Example #1
bool OriginAccessEntry::matchesOrigin(const SecurityOrigin& origin) const
    ASSERT(origin.host() == origin.host().convertToASCIILowercase());
    ASSERT(origin.protocol() == origin.protocol().convertToASCIILowercase());

    if (m_protocol != origin.protocol())
        return false;
    // Special case: Include subdomains and empty host means "all hosts, including ip addresses".
    if (m_subdomainSettings == AllowSubdomains && m_host.isEmpty())
        return true;
    // Exact match.
    if (m_host == origin.host())
        return true;
    // Otherwise we can only match if we're matching subdomains.
    if (m_subdomainSettings == DisallowSubdomains)
        return false;
    // Don't try to do subdomain matching on IP addresses.
    if (m_hostIsIPAddress)
        return false;
    // Match subdomains.
    if (origin.host().length() > m_host.length() && origin.host()[origin.host().length() - m_host.length() - 1] == '.' && origin.host().endsWith(m_host))
        return true;
    return false;
OriginAccessEntry::MatchResult OriginAccessEntry::matchesOrigin(const SecurityOrigin& origin) const
    ASSERT(origin.host() == origin.host().lower());
    ASSERT(origin.protocol() == origin.protocol().lower());

    if (m_protocol != origin.protocol())
        return DoesNotMatchOrigin;

    // Special case: Include subdomains and empty host means "all hosts, including ip addresses".
    if (m_subdomainSettings == AllowSubdomains && m_host.isEmpty())
        return MatchesOrigin;

    // Exact match.
    if (m_host == origin.host())
        return MatchesOrigin;

    // Otherwise we can only match if we're matching subdomains.
    if (m_subdomainSettings == DisallowSubdomains)
        return DoesNotMatchOrigin;

    // Don't try to do subdomain matching on IP addresses (except for testing).
    if (m_hostIsIPAddress && m_ipAddressSettings == TreatIPAddressAsIPAddress)
        return DoesNotMatchOrigin;

    // Match subdomains.
    if (origin.host().length() <= m_host.length() || origin.host()[origin.host().length() - m_host.length() - 1] != '.' || !origin.host().endsWith(m_host))
        return DoesNotMatchOrigin;

    if (m_hostIsPublicSuffix)
        return MatchesOriginButIsPublicSuffix;

    return MatchesOrigin;
OriginAccessEntry::MatchResult OriginAccessEntry::matchesOrigin(const SecurityOrigin& origin) const
    ASSERT(origin.protocol() == origin.protocol().lower());

    if (m_protocol != origin.protocol())
        return DoesNotMatchOrigin;

    return matchesDomain(origin);
Example #4
// source-list       = *WSP [ source *( 1*WSP source ) *WSP ]
//                   / *WSP "'none'" *WSP
void CSPSourceList::parse(const UChar* begin, const UChar* end)
    const UChar* position = begin;

    bool isFirstSourceInList = true;
    while (position < end) {
        skipWhile<isASCIISpace>(position, end);
        const UChar* beginSource = position;
        skipWhile<isSourceCharacter>(position, end);

        if (isFirstSourceInList && equalIgnoringCase("'none'", beginSource, position - beginSource))
            return; // We represent 'none' as an empty m_list.
        isFirstSourceInList = false;

        String scheme, host;
        int port = 0;
        bool hostHasWildcard = false;
        bool portHasWildcard = false;

        if (parseSource(beginSource, position, scheme, host, port, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard)) {
            if (scheme.isEmpty())
                scheme = m_origin->protocol();
            m_list.append(CSPSource(scheme, host, port, hostHasWildcard, portHasWildcard));

        ASSERT(position == end || isASCIISpace(*position));
Example #5
static inline bool areOriginsMatching(const SecurityOrigin& origin1, const SecurityOrigin& origin2)
    if (origin1.isUnique() || origin2.isUnique())
        return origin1.isUnique() == origin2.isUnique();

    if (origin1.protocol() != origin2.protocol())
        return false;

    if (origin1.protocol() == "file")
        return true;

    if (origin1.host() != origin2.host())
        return false;

    return origin1.port() == origin2.port();
Example #6
bool V8Proxy::isEnabled()
    Settings* settings = m_frame->settings();
    if (!settings)
        return false;

    // In the common case, JavaScript is enabled and we're done.
    if (settings->isJavaScriptEnabled())
        return true;

    // If JavaScript has been disabled, we need to look at the frame to tell
    // whether this script came from the web or the embedder. Scripts from the
    // embedder are safe to run, but scripts from the other sources are
    // disallowed.
    Document* document = m_frame->document();
    if (!document)
        return false;

    SecurityOrigin* origin = document->securityOrigin();
    if (origin->protocol().isEmpty())
        return false; // Uninitialized document

    if (origin->protocol() == "http" || origin->protocol() == "https")
        return false; // Web site

    // FIXME: the following are application decisions, and they should
    // not be made at this layer. instead, we should bridge out to the
    // embedder to allow them to override policy here.

    if (origin->protocol() == ChromiumBridge::uiResourceProtocol())
        return true;   // Embedder's scripts are ok to run

    // If the scheme is ftp: or file:, an empty file name indicates a directory
    // listing, which requires JavaScript to function properly.
    const char* kDirProtocols[] = { "ftp", "file" };
    for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDirProtocols); ++i) {
        if (origin->protocol() == kDirProtocols[i]) {
            const KURL& url = document->url();
            return url.pathAfterLastSlash() == url.pathEnd();

    return false; // Other protocols fall through to here
Example #7
SecurityOriginData SecurityOriginData::fromSecurityOrigin(const SecurityOrigin& securityOrigin)
    SecurityOriginData securityOriginData;

    securityOriginData.protocol = securityOrigin.protocol();
    securityOriginData.host = securityOrigin.host();
    securityOriginData.port = securityOrigin.port();

    return securityOriginData;
static void measureStricterVersionOfIsMixedContent(Frame* frame,
                                                   const KURL& url) {
  // We're currently only checking for mixed content in `https://*` contexts.
  // What about other "secure" contexts the SchemeRegistry knows about? We'll
  // use this method to measure the occurance of non-webby mixed content to make
  // sure we're not breaking the world without realizing it.
  SecurityOrigin* origin = frame->securityContext()->getSecurityOrigin();
  if (MixedContentChecker::isMixedContent(origin, url)) {
    if (origin->protocol() != "https") {
  } else if (!SecurityOrigin::isSecure(url) &&
             SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(origin->protocol())) {
Example #9
void CSPSourceList::addSourceSelf()
    m_list.append(CSPSource(m_origin->protocol(), m_origin->host(), m_origin->port(), false, false));
ContentSecurityPolicy::ContentSecurityPolicy(const SecurityOrigin& securityOrigin)
    : m_sandboxFlags(SandboxNone)
    m_selfSourceProtocol = securityOrigin.protocol();
    m_selfSource = std::make_unique<ContentSecurityPolicySource>(*this, m_selfSourceProtocol, securityOrigin.host(), securityOrigin.port(), emptyString(), false, false);
bool V8Proxy::isEnabled()
    Settings* settings = m_frame->settings();
    if (!settings)
        return false;

    // In the common case, JavaScript is enabled and we're done.
    if (settings->isJavaScriptEnabled())
        return true;

    // If JavaScript has been disabled, we need to look at the frame to tell
    // whether this script came from the web or the embedder. Scripts from the
    // embedder are safe to run, but scripts from the other sources are
    // disallowed.
    Document* document = m_frame->document();
    if (!document)
        return false;

    SecurityOrigin* origin = document->securityOrigin();
    if (origin->protocol().isEmpty())
        return false; // Uninitialized document

    if (origin->protocol() == "http" || origin->protocol() == "https")
        return false; // Web site

    // FIXME: the following are application decisions, and they should
    // not be made at this layer. instead, we should bridge out to the
    // embedder to allow them to override policy here.

    // TODO(andreip): ChromeBridge->BrowserBridge?
    if (origin->protocol() == ChromiumBridge::uiResourceProtocol())
        return true;   // Embedder's scripts are ok to run

    // If the scheme is ftp: or file:, an empty file name indicates a directory
    // listing, which requires JavaScript to function properly.
    const char* kDirProtocols[] = { "ftp", "file" };
    // TODO(andreip): Port arraysize function to Android. There's one in Gears.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDirProtocols); ++i) {
        if (origin->protocol() == kDirProtocols[i]) {
            const KURL& url = document->url();
            return url.pathAfterLastSlash() == url.pathEnd();

    return false; // Other protocols fall through to here

void V8Proxy::updateDocumentWrapper(v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper)

    m_document = v8::Persistent<v8::Value>::New(wrapper);
#ifndef NDEBUG
    V8GCController::registerGlobalHandle(PROXY, this, m_document);