Version::Version(const String& string)
		String delim(Text("."));
		String part;
		SizeT start = 0;

		auto pos = string.Split(delim, part, start);
		while (-1 != pos)
			SizeT value = 0;

			auto raw = part.GetBuffer();
			if (nullptr != raw)
				while (*raw != Text('\0') && !_istdigit(*raw))
				value = _tcstoul(raw, NULL, 10);

			pos = string.Split(delim, part, start);
bool EditorMode::PlayProject(String addArgs, bool debug)
    ToolEnvironment* env = GetSubsystem<ToolEnvironment>();
    ToolSystem* tsystem = GetSubsystem<ToolSystem>();

    const String& editorBinary = env->GetEditorBinary();

    Project* project = tsystem->GetProject();

    if (!project)
        return false;

    Vector<String> paths;

    // fixme: this is for loading from cache
    paths.Push(project->GetProjectPath() + "Cache");

    String resourcePaths;
    resourcePaths.Join(paths, "!");

    Vector<String> vargs;

    String args = ToString("--player --project \"%s\"", AddTrailingSlash(project->GetProjectPath()).CString());

    vargs = args.Split(' ');

    if (debug)
        vargs.Insert(0, "--debug");

    if (addArgs.Length() > 0)
        vargs.Insert(0, addArgs.Split(' '));

    String dump;
    dump.Join(vargs, " ");
    LOGINFOF("Launching Broker %s %s", editorBinary.CString(), dump.CString());

    IPC* ipc = GetSubsystem<IPC>();
    playerBroker_ = ipc->SpawnWorker(editorBinary, vargs);

    if (playerBroker_)
        SubscribeToEvent(playerBroker_, E_IPCJSERROR, HANDLER(EditorMode, HandleIPCJSError));
        SubscribeToEvent(playerBroker_, E_IPCWORKEREXIT, HANDLER(EditorMode, HandleIPCWorkerExit));
        SubscribeToEvent(playerBroker_, E_IPCWORKERLOG, HANDLER(EditorMode, HandleIPCWorkerLog));

    return playerBroker_.NotNull();

Example #3
File: ftp.cpp Project: ufasoft/snif
void InFtpAnalyzerStream::ProcessLine(const AString& line) {
	FtpAnalyzer *fa = (FtpAnalyzer*)m_analyzer;
	cmatch m;
	if (regex_search((const char*)line.begin(), (const char*)line.end(), m, s_reFtpResponse)) {
		int code = atoi(String(m[1]));
		switch (code)
		case 220:
				ASCIIEncoding enc;
				String s = enc.GetChars(line);
				vector<String> vec = s.Split();
				if (vec.size() >= 2 && vec[1].Find(".") != -1)
					fa->ServerName = vec[1];
		case 227:
		case 230:
			if (fa->UserName!="anonymous" && !fa->m_user)
				(fa->m_user=FtpUser::FindByServerLogin(fa->m_ci->DstEndPoint, fa->UserName))->SetPassword(fa->Password);
bool LicenseSystem::ValidateKey(const String& key)
    if (!key.StartsWith("ATOMIC-"))
        return false;

    Vector<String> elements = key.Split('-');
    if (elements.Size() != 5)
        return false;

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < elements.Size(); i++)
        String element = elements[i];
        if (element.Length() != 4)
            return false;

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            char c = element[j];
            if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
            return false;

    return true;
Example #5
void Settings::Load()
    Directory appDataDir = GetAppDataDir();
    if (appDataDir.Exists())
        File config;
        config.SetLocation(appDataDir.Location().OriginalString() + "/config.txt");
        FileStream fs;
        if (config.Exists())
            AutoPointerArray<UInt8> buf(new UInt8[config.Size()], config.Size());
            if (fs.Open(config.Location(), FileAccessMode::Read, FileAccessPriority::ReadThroughput))
                fs.Read(buf.Get(), 0, buf.Size());
                for (Size i = 0, s = 0; i < buf.Size(); ++i)
                    if (buf[i] == '\n')
                        String line = String(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buf[s]), i - s);
                        AutoPointerArray<String> keyValue = line.Split(String("="));
                        if (keyValue.Count() == 2)
                            const char* key = StringCache::Find(keyValue[0]);
                            if (key == 0)
                                key = keyValue[0].c_str();
                            m_PImpl->m_Data[key] = keyValue[1];
                        s = i+1;
Example #6
void ConfigObject::DumpModifiedAttributes(const std::function<void(const ConfigObject::Ptr&, const String&, const Value&)>& callback)
	for (const Type::Ptr& type : Type::GetAllTypes()) {
		auto *dtype = dynamic_cast<ConfigType *>(type.get());

		if (!dtype)

		for (const ConfigObject::Ptr& object : dtype->GetObjects()) {
			Dictionary::Ptr originalAttributes = object->GetOriginalAttributes();

			if (!originalAttributes)

			ObjectLock olock(originalAttributes);
			for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : originalAttributes) {
				String key = kv.first;

				Type::Ptr type = object->GetReflectionType();

				std::vector<String> tokens = key.Split(".");

				String fieldName = tokens[0];
				int fid = type->GetFieldId(fieldName);

				Value currentValue = object->GetField(fid);
				Value modifiedValue;

				if (tokens.size() > 1) {
					Value current = currentValue;

					for (std::vector<String>::size_type i = 1; i < tokens.size() - 1; i++) {
						if (!current.IsObjectType<Dictionary>())
							BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Value must be a dictionary."));

						Dictionary::Ptr dict = current;
						const String& key = tokens[i];

						if (!dict->Contains(key))

						current = dict->Get(key);

					if (!current.IsObjectType<Dictionary>())
						BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Value must be a dictionary."));

					Dictionary::Ptr dict = current;
					const String& key = tokens[tokens.size() - 1];

					modifiedValue = dict->Get(key);
				} else
					modifiedValue = currentValue;

				callback(object, key, modifiedValue);

bool LogLinearModel::LoadWeights (const char* _zName)
	cout << "Loading weights for log linear model : "
		 << _zName << endl;
	// LogLinearModelFeatures::LoadIndices (_zName);

	String sName;
	sName << _zName << ":weights_file";

	File file;
	if (false == file.Open ((config)sName))
		return false;
	String sLine;
	if (false == file.ReadLastLine (sLine))
		return false;

	String_dq_t dqValues;
	sLine.Split (dqValues, ',');

	i_Features = dqValues.size ();
	vec_Weights.Resize (i_Features, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < i_Features; ++ i)
		vec_Weights [i] = dqValues [i];

	return true;
Example #8
void PlayCmd::Run()
    LOGINFOF("Playing project");

    ToolSystem* tsystem = GetSubsystem<ToolSystem>();
    ToolEnvironment* env = GetSubsystem<ToolCore::ToolEnvironment>();
    Project* project = tsystem->GetProject();
    const String& editorBinary = env->GetEditorBinary();

    Vector<String> paths;

    // fixme: this is for loading from cache
    paths.Push(project->GetProjectPath() + "Cache");

    String resourcePaths;
    resourcePaths.Join(paths, "!");

    Vector<String> vargs;

    String args = ToString("--player --project \"%s\"", AddTrailingSlash(project->GetProjectPath()).CString());

    vargs = args.Split(' ');
    //vargs.Insert(0, "--player");

    // TODO: use IPC (maybe before this set log location/access the log and output it, we need access to errors)
    LaunchPlayerProcess(editorBinary, vargs, "");


void BuildAndroid::RunADBStartActivity()

    SubprocessSystem* subs = GetSubsystem<SubprocessSystem>();
    String adbCommand = platformAndroid_->GetADBCommand();

    ToolSystem* toolSystem = GetSubsystem<ToolSystem>();
    Project* project = toolSystem->GetProject();
    AndroidBuildSettings* settings = project->GetBuildSettings()->GetAndroidBuildSettings();

    String stringArgs;
    const char* cpackage = settings->GetPackageName().CString();
    stringArgs.AppendWithFormat("shell am start -n %s/%s.AtomicGameEngine",cpackage, cpackage);

    Vector<String> args = stringArgs.Split(' ');

    currentBuildPhase_ = ADBStartActivity;
    Subprocess* subprocess = subs->Launch(adbCommand, args, buildPath_);
    if (!subprocess)
        FailBuild("StartActivity operation did not launch successfully.");

    VariantMap buildOutput;
    buildOutput[BuildOutput::P_TEXT] = "\n\n<color #D4FB79>Starting Android Activity</color>\n\n";
    SendEvent(E_BUILDOUTPUT, buildOutput);

    SubscribeToEvent(subprocess, E_SUBPROCESSCOMPLETE, ATOMIC_HANDLER(BuildAndroid, HandleADBStartActivityComplete));
    SubscribeToEvent(subprocess, E_SUBPROCESSOUTPUT, ATOMIC_HANDLER(BuildBase, HandleSubprocessOutputEvent));

void PlatformAndroid::HandleRefreshAndroidTargetsEvent(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    if (eventType == E_SUBPROCESSOUTPUT)
        targetOutput_ += eventData[SubprocessOutput::P_TEXT].GetString();
    else if (eventType == E_SUBPROCESSCOMPLETE)
        refreshAndroidTargetsProcess_ = 0;


        MemoryBuffer reader(targetOutput_.CString(), targetOutput_.Length() + 1);

        while (!reader.IsEof())
            String line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line.StartsWith("id:"))
                //id: 33 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19"
                Vector<String> elements = line.Split('\"');
                if (elements.Size() == 2)
                    String api = elements[1];



Example #11
static Array::Ptr StringSplit(const String& delims)
	ScriptFrame *vframe = ScriptFrame::GetCurrentFrame();
	String self = vframe->Self;
	std::vector<String> tokens = self.Split(delims.CStr());

	return Array::FromVector(tokens);
Example #12
Array* CreateArguments(Engine* eng, const char* cstr)
    GCPAUSE_NORUN( eng );
    String* str  = eng->AllocString(cstr ? cstr : "");
    String* delm = eng->AllocString(" \t\n\r");
    return str->Split(delm);
Example #13
void Scene::SetVarNamesAttr(String value)
    Vector<String> varNames = value.Split(';');

    for (Vector<String>::ConstIterator i = varNames.Begin(); i != varNames.End(); ++i)
        varNames_[*i] = *i;
int LicenseSystem::ParseResponse(const String& response, LicenseParse& parse)

    ATOMIC_LOGINFOF("%s", response.CString());

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_ACTIVATIONSEXCEEDED"))
        return 1;

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_IDNOTACTIVATED"))
        return 4;

    if (response.StartsWith("AC_FAILED"))
        return 2;

    if (!response.StartsWith("WINDOWS"))
        ATOMIC_LOGERRORF("Error Parsing Server Response %s", response.CString());
        return 3;

    String codes = response;
    codes.Replace("\n", "");
    codes.Replace("\r", "");

    Vector<String> cvector = codes.Split(' ');

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cvector.Size(); i++)
        Vector<String> feature = cvector[i].Split('=');
        if (feature.Size() != 2)

        if (feature[0] == "WINDOWS")
            parse.licenseWindows_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "MAC")
            parse.licenseMac_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "ANDROID")
            parse.licenseAndroid_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "IOS")
            parse.licenseIOS_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "HTML5")
            parse.licenseHTML5_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");
        else if (feature[0] == "THREED")
            parse.licenseModule3D_ = !feature[1].StartsWith("0");


    return 0;

	void UberShaderPreprocessor::SetShader(ShaderStageType stage, const String& source, const String& shaderFlags, const String& requiredFlags)
		CachedShader& shader = m_shaders[stage];
		shader.present = true;
		shader.source = source;

		// On extrait les flags de la chaîne
		std::vector<String> flags;
		shaderFlags.Split(flags, ' ');

		for (String& flag : flags)
			auto it = m_flags.find(flag);
			if (it == m_flags.end())
				m_flags[flag] = 1U << m_flags.size();

			auto it2 = shader.flags.find(flag);
			if (it2 == shader.flags.end())
				shader.flags[flag] = 1U << shader.flags.size();

		// On construit les flags requis pour l'activation du shader
		shader.requiredFlags = 0;

		requiredFlags.Split(flags, ' ');

		for (String& flag : flags)
			UInt32 flagVal;

			auto it = m_flags.find(flag);
			if (it == m_flags.end())
				flagVal = 1U << m_flags.size();
				m_flags[flag] = flagVal;
				flagVal = it->second;

			shader.requiredFlags |= flagVal;
Example #16
		String::StrPtrVec* TextFile::ReadLines(CStr fileName, Exception* out_ex)
			//Here \r\n is used instead of NewLine so that Linux can see lines from a Windows text file
			String text;
			if(ReadAll(fileName, text, out_ex))
				return text.Split(text, text.Length(), Text("\r\n"));
				return new String::StrPtrVec();
Example #17
void AS_Load::Run() {
	String fileContent = String::Read(m_name);
	Array<String> params = fileContent.Split("\n");
	if (params.Size() == EXPECTED_PARAMS_SIZE) {
void ParseCommand(String input, String &command, StringVector &parameters)
    input = input.Trimmed();
    if (input.Empty())

    uint parenPos = input.Find('(', 0);
    uint spacePos = input.Find(' ', 0);
    if (parenPos == String::NPOS && spacePos == String::NPOS)
        command = input;
    StringVector parts;
    if (parenPos != String::NPOS && parenPos < spacePos)
        uint parenEndPos = input.FindLast(')');
        String insideParens = (parenEndPos != String::NPOS ? 
            input.Substring(parenPos+1, parenEndPos-parenPos-1).Trimmed() : input.Substring(parenPos+1).Trimmed());
        command = input.Substring(0, parenPos).Trimmed();
        // "one, two, three", "one,two,three" and "one two three"
        parts = insideParens.Contains(',') ? insideParens.Split(',') : insideParens.Split(' ');
        command = input.Substring(0, spacePos).Trimmed();
        String remaining = input.Substring(spacePos+1).Trimmed();
        // "one, two, three", "one,two,three" and "one two three"
        parts = remaining.Contains(',') ? remaining.Split(',') : remaining.Split(' ');
    for(StringVector::Iterator iter=parts.Begin(); iter!=parts.End(); ++iter)
        String part = (*iter).Trimmed();
        if (part.EndsWith(","))
            part = part.Substring(0, part.Length()-1);
        if (!part.Empty())
Example #19
String FormatValue(const Double& value, const String& format)
    String prefix;
    String suffix;
    Integer left = 0;
    Integer right = 0;
    Boolean dot = false;
    Integer length = format.Length();
    for (Integer i = 0; i < length; i++)
        const Char c = format[i];
        if (c == '#')
            if (dot)
        else if (c == '.')
            dot = true;
        else if (c == '|')
        else if (dot)
            suffix += c;
            prefix += c;
    Double v = Abs(value);
    if (v < 0.00001)
        v = 0;
    if (left == 0 && right == 0)
        return prefix + AnyToStr(v) + suffix;
    String s = AnyToStr(v);
    String n = value < 0 ? "-" : String::Empty;
    auto pair = s.Split(".");
    if (pair.Length() < 2)
    if (left < 1)
        left = 1;
    pair[0] = pair[0].PadLeft('0', left);
    if (right == 0)
        return prefix + n + pair[0] + suffix;
    pair[1] = pair[1].PadRight('0', right);
    return prefix + n + pair[0] + String(".") +
           pair[1].SubString(0, right) + suffix;
Example #20
Dictionary::Ptr ScheduledDowntimeNameComposer::ParseName(const String& name) const
	std::vector<String> tokens = name.Split("!");

	if (tokens.size() < 2)
		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Invalid ScheduledDowntime name."));

	Dictionary::Ptr result = new Dictionary();
	result->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);

	if (tokens.size() > 2) {
		result->Set("service_name", tokens[1]);
		result->Set("name", tokens[2]);
	} else {
		result->Set("name", tokens[1]);

	return result;
Example #21
bool LuaScript::PushScriptFunction(const String& functionName, bool silentIfNotFound)
    Vector<String> splitedNames = functionName.Split('.');

    String currentName = splitedNames.Front();
    lua_getglobal(luaState_, currentName.CString());

    if (splitedNames.Size() > 1)
        if (!lua_istable(luaState_, -1))
            LOGERROR("Could not find Lua table: Table name = '" + currentName + "'");
            return false;

        for (unsigned i = 1; i < splitedNames.Size() - 1; ++i)
            currentName = currentName + "." + splitedNames[i];
            lua_getfield(luaState_, -1, splitedNames[i].CString());
            if (!lua_istable(luaState_, -1))
                LOGERROR("Could not find Lua table: Table name = '" + currentName + "'");
                return false;

        currentName = currentName + "." + splitedNames.Back().CString();
        lua_getfield(luaState_, -1, splitedNames.Back().CString());

    if (!lua_isfunction(luaState_, -1))
        if (!silentIfNotFound)
            LOGERROR("Could not find Lua function: Function name = '" + currentName + "'");
        return false;

    return true;
Example #22
bool LuaScript::PushLuaFunction(lua_State* L, const String& functionName)
    Vector<String> splitNames = functionName.Split('.');

    String currentName = splitNames.Front();
    lua_getglobal(L, currentName.CString());

    if (splitNames.Size() > 1)
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < splitNames.Size() - 1; ++i)
            if (i)
                currentName = currentName + "." + splitNames[i];
                lua_getfield(L, -1, splitNames[i].CString());
                lua_replace(L, -2);
            if (!lua_istable(L, -1))
                lua_pop(L, 1);
                lua_pushstring(L, ("Could not find Lua table: Table name = '" + currentName + "'").CString());
                return false;

        currentName = currentName + "." + splitNames.Back();
        lua_getfield(L, -1, splitNames.Back().CString());
        lua_replace(L, -2);

    if (!lua_isfunction(L, -1))
        lua_pop(L, 1);
        lua_pushstring(L, ("Could not find Lua function: Function name = '" + currentName + "'").CString());
        return false;

    return true;
Example #23
// [in] fullPath : true to get paths as dir+name instead of name only
StringArray Directory::GetFileNames(const String& dirPath, const String& joker,
                                    bool fullPaths)
	StringArray filePaths;
	StringArray jokerPatterns;

	Array<Joker> jokers;

	if( !joker.IsEmpty() )
		jokerPatterns = joker.Split('|');

	foreach(jokerPatterns, i)
		jokers.Add( Joker(jokerPatterns[i]) );
Example #24
bool XPathQuery::SetQuery(const String& queryString, const String& variableString, bool bind)
    if (!variableString.Empty())
        variables_ = new pugi::xpath_variable_set();

        // Parse the variable string having format "name1:type1,name2:type2,..." where type is one of "Bool", "Float", "String", "ResultSet"
        Vector<String> vars = variableString.Split(',');
        for (Vector<String>::ConstIterator i = vars.Begin(); i != vars.End(); ++i)
            Vector<String> tokens = i->Trimmed().Split(':');
            if (tokens.Size() != 2)

            pugi::xpath_value_type type;
            if (tokens[1] == "Bool")
                type = pugi::xpath_type_boolean;
            else if (tokens[1] == "Float")
                type = pugi::xpath_type_number;
            else if (tokens[1] == "String")
                type = pugi::xpath_type_string;
            else if (tokens[1] == "ResultSet")
                type = pugi::xpath_type_node_set;
                return false;

            if (!variables_->add(tokens[0].CString(), type))
                return false;

    queryString_ = queryString;

    if (bind)

    return true;
Example #25
void NagiosCheckTask::ProcessCheckOutput(const Dictionary::Ptr& result, String& output)
	String text;
	String perfdata;

	vector<String> lines = output.Split(is_any_of("\r\n"));

	BOOST_FOREACH (const String& line, lines) {
		size_t delim = line.FindFirstOf("|");

		if (!text.IsEmpty())
			text += "\n";

		if (delim != String::NPos) {
			text += line.SubStr(0, delim);

			if (!perfdata.IsEmpty())
				perfdata += " ";

			perfdata += line.SubStr(delim + 1, line.GetLength());
		} else {
			text += line;
Example #26
STDMETHODIMP C_FloodedFill::Retrieve(I_Archive *arc) 

	try {

		BSTR bs = NULL;
		if (S_OK != arc->RetrieveString(&bs)) {
			return E_FAIL;

		String s(bs);

		static String enditem(_T("/mmp:item"));
		static String fill(_T("mmp:floodfill"));
		static String endfill(_T("/mmp:floodfill"));

		while (!s.toLower().Find(endfill).isValid()) {

			StringPtr ptrItem = s.Find(enditem);

			if (ptrItem.isValid()) {


			StringPtr ptrStart = s.Find(fill);

			if (ptrStart.isValid()) {

				StringPtr ptrStyle = s.Find(_T("colours"));
				StringPtr ptrLeft = s.Find(_T("\""), ptrStyle);

				if (ptrLeft.isValid()) {

					StringPtr ptrRight = s.Find(_T("\""), ptrLeft);

					if (ptrRight.isValid()) {

						String style = s.Mid(ptrLeft.Index(), ptrRight.Index() - ptrLeft.Index());

						if (style.GetLength() > 0) {

							T_PointerArray<String> sa;

							style.Split(_T(':'), &sa);

							m_nCount = sa.GetLength();

							for (int n = 0; n < m_nCount; n++) {
								*m_saColours[n] = sa[n]->toInteger();
			else {


			if (S_OK != arc->RetrieveString(&bs)) {
				return E_FAIL;

			s = bs;
	catch (C_STLNonStackException const &exception) {
		exception.Log(_T("Exception in C_floodFill::Retrieve"));

	return S_OK;
Example #27
void ConfigObject::RestoreAttribute(const String& attr, bool updateVersion)
	Type::Ptr type = GetReflectionType();

	std::vector<String> tokens = attr.Split(".");

	String fieldName = tokens[0];

	int fid = type->GetFieldId(fieldName);

	Value currentValue = GetField(fid);

	Dictionary::Ptr original_attributes = GetOriginalAttributes();

	if (!original_attributes)

	Value oldValue = original_attributes->Get(attr);
	Value newValue;

	if (tokens.size() > 1) {
		newValue = currentValue.Clone();
		Value current = newValue;

		if (current.IsEmpty())
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot restore non-existent object attribute"));

		String prefix = tokens[0];

		for (std::vector<String>::size_type i = 1; i < tokens.size() - 1; i++) {
			if (!current.IsObjectType<Dictionary>())
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Value must be a dictionary."));

			Dictionary::Ptr dict = current;

			const String& key = tokens[i];
			prefix += "." + key;

			if (!dict->Contains(key))
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Cannot restore non-existent object attribute"));

			current = dict->Get(key);

		if (!current.IsObjectType<Dictionary>())
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Value must be a dictionary."));

		Dictionary::Ptr dict = current;

		const String& key = tokens[tokens.size() - 1];
		prefix += "." + key;

		std::vector<String> restoredAttrs;

			ObjectLock olock(original_attributes);
			for (const auto& kv : original_attributes) {
				std::vector<String> originalTokens = String(kv.first).Split(".");

				if (tokens.size() > originalTokens.size())

				bool match = true;
				for (std::vector<String>::size_type i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
					if (tokens[i] != originalTokens[i]) {
						match = false;

				if (!match)

				Dictionary::Ptr dict;

				if (tokens.size() == originalTokens.size())
					dict = current;
				else {
					Value currentSub = current;

					for (std::vector<String>::size_type i = tokens.size() - 1; i < originalTokens.size() - 1; i++) {
						dict = currentSub;
						currentSub = dict->Get(originalTokens[i]);

						if (!currentSub.IsObjectType<Dictionary>()) {
							currentSub = new Dictionary();
							dict->Set(originalTokens[i], currentSub);

					dict = currentSub;

				dict->Set(originalTokens[originalTokens.size() - 1], kv.second);

		for (const String& attr : restoredAttrs)

	} else {
		newValue = oldValue;

	SetField(fid, newValue);

	if (updateVersion)
Example #28
Dictionary::Ptr LivestatusLogUtility::GetAttributes(const String& text)
	Dictionary::Ptr bag = new Dictionary();

	 * [1379025342] SERVICE NOTIFICATION: contactname;hostname;servicedesc;WARNING;true;foo output
	unsigned long time = atoi(text.SubStr(1, 11).CStr());

	Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusLogUtility")
		<< "Processing log line: '" << text << "'.";
	bag->Set("time", time);

	size_t colon = text.FindFirstOf(':');
	size_t colon_offset = colon - 13;

	String type = String(text.SubStr(13, colon_offset)).Trim();
	String options = String(text.SubStr(colon + 1)).Trim();

	bag->Set("type", type);
	bag->Set("options", options);

	std::vector<String> tokens = options.Split(";");

	/* set default values */
	bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassInfo);
	bag->Set("log_type", 0);
	bag->Set("state", 0);
	bag->Set("attempt", 0);
	bag->Set("message", text); /* used as 'message' in log table, and 'log_output' in statehist table */

	if (type.Contains("INITIAL HOST STATE") ||
		type.Contains("CURRENT HOST STATE") ||
		type.Contains("HOST ALERT")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 5)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("state", Host::StateFromString(tokens[1]));
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[2]);
		bag->Set("attempt", atoi(tokens[3].CStr()));
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[4]);

		if (type.Contains("INITIAL HOST STATE")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassState);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostInitialState);
		else if (type.Contains("CURRENT HOST STATE")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassState);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostCurrentState);
		else {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostAlert);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("HOST DOWNTIME ALERT") ||  type.Contains("HOST FLAPPING ALERT")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 3)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("comment", tokens[2]);

		if (type.Contains("HOST FLAPPING ALERT")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostFlapping);
		} else {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostDowntimeAlert);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("INITIAL SERVICE STATE") ||
		type.Contains("CURRENT SERVICE STATE") ||
		type.Contains("SERVICE ALERT")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 6)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("service_description", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("state", Service::StateFromString(tokens[2]));
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[3]);
		bag->Set("attempt", atoi(tokens[4].CStr()));
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[5]);

		if (type.Contains("INITIAL SERVICE STATE")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassState);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceInitialState);
		else if (type.Contains("CURRENT SERVICE STATE")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassState);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceCurrentState);
		else {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceAlert);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("SERVICE DOWNTIME ALERT") ||
		type.Contains("SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 4)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("service_description", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[2]);
		bag->Set("comment", tokens[3]);

		if (type.Contains("SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT")) {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceFlapping);
		} else {
			bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassAlert);
			bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceDowntimeAlert);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("TIMEPERIOD TRANSITION")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 4)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassState);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeTimeperiodTransition);

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("service_description", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[2]);
		bag->Set("comment", tokens[3]);
	} else if (type.Contains("HOST NOTIFICATION")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 6)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("contact_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[2].CStr());
		bag->Set("state", Service::StateFromString(tokens[3]));
		bag->Set("command_name", tokens[4]);
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[5]);

		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassNotification);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeHostNotification);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("SERVICE NOTIFICATION")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 7)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("contact_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("service_description", tokens[2]);
		bag->Set("state_type", tokens[3].CStr());
		bag->Set("state", Service::StateFromString(tokens[4]));
		bag->Set("command_name", tokens[5]);
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[6]);

		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassNotification);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeServiceNotification);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("PASSIVE HOST CHECK")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 3)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("state", Host::StateFromString(tokens[1]));
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[2]);

		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassPassive);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK")) {
		if (tokens.size() < 4)
			return bag;

		bag->Set("host_name", tokens[0]);
		bag->Set("service_description", tokens[1]);
		bag->Set("state", Host::StateFromString(tokens[2]));
		bag->Set("plugin_output", tokens[3]);

		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassPassive);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("EXTERNAL COMMAND")) {
		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassCommand);
		/* string processing not implemented in 1.x */

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("LOG VERSION")) {
		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassProgram);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeVersion);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("logging initial states")) {
		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassProgram);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeInitialStates);

		return bag;
	} else if (type.Contains("starting... (PID=")) {
		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassProgram);
		bag->Set("log_type", LogEntryTypeProgramStarting);

		return bag;
	/* program */
	else if (type.Contains("restarting...") ||
		type.Contains("shutting down...") ||
		type.Contains("Bailing out") ||
		type.Contains("active mode...") ||
		type.Contains("standby mode...")) {
		bag->Set("class", LogEntryClassProgram);

		return bag;

	return bag;
Example #29
	SharedPtr<Resource> LevelLoader::Load(Stream& source)
		String line;
		List<String> list;

		SharedPtr<TextReader> reader(new TextReader(&source));

		line = reader->ReadLine();
		list = line.Split(' ');
		if (list.Count() < 2)
			return SharedPtr<Resource>::EMPTY;

		const Vector2i size(list[0].ToInt(), list[1].ToInt());
		auto data = _context->NewObject<Level>();
		auto cache = _context->GetModule<ResourceCache>();

		List<SharedPtr<Model>> prefabs;

		bool** map = new bool*[size.x];
		for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
			map[x] = new bool[size.y];

		for (int y = 0; y < size.y; y++)
			line = reader->ReadLine();
			if (line.Count() != size.x)
				for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
					map[x][y] = false;


			for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
				map[x][y] = line[x] == '#';

		for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < size.y; y++)
			const Vector2i index(x / LevelChunk::SIDE, y / LevelChunk::SIDE);
			const Vector2i pos(x - index.x * LevelChunk::SIDE, y - index.y * LevelChunk::SIDE);
			auto chunk = data->GetChunk(index);

			auto& cell = chunk->GetCell(pos);

			if (map[x][y])


			if (x > 0 && map[x - 1][y])
				cell.SetWall(DIR_WEST, 1);
			if (x + 1 < size.x && map[x + 1][y])
				cell.SetWall(DIR_EAST, 1);
			if (y > 0 && map[x][y - 1])
				cell.SetWall(DIR_NORTH, 1);
			if (y + 1 < size.y && map[x][y + 1])
				cell.SetWall(DIR_SOUTH, 1);

		for (int x = 0; x < size.x; x++)
			delete[] map[x];
		delete[] map;

		return DynamicCast<Resource>(data);
Example #30
int ConsoleCommand::RunScriptConsole(ScriptFrame& scriptFrame, const String& connectAddr, const String& session,
	const String& commandOnce, const String& commandOnceFileName, bool syntaxOnly)
	std::map<String, String> lines;
	int next_line = 1;

	String homeEnv = Utility::GetFromEnvironment("HOME");

	String historyPath;
	std::fstream historyfp;

	if (!homeEnv.IsEmpty()) {
		historyPath = String(homeEnv) + "/.icinga2_history";, std::fstream::in);

		String line;
		while (std::getline(historyfp, line.GetData()))

#endif /* HAVE_EDITLINE */

	l_ScriptFrame = &scriptFrame;
	l_Session = session;

	while (std::cin.good()) {
		String fileName;

		if (commandOnceFileName.IsEmpty())
			fileName = "<" + Convert::ToString(next_line) + ">";
			fileName = commandOnceFileName;


		bool continuation = false;
		std::string command;

		std::string line;

		if (commandOnce.IsEmpty()) {
			std::ostringstream promptbuf;
			std::ostream& os = promptbuf;
#else /* HAVE_EDITLINE */
			std::ostream& os = std::cout;
#endif /* HAVE_EDITLINE */

			os << fileName;

			if (!continuation)
				os << " => ";
				os << " .. ";

			String prompt = promptbuf.str();

			char *cline;
			cline = readline(prompt.CStr());

			if (!cline)

			if (commandOnce.IsEmpty() && cline[0] != '\0') {

				if (!historyPath.IsEmpty()) {, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
					historyfp << cline << "\n";

			line = cline;

#else /* HAVE_EDITLINE */
			std::getline(std::cin, line);
#endif /* HAVE_EDITLINE */
		} else
			line = commandOnce;

		if (!line.empty() && line[0] == '$') {
			if (line == "$continue" || line == "$quit" || line == "$exit")
			else if (line == "$help")
				std::cout << "Welcome to the Icinga 2 debug console.\n"
					"Usable commands:\n"
					"  $continue      Continue running Icinga 2 (script debugger).\n"
					"  $quit, $exit   Stop debugging and quit the console.\n"
					"  $help          Print this help.\n\n"
					"For more information on how to use this console, please consult the documentation at\n";
				std::cout << "Unknown debugger command: " << line << "\n";


		if (!command.empty())
			command += "\n";

		command += line;

		std::unique_ptr<Expression> expr;

		try {
			lines[fileName] = command;

			Value result;

			/* Local debug console. */
			if (connectAddr.IsEmpty()) {
				expr = ConfigCompiler::CompileText(fileName, command);

				/* This relies on the fact that - for syntax errors - CompileText()
				 * returns an AST where the top-level expression is a 'throw'. */
				if (!syntaxOnly || dynamic_cast<ThrowExpression *>(expr.get())) {
					if (syntaxOnly)
						std::cerr << "    => " << command << std::endl;
					result = Serialize(expr->Evaluate(scriptFrame), 0);
				} else
					result = true;
			} else {
				/* Remote debug console. */
				try {
					result = ExecuteScript(l_Session, command, scriptFrame.Sandboxed);
				} catch (const ScriptError&) {
					/* Re-throw the exception for the outside try-catch block. */
				} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
					Log(LogCritical, "ConsoleCommand")
						<< "HTTP query failed: " << ex.what();

					/* Ensures that the terminal state is reset */
#endif /* HAVE_EDITLINE */

					return EXIT_FAILURE;

			if (commandOnce.IsEmpty()) {
				std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_ForegroundCyan);
				ConfigWriter::EmitValue(std::cout, 1, result);
				std::cout << ConsoleColorTag(Console_Normal) << "\n";
			} else {
				std::cout << JsonEncode(result) << "\n";
		} catch (const ScriptError& ex) {
			if (ex.IsIncompleteExpression() && commandOnce.IsEmpty()) {
				continuation = true;
				goto incomplete;

			DebugInfo di = ex.GetDebugInfo();

			if (commandOnceFileName.IsEmpty() && lines.find(di.Path) != lines.end()) {
				String text = lines[di.Path];

				std::vector<String> ulines = text.Split("\n");

				for (decltype(ulines.size()) i = 1; i <= ulines.size(); i++) {
					int start, len;

					if (i == (decltype(i))di.FirstLine)
						start = di.FirstColumn;
						start = 0;

					if (i == (decltype(i))di.LastLine)
						len = di.LastColumn - di.FirstColumn + 1;
						len = ulines[i - 1].GetLength();

					int offset;

					if (di.Path != fileName) {
						std::cout << di.Path << ": " << ulines[i - 1] << "\n";
						offset = 2;
					} else
						offset = 4;

					if (i >= (decltype(i))di.FirstLine && i <= (decltype(i))di.LastLine) {
						std::cout << String(di.Path.GetLength() + offset, ' ');
						std::cout << String(start, ' ') << String(len, '^') << "\n";
			} else {
				ShowCodeLocation(std::cout, di);

			std::cout << ex.what() << "\n";

			if (!commandOnce.IsEmpty())
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
			std::cout << "Error: " << DiagnosticInformation(ex) << "\n";

			if (!commandOnce.IsEmpty())
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
