void RenderFlowThread::repaintRectangleInRegions(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, bool immediate) const
    if (!shouldRepaint(repaintRect) || !hasValidRegionInfo())

    LayoutStateDisabler layoutStateDisabler(view()); // We can't use layout state to repaint, since the regions are somewhere else.

    // We can't use currentFlowThread as it is possible to have interleaved flow threads and the wrong one could be used.
    // Let each region figure out the proper enclosing flow thread.
    CurrentRenderFlowThreadDisabler disabler(view());
    for (RenderRegionList::const_iterator iter = m_regionList.begin(); iter != m_regionList.end(); ++iter) {
        RenderRegion* region = *iter;

        region->repaintFlowThreadContent(repaintRect, immediate);