
  if (InitRef(previous, first, UseMass(), Fit(), reftrajname, REF, RefParm_, mask1,
              actionArgs, "rmsd"))
    return Action::ERR;
  // Set RefParm for perres if not empty
  if (perres_ && RefParm_ == 0 && !REF.empty())
    RefParm_ = REF.Parm();

  // Set up the RMSD data set. 
  rmsd_ = DSL->AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, actionArgs.GetStringNext(),"RMSD");
  if (rmsd_==0) return Action::ERR;
  rmsd_->SetScalar( DataSet::M_RMS );
  // Add dataset to data file list
  if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddSet( rmsd_ );

  mprintf("    RMSD: (%s), reference is %s",TgtMask().MaskString(),
  // Per-residue RMSD info.
  if (perres_) {
    mprintf("          No-fit RMSD will also be calculated for ");
    if (ResRange_.Empty()) 
      mprintf("each solute residue");
      mprintf("residues %s",ResRange_.RangeArg());
    if (!RefRange_.Empty())
      mprintf(" (reference residues %s)",RefRange_.RangeArg());
    mprintf(" using mask [:X%s].\n",perresmask_.c_str());
    if (perresout_ != 0)
      mprintf("          Per-residue output file is %s\n",perresout_->DataFilename().base());
    if (perresavg_ != 0)
      mprintf("          Avg per-residue output file is %s\n",perresavg_->DataFilename().base());
    if (perrescenter_)
      mprintf("          perrescenter: Each residue will be centered prior to RMS calc.\n");
    if (perresinvert_)
      mprintf("          perresinvert: Frames will be written in rows instead of columns.\n");
  masterDSL_ = DSL;
  return Action::OK;
Example #18
// ReferenceAction::InitRef()
int ReferenceAction::InitRef(bool previousIn, bool firstIn, bool massIn, bool fitIn,
                             std::string const& reftrajname, ReferenceFrame const& REF, 
                             Topology* RefParm, std::string const& refmaskIn, 
                             ArgList& actionArgs, const char* call)
  refmode_ = UNKNOWN_REF;
  previous_ = previousIn;
  if (firstIn || previous_)
    refmode_ = FIRST;
  else {
    if (REF.error()) return 1; 
    if (REF.empty()) {
      if (!reftrajname.empty()) {
        if (RefParm == 0) {
          mprinterr("Error: %s: No parm found for reftraj %s. Make sure parm has been loaded.\n",
                    call, reftrajname.c_str());
          return 1;
        refmode_ = REFTRAJ;
      } else {
        // No reference keywords specified. Default to first.
        mprintf("Warning: %s: No reference structure given. Defaulting to first.\n",call);
        refmode_ = FIRST;
    } else
      refmode_ = REFFRAME;
  // Set the reference mask expression
  // Initialize reference if not 'first'
  if (refmode_ != FIRST) {
    if ( !reftrajname.empty() ) {
      // Reference trajectory
      if (SetRefMask( *RefParm, call )!=0) return 1;
      // Attempt to open reference traj.
      if (refTraj_.SetupTrajRead( reftrajname, actionArgs, RefParm)) {
        mprinterr("Error: %s: Could not set up reftraj %s\n", call, reftrajname.c_str());
        return 1;
      refFrame_.SetupFrameV(RefParm->Atoms(), refTraj_.TrajCoordInfo());
      if (refTraj_.BeginTraj()) {
        mprinterr("Error: %s: Could not open reftraj %s\n", call, reftrajname.c_str());
        return 1;
    } else {
      // Reference Frame
      if (SetRefMask( REF.Parm(), call ) != 0) return 1;
      SetRefStructure( REF.Coord(), fitIn, massIn );
  // Set reference mode string
  if (previous_)
    modeString_ = "previous frame";
  else if (refmode_ == FIRST)
    modeString_ = "first frame";
  else if (refmode_==REFTRAJ)
    modeString_ = "trajectory " + refTraj_.Traj().Filename().Full();
  else // REFFRAME
    modeString_ = "\"" + REF.RefName() + "\"";
  modeString_ += " (" + refMask_.MaskExpression() + ")";

  return 0;
// Action_NativeContacts::Init()
Action::RetType Action_NativeContacts::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)
# ifdef MPI
  trajComm_ = init.TrajComm();
# endif
  masterDSL_ = init.DslPtr();
  debug_ = debugIn;
  // Get Keywords
  image_.InitImaging( !(actionArgs.hasKey("noimage")) );
  double dist = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("distance", 7.0);
  byResidue_ = actionArgs.hasKey("byresidue");
  resoffset_ = actionArgs.getKeyInt("resoffset", 0) + 1;
  if (resoffset_ < 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Residue offset must be >= 0\n");
    return Action::ERR;
  includeSolvent_ = actionArgs.hasKey("includesolvent");
  series_ = actionArgs.hasKey("series");
  saveNonNative_ = actionArgs.hasKey("savenonnative");
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("skipnative"))
    determineNativeContacts_ = false;
  if (!determineNativeContacts_ && !saveNonNative_) {
    mprintf("Warning: 'skipnative' specified; implies 'savenonnative'.\n");
    saveNonNative_ = true;
# ifdef MPI
  if (saveNonNative_) {
    mprinterr("Error: Saving non-native contact data not yet supported for MPI\n");
    return Action::ERR;
# endif
  distance_ = dist * dist; // Square the cutoff
  first_ = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  DataFile* outfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile( actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"), actionArgs );
  Rseries_ = NO_RESSERIES;
  if (series_) {
    seriesout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesout"), actionArgs);
    init.DSL().SetDataSetsPending( true );
    if (saveNonNative_)
      seriesNNout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("seriesnnout"), actionArgs);
    std::string rs_arg = actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseries");
    if (!rs_arg.empty()) {
      if (rs_arg == "present")
        Rseries_ = RES_PRESENT;
      else if (rs_arg == "sum")
        Rseries_ = RES_SUM;
      else {
        mprinterr("Error: '%s' is not a valid 'resseries' keyword.\n", rs_arg.c_str());
        return Action::ERR;
      seriesRout_ = init.DFL().AddDataFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resseriesout"), actionArgs);
  } else {
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"seriesnnout")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseries")) return Action::ERR;
    if (KeywordError(actionArgs,"resseriesout")) return Action::ERR;
  cfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("writecontacts"), "Native Contacts",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  pfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("contactpdb"), "Contact PDB",
  if (saveNonNative_)
    nfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("nncontactpdb"),
                                       "Non-native Contact PDB", DataFileList::PDB);
  rfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(actionArgs.GetStringKey("resout"), "Contact Res Pairs",
                               DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (cfile_ == 0 || rfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  pdbcut_ = (float)actionArgs.getKeyDouble("pdbcut", -1.0);
  usepdbcut_ = (pdbcut_ > -1.0);
  // Get reference for native contacts. Do this even if we wont be
  // determining native contacts in order to set up contact lists.
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (!first_) {
    if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
    if (REF.empty()) {
      mprintf("Warning: No reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.\n");
      first_ = true;
  } else {
    if (!REF.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Must only specify 'first' or a reference structure, not both.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
  // Create data sets
  std::string name = actionArgs.GetStringKey("name");
  if (name.empty())
    name = init.DSL().GenerateDefaultName("Contacts");
  numnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "native"));
  nonnative_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, MetaData(name, "nonnative"));
  if (outfile != 0) {
  if (numnative_ == 0 || nonnative_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("mindist")) {
    mindist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "mindist"));
    if (mindist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(mindist_);
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("maxdist")) {
    maxdist_ = init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::DOUBLE, MetaData(name, "maxdist"));
    if (maxdist_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    if (outfile != 0) outfile->AddDataSet(maxdist_);
  DataFile *natmapfile = 0, *nonmapfile = 0;
  if (actionArgs.hasKey("map")) {
    nativeMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nativemap"));
    if (nativeMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    nonnatMap_ = (DataSet_MatrixDbl*)init.DSL().AddSet(DataSet::MATRIX_DBL, MetaData(name, "nonnatmap"));
    if (nonnatMap_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
    FileName mapFilename;
    mapFilename.SetFileName( actionArgs.GetStringKey("mapout") );
    if (!mapFilename.empty()) {
      natmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("native."));
      if (natmapfile != 0) natmapfile->AddDataSet(nativeMap_);
      nonmapfile = init.DFL().AddDataFile(mapFilename.PrependFileName("nonnative."));
      if (nonmapfile != 0) nonmapfile->AddDataSet(nonnatMap_);
  // Get Masks
  if (Mask1_.SetMaskString( actionArgs.GetMaskNext() )) return Action::ERR;
  std::string mask2 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (!mask2.empty()) {
    if (Mask2_.SetMaskString( mask2 )) return Action::ERR;
  mprintf("    NATIVECONTACTS: Mask1='%s'", Mask1_.MaskString());
  if (Mask2_.MaskStringSet())
    mprintf(" Mask2='%s'", Mask2_.MaskString());
  if (determineNativeContacts_) {
    mprintf(", native contacts set up based on");
    if (first_)
      mprintf(" first frame.\n");
      mprintf("'%s'.\n", REF.refName());
  } else {
    mprintf(", skipping native contacts set up.\n");
  if (byResidue_) {
    mprintf("\tContacts will be ignored for residues spaced < %i apart.\n", resoffset_);
    if (nativeMap_ != 0)
      mprintf("\tMap will be printed by residue.\n");
  if (saveNonNative_)
    mprintf("\tSaving non-native contacts as well (may use a lot of memory).\n");
  mprintf("\tDistance cutoff is %g Angstroms,", sqrt(distance_));
  if (!image_.UseImage())
    mprintf(" imaging is off.\n");
    mprintf(" imaging is on.\n");
  if (includeSolvent_)
    mprintf("\tMask selection will including solvent.\n");
    mprintf("\tMask selection will not include solvent.\n");
  mprintf("\tData set name: %s\n", name.c_str());
  if (maxdist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving maximum observed distances in set '%s'\n", maxdist_->legend());
  if (mindist_ != 0)
    mprintf("\tSaving minimum observed distances in set '%s'\n", mindist_->legend());
  if (outfile != 0)
    mprintf("\tOutput to '%s'\n", outfile->DataFilename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact stats will be written to '%s'\n", cfile_->Filename().full());
  mprintf("\tContact res pairs will be written to '%s'\n", rfile_->Filename().full());
  if (pfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tContact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", pfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nfile_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNon-native contact PDB will be written to '%s'\n", nfile_->Filename().full());
    if (usepdbcut_) mprintf("\tOnly atoms with values > %g will be written to PDB.\n", pdbcut_);
  if (nativeMap_ != 0) {
    mprintf("\tNative contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n"
            "\tNon-native contacts map will be saved as set '%s'\n",
            nativeMap_->legend(), nonnatMap_->legend());
    if (natmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",natmapfile->DataFilename().full());
    if (nonmapfile!=0) mprintf("\tNative map output to '%s'\n",nonmapfile->DataFilename().full());
  if (series_) {
    mprintf("\tSaving native contact time series %s[NC].\n", name.c_str());
    if (seriesout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (saveNonNative_) {
      mprintf("\tSaving non-native contact time series %s[NN]\n", name.c_str());
      if (seriesNNout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting non-native contact time series to %s\n",
    if (Rseries_ != NO_RESSERIES) {
      if (Rseries_ == RES_PRESENT)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect presence of individual contacts.\n");
      else if (Rseries_ == RES_SUM)
        mprintf("\tResidue contact time series will reflect sum of individual contacts.\n");
      if (seriesRout_ != 0) mprintf("\tWriting residue contact time series to %s\n",
  // Set up reference if necessary.
  if (!first_) {
    // Set up imaging info for ref parm
    image_.SetupImaging( REF.CoordsInfo().TrajBox().Type() );
    if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO)
      REF.Coord().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell_, recip_);
    if (DetermineNativeContacts( REF.Parm(), REF.Coord() )) return Action::ERR;
  return Action::OK;
Example #20
// Action_Contacts::Init()
Action::RetType Action_Contacts::Init(ArgList& actionArgs, ActionInit& init, int debugIn)

  byResidue_ = actionArgs.hasKey("byresidue");
  double dist = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("distance", 7.0);
  dt_ = actionArgs.getKeyDouble("time", 1.0);
  // Square the cutoff
  distance_ = dist * dist;
  first_ = actionArgs.hasKey("first");
  // Get reference
  ReferenceFrame REF = init.DSL().GetReferenceFrame( actionArgs );
  if (REF.error()) return Action::ERR;
  std::string outfilename = actionArgs.GetStringKey("out"); 
  outfile_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(outfilename, "Contacts", DataFileList::TEXT, true);
  if (outfile_ == 0) return Action::ERR;
  if (byResidue_) {
    if (outfilename.empty()) {
      mprinterr("Error: Contacts 'byresidue' requires output filename.\n");
      return Action::ERR;
    outfile2_ = init.DFL().AddCpptrajFile(outfilename + ".native", "Contacts by residue");
    if (outfile2_ == 0) return Action::ERR;

  // Get Mask
  std::string mask0 = actionArgs.GetMaskNext();
  if (mask0.empty() && byResidue_)
    Mask_.SetMaskString( mask0 );
  // Initialize reference. If no reference mask is given mask0 will be used.
  // First arg 'nofit' set to true, no fitting with contacts. Allows last arg
  // 'RefTrans' to be null.
  //if (RefInit(true, false, Mask_.MaskString(), actionArgs, FL, PFL, 0)!=0)
  //  return 1;
  if (!first_ && REF.empty()) {
    mprintf("\tNo reference structure specified. Defaulting to first.\n");
    first_ = true;

  if (!first_) {
    // TODO: Convert FrameList to return frame reference?
    // Set up atom mask for reference frame
    if (REF.Parm().SetupIntegerMask(Mask_, REF.Coord())) return Action::ERR;
    // Set up reference contacts 
    SetupContacts(REF.Coord(), REF.Parm());

  // Output file header - only if not byresidue
  if (!byResidue_) {
    outfile_->Printf("#time\tContacts\tnative Contacts ");
    if (!first_)
      outfile_->Printf("(number of natives: %zu)", nativecontacts_.size());

  mprintf("    CONTACTS: [%s] Calculating current contacts and comparing results to",
  if (first_)
    mprintf(" first frame.\n");
    mprintf(" reference structure.\n");
  mprintf("\tDistance cutoff is %g angstroms.\n", dist);
  mprintf("\tWriting results to %s\n", outfile_->Filename().full());
  if (byResidue_)
    mprintf("\tResults are output on a per-residue basis to %s.\n", outfile2_->Filename().full());

  return Action::OK;
Example #21
static bool isFrameCircular(const ReferenceFrame& frame, ReferenceFrame::FrameType frameType)
    return frame.nestingDepth(MaxFrameDepth, frameType) > MaxFrameDepth;