TextRun SVGInlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const SVGTextFragment& fragment) const

    RenderText* text = textRenderer();

    TextRun run(text->characters() + fragment.characterOffset
                , fragment.length
                , false /* allowTabs */
                , 0 /* xPos, only relevant with allowTabs=true */
                , 0 /* padding, only relevant for justified text, not relevant for SVG */
                , TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion
                , direction()
                , m_dirOverride || style->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder /* directionalOverride */);

    if (textRunNeedsRenderingContext(style->font()))


    // We handle letter & word spacing ourselves.

    // Propagate the maximum length of the characters buffer to the TextRun, even when we're only processing a substring.
    run.setCharactersLength(text->textLength() - fragment.characterOffset);
    ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
    return run;
Example #2
TextRun SVGInlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const SVGTextFragment& fragment) const

    RenderText* text = textRenderer();

    TextRun run(text->characters() + fragment.positionListOffset
                , fragment.length
                , false /* allowTabs */
                , 0 /* xPos, only relevant with allowTabs=true */
                , 0 /* padding, only relevant for justified text, not relevant for SVG */
                , TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion
                , direction() == RTL
                , m_dirOverride || style->visuallyOrdered() /* directionalOverride */);

    RenderObject* parentRenderer = parent()->renderer();


    // Disable any word/character rounding.

    // We handle letter & word spacing ourselves.
    return run;
static PangoLayout* getPangoLayoutForAtk(AtkText* textObject)
    AccessibilityObject* coreObject = core(textObject);

    HostWindow* hostWindow = coreObject->document()->view()->hostWindow();
    if (!hostWindow)
        return 0;
    PlatformPageClient webView = hostWindow->platformPageClient();
    if (!webView)
        return 0;

    GString* str = g_string_new(NULL);

    AccessibilityRenderObject* accObject = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(coreObject);
    if (!accObject)
        return 0;
    RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(accObject->renderer());
    if (!renderText)
        return 0;

    // Create a string with the layout as it appears on the screen
    InlineTextBox* box = renderText->firstTextBox();
    while (box) {
        gchar *text = convertUniCharToUTF8(renderText->characters(), renderText->textLength(), box->start(), box->end());
        g_string_append(str, text);
        g_string_append(str, "\n");
        box = box->nextTextBox();

    PangoLayout* layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(static_cast<GtkWidget*>(webView), g_string_free(str, FALSE));
    g_object_set_data_full(G_OBJECT(textObject), "webkit-accessible-pango-layout", layout, g_object_unref);
    return layout;
static gchar* textForRenderer(RenderObject* renderer)
    GString* resultText = g_string_new(0);

    if (!renderer)
        return g_string_free(resultText, FALSE);

    // For RenderBlocks, piece together the text from the RenderText objects they contain.
    for (RenderObject* object = renderer->firstChild(); object; object = object->nextSibling()) {
        if (object->isBR()) {
            g_string_append(resultText, "\n");

        RenderText* renderText;
        if (object->isText())
            renderText = toRenderText(object);
        else {
            // List item's markers will be treated in an special way
            // later on this function, so ignore them here.
            if (object->isReplaced() && !renderer->isListItem())
                g_string_append_unichar(resultText, objectReplacementCharacter);

            // We need to check children, if any, to consider when
            // current object is not a text object but some of its
            // children are, in order not to miss those portions of
            // text by not properly handling those situations
            if (object->firstChild())
                g_string_append(resultText, textForRenderer(object));


        InlineTextBox* box = renderText ? renderText->firstTextBox() : 0;
        while (box) {
            // WebCore introduces line breaks in the text that do not reflect
            // the layout you see on the screen, replace them with spaces.
            String text = String(renderText->characters(), renderText->textLength()).replace("\n", " ");
            g_string_append(resultText, text.substring(box->start(), box->end() - box->start() + 1).utf8().data());

            // Newline chars in the source result in separate text boxes, so check
            // before adding a newline in the layout. See bug 25415 comment #78.
            // If the next sibling is a BR, we'll add the newline when we examine that child.
            if (!box->nextOnLineExists() && !(object->nextSibling() && object->nextSibling()->isBR())) {
                // If there was a '\n' in the last position of the
                // current text box, it would have been converted to a
                // space in String::replace(), so remove it first.
                if (renderText->characters()[box->end()] == '\n')
                    g_string_erase(resultText, resultText->len - 1, -1);

                g_string_append(resultText, "\n");
            box = box->nextTextBox();

    // Insert the text of the marker for list item in the right place, if present
    if (renderer->isListItem()) {
        String markerText = toRenderListItem(renderer)->markerTextWithSuffix();
        if (renderer->style()->direction() == LTR)
            g_string_prepend(resultText, markerText.utf8().data());
            g_string_append(resultText, markerText.utf8().data());

    return g_string_free(resultText, FALSE);
Example #5
static int placePositionedBoxesHorizontally(InlineFlowBox* flow, int x, int& leftPosition, int& rightPosition, int& leftAlign, int& rightAlign, bool& needsWordSpacing, int xPos, bool positioned)
    int mn = INT_MAX;
    int mx = INT_MIN;
    int amn = INT_MAX;
    int amx = INT_MIN;
    int startx = x;
    bool seenPositionedElement = false;
    for (InlineBox* curr = flow->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->object()->isText()) {
            mn = min(mn, x);
            amn = min(amn, x);
            InlineTextBox* text = static_cast<InlineTextBox*>(curr);
            RenderText* rt = static_cast<RenderText*>(text->object());
            if (rt->textLength()) {
                if (needsWordSpacing && DeprecatedChar(rt->characters()[text->start()]).isSpace())
                    x += rt->style(flow->isFirstLineStyle())->font().wordSpacing();
                needsWordSpacing = !DeprecatedChar(rt->characters()[text->end()]).isSpace();
            x += text->width();
            mx = max(mx, x);
            amx = max(amx, x);
        } else if (curr->object()->isInlineFlow()) {
            InlineFlowBox* flow = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr);
            if (flow->object()->element()->hasTagName(aTag)) {
                x = placePositionedBoxesHorizontally(flow, x, mn, mx, amn, amx, needsWordSpacing, xPos, false);
            } else {
                SVGTextPositioningElement* text = static_cast<SVGTextPositioningElement*>(flow->object()->element());
                x += (int)(text->dx()->getFirst().value());
                if (text->x()->numberOfItems() > 0)
                    x = (int)(text->x()->getFirst().value() - xPos);
                if (text->x()->numberOfItems() > 0 || text->y()->numberOfItems() > 0 ||
                    text->dx()->numberOfItems() > 0 || text->dy()->numberOfItems() > 0) {
                    seenPositionedElement = true;
                    needsWordSpacing = false;
                    int ignoreX, ignoreY;
                    x = placePositionedBoxesHorizontally(flow, x, mn, mx, ignoreX, ignoreY, needsWordSpacing, xPos, true);
                } else if (seenPositionedElement) {
                    int ignoreX, ignoreY;
                    x = placePositionedBoxesHorizontally(flow, x, mn, mx, ignoreX, ignoreY, needsWordSpacing, xPos, false);
                } else
                    x = placePositionedBoxesHorizontally(flow, x, mn, mx, amn, amx, needsWordSpacing, xPos, false);

    if (mn > mx)
        mn = mx = startx;
    if (amn > amx)
        amn = amx = startx;

    int width = mx - mn;

    int awidth = amx - amn;
    int dx = 0;
    if (positioned) {
        switch (flow->object()->style()->svgStyle()->textAnchor()) {
            case TA_MIDDLE:
                translateBox(flow, dx = -awidth / 2, 0, true);
            case TA_END:
                translateBox(flow, dx = -awidth, 0, true);
            case TA_START:

        if (dx) {
            x += dx;
            mn += dx;
            mx += dx;

    leftPosition = min(leftPosition, mn);
    rightPosition = max(rightPosition, mx);
    leftAlign = min(leftAlign, amn);
    rightAlign = max(rightAlign, amx);

    return x;