bool SocketDescriptor::BindPort(unsigned port) { SocketAddress address = SocketAddress::MakePort4(port); return bind(Get(), address, address.GetLength()) == 0; }
bool SocketImpl::Connect(const SocketAddress& address, const std::chrono::seconds& timeout /*= std::chrono::seconds(0)*/) { if (INVALID_SOCKET == m_sockfd) Init(AF_INET); if (timeout.count() > 0) SetBlocking(false); bool bResult = false; do { if (SOCKET_ERROR == connect(m_sockfd, address.GetAddress(), address.GetLength())) { if (timeout.count() == 0) break; int err = WSAGetLastError(); if (WSAEINPROGRESS != err && WSAEWOULDBLOCK != err && WSAEISCONN != err) break; if (!Poll(timeout, SELECT_READ | SELECT_WRITE | SELECT_ERROR)) break; if (GetSocketError() != 0) break; } bResult = true; } while (0); if (timeout.count() > 0) SetBlocking(true); return bResult; }
bool SocketDescriptor::Connect(const SocketAddress &address) { assert(address.IsDefined()); return ::connect(Get(), address, address.GetLength()) >= 0; }
bool SocketImpl::Bind(const SocketAddress& address, bool bReuse /*= false*/) { if (INVALID_SOCKET == m_sockfd) Init(AF_INET); if (bReuse) SetReuseAddress(true); return bind(m_sockfd, address.GetAddress(), address.GetLength()) != SOCKET_ERROR; }
ssize_t SocketDescriptor::Write(const void *buffer, size_t length, const SocketAddress &address) { return ::sendto(Get(), (const char *)buffer, length, #ifdef HAVE_POSIX #ifdef __linux__ MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL, #else MSG_DONTWAIT, #endif #else 0, #endif address, address.GetLength()); }
Error UDPSocket::Connect(llvm::StringRef name, bool child_processes_inherit, Socket *&send_socket, Socket *&recv_socket) { std::unique_ptr<UDPSocket> final_send_socket; std::unique_ptr<UDPSocket> final_recv_socket; Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_CONNECTION)); if (log) log->Printf("UDPSocket::%s (host/port = %s)", __FUNCTION__,; Error error; std::string host_str; std::string port_str; int32_t port = INT32_MIN; if (!DecodeHostAndPort(name, host_str, port_str, port, &error)) return error; // Setup the receiving end of the UDP connection on this localhost // on port zero. After we bind to port zero we can read the port. final_recv_socket.reset(new UDPSocket(child_processes_inherit, error)); if (error.Success()) { // Socket was created, now lets bind to the requested port SocketAddress addr; addr.SetToAnyAddress(AF_INET, 0); if (::bind(final_recv_socket->GetNativeSocket(), addr, addr.GetLength()) == -1) { // Bind failed... SetLastError(error); } } assert(error.Fail() == !(final_recv_socket && final_recv_socket->IsValid())); if (error.Fail()) return error; // At this point we have setup the receive port, now we need to // setup the UDP send socket struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *service_info_list = nullptr; ::memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = kDomain; hints.ai_socktype = kType; int err = ::getaddrinfo(host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), &hints, &service_info_list); if (err != 0) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(UNICODE) "getaddrinfo(%s, %s, &hints, &info) returned error %i (%S)", #else "getaddrinfo(%s, %s, &hints, &info) returned error %i (%s)", #endif host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), err, gai_strerror(err)); return error; } for (struct addrinfo *service_info_ptr = service_info_list; service_info_ptr != nullptr; service_info_ptr = service_info_ptr->ai_next) { auto send_fd = CreateSocket( service_info_ptr->ai_family, service_info_ptr->ai_socktype, service_info_ptr->ai_protocol, child_processes_inherit, error); if (error.Success()) { final_send_socket.reset(new UDPSocket(send_fd)); final_send_socket->m_send_sockaddr = service_info_ptr; break; } else continue; } ::freeaddrinfo(service_info_list); if (!final_send_socket) return error; send_socket = final_send_socket.release(); recv_socket = final_recv_socket.release(); error.Clear(); return error; }
ConnectionStatus ConnectionFileDescriptor::ConnectUDP (const char *host_and_port, Error *error_ptr) { LogSP log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_CONNECTION)); if (log) log->Printf ("%p ConnectionFileDescriptor::ConnectUDP (host/port = %s)", this, host_and_port); Disconnect (NULL); m_fd_send_type = m_fd_recv_type = eFDTypeSocketUDP; std::string host_str; std::string port_str; int32_t port = INT32_MIN; if (!DecodeHostAndPort (host_and_port, host_str, port_str, port, error_ptr)) return eConnectionStatusError; // Setup the receiving end of the UDP connection on this localhost // on port zero. After we bind to port zero we can read the port. m_fd_recv = ::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (m_fd_recv == -1) { // Socket creation failed... if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); } else { // Socket was created, now lets bind to the requested port SocketAddress addr; addr.SetToLocalhost (AF_INET, 0); if (::bind (m_fd_recv, addr, addr.GetLength()) == -1) { // Bind failed... if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); Disconnect (NULL); } } if (m_fd_recv == -1) return eConnectionStatusError; // At this point we have setup the recieve port, now we need to // setup the UDP send socket struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *service_info_list = NULL; ::memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; int err = ::getaddrinfo (host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), &hints, &service_info_list); if (err != 0) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("getaddrinfo(%s, %s, &hints, &info) returned error %i (%s)", host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), err, gai_strerror(err)); Disconnect (NULL); return eConnectionStatusError; } for (struct addrinfo *service_info_ptr = service_info_list; service_info_ptr != NULL; service_info_ptr = service_info_ptr->ai_next) { m_fd_send = ::socket (service_info_ptr->ai_family, service_info_ptr->ai_socktype, service_info_ptr->ai_protocol); if (m_fd_send != -1) { m_udp_send_sockaddr = service_info_ptr; break; } else continue; } :: freeaddrinfo (service_info_list); if (m_fd_send == -1) { Disconnect (NULL); return eConnectionStatusError; } if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); m_should_close_fd = true; return eConnectionStatusSuccess; }
ConnectionStatus ConnectionFileDescriptor::SocketListen (uint16_t listen_port_num, Error *error_ptr) { LogSP log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_CONNECTION)); if (log) log->Printf ("%p ConnectionFileDescriptor::SocketListen (port = %i)", this, listen_port_num); Disconnect (NULL); m_fd_send_type = m_fd_recv_type = eFDTypeSocket; int listen_port = ::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (listen_port == -1) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); return eConnectionStatusError; } // enable local address reuse SetSocketOption (listen_port, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); SocketAddress localhost; if (localhost.SetToLocalhost (AF_INET, listen_port_num)) { int err = ::bind (listen_port, localhost, localhost.GetLength()); if (err == -1) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); Close (listen_port, NULL); return eConnectionStatusError; } err = ::listen (listen_port, 1); if (err == -1) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); Close (listen_port, NULL); return eConnectionStatusError; } m_fd_send = m_fd_recv = ::accept (listen_port, NULL, 0); if (m_fd_send == -1) { if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorToErrno(); Close (listen_port, NULL); return eConnectionStatusError; } } // We are done with the listen port Close (listen_port, NULL); m_should_close_fd = true; // Keep our TCP packets coming without any delays. SetSocketOption (m_fd_send, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1); if (error_ptr) error_ptr->Clear(); return eConnectionStatusSuccess; }
int SocketImpl::SendTo(const char* buffer, int length, const SocketAddress& address, int flags /*= 0*/) { assert(INVALID_SOCKET != m_sockfd); return sendto(m_sockfd, buffer, length, flags, address.GetAddress(), address.GetLength()); }
Error Socket::UdpConnect(llvm::StringRef host_and_port, bool child_processes_inherit, Socket *&send_socket, Socket *&recv_socket) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> final_send_socket; std::unique_ptr<Socket> final_recv_socket; NativeSocket final_send_fd = kInvalidSocketValue; NativeSocket final_recv_fd = kInvalidSocketValue; Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_CONNECTION)); if (log) log->Printf ("Socket::UdpConnect (host/port = %s)",; Error error; std::string host_str; std::string port_str; int32_t port = INT32_MIN; if (!DecodeHostAndPort (host_and_port, host_str, port_str, port, &error)) return error; // Setup the receiving end of the UDP connection on this localhost // on port zero. After we bind to port zero we can read the port. final_recv_fd = ::CreateSocket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, child_processes_inherit); if (final_recv_fd == kInvalidSocketValue) { // Socket creation failed... SetLastError (error); } else { final_recv_socket.reset(new Socket(final_recv_fd, ProtocolUdp, true)); // Socket was created, now lets bind to the requested port SocketAddress addr; addr.SetToAnyAddress (AF_INET, 0); if (::bind (final_recv_fd, addr, addr.GetLength()) == -1) { // Bind failed... SetLastError (error); } } assert(error.Fail() == !(final_recv_socket && final_recv_socket->IsValid())); if (error.Fail()) return error; // At this point we have setup the receive port, now we need to // setup the UDP send socket struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *service_info_list = NULL; ::memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; int err = ::getaddrinfo (host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), &hints, &service_info_list); if (err != 0) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("getaddrinfo(%s, %s, &hints, &info) returned error %i (%s)", host_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), err, gai_strerror(err)); return error; } for (struct addrinfo *service_info_ptr = service_info_list; service_info_ptr != NULL; service_info_ptr = service_info_ptr->ai_next) { final_send_fd = ::CreateSocket (service_info_ptr->ai_family, service_info_ptr->ai_socktype, service_info_ptr->ai_protocol, child_processes_inherit); if (final_send_fd != kInvalidSocketValue) { final_send_socket.reset(new Socket(final_send_fd, ProtocolUdp, true)); final_send_socket->m_udp_send_sockaddr = service_info_ptr; break; } else continue; } :: freeaddrinfo (service_info_list); if (final_send_fd == kInvalidSocketValue) { SetLastError (error); return error; } send_socket = final_send_socket.release(); recv_socket = final_recv_socket.release(); error.Clear(); return error; }