void ctkServiceTrackerTestSuite::runTest()
    qDebug() << "started service plugin";
  catch (const ctkPluginException& pexcS)
    QString msg = QString("Test plugin: ") + pexcS.what();

  // 1. Create a ctkServiceTracker with ctkServiceTrackerCustomizer == null

  QString s1("org.commontk.pluginStest.TestPluginSService");
  ctkServiceReference servref = pc->getServiceReference(s1 + "0");

  QVERIFY2(servref != 0, "Test if registered service of id org.commontk.pluginStest.TestPluginSService0");

  connect(this, SIGNAL(serviceControl(int,QString,long)),
          pc->getService(servref), SLOT(controlService(int,QString,long)));

  ctkServiceTracker<>* st1 = new ctkServiceTracker<>(pc, servref);

  // 2. Check the size method with an unopened service tracker

  QVERIFY2(st1->size() == 0, "Test if size == 0");

  // 3. Open the service tracker and see what it finds,
  // expect to find one instance of the implementation,
  // "org.commontk.pluginStest.TestPluginSService0"

  QString expName  = "ctkTestPluginS";
  QList<ctkServiceReference> sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();

  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 1);
  QString name = pc->getService(sa2[0])->metaObject()->className();
  QVERIFY(name == expName);

  // 5. Close this service tracker

  // 6. Check the size method, now when the servicetracker is closed
  QVERIFY(st1->size() == 0);

  // 7. Check if we still track anything , we should get null
  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();

  // 8. A new Servicetracker, this time with a filter for the object
  QString fs = QString("(") + ctkPluginConstants::OBJECTCLASS + "=" + s1 + "*" + ")";
  ctkLDAPSearchFilter f1(fs);
  delete st1;
  st1 = new ctkServiceTracker<>(pc, f1);
  // add a service
  emit serviceControl(1, "register", 7);

  // 9. Open the service tracker and see what it finds,
  // expect to find two instances of references to
  // "org.commontk.pluginStest.TestPluginSService*"
  // i.e. they refer to the same piece of code

  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 2);
  for (int i = 0;  i < sa2.size(); ++i)
    QString name = pc->getService(sa2[i])->metaObject()->className();
    QVERIFY(name == expName);

  // 10. Get pluginS_test to register one more service and see if it appears
  emit serviceControl(2, "register", 1);
  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 3);
  for (int i = 0; i < sa2.size(); ++i)
    QString name = pc->getService(sa2[i])->metaObject()->className();
    QVERIFY(name == expName);

  // 11. Get pluginS_test to register one more service and see if it appears
  emit serviceControl(3, "register", 2);
  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 4);
  for (int i = 0; i < sa2.size(); ++i)
    QString name = pc->getService(sa2[i])->metaObject()->className();
    QVERIFY(name == expName);

  // 12. Get pluginS_test to unregister one service and see if it disappears
  emit serviceControl(3, "unregister", 0);
  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 3);
  for (int i = 0; i < sa2.size(); ++i)
    QString name = pc->getService(sa2[i])->metaObject()->className();
    QVERIFY(name == expName);

  // 13. Get the highest ranking service reference, it should have ranking 7
  ctkServiceReference h1 = st1->getServiceReference();
  long rank = h1.getProperty(ctkPluginConstants::SERVICE_RANKING).toLongLong();
  QVERIFY(rank == 7);

  // 14. Get the service of the highest ranked service reference

  QObject* o1 = st1->getService(h1);
  QVERIFY(o1 != 0);

  // 14a Get the highest ranked service, directly this time
  QObject* o3 = st1->getService();
  QVERIFY(o3 != 0);
  QVERIFY(o1 == o3);

  // 15. Now release the tracking of that service and then try to get it
  //     from the servicetracker, which should yield a null object
  emit serviceControl (1, "unregister", 7);
  QObject* o2 = st1->getService(h1);
  QVERIFY(o2 == 0);

  // 16. Get all service objects this tracker tracks, it should be 2
  QList<QObject*> ts1 = st1->getServices();
  QVERIFY(ts1.size() == 2);

  // 17. Test the remove method.
  //     First register another service, then remove it being tracked
  emit serviceControl(1, "register", 7);
  h1 = st1->getServiceReference();
  QList<ctkServiceReference> sa3 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa3.size() == 3);
  for (int i = 0; i < sa3.size(); ++i)
    QString name = pc->getService(sa3[i])->metaObject()->className();
    QVERIFY(name == expName);

  st1->remove(h1);           // remove tracking on one servref
  sa2 = st1->getServiceReferences();
  QVERIFY(sa2.size() == 2);

  // 18. Test the addingService method,add a service reference

  // 19. Test the removedService method, remove a service reference

  // 20. Test the waitForService method
  QObject* o9 = st1->waitForService(50);
  QVERIFY(o9 != 0);

  // 21. Test the waitForService method across threads
  ctkServiceTrackerTestWorker worker(pc);
  // register "org.commontk.pluginStest.TestPluginSService3"
  emit serviceControl(3, "register", 2);
  // wait until the thread is finished

  delete st1;