/** \reimpl
FeatureLabelSetGeometry::render(RenderContext& rc, double /* clock */) const
    const float visibleSizeThreshold = 20.0f; // in pixels

    // No need to draw anything if the labels are turned off with an opacity
    // setting near 0.
    if (ms_globalOpacity <= 0.01f)

    // Render during the opaque pass if opaque or during the translucent pass if not.
    if (rc.pass() == RenderContext::TranslucentPass)
        // Get the position of the camera in the body-fixed frame of the labeled object
        Transform3f inv = Transform3f(rc.modelview().inverse(Affine)); // Assuming an affine modelview matrix
        Vector3f cameraPosition = inv.translation();
        float overallPixelSize = boundingSphereRadius() / (rc.pixelSize() * cameraPosition.norm());

        // Only draw individual labels if the overall projected size of the set exceeds the threshold
        if (overallPixelSize > visibleSizeThreshold)
            // Labels are treated as either completely visible or completely occluded. A label is
            // visible when the labeled point isn't blocked by the occluding ellipsoid.
            AlignedEllipsoid testEllipsoid(m_occludingEllipsoid.semiAxes() * 0.999);
            Vector3f ellipsoidSemiAxes = testEllipsoid.semiAxes().cast<float>();

            Vector3f viewDir = -cameraPosition.normalized();
            double distanceToEllipsoid = 0.0;

            // Instead of computing the ellipsoid intersection (as the line below), just treat the planet as a sphere
            //TestRayEllipsoidIntersection(cameraPosition, viewDir, ellipsoidSemiAxes, &distanceToEllipsoid);
            distanceToEllipsoid = (cameraPosition.norm() - ellipsoidSemiAxes.maxCoeff()) * 0.99f;

            // We don't want labels partially hidden by the planet ellipsoid, so we'll project them onto a
            // plane that lies just in front of the planet ellipsoid and which is parallel to the view plane
            Hyperplane<float, 3> labelPlane(viewDir, cameraPosition + viewDir * float(distanceToEllipsoid));

            for (vector<Feature, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Feature> >::const_iterator iter = m_features.begin(); iter != m_features.end(); ++iter)
                Vector3f r = iter->position - cameraPosition;

                Vector3f labelPosition = labelPlane.projection(iter->position);
                float k = -(labelPlane.normal().dot(cameraPosition) + labelPlane.offset()) / (labelPlane.normal().dot(r));
                labelPosition = cameraPosition + k * r;

                float featureDistance = rc.modelview().translation().norm();
                float pixelSize = iter->size / (rc.pixelSize() * featureDistance);

                float d = r.norm();
                r /= d;
                double t = 0.0;
                TestRayEllipsoidIntersection(cameraPosition, r, ellipsoidSemiAxes, &t);

                if (pixelSize > visibleSizeThreshold && d < t)
                    rc.drawEncodedText(Vector3f::Zero(), iter->label, m_font.ptr(), TextureFont::Utf8, iter->color, ms_globalOpacity);
