Example #1
RegressionData ClassificationData::reformatAsRegressionData() const{

    //Turns the classification into a regression data to enable regression algorithms like the MLP to be used as a classifier
    //This sets the number of targets in the regression data equal to the number of classes in the classification data
    //The output of each regression training sample will then be all 0's, except for the index matching the classLabel, which will be 1
    //For this to work, the labelled classification data cannot have any samples with a classLabel of 0!
    RegressionData regressionData;

    if( totalNumSamples == 0 ){
        return regressionData;

    const UINT numInputDimensions = numDimensions;
    const UINT numTargetDimensions = getNumClasses();
    regressionData.setInputAndTargetDimensions(numInputDimensions, numTargetDimensions);

    for(UINT i=0; i<totalNumSamples; i++){
        VectorDouble targetVector(numTargetDimensions,0);

        //Set the class index in the target vector to 1 and all other values in the target vector to 0
        UINT classLabel = data[i].getClassLabel();

        if( classLabel > 0 ){
            targetVector[ classLabel-1 ] = 1;
            return regressionData;


    return regressionData;
bool MultidimensionalRegression::train_(RegressionData &trainingData){
    const unsigned int M = trainingData.getNumSamples();
    const unsigned int N = trainingData.getNumInputDimensions();
    const unsigned int K = trainingData.getNumTargetDimensions();
    trained = false;
    if( !getIsRegressionModuleSet() ){
        errorLog << "train_(RegressionData &trainingData) - The regression module has not been set!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if( M == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(RegressionData &trainingData) - Training data has zero samples!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    numInputDimensions = N;
    numOutputDimensions = K;
    //Scale the training and validation data, if needed
	if( useScaling ){
		//Find the ranges for the input data
        inputVectorRanges = trainingData.getInputRanges();
        //Find the ranges for the target data
		targetVectorRanges = trainingData.getTargetRanges();
		//Scale the training data
    //Setup the regression modules
    regressionModules.resize( K, NULL );
    //Any scaling will happpen at the meta level, not the regression module letter, so ensure scaling is turned off for the modules
    regressifier->enableScaling( false );
    for(UINT k=0; k<K; k++){
        regressionModules[k] = regressifier->deepCopy();
        if( regressionModules[k] == NULL ){
            errorLog << "train(LabelledRegressionData &trainingData) - Failed to deep copy module " << k << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Train each regression module
    for(UINT k=0; k<K; k++){
        trainingLog << "Training regression module: " << k << std::endl;
        //We need to create a 1 dimensional training dataset for the k'th target dimension
        RegressionData data;
        data.setInputAndTargetDimensions(N, 1);
        for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
            if( !data.addSample(trainingData[i].getInputVector(), VectorFloat(1,trainingData[i].getTargetVector()[k]) ) ){
                errorLog << "train_(RegressionData &trainingData) - Failed to add sample to dataset for regression module " << k << std::endl;
                return false;
        if( !regressionModules[k]->train( data ) ){
            errorLog << "train_(RegressionData &trainingData) - Failed to train regression module " << k << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Flag that the algorithm has been trained
    trained = true;
    return trained;
Example #3
bool train( CommandLineParser &parser ){

    infoLog << "Training regression model..." << endl;

    string trainDatasetFilename = "";
    string modelFilename = "";
    float learningRate = 0;
    float minChange = 0;
    unsigned int maxEpoch = 0;
    unsigned int batchSize = 0;

    //Get the filename
    if( !parser.get("filename",trainDatasetFilename) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to parse filename from command line! You can set the filename using the -f." << endl;
        return false;
    //Get the parameters from the parser
    parser.get( "learning-rate", learningRate );
    parser.get( "min-change", minChange );
    parser.get( "max-epoch", maxEpoch );
    parser.get( "batch-size", batchSize );

    infoLog << "settings: learning-rate: " << learningRate << " min-change: " << minChange << " max-epoch: " << maxEpoch << " batch-size: " << batchSize << endl;

    //Load the training data to train the model
    RegressionData trainingData;

    //Try and parse the input and target dimensions
    unsigned int numInputDimensions = 0;
    unsigned int numTargetDimensions = 0;
    if( parser.get("num-inputs",numInputDimensions) && parser.get("num-targets",numTargetDimensions) ){
      infoLog << "num input dimensions: " << numInputDimensions << " num target dimensions: " << numTargetDimensions << endl;
      trainingData.setInputAndTargetDimensions( numInputDimensions, numTargetDimensions );

    if( (numInputDimensions == 0 || numTargetDimensions == 0) && Util::stringEndsWith( trainDatasetFilename, ".csv" ) ){
      errorLog << "Failed to parse num input dimensions and num target dimensions from input arguments. You must supply the input and target dimensions if the data format is CSV!" << endl;
      return false; 

    infoLog << "- Loading Training Data..." << endl;
    if( !trainingData.load( trainDatasetFilename ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to load training data!\n";
        return false;

    const unsigned int N = trainingData.getNumInputDimensions();
    const unsigned int T = trainingData.getNumTargetDimensions();
    infoLog << "- Num training samples: " << trainingData.getNumSamples() << endl;
    infoLog << "- Num input dimensions: " << N << endl;
    infoLog << "- Num target dimensions: " << T << endl;

    //Create a new regression instance
    LogisticRegression regression;

    regression.setMaxNumEpochs( maxEpoch );
    regression.setMinChange( minChange );
    regression.setUseValidationSet( true );
    regression.setValidationSetSize( 20 );
    regression.setRandomiseTrainingOrder( true );
    regression.enableScaling( true );

    //Create a new pipeline that will hold the regression algorithm
    GestureRecognitionPipeline pipeline;

    //Add a multidimensional regression instance and set the regression algorithm to Linear Regression
    pipeline.setRegressifier( MultidimensionalRegression( regression, true ) );

    infoLog << "- Training model...\n";

    //Train the classifier
    if( !pipeline.train( trainingData ) ){
        errorLog << "Failed to train model!" << endl;
        return false;

    infoLog << "- Model trained!" << endl;

    infoLog << "- Saving model to: " << modelFilename << endl;

    //Save the pipeline
    if( pipeline.save( modelFilename ) ){
        infoLog << "- Model saved." << endl;
    }else warningLog << "Failed to save model to file: " << modelFilename << endl;

    infoLog << "- TrainingTime: " << pipeline.getTrainingTime() << endl;

    return true;