MMAContainingElementProjection :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &type, FloatArray &coords, Set &elemSet, TimeStep *tStep, bool iCohesiveZoneGP)
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = dold->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    FloatArray jGpCoords;
    double distance, minDist = 1.e6;
    Element *srcElem;

    if ( ( srcElem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, elemSet) ) ) {
        this->source = NULL;
        for ( GaussPoint *jGp: *srcElem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
            if ( srcElem->computeGlobalCoordinates( jGpCoords, jGp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) {
                distance = coords.distance(jGpCoords);
                if ( distance < minDist ) {
                    minDist = distance;
                    this->source = jGp;

        if ( !source ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("no suitable source found");
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No suitable element found");
Example #2
bool EnrichmentItem :: tipIsTouchingEI(const TipInfo &iTipInfo)
    double tol = 1.0e-9;
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = giveDomain()->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    Element *tipEl = localizer->giveElementContainingPoint(iTipInfo.mGlobalCoord);
    if ( tipEl != NULL ) {
        // Check if the candidate tip is located on the current crack
        FloatArray N;
        FloatArray locCoord;
        tipEl->computeLocalCoordinates(locCoord, iTipInfo.mGlobalCoord);
        FEInterpolation *interp = tipEl->giveInterpolation();
        interp->evalN( N, locCoord, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(tipEl) );

        double normalSignDist;
        evalLevelSetNormal( normalSignDist, iTipInfo.mGlobalCoord, N, tipEl->giveDofManArray() );

        double tangSignDist;
        evalLevelSetTangential( tangSignDist, iTipInfo.mGlobalCoord, N, tipEl->giveDofManArray() );

        if ( fabs(normalSignDist) < tol && tangSignDist > tol ) {
            return true;

    return false;
Example #3
FreeWarping :: computeResultAtCenterOfGravity(TimeStep *tStep)
    int noCS = this->giveDomain(1)->giveNumberOfCrossSectionModels(); //number of warping Crosssections
    Element *closestElement;
    FloatArray lcoords,  closest, lcg;
    SpatialLocalizer *sp = this->giveDomain(1)->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    for ( int j = 1; j <= noCS; ++j ) {
        lcg.at(1) = CG.at(j, 1);
        lcg.at(2) = CG.at(j, 2);
        closestElement = sp->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, lcg, 0);

        StructuralElement *sE = dynamic_cast< StructuralElement * >(closestElement);
        FloatArray u, r, b;
        FloatMatrix N;
        sE->computeNmatrixAt(lcoords, N);
        sE->computeVectorOf(VM_Total, tStep, u);
        r.beProductOf(N, u);

        SolutionAtCG.at(j) = r.at(1);
Example #4
bool PLCrackPrescribedDir :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        return false;

    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();

    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // It is meaningless to propagate a tip that is not inside any element
    if ( tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.giveSize() == 0 ) {
        return false;

    Element *el = localizer->giveElementContainingPoint(tipInfo.mGlobalCoord);
    if ( el == NULL ) {
        return false;

    double angleRad = mAngle * M_PI / 180.0;
    FloatArray dir = {
        cos(angleRad), sin(angleRad)

    oTipProp.mTipIndex = tipInfo.mTipIndex;
    oTipProp.mPropagationDir = dir;
    oTipProp.mPropagationLength = mIncrementLength;

    return true;
Example #5
PrimaryField :: __evaluateAt(FloatArray &answer, FloatArray& coords,
                    ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *atTime,
                    IntArray *dofId)
    Element *bgelem;
    Domain *domain = emodel->giveDomain(domainIndx);
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // locate background element
    if ( ( bgelem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords) ) == NULL ) {
        //_error ("PrimaryField::evaluateAt: point not found in domain\n");
        return 1;

    EIPrimaryFieldInterface *interface = ( EIPrimaryFieldInterface * ) ( bgelem->giveInterface(EIPrimaryFieldInterfaceType) );
    if ( interface ) {
        if (dofId) {
            return interface->EIPrimaryFieldI_evaluateFieldVectorAt(answer, * this, coords, *dofId, mode, atTime);
        } else { // use element default dof id mask
            IntArray elemDofId;
            bgelem->giveElementDofIDMask(this->giveEquationID(), elemDofId);
            return interface->EIPrimaryFieldI_evaluateFieldVectorAt(answer, * this, coords, elemDofId, mode, atTime);
    } else {
        _error("ScalarPrimaryField::operator(): background element does not support EIPrimaryFiledInterface\n");
        return 1; // failed
Example #6
POIExportModule :: exportPrimVarAs(UnknownType valID, FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    FloatArray pv, coords(3), lcoords, closest;
    InternalStateValueType type = ISVT_UNDEFINED;

    if ( valID == DisplacementVector ) {
        type = ISVT_VECTOR;
    } else if ( valID == FluxVector ) {
        type = ISVT_SCALAR;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported UnknownType");

    // print header
    if ( type == ISVT_SCALAR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "SCALARS prim_scalar_%d\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else if ( type == ISVT_VECTOR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "VECTORS vector_%d float\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported variable type");

    SpatialLocalizer *sl = d->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // loop over POIs
    for ( auto &poi: POIList ) {
        coords.at(1) = poi.x;
        coords.at(3) = poi.z;
        //region = poi.region;

        Element *source = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords);
        if ( source ) {
            // ask interface
            EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *interface =
                static_cast< EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * >( source->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );
            if ( interface ) {
                interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(VM_Total, tStep, lcoords, pv);
            } else {
                OOFEM_WARNING("element %d with no EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface support",
                               source->giveNumber() );

            fprintf(stream, "%10d ", poi.id);
            if ( pv.giveSize() ) {
                for ( int j = 1; j <= pv.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    fprintf( stream, " %15e ", pv.at(j) );

            fprintf(stream, "\n");
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("no element containing POI(%e,%e,%e) found",
                        coords.at(1), coords.at(2), coords.at(3) );
Example #7
Delamination :: findInitiationFronts(bool &failureChecked, const IntArray &CSnumbers, std :: vector< IntArray > &CSinterfaceNumbers, std :: vector< IntArray > &CSDofManNumbers, std :: vector< FloatArray > &initiationFactors, TimeStep *tStep)
    // Loop through all cross sections associated with delaminations 
    // Returns 
    // CSinterfaceNumbers: the failed interface number associated with the cross sections. 
    // CSDofManNumbers: the dofmanagers that should be enriched (associated with the cross sections)
    IntArray failedElementInterfaces;  
    IntArray elementNumbers; 
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = this->giveDomain()->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // NB: Assumes that elements can only be included in one cross section. 
    for ( int iCS = 1 ; iCS <= CSnumbers.giveSize() ; iCS++ ) {
        int eltSetNumber = this->giveDomain()->giveCrossSection(CSnumbers.at(iCS))->giveSetNumber();
        //printf("Cross section No. %i, set No. %i \n",CSnumbers.at(iCS),eltSetNumber);
        IntArray elementNumbers = this->giveDomain()->giveSet(eltSetNumber)->giveElementList();
        for ( auto eltNumber : elementNumbers ) {
            Element *elt = this->giveDomain()->giveGlobalElement(eltNumber);
            if ( Shell7BaseXFEM *shellElt = dynamic_cast < Shell7BaseXFEM * > (elt) ) {
                //bool recoverStresses = true;
                shellElt->giveFailedInterfaceNumber(failedElementInterfaces, initiationFactors[iCS-1], tStep, this->recoverStresses);
                for (int eltInt : failedElementInterfaces ) {
                if ( !failedElementInterfaces.isEmpty() ) {
                    for (int iDF : shellElt->giveDofManArray() ) {
                        //printf("element node %d \n",iDF);
                        if ( this->initiationRadius > 0.0 ) {
                            const FloatArray gCoords = this->giveDomain()->giveNode(iDF)->giveNodeCoordinates();
                            std :: list< int > nodeList;
                            for ( int jNode : nodeList ) {
                                //printf("nodeList node %d \n",jNode);
                        } else {
    failureChecked = true;
Example #8
void PrescribedGradientBCWeak :: assembleTangentGPContributionNew(FloatMatrix &oTangent, TracSegArray &iEl, GaussPoint &iGP, const double &iScaleFactor, const FloatArray &iBndCoord)
    int dim = domain->giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions();
    double detJ = 0.5 * iEl.giveLength();

    // Compute traction N-matrix
    // For now, assume piecewise constant approx
    FloatArray Ntrac = FloatArray { 1.0 };
    FloatMatrix NtracMat;
    NtracMat.beNMatrixOf(Ntrac, dim);

    // Compute displacement N-matrix
    // Identify the displacement element
    // we are currently standing in
    // and compute local coordinates on
    // the displacement element
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    FloatArray dispElLocCoord, closestPoint;
    Element *dispEl = localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(dispElLocCoord, closestPoint, iBndCoord );

    // Compute basis functions
    XfemElementInterface *xfemElInt = dynamic_cast< XfemElementInterface * >( dispEl );
    FloatMatrix NdispMat;

    if ( xfemElInt != NULL && domain->hasXfemManager() ) {
        // If the element is an XFEM element, we use the XfemElementInterface to compute the N-matrix
        // of the enriched element.
        xfemElInt->XfemElementInterface_createEnrNmatrixAt(NdispMat, dispElLocCoord, * dispEl, false);
    } else   {
        // Otherwise, use the usual N-matrix.
        const int numNodes = dispEl->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
        FloatArray N(numNodes);

        const int dim = dispEl->giveSpatialDimension();

        NdispMat.resize(dim, dim * numNodes);
        dispEl->giveInterpolation()->evalN( N, dispElLocCoord, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(dispEl) );

        NdispMat.beNMatrixOf(N, dim);

    FloatMatrix contrib;
    contrib.beTProductOf(NtracMat, NdispMat);
    contrib.times( iScaleFactor * detJ * iGP.giveWeight() );

    oTangent = contrib;
Example #9
POIExportModule :: exportPrimVarAs(UnknownType valID, FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    FloatArray pv, coords(3), lcoords, closest;
    InternalStateValueType type = ISVT_UNDEFINED;

    if ( valID == DisplacementVector ) {
        type = ISVT_VECTOR;
    } else if ( valID == FluxVector || valID == Humidity ) {
        type = ISVT_SCALAR;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported UnknownType");

    // print header
    if ( type == ISVT_SCALAR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "SCALARS prim_scalar_%d\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else if ( type == ISVT_VECTOR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "VECTORS vector_%d float\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported variable type");

    SpatialLocalizer *sl = d->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // loop over POIs
    for ( auto &poi: POIList ) {
        coords.at(1) = poi.x;
        coords.at(3) = poi.z;
        //region = poi.region;

        Element *source = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords);
        if ( source ) {
            // ask interface
            source->computeField(VM_Total, tStep, lcoords, pv);

            fprintf(stream, "%10d ", poi.id);
            for ( auto &p : pv ) {
                fprintf( stream, " %15e ", p );

            fprintf(stream, "\n");
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("no element containing POI(%e,%e,%e) found",
                        coords.at(1), coords.at(2), coords.at(3) );
MMAClosestIPTransfer :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &type, FloatArray &coords, Set &elemSet, TimeStep *tStep, bool iCohesiveZoneGP)
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = dold->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    this->source = sl->giveClosestIP(coords, elemSet, iCohesiveZoneGP);

    if ( !source ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("no suitable source found");

    mpMaterialStatus = dynamic_cast<MaterialStatus*>(source->giveMaterialStatus());
    if( mpMaterialStatus == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Could not find material status.");
EIPrimaryUnknownMapper :: evaluateAt(FloatArray &answer, IntArray &dofMask, ValueModeType mode,
                                     Domain *oldd, FloatArray &coords, IntArray &regList, TimeStep *tStep)
    Element *oelem;
    EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *interface;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    FloatArray lcoords, closest;
    if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
        oelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords, 0);
    } else {
        // Take the minimum of any region
        double mindist = 0.0, distance;
        oelem = NULL;
        for ( int i = 1; i < regList.giveSize(); ++i ) {
            Element *tmpelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint( lcoords, closest, coords, regList.at(i) );
            distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
            if ( tmpelem != NULL ) {
                distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
                if ( distance < mindist || i == 1 ) {
                    mindist = distance;
                    oelem = tmpelem;
                    if ( distance == 0.0 ) {
    if ( !oelem ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Couldn't find any element containing point.");
        return false;

    interface = static_cast< EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * >( oelem->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );
    if ( interface ) {
        interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(mode, tStep, lcoords, answer);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Element does not support EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface");

    return true;
Example #12
void PrescribedGradientBCWeak :: computeIntForceGPContrib(FloatArray &oContrib_disp, IntArray &oDisp_loc_array, FloatArray &oContrib_trac, IntArray &oTrac_loc_array,TracSegArray &iEl, GaussPoint &iGP, int iDim, TimeStep *tStep, const FloatArray &iBndCoord, const double &iScaleFac, ValueModeType mode, CharType type, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s)

    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();

	FloatMatrix contrib;
	assembleTangentGPContributionNew(contrib, iEl, iGP, iScaleFac, iBndCoord);

    // Compute vector of traction unknowns
    FloatArray tracUnknowns;
    iEl.mFirstNode->giveUnknownVector(tracUnknowns, giveTracDofIDs(), mode, tStep);

    iEl.giveTractionLocationArray(oTrac_loc_array, type, s);

    FloatArray dispElLocCoord, closestPoint;
    Element *dispEl = localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(dispElLocCoord, closestPoint, iBndCoord );

    // Compute vector of displacement unknowns
    FloatArray dispUnknowns;
    int numDMan = dispEl->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    for(int i = 1; i <= numDMan; i++) {
    	FloatArray nodeUnknowns;
    	DofManager *dMan = dispEl->giveDofManager(i);

    	IntArray dispIDs = giveRegularDispDofIDs();
        if(domain->hasXfemManager()) {
        	XfemManager *xMan = domain->giveXfemManager();

        dMan->giveUnknownVector(nodeUnknowns, dispIDs,mode, tStep);


    dispEl->giveLocationArray(oDisp_loc_array, s);

    oContrib_disp.beTProductOf(contrib, tracUnknowns);

    oContrib_trac.beProductOf(contrib, dispUnknowns);
void PrescribedGradientBCPeriodic :: findSlaveToMasterMap()
    FloatArray coord;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = this->domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    //Set *masterSet = this->domain->giveSet(2);
    const IntArray &nodes = this->domain->giveSet(this->set)->giveNodeList(); // Split into slave set and master set?
    int nsd = jump.giveSize();
    std :: vector< FloatArray > jumps;
    // Construct all the possible jumps;
    jumps.reserve((2 << (nsd-1)) - 1);
    if ( nsd != 3 ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Only 3d implemented yet!");
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{jump.at(1), jump.at(2), 0.});
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{jump.at(1), 0., jump.at(3)});
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{0., jump.at(2), jump.at(3)});
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{jump.at(1), 0., 0.});
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{0., jump.at(2), 0.});
    jumps.emplace_back(FloatArray{0., 0., jump.at(3)});

    for ( int inode : nodes ) {
        Node *masterNode = NULL;
        Node *node = this->domain->giveNode(inode);
        const FloatArray &masterCoord = *node->giveCoordinates();
        //printf("node %d\n", node->giveLabel()); masterCoord.printYourself();
        // The difficult part, what offset to subtract to find the master side;
        for ( FloatArray &testJump : jumps ) {
            coord.beDifferenceOf(masterCoord, testJump);
            masterNode = sl->giveNodeClosestToPoint(coord, fabs(jump.at(1))*1e-5);
            if ( masterNode != NULL ) {
                //printf("Found master (%d) to node %d (distance = %e)\n",  masterNode->giveNumber(), node->giveNumber(),
                //       masterNode->giveCoordinates()->distance(coord));
        if ( masterNode != NULL ) {
            this->slavemap.insert({node->giveNumber(), masterNode->giveNumber()});
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Couldn't find master node!");
Example #14
bool PLnodeRadius :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        printf("EnrichmentFront.propagationIsAllowed is false \n");
        return false;
    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();   // includes the dofman numbers which represent the boundary of the EI. 
    // No listbased tip (or EI) present, so nothing to propagate. 
    if ( tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.giveSize() == 0 ) {
        printf("No dofmans in tip; nothing to propagate. \n");
        return false;  
    // Localise nodes within certain radius from tip nodes
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    for ( int i = 1 ; i <= tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.giveSize() ; i++ ) {
        //DofManager *dofMan  = iDomain.giveDofManager(tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.at(i));
        //const FloatArray gCoords = dofMan->giveCoordinates();
        Node *iNode = iDomain.giveNode(tipInfo.mTipDofManNumbers.at(i));
        const FloatArray gCoords = iNode->giveNodeCoordinates();
        std :: list< int > nodeList;
        for ( int jNode : nodeList ) {
            //printf("nodeList node %d \n",jNode);
    //oTipProp.mPropagationDofManNumbers.printYourself(" The following noded will be propagated to:");
    return true;
Example #15
bool PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentFront &iEnrFront, TipPropagation &oTipProp)
//    printf("Entering PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface().\n");

    if ( !iEnrFront.propagationIsAllowed() ) {
        return false;

    // Fetch crack tip data
    const TipInfo &tipInfo = iEnrFront.giveTipInfo();

    // Check if the tip is located in the domain
    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();
    FloatArray lCoords, closest;
//    printf("tipInfo.mGlobalCoord: \n"); tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.printYourself();
    if( tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.giveSize() == 0 ) {
    	return false;

    localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(lCoords, closest, tipInfo.mGlobalCoord);

    if(closest.distance(tipInfo.mGlobalCoord) > 1.0e-9) {
//        printf("Tip is outside all elements.\n");
        return false;

    FloatArray matForce;
    TimeStep *tStep = iDomain.giveEngngModel()->giveCurrentStep();
    mpMaterialForceEvaluator->computeMaterialForce(matForce, iDomain, tipInfo, tStep, mRadius);

//    printf("matForce: "); matForce.printYourself();

    if(matForce.giveSize() == 0) {
        return false;

    double forceNorm = matForce.computeNorm();
//    printf("forceNorm: %e mCrackPropThreshold: %e\n", forceNorm, mCrackPropThreshold);

    if(forceNorm < mCrackPropThreshold || forceNorm < 1.0e-20) {
        return false;

    printf("forceNorm: %e mCrackPropThreshold: %e\n", forceNorm, mCrackPropThreshold);
    printf("Propagating crack in PLMaterialForce :: propagateInterface.\n");
//    printf("Tip coord: "); tipInfo.mGlobalCoord.printYourself();

    FloatArray dir(matForce);
//    printf("dir: "); dir.printYourself();

    const double cosAngTol = 1.0/sqrt(2.0);
    if(tipInfo.mTangDir.dotProduct(dir) < cosAngTol) {
        // Do not allow sharper turns than 45 degrees

        if( tipInfo.mNormalDir.dotProduct(dir) > 0.0 ) {
            dir = tipInfo.mTangDir;
        else {
//            dir = tipInfo.mNormalDir;
//            dir.times(-1.0);
            dir = tipInfo.mTangDir;

        printf("//////////////////////////////////////////// Resticting crack propagation direction.\n");
//        printf("tipInfo.mTangDir: "); tipInfo.mTangDir.printYourself();
//        printf("dir: "); dir.printYourself();

    // Fill up struct
    oTipProp.mTipIndex = tipInfo.mTipIndex;
    oTipProp.mPropagationDir = dir;
    oTipProp.mPropagationLength = mIncrementLength;

    return true;
MMALeastSquareProjection :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &type, FloatArray &coords, Set &elemSet, TimeStep *tStep, bool iCohesiveZoneGP)
//(Domain* dold, IntArray& varTypes, GaussPoint* gp, TimeStep* tStep)
    GaussPoint *sourceIp;
    Element *sourceElement;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = dold->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    IntegrationRule *iRule;

    IntArray patchList;

    this->patchDomain = dold;
    // find the closest IP on old mesh
    sourceElement = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, elemSet);

    if ( !sourceElement ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("no suitable source element found");

    // determine the type of patch
    Element_Geometry_Type egt = sourceElement->giveGeometryType();
    if ( egt == EGT_line_1 ) {
        this->patchType = MMALSPPatchType_1dq;
    } else if ( ( egt == EGT_triangle_1 ) || ( egt == EGT_quad_1 ) ) {
        this->patchType = MMALSPPatchType_2dq;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported material mode");

    /* Determine the state of closest point.
     * Only IP in the neighbourhood with same state can be used
     * to interpolate the values.
    FloatArray dam;
    int state = 0;
    if ( this->stateFilter ) {
        iRule = sourceElement->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            sourceElement->giveIPValue(dam, gp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
            if ( dam.computeNorm() > 1.e-3 ) {
                state = 1; // damaged

    // from source neighbours the patch will be constructed
    Element *element;
    IntArray neighborList;
    patchList.at(1) = sourceElement->giveNumber();
    int minNumberOfPoints = this->giveNumberOfUnknownPolynomialCoefficients(this->patchType);
    int actualNumberOfPoints = sourceElement->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr()->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();
    int nite = 0;
    int elemFlag;
    // check if number of IP in patchList is sufficient
    // some recursion control would be appropriate
    while ( ( actualNumberOfPoints < minNumberOfPoints ) && ( nite <= 2 ) ) {
        //if not,  construct the neighborhood
        dold->giveConnectivityTable()->giveElementNeighbourList(neighborList, patchList);
        // count number of available points
        actualNumberOfPoints = 0;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= neighborList.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( this->stateFilter ) {
                element = patchDomain->giveElement( neighborList.at(i) );
                // exclude elements in different regions
                if ( !elemSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
                elemFlag = 0;
                for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                    element->giveIPValue(dam, gp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
                    if ( state && ( dam.computeNorm() > 1.e-3 ) ) {
                        elemFlag = 1;
                    } else if ( ( state == 0 ) && ( dam.computeNorm() < 1.e-3 ) ) {
                        elemFlag = 1;

                if ( elemFlag ) {
                    // include this element with corresponding state in neighbor search.
                    patchList.followedBy(neighborList.at(i), 10);
            } else { // if (! yhis->stateFilter)
                element = patchDomain->giveElement( neighborList.at(i) );
                // exclude elements in different regions
                if ( !elemSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                actualNumberOfPoints += element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr()->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();

                patchList.followedBy(neighborList.at(i), 10);
        } // end loop over neighbor list


    if ( nite > 2 ) {
        // not enough points -> take closest point projection
        sourceIp = sl->giveClosestIP(coords, elemSet);
        //fprintf(stderr, "MMALeastSquareProjection: too many neighbor search iterations\n");
        //exit (1);

    // select only the nval closest IP points
    GaussPoint **gpList = ( GaussPoint ** ) malloc(sizeof( GaussPoint * ) * actualNumberOfPoints);
    FloatArray dist(actualNumberOfPoints), srcgpcoords;
    int npoints = 0;
    // check allocation of gpList
    if ( gpList == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_FATAL("memory allocation error");

    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= patchList.giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
        element = patchDomain->giveElement( patchList.at(ielem) );
        iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *srcgp: *iRule ) {
            if ( element->computeGlobalCoordinates( srcgpcoords, * ( srcgp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) ) {
                element->giveIPValue(dam, srcgp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
                if ( this->stateFilter ) {
                    // consider only points with same state
                    if ( ( ( state == 1 ) && ( norm(dam) > 1.e-3 ) ) || ( ( ( state == 0 ) && norm(dam) < 1.e-3 ) ) ) {
                        dist.at(npoints) = coords.distance(srcgpcoords);
                        gpList [ npoints - 1 ] = srcgp;
                } else {
                    // take all points into account
                    dist.at(npoints) = coords.distance(srcgpcoords);
                    gpList [ npoints - 1 ] = srcgp;
            } else {
                OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates failed");

    if ( npoints != actualNumberOfPoints ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("internal error");

    //minNumberOfPoints = min (actualNumberOfPoints, minNumberOfPoints+2);

    // now find the minNumberOfPoints with smallest distance
    // from point of interest
    double swap, minDist;
    int minDistIndx = 0;
    // loop over all points
    for ( int i = 1; i <= minNumberOfPoints; i++ ) {
        minDist = dist.at(i);
        minDistIndx = i;
        // search for point with i-th smallest distance
        for ( j = i + 1; j <= actualNumberOfPoints; j++ ) {
            if ( dist.at(j) < minDist ) {
                minDist = dist.at(j);
                minDistIndx = j;

        // remember this ip
        patchGPList.push_front(gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ]);
        swap = dist.at(i);
        dist.at(i) = dist.at(minDistIndx);
        dist.at(minDistIndx) = swap;
        srcgp = gpList [ i - 1 ];
        gpList [ i - 1 ] = gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ];
        gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ] = srcgp;

    if ( patchGPList.size() != minNumberOfPoints ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("internal error 2");



    // take all neighbors
    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= patchList.giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
        element = patchDomain->giveElement( patchList.at(ielem) );
        iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            patchGPList.push_front( gp );

Example #17
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EnrichmentItem>> NCPrincipalStress::nucleateEnrichmentItems() {

	SpatialLocalizer *octree = this->mpDomain->giveSpatialLocalizer();
	XfemManager *xMan = mpDomain->giveXfemManager();

	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<EnrichmentItem>> eiList;

	// Center coordinates of newly inserted cracks
	std::vector<FloatArray> center_coord_inserted_cracks;

	// Loop over all elements and all bulk GP.
	for(auto &el : mpDomain->giveElements() ) {

		int numIR = el->giveNumberOfIntegrationRules();

		int csNum = el->giveCrossSection()->giveNumber();

		if(csNum == mCrossSectionInd || true) {

			for(int irInd = 0; irInd < numIR; irInd++) {
				IntegrationRule *ir = el->giveIntegrationRule(irInd);

				int numGP = ir->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();

				for(int gpInd = 0; gpInd < numGP; gpInd++) {
					GaussPoint *gp = ir->getIntegrationPoint(gpInd);

	//				int csNum = gp->giveCrossSection()->giveNumber();
	//				printf("csNum: %d\n", csNum);

						StructuralMaterialStatus *ms = dynamic_cast<StructuralMaterialStatus*>(gp->giveMaterialStatus());

						if(ms != NULL) {

							const FloatArray &stress = ms->giveTempStressVector();

							FloatArray principalVals;
							FloatMatrix principalDirs;
							StructuralMaterial::computePrincipalValDir(principalVals, principalDirs, stress, principal_stress);

							if(principalVals[0] > mStressThreshold) {

		//						printf("\nFound GP with stress above threshold.\n");
		//						printf("principalVals: "); principalVals.printYourself();

								FloatArray crackNormal;
								crackNormal.beColumnOf(principalDirs, 1);
		//						printf("crackNormal: "); crackNormal.printYourself();

								FloatArray crackTangent = {-crackNormal(1), crackNormal(0)};
		//						printf("crackTangent: "); crackTangent.printYourself();

								// Create geometry
								FloatArray pc = {gp->giveGlobalCoordinates()(0), gp->giveGlobalCoordinates()(1)};
		//						printf("Global coord: "); pc.printYourself();

								FloatArray ps = pc;
								ps.add(-0.5*mInitialCrackLength, crackTangent);

								FloatArray pe = pc;
								pe.add(0.5*mInitialCrackLength, crackTangent);

								if(mCutOneEl) {
									// If desired, ensure that the crack cuts exactly one element.
									Line line(ps, pe);
									std::vector<FloatArray> intersecPoints;
		//							line.computeIntersectionPoints(el.get(), intersecPoints);

									for ( int i = 1; i <= el->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
//										int n1 = i;
//										int n2 = 0;
//										if ( i < el->giveNumberOfDofManagers() ) {
//											n2 = i + 1;
//										} else {
//											n2 = 1;
//										}

		//						        const FloatArray &p1 = *(el->giveDofManager(n1)->giveCoordinates());
		//						        const FloatArray &p2 = *(el->giveDofManager(n2)->giveCoordinates());


		//							printf("intersecPoints.size(): %lu\n", intersecPoints.size());

									if(intersecPoints.size() == 2) {
										ps = std::move(intersecPoints[0]);
										pe = std::move(intersecPoints[1]);
									else {
										OOFEM_ERROR("intersecPoints.size() != 2")

								FloatArray points = {ps(0), ps(1), pc(0), pc(1), pe(0), pe(1)};

		//						double diffX = 0.5*(ps(0) + pe(0)) - pc(0);
		//						printf("diffX: %e\n", diffX);

		//						double diffY = 0.5*(ps(1) + pe(1)) - pc(1);
		//						printf("diffY: %e\n", diffY);

								// TODO: Check if nucleation is allowed, by checking for already existing cracks close to the GP.
								// Idea: Nucleation is not allowed if we are within an enriched element. In this way, branching is not
								// completely prohibited, but we avoid initiating multiple similar cracks.
								bool insertionAllowed = true;

								Element *el_s = octree->giveElementContainingPoint(ps);
								if(el_s) {
									if( xMan->isElementEnriched(el_s) ) {
										insertionAllowed = false;

								Element *el_c = octree->giveElementContainingPoint(pc);
								if(el_c) {
									if( xMan->isElementEnriched(el_c) ) {
										insertionAllowed = false;

								Element *el_e = octree->giveElementContainingPoint(pe);
								if(el_e) {
									if( xMan->isElementEnriched(el_e) ) {
										insertionAllowed = false;

								for(const auto &x: center_coord_inserted_cracks) {
									if( x.distance(pc) <  2.0*mInitialCrackLength) {
										insertionAllowed = false;
										printf("Preventing insertion.\n");

								if(insertionAllowed) {
									int n = xMan->giveNumberOfEnrichmentItems() + 1;
									std::unique_ptr<Crack> crack = std::make_unique<Crack>(n, xMan, mpDomain);

									// Geometry
									std::unique_ptr<BasicGeometry> geom = std::make_unique<PolygonLine>();

									// Enrichment function
									EnrichmentFunction *ef = new HeavisideFunction(1, mpDomain);

									// Enrichment fronts
//									EnrichmentFront *efStart = new EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncOneEl();
									EnrichmentFront *efStart = new EnrFrontCohesiveBranchFuncOneEl();

//									EnrichmentFront *efEnd = new EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncOneEl();
									EnrichmentFront *efEnd = new EnrFrontCohesiveBranchFuncOneEl();

									// Propagation law

									// Options
			//					    double radius = 0.5*mInitialCrackLength, angleInc = 10.0, incrementLength = 0.5*mInitialCrackLength, hoopStressThreshold = 0.0;
			//					    bool useRadialBasisFunc = true;

			//						PLHoopStressCirc *pl = new PLHoopStressCirc();
			//						pl->setRadius(radius);
			//						pl->setAngleInc(angleInc);
			//						pl->setIncrementLength(incrementLength);
			//						pl->setHoopStressThreshold(hoopStressThreshold);
			//						pl->setUseRadialBasisFunc(useRadialBasisFunc);

			//					    PLDoNothing *pl = new PLDoNothing();

									PLMaterialForce *pl = new PLMaterialForce();
//									pl->setIncrementLength(0.25);
//									pl->setCrackPropThreshold(0.25);



									eiList.push_back( std::unique_ptr<EnrichmentItem>(std::move(crack)) );

//									printf("Nucleating a crack in NCPrincipalStress::nucleateEnrichmentItems.\n");
//									printf("el->giveGlobalNumber(): %d\n", el->giveGlobalNumber() );

									// We only introduce one crack per element in a single time step.

		} // If correct csNum
Example #18
POIExportModule :: exportPrimVarAs(UnknownType valID, FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    int j;
    FloatArray pv, coords(3);
    InternalStateValueType type = ISVT_UNDEFINED;

    if ( valID == DisplacementVector ) {
        type = ISVT_VECTOR;
    } else if ( valID == FluxVector ) {
        type = ISVT_SCALAR;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("POIExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: unsupported UnknownType");

    // print header
    if ( type == ISVT_SCALAR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "SCALARS prim_scalar_%d\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else if ( type == ISVT_VECTOR ) {
        fprintf(stream, "VECTORS vector_%d float\n", ( int ) valID);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "POIExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: unsupported variable type\n");

    SpatialLocalizer *sl = d->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    // loop over POIs
    std::list< POI_dataType > :: iterator PoiIter;
    for ( PoiIter = POIList.begin(); PoiIter != POIList.end(); ++PoiIter ) {
        coords.at(1) = ( * PoiIter ).x;
        coords.at(2) = ( * PoiIter ).y;
        coords.at(3) = ( * PoiIter ).z;
        //region = (*PoiIter).region;

        Element *source = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, NULL);
        if ( source ) {
            // ask interface
            EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *interface =
                ( EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * ) ( source->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );
            if ( interface ) {
                interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAt(VM_Total, tStep, coords, pv);
            } else {
                OOFEM_WARNING2( "POIExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: element %d with no EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface support",
                                source->giveNumber() );

            fprintf(stream, "%10d ", ( * PoiIter ).id);
            if ( pv.giveSize() ) {
                for ( j = 1; j <= pv.giveSize(); j++ ) {
                    fprintf( stream, " %15e ", pv.at(j) );

            fprintf(stream, "\n");
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR4( "POIExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: no element containing POI(%e,%e,%e) found",
                          coords.at(1), coords.at(2), coords.at(3) );
Example #19
void PLHoopStressCirc :: propagateInterfaces(Domain &iDomain, EnrichmentDomain &ioEnrDom)
    // Fetch crack tip data
    TipInfo tipInfoStart, tipInfoEnd;
    ioEnrDom.giveTipInfos(tipInfoStart, tipInfoEnd);
    std :: vector< TipInfo >tipInfo = {tipInfoStart, tipInfoEnd};

    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = iDomain.giveSpatialLocalizer();

    for ( size_t tipIndex = 0; tipIndex < tipInfo.size(); tipIndex++ ) {
        // Construct circle points on an arc from -90 to 90 degrees
        double angle = -90.0 + mAngleInc;
        std :: vector< double >angles;
        while ( angle <= ( 90.0 - mAngleInc ) ) {
            angles.push_back(angle * M_PI / 180.0);
            angle += mAngleInc;

        const FloatArray &xT    = tipInfo [ tipIndex ].mGlobalCoord;
        const FloatArray &t             = tipInfo [ tipIndex ].mTangDir;
        const FloatArray &n             = tipInfo [ tipIndex ].mNormalDir;

        // It is meaningless to propagate a tip that is not inside any element
        Element *el = localizer->giveElementContainingPoint(tipInfo [ tipIndex ].mGlobalCoord);
        if ( el != NULL ) {
            std :: vector< FloatArray >circPoints;

            for ( size_t i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++ ) {
                FloatArray tangent(2);
                tangent.add(cos(angles [ i ]), t);
                tangent.add(sin(angles [ i ]), n);

                FloatArray x(xT);
                x.add(mRadius, tangent);

            std :: vector< double >sigTTArray, sigRTArray;

            // Loop over circle points
            for ( size_t pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < circPoints.size(); pointIndex++ ) {
                FloatArray stressVec;

                if ( mUseRadialBasisFunc ) {
                    // Interpolate stress with radial basis functions

                    // Choose a cut-off length l:
                    // take the distance between two nodes in the element containing the
                    // crack tip multiplied by a constant factor.
                    // ( This choice implies that we hope that the element has reasonable
                    // aspect ratio.)
                    const FloatArray &x1 = * ( el->giveDofManager(1)->giveCoordinates() );
                    const FloatArray &x2 = * ( el->giveDofManager(2)->giveCoordinates() );
                    const double l = 1.0 * x1.distance(x2);

                    // Use the octree to get all elements that have
                    // at least one Gauss point in a certain region around the tip.
                    const double searchRadius = 3.0 * l;
                    std :: set< int >elIndices;
                    localizer->giveAllElementsWithIpWithinBox(elIndices, circPoints [ pointIndex ], searchRadius);

                    // Loop over the elements and Gauss points obtained.
                    // Evaluate the interpolation.
                    FloatArray sumQiWiVi;
                    double sumWiVi = 0.0;
                    for ( int elIndex: elIndices ) {
                        Element *gpEl = iDomain.giveElement(elIndex);
                        IntegrationRule *iRule = gpEl->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();

                        for ( GaussPoint *gp_i: *iRule ) {

                            // Compute global gp coordinates
                            FloatArray N;
                            FEInterpolation *interp = gpEl->giveInterpolation();
                            interp->evalN( N, * ( gp_i->giveCoordinates() ), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(gpEl) );

                            // Compute global coordinates of Gauss point
                            FloatArray globalCoord(2);

                            for ( int i = 1; i <= gpEl->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
                                DofManager *dMan = gpEl->giveDofManager(i);
                                globalCoord.at(1) += N.at(i) * dMan->giveCoordinate(1);
                                globalCoord.at(2) += N.at(i) * dMan->giveCoordinate(2);

                            // Compute weight of kernel function

                            FloatArray tipToGP;
                            tipToGP.beDifferenceOf(globalCoord, xT);
                            bool inFrontOfCrack = true;
                            if ( tipToGP.dotProduct(t) < 0.0 ) {
                                inFrontOfCrack = false;

                            double r = circPoints [ pointIndex ].distance(globalCoord);

                            if ( r < l && inFrontOfCrack ) {
                                double w = ( ( l - r ) / ( pow(2.0 * M_PI, 1.5) * pow(l, 3) ) ) * exp( -0.5 * pow(r, 2) / pow(l, 2) );

                                // Compute gp volume
                                double V = gpEl->computeVolumeAround(gp_i);

                                // Get stress
                                StructuralMaterialStatus *ms = dynamic_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( gp_i->giveMaterialStatus() );
                                if ( ms == NULL ) {
                                    OOFEM_ERROR("failed to fetch MaterialStatus.");

                                FloatArray stressVecGP = ms->giveStressVector();

                                if ( sumQiWiVi.giveSize() != stressVecGP.giveSize() ) {
                                    sumQiWiVi.resize( stressVecGP.giveSize() );

                                // Add to numerator
                                sumQiWiVi.add(w * V, stressVecGP);

                                // Add to denominator
                                sumWiVi += w * V;

                    if ( fabs(sumWiVi) > 1.0e-12 ) {
                        stressVec.beScaled(1.0 / sumWiVi, sumQiWiVi);
                    } else {
                        // Take stress from closest Gauss point
                        int region = 1;
                        bool useCZGP = false;
                        GaussPoint &gp = * ( localizer->giveClosestIP(circPoints [ pointIndex ], region, useCZGP) );

                        // Compute stresses
                        StructuralMaterialStatus *ms = dynamic_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( gp.giveMaterialStatus() );
                        if ( ms == NULL ) {
                            OOFEM_ERROR("failed to fetch MaterialStatus.");

                        stressVec = ms->giveStressVector();
                } else {
                    // Take stress from closest Gauss point
                    int region = 1;
                    bool useCZGP = false;
                    GaussPoint &gp = * ( localizer->giveClosestIP(circPoints [ pointIndex ], region, useCZGP) );

                    // Compute stresses
                    StructuralMaterialStatus *ms = dynamic_cast< StructuralMaterialStatus * >( gp.giveMaterialStatus() );
                    if ( ms == NULL ) {
                        OOFEM_ERROR("failed to fetch MaterialStatus.");

                    stressVec = ms->giveStressVector();

                FloatMatrix stress(2, 2);

                int shearPos = stressVec.giveSize();

                stress.at(1, 1) = stressVec.at(1);
                stress.at(1, 2) = stressVec.at(shearPos);
                stress.at(2, 1) = stressVec.at(shearPos);
                stress.at(2, 2) = stressVec.at(2);

                // Rotation matrix
                FloatMatrix rot(2, 2);
                rot.at(1, 1) =  cos(angles [ pointIndex ]);
                rot.at(1, 2) = -sin(angles [ pointIndex ]);
                rot.at(2, 1) =  sin(angles [ pointIndex ]);
                rot.at(2, 2) =  cos(angles [ pointIndex ]);

                FloatArray tRot, nRot;
                tRot.beProductOf(rot, t);
                nRot.beProductOf(rot, n);

                FloatMatrix rotTot(2, 2);
                rotTot.setColumn(tRot, 1);
                rotTot.setColumn(nRot, 2);

                FloatMatrix tmp, stressRot;

                tmp.beTProductOf(rotTot, stress);
                stressRot.beProductOf(tmp, rotTot);

                const double sigThetaTheta      =               stressRot.at(2, 2);

                const double sigRTheta          =               stressRot.at(1, 2);

            // Compute propagation angle

            // Find angles that fulfill sigRT = 0
            const double stressTol = 1.0e-9;
            double maxSigTT = 0.0, maxAngle = 0.0;
            bool foundZeroLevel = false;
            for ( size_t segIndex = 0; segIndex < ( circPoints.size() - 1 ); segIndex++ ) {
                // If the shear stress sigRT changes sign over the segment
                if ( sigRTArray [ segIndex ] * sigRTArray [ segIndex + 1 ] < stressTol ) {
                    // Compute location of zero level
                    double xi = EnrichmentItem :: calcXiZeroLevel(sigRTArray [ segIndex ], sigRTArray [ segIndex + 1 ]);

                    double theta                    = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - xi ) * angles [ segIndex ]         + 0.5 * ( 1.0 + xi ) * angles [ segIndex + 1 ];
                    double sigThetaTheta    = 0.5 * ( 1.0 - xi ) * sigTTArray [ segIndex ] + 0.5 * ( 1.0 + xi ) * sigTTArray [ segIndex + 1 ];

                    //					printf("Found candidate: theta: %e sigThetaTheta: %e\n", theta, sigThetaTheta);

                    if ( sigThetaTheta > maxSigTT ) {
                        foundZeroLevel = true;
                        maxSigTT = sigThetaTheta;
                        maxAngle = theta;

            if ( !foundZeroLevel ) {
                printf("No zero level was found.\n");

            if ( iDomain.giveXfemManager()->giveVtkDebug() ) {
                XFEMDebugTools :: WriteArrayToMatlab("sigTTvsAngle.m", angles, sigTTArray);
                XFEMDebugTools :: WriteArrayToMatlab("sigRTvsAngle.m", angles, sigRTArray);

                XFEMDebugTools :: WriteArrayToGnuplot("sigTTvsAngle.dat", angles, sigTTArray);
                XFEMDebugTools :: WriteArrayToGnuplot("sigRTvsAngle.dat", angles, sigRTArray);

            // Compare with threshold
            if ( maxSigTT > mHoopStressThreshold && foundZeroLevel ) {
                // Rotation matrix
                FloatMatrix rot(2, 2);
                rot.at(1, 1) =  cos(maxAngle);
                rot.at(1, 2) = -sin(maxAngle);
                rot.at(2, 1) =  sin(maxAngle);
                rot.at(2, 2) =  cos(maxAngle);

                FloatArray dir;
                dir.beProductOf(rot, tipInfo [ tipIndex ].mTangDir);

                // Fill up struct
                std :: vector< TipPropagation >tipPropagations;
                TipPropagation tipProp;
                tipProp.mTipIndex = tipIndex;
                tipProp.mPropagationDir = dir;
                tipProp.mPropagationLength = mIncrementLength;

                // Propagate
Example #20
EIPrimaryUnknownMapper :: evaluateAt(FloatArray &answer, IntArray &dofMask, ValueModeType mode,
                                     Domain *oldd, FloatArray &coords, IntArray &regList, TimeStep *tStep)
    Element *oelem;
    EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface *interface;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    ///@todo Change to the other version after checking that it works properly. Will render "giveElementCloseToPoint" obsolete (superseeded by giveElementClosestToPoint).
#if 1
    if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
        oelem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords);
    } else {
        oelem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, & regList);
    if ( !oelem ) {
        if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
            oelem = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementCloseToPoint(coords);
        } else {
            oelem = oldd->giveSpatialLocalizer()->giveElementCloseToPoint(coords, & regList);
        if ( !oelem ) {
            OOFEM_WARNING("Couldn't find any element containing point.");
            return false;
    FloatArray lcoords, closest;
    if ( regList.isEmpty() ) {
        oelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coords, 0);
    } else {
        // Take the minimum of any region
        double mindist = 0.0, distance;
        oelem = NULL;
        for ( int i = 1; i < regList.giveSize(); ++i ) {
            Element *tmpelem = sl->giveElementClosestToPoint( lcoords, closest, coords, regList.at(i) );
            distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
            if ( tmpelem != NULL ) {
                distance = closest.distance_square(coords);
                if ( distance < mindist || i == 1 ) {
                    mindist = distance;
                    oelem = tmpelem;
                    if ( distance == 0.0 ) {
    if ( !oelem ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("Couldn't find any element containing point.");
        return false;

    interface = static_cast< EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface * >( oelem->giveInterface(EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterfaceType) );
    if ( interface ) {
#if 1
        FloatArray lcoords;
        if ( oelem->computeLocalCoordinates(lcoords, coords) ) {
            interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(mode, tStep, lcoords, answer);
        } else {
        interface->EIPrimaryUnknownMI_computePrimaryUnknownVectorAtLocal(mode, tStep, lcoords, answer);
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Element does not support EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface");

    return true;
Example #21
void HangingNode :: postInitialize()
    Node :: postInitialize();

    Element *e;
    FEInterpolation *fei;
    FloatArray lcoords, masterContribution;

#ifdef __OOFEG
    if ( initialized ) {
    initialized = true;

    // First check element and interpolation
    if ( masterElement == -1 ) { // Then we find it by taking the closest (probably containing element)
        FloatArray closest;
        SpatialLocalizer *sp = this->domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();
        // Closest point or containing point? It should be contained, but with numerical errors it might be slightly outside
        // so the closest point is more robust.
        if ( !( e = sp->giveElementClosestToPoint(lcoords, closest, coordinates, this->masterRegion) ) ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Couldn't find closest element (automatically).");
        this->masterElement = e->giveNumber();
    } else if ( !( e = this->giveDomain()->giveElement(this->masterElement) ) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Requested element %d doesn't exist.", this->masterElement);
    if ( !( fei = e->giveInterpolation() ) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("Requested element %d doesn't have a interpolator.", this->masterElement);

    if ( lcoords.giveSize() == 0 ) { // we don't need to do this again if the spatial localizer was used.
        fei->global2local( lcoords, coordinates, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );

    // Initialize slave dofs (inside check of consistency of receiver and master dof)
    const IntArray &masterNodes = e->giveDofManArray();
    for ( Dof *dof: *this ) {
        SlaveDof *sdof = dynamic_cast< SlaveDof * >(dof);
        if ( sdof ) {
            DofIDItem id = sdof->giveDofID();
            fei = e->giveInterpolation(id);
            if ( !fei ) {
                OOFEM_ERROR("Requested interpolation for dof id %d doesn't exist in element %d.",
                             id, this->masterElement);
#if 0 // This won't work (yet), as it requires some more general FEI classes, or something similar.
            if ( fei->hasMultiField() ) {
                FloatMatrix multiContribution;
                IntArray masterDofIDs, masterNodesDup, dofids;
                fei->evalMultiN(multiContribution, dofids, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e), 0.0);
                for ( int i = 0; i <= multiContribution.giveNumberOfColumns(); ++i ) {
                sdof->initialize(masterNodesDup, & masterDofIDs, masterContribution);
            } else { }
            // Note: There can be more masterNodes than masterContributions, since all the
            // FEI classes are based on that the first nodes correspond to the simpler/linear interpolation.
            // If this assumption is changed in FEIElementGeometryWrapper + friends,
            // masterNode will also need to be modified for each dof accordingly.
            fei->evalN( masterContribution, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(e) );
            sdof->initialize(masterNodes, IntArray(), masterContribution);
Example #22
void PrescribedGradientBCWeak :: assembleGPContrib(SparseMtrx &answer, TimeStep *tStep,
                      CharType type, const UnknownNumberingScheme &r_s, const UnknownNumberingScheme &c_s, TracSegArray &iEl, GaussPoint &iGP)

    SpatialLocalizer *localizer = domain->giveSpatialLocalizer();

    // Gamma_plus
	FloatMatrix contrib;
	assembleTangentGPContributionNew(contrib, iEl, iGP, -1.0, iGP.giveGlobalCoordinates());

    // Compute vector of traction unknowns
    FloatArray tracUnknowns;
    iEl.mFirstNode->giveUnknownVector(tracUnknowns, giveTracDofIDs(), VM_Total, tStep);

    IntArray trac_rows;
    iEl.giveTractionLocationArray(trac_rows, type, r_s);

    FloatArray dispElLocCoord, closestPoint;
    Element *dispEl = localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(dispElLocCoord, closestPoint, iGP.giveGlobalCoordinates() );

    IntArray disp_cols;
    dispEl->giveLocationArray(disp_cols, c_s);

    answer.assemble(trac_rows, disp_cols, contrib);

    FloatMatrix contribT;
    answer.assemble(disp_cols, trac_rows, contribT);

    // Gamma_minus
	FloatArray xMinus;
	this->giveMirroredPointOnGammaMinus(xMinus, iGP.giveGlobalCoordinates() );
	assembleTangentGPContributionNew(contrib, iEl, iGP, 1.0, xMinus);

    // Compute vector of traction unknowns
	iEl.mFirstNode->giveUnknownVector(tracUnknowns, giveTracDofIDs(), VM_Total, tStep);

    iEl.giveTractionLocationArray(trac_rows, type, r_s);

    dispElLocCoord.clear(); closestPoint.clear();
    dispEl = localizer->giveElementClosestToPoint(dispElLocCoord, closestPoint, xMinus );

    dispEl->giveLocationArray(disp_cols, c_s);

    answer.assemble(trac_rows, disp_cols, contrib);

    answer.assemble(disp_cols, trac_rows, contribT);

    // Assemble zeros on diagonal (required by PETSc solver)
	FloatMatrix KZero(1,1);
    for( int i :  trac_rows) {
        answer.assemble(IntArray({i}), IntArray({i}), KZero);