Example #1
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {

    int depth = 5;  // Size of the matrix is 2^depth. Larger values may take long to solve...
    int nbDecisionVar = 2*depth;
    int nbScope = nbDecisionVar+1;
    bool* qtScopes = new bool[nbScope];
    for (int i=0;i<nbScope;i++) {
        qtScopes[i] = ((i%2) != 0);
//        cout << (((i%2) != 0)?"true":"false")<<endl;
    int boardSize = (int)pow((double)2,(double)depth);


    IntArgs board(boardSize*boardSize);
    for (int i=0; i<boardSize; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<boardSize; j++)
            board[j*boardSize+i] = (int)( (double)rand()  /  ((double)RAND_MAX + 1) * 50 ) < 25 ? 0:1;

    IntArgs access(nbDecisionVar);
    for (int i=nbDecisionVar-3; i>=0; i--)
    // debug
    for (int i=0; i<boardSize; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<boardSize; j++)
            cout << board[j*boardSize+i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    cout  << endl;
    //    for (int i=0; i<nbDecisionVar; i++)
//        cout << access[i] << " ";
//    cout << endl;
    // end debug

    int * scopesSize = new int[nbScope];
    for (int i=0; i<nbScope-1; i++)

    Qcop p(nbScope, qtScopes, scopesSize);

    // Defining the variable of the n first scopes ...
    for (int i=0; i<nbDecisionVar; i++)
        p.QIntVar(i, 0, 1);
        IntVarArgs b(i+1);
        for (int plop=0;plop<(i+1);plop++)
            b[plop] = p.var(plop);
    // Declaring last scope variables ...

    p.QIntVar(nbDecisionVar, 0, 1);
    p.QIntVar(nbDecisionVar+1, 0, boardSize*boardSize);
    IntVarArgs b(nbDecisionVar+2);
    for (int plop=0;plop<(nbDecisionVar+2);plop++)
        b[plop] = p.var(plop);

    // Body

    rel(*(p.space()), p.var(nbDecisionVar) == 1);

    IntVarArgs X(nbDecisionVar);
    for (int i=0; i<nbDecisionVar; i++)

    linear(*(p.space()), access, X, IRT_EQ, p.var(nbDecisionVar+1));
    //  MiniModel::LinRel R(E, IRT_EQ, MiniModel::LinExpr(p.var(nbDecisionVar+1)));
    element(*(p.space()), board, p.var(nbDecisionVar+1), p.var(nbDecisionVar));

	  // Note : declaring a brancher for the goal is not mandatory, as the goal will be tested only when all variables are assigned.
    // When every variables and constraints have been declared, the makeStructure method
    // must be called in order to lead the problem ready for solving.

    // So, we build a quantified solver for our problem p, using the heuristic we just created.
    QCSP_Solver solver(&p);

    unsigned long int nodes=0;

    // then we solve the problem. Nodes and Steps will contain the number of nodes encountered and
    // of propagation steps achieved during the solving.
    Strategy outcome = solver.solve(nodes);

    cout << "  outcome: " << ( outcome.isFalse()? "FALSE" : "TRUE") << endl;
    cout << "  nodes visited: " << nodes << endl;
