int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <sensor>" << endl;
    cout << " sensor: 0=Laser scanner, 1=Kinect" << endl;

  int sensortype = atoi(argv[1]);

  unsigned int subsamplingW = 1;
  unsigned int subsamplingH = 1;
  double factorStart        = 0.8;
  double factorEnd          = 1.0;

  Sensor* sensor;

    // Projection matrix (needs to be determined by calibration)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    double Pdata[12] = {585.05108211, 0.0, 315.83800193, 0.0, 0.0, 585.05108211, 242.94140713, 0., 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
    Matrix P(3, 4, Pdata);
    unsigned int cols = 640;
    unsigned int rows = 480;
    sensor = new SensorProjective3D(cols, rows, Pdata);
    subsamplingW = 64;
    subsamplingH = 48;
    double thetaRes = deg2rad(0.25);
    double thetaMin = deg2rad(-135.0);
    double phiRes   = deg2rad(1.0);
    sensor = new SensorPolar3D(1081, thetaRes, thetaMin, phiRes);
    subsamplingH = 24;
    subsamplingW = 72;

  unsigned int width = sensor->getWidth();
  unsigned int height = sensor->getHeight();

  cout << "Sensor width: " << width << ", height: " << height << endl;

  double** coordsStart;
  double** coordsEnd;
  System<double>::allocate(width*height, 3, coordsStart);
  System<double>::allocate(width*height, 3, coordsEnd);

  Matrix* R = sensor->getNormalizedRayMap(1.0);
  unsigned int size = 0;
  for(unsigned int h=0; h<height; h+=subsamplingH)
    for(unsigned int w=0; w<width; w+=subsamplingW)
      double ray[3];
      unsigned int idx = h*width + w;
      ray[0] = (*R)(0, idx);
      ray[1] = (*R)(1, idx);
      ray[2] = (*R)(2, idx);

      double fStart = factorStart;
      double fEnd   = factorEnd;
        fStart *= 1.0 / ray[2];
        fEnd *= 1.0 / ray[2];

      coordsStart[size][0] = ray[0] * fStart;
      coordsStart[size][1] = ray[1] * fStart;
      coordsStart[size][2] = ray[2] * fStart;
      coordsEnd[size][0] = ray[0] * fEnd;
      coordsEnd[size][1] = ray[1] * fEnd;
      coordsEnd[size][2] = ray[2] * fEnd;

  // Displaying stuff
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  double bg[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
  Obvious3D viewer3D("Visualize ray casting for kinect", 1024, 768, 0, 0, bg);
  viewer3D.addLines(coordsStart, coordsEnd, size);

    double** projectionPlane;
    System<double>::allocate(4, 3, projectionPlane);
    unsigned int idx = 0;
    projectionPlane[0][0] = (*R)(0, idx);    projectionPlane[0][1] = (*R)(1, idx);    projectionPlane[0][2] = (*R)(2, idx);
    idx = (height-subsamplingH) * width;
    projectionPlane[1][0] = (*R)(0, idx);    projectionPlane[1][1] = (*R)(1, idx);    projectionPlane[1][2] = (*R)(2, idx);
    idx = (height-subsamplingH) * width + width-subsamplingW;
    projectionPlane[2][0] = (*R)(0, idx);    projectionPlane[2][1] = (*R)(1, idx);    projectionPlane[2][2] = (*R)(2, idx);
    idx = width-subsamplingW;
    projectionPlane[3][0] = (*R)(0, idx);    projectionPlane[3][1] = (*R)(1, idx);    projectionPlane[3][2] = (*R)(2, idx);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
      projectionPlane[0][i] /= (projectionPlane[0][2]/(factorStart-0.01));
      projectionPlane[1][i] /= (projectionPlane[1][2]/(factorStart-0.01));
      projectionPlane[2][i] /= (projectionPlane[2][2]/(factorStart-0.01));
      projectionPlane[3][i] /= (projectionPlane[3][2]/(factorStart-0.01));

    viewer3D.addPlane(projectionPlane[1], projectionPlane[0], projectionPlane[2]);

    double center[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    viewer3D.addSphere(center, factorStart-0.01);
    //double light[3] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
    //viewer3D.addLight(light, center);



  delete sensor;
