Example #1
    bool getIndentForCurrentBlock (CodeDocument::Position pos, const String& tab,
                                   String& blockIndent, String& lastLineIndent)
        int braceCount = 0;
        bool indentFound = false;

        while (pos.getLineNumber() > 0)
            pos = pos.movedByLines (-1);

            const String line (pos.getLineText());
            const String trimmedLine (line.trimStart());

            braceCount += getBraceCount (trimmedLine.getCharPointer());

            if (braceCount > 0)
                blockIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line);
                if (! indentFound)
                    lastLineIndent = blockIndent + tab;

                return true;

            if ((! indentFound) && trimmedLine.isNotEmpty())
                indentFound = true;
                lastLineIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line);

        return false;
int StringArray::addLines (const String& sourceText)
    int numLines = 0;
    String::CharPointerType text (sourceText.getCharPointer());
    bool finished = text.isEmpty();

    while (! finished)
        for (String::CharPointerType startOfLine (text);;)
            const String::CharPointerType endOfLine (text);

            switch (text.getAndAdvance())
                case 0:     finished = true; break;
                case '\n':  break;
                case '\r':  if (*text == '\n') ++text; break;
                default:    continue;

            strings.add (String (startOfLine, endOfLine));

    return numLines;
Example #3
const Result CtrlrWindows::sendKeyPressEvent (const KeyPress &event, const String &targetWindowName)
	HWND firstwindow = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    HWND window = firstwindow;
    TCHAR windowtext[MAX_PATH];
	// INPUT input;

	if (targetWindowName != String::empty)

			GetWindowText(window, windowtext, MAX_PATH);
			if (strstr(windowtext, targetWindowName.getCharPointer()) != NULL)

			window = FindWindowEx(NULL, window, NULL, NULL);
			if (window == NULL || window == firstwindow)
				return (Result::fail("Can't find target window: " + targetWindowName));

	return (Result::ok());
Example #4
    String stringLiteral (const String& text, int maxLineLength)
        if (text.isEmpty())
            return "String::empty";

        StringArray lines;

            String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());
            bool finished = t.isEmpty();

            while (! finished)
                for (String::CharPointerType startOfLine (t);;)
                    switch (t.getAndAdvance())
                        case 0:     finished = true; break;
                        case '\n':  break;
                        case '\r':  if (*t == '\n') ++t; break;
                        default:    continue;

                    lines.add (String (startOfLine, t));

        if (maxLineLength > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
                String& line = lines.getReference (i);

                if (line.length() > maxLineLength)
                    const String start (line.substring (0, maxLineLength));
                    const String end (line.substring (maxLineLength));
                    line = start;
                    lines.insert (i + 1, end);

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
            lines.getReference(i) = CppTokeniserFunctions::addEscapeChars (lines.getReference(i));


        for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
            lines.getReference(i) = "\"" + lines.getReference(i) + "\"";

        String result (lines.joinIntoString (newLine));

        if (! CharPointer_ASCII::isValidString (text.toUTF8(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
            result = "CharPointer_UTF8 (" + result + ")";

        return result;
Example #5
void SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (const String& text)
    if (OpenClipboard (0) != 0)
        if (EmptyClipboard() != 0)
            const int bytesNeeded = CharPointer_UTF16::getBytesRequiredFor (text.getCharPointer()) + 4;

            if (bytesNeeded > 0)
                HGLOBAL bufH = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, bytesNeeded + sizeof (WCHAR));

                if (bufH != 0)
                    WCHAR* const data = static_cast <WCHAR*> (GlobalLock (bufH));
                    text.copyToUTF16 (data, bytesNeeded);
                    GlobalUnlock (bufH);

                    SetClipboardData (CF_UNICODETEXT, bufH);

Example #6
RelativePoint::RelativePoint (const String& s)
    String::CharPointerType text (s.getCharPointer());
    x = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
    RelativePointHelpers::skipComma (text);
    y = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
void LivePropertyEditorBase::findOriginalValueInCode()
    CodeDocument::Position pos (document, value.sourceLine, 0);
    String line (pos.getLineText());
    String::CharPointerType p (line.getCharPointer());

    p = CharacterFunctions::find (p, CharPointer_ASCII ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT"));

    if (p.isEmpty())
        // Not sure how this would happen - some kind of mix-up between source code and line numbers..

    p += (int) (sizeof ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT") - 1);
    p = p.findEndOfWhitespace();

    if (! CharacterFunctions::find (p, CharPointer_ASCII ("JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT")).isEmpty())
        // Aargh! You've added two JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT macros on the same line!
        // They're identified by their line number, so you must make sure each
        // one goes on a separate line!

    if (p.getAndAdvance() == '(')
        String::CharPointerType start (p), end (p);

        int depth = 1;

        while (! end.isEmpty())
            const juce_wchar c = end.getAndAdvance();

            if (c == '(')  ++depth;
            if (c == ')')  --depth;

            if (depth == 0)

        if (end > start)
            valueStart = CodeDocument::Position (document, value.sourceLine, (int) (start - line.getCharPointer()));
            valueEnd   = CodeDocument::Position (document, value.sourceLine, (int) (end   - line.getCharPointer()));

            valueStart.setPositionMaintained (true);
            valueEnd.setPositionMaintained (true);

            wasHex = String (start, end).containsIgnoreCase ("0x");
Example #8
void OutputStream::writeText (const String& text, const bool asUTF16,
                              const bool writeUTF16ByteOrderMark)
    if (asUTF16)
        if (writeUTF16ByteOrderMark)
            write ("\x0ff\x0fe", 2);

        String::CharPointerType src (text.getCharPointer());
        bool lastCharWasReturn = false;

        for (;;)
            const juce_wchar c = src.getAndAdvance();

            if (c == 0)

            if (c == '\n' && ! lastCharWasReturn)
                writeShort ((short) '\r');

            lastCharWasReturn = (c == L'\r');
            writeShort ((short) c);
        const char* src = text.toUTF8();
        const char* t = src;

        for (;;)
            if (*t == '\n')
                if (t > src)
                    write (src, (int) (t - src));

                write ("\r\n", 2);
                src = t + 1;
            else if (*t == '\r')
                if (t[1] == '\n')
            else if (*t == 0)
                if (t > src)
                    write (src, (int) (t - src));


Example #9
bool RHD2000Thread::openBoard(String pathToLibrary)
    int return_code = evalBoard->open(pathToLibrary.getCharPointer());

    if (return_code == 1)
        deviceFound = true;
    else if (return_code == -1) // dynamic library not found
        bool response = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::NoIcon,
                                   "Opal Kelly library not found.",
                                    "The Opal Kelly library file was not found in the directory of the executable. Would you like to browse for it?",
                                     "Yes", "No", 0, 0);
        if (response)
            // browse for file
            FileChooser fc("Select the library file...",

            if (fc.browseForFileToOpen())
                File currentFile = fc.getResult();
                libraryFilePath = currentFile.getFullPathName();
                openBoard(libraryFilePath); // call recursively
                //sendActionMessage("No configuration selected.");
                deviceFound = false;

        } else {
            deviceFound = false;
    } else if (return_code == -2) // board could not be opened
        bool response = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::NoIcon,
                                   "Acquisition board not found.",
                                    "An acquisition board could not be found. Please connect one now.",
                                     "OK", "Cancel", 0, 0);
        if (response)
            openBoard(libraryFilePath.getCharPointer()); // call recursively
        } else {
            deviceFound = false;


    return deviceFound;

    String simplifyPath (const String& path)
       #if JUCE_WINDOWS
        if (path.contains ("\\..\\") || path.contains ("/../"))
        if (path.contains ("/../"))
            return simplifyPath (path.getCharPointer());

        return path;
Example #11
RelativeRectangle::RelativeRectangle (const String& s)
    String::CharPointerType text (s.getCharPointer());
    left = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
    RelativeRectangleHelpers::skipComma (text);
    top = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
    RelativeRectangleHelpers::skipComma (text);
    right = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
    RelativeRectangleHelpers::skipComma (text);
    bottom = RelativeCoordinate (Expression::parse (text));
Example #12
    static void createLines (Array <CodeDocumentLine*>& newLines, const String& text)
        String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());
        int charNumInFile = 0;
        bool finished = false;

        while (! (finished || t.isEmpty()))
            String::CharPointerType startOfLine (t);
            int startOfLineInFile = charNumInFile;
            int lineLength = 0;
            int numNewLineChars = 0;

            for (;;)
                const juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();

                if (c == 0)
                    finished = true;


                if (c == '\r')

                    if (*t == '\n')


                if (c == '\n')

            newLines.add (new CodeDocumentLine (startOfLine, lineLength,
                                                numNewLineChars, startOfLineInFile));

        jassert (charNumInFile == text.length());
void SimpleTypeLayout::appendText (const AttributedString& text,
                                   const Range<int>& stringRange, const Font& font,
                                   const Colour& colour)
    String stringText = text.getText().substring(stringRange.getStart(), stringRange.getEnd());
    String::CharPointerType t (stringText.getCharPointer());
    String currentString;
    int lastCharType = 0;

    for (;;)
        const juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();
        if (c == 0)

        int charType;
        if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
            charType = 0;
        else if (CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (c))
            charType = 2;
            charType = 1;

        if (charType == 0 || charType != lastCharType)
            if (currentString.isNotEmpty())
                tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour,
                                       lastCharType == 2 || lastCharType == 0));

            currentString = String::charToString (c);

            if (c == '\r' && *t == '\n')
                currentString += t.getAndAdvance();
            currentString += c;

        lastCharType = charType;

    if (currentString.isNotEmpty())
        tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour, lastCharType == 2));
Example #14
String StringArray::joinIntoString (const String& separator, int start, int numberToJoin) const
    const int last = (numberToJoin < 0) ? size()
                                        : jmin (size(), start + numberToJoin);

    if (start < 0)
        start = 0;

    if (start >= last)
        return String::empty;

    if (start == last - 1)
        return strings.getReference (start);

    const size_t separatorBytes = separator.getCharPointer().sizeInBytes() - sizeof (String::CharPointerType::CharType);
    size_t bytesNeeded = separatorBytes * (last - start - 1);

    for (int i = start; i < last; ++i)
        bytesNeeded += strings.getReference(i).getCharPointer().sizeInBytes() - sizeof (String::CharPointerType::CharType);

    String result;
    result.preallocateBytes (bytesNeeded);

    String::CharPointerType dest (result.getCharPointer());

    while (start < last)
        const String& s = strings.getReference (start);

        if (! s.isEmpty())
            dest.writeAll (s.getCharPointer());

        if (++start < last && separatorBytes > 0)
            dest.writeAll (separator.getCharPointer());


    return result;
Example #15
int StringArray::addTokens (const String& text, const String& breakCharacters, const String& quoteCharacters)
    int num = 0;
    String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());

    if (! t.isEmpty())
        for (;;)
            String::CharPointerType tokenEnd (CharacterFunctions::findEndOfToken (t,
            add (String (t, tokenEnd));

            if (tokenEnd.isEmpty())

            t = ++tokenEnd;

    return num;
Example #16
    String getDriveFromPath (String path)
        if (path.isNotEmpty() && path[1] == ':' && path[2] == 0)
            path << '\\';

        const size_t numBytes = CharPointer_UTF16::getBytesRequiredFor (path.getCharPointer()) + 4;
        HeapBlock<WCHAR> pathCopy;
        pathCopy.calloc (numBytes, 1);
        path.copyToUTF16 (pathCopy, numBytes);

        if (PathStripToRoot (pathCopy))
            path = static_cast <const WCHAR*> (pathCopy);

        return path;
Example #17
XmlElement* XmlDocument::getDocumentElement (const bool onlyReadOuterDocumentElement)
    String textToParse (originalText);

    if (textToParse.isEmpty() && inputSource != nullptr)
        ScopedPointer <InputStream> in (inputSource->createInputStream());

        if (in != nullptr)
            MemoryOutputStream data;
            data.writeFromInputStream (*in, onlyReadOuterDocumentElement ? 8192 : -1);
            textToParse = data.toString();

            if (! onlyReadOuterDocumentElement)
                originalText = textToParse;

    input = textToParse.getCharPointer();
    lastError = String::empty;
    errorOccurred = false;
    outOfData = false;
    needToLoadDTD = true;

    if (textToParse.isEmpty())
        lastError = "not enough input";

        if (input.getAddress() != nullptr)
            ScopedPointer <XmlElement> result (readNextElement (! onlyReadOuterDocumentElement));

            if (! errorOccurred)
                return result.release();
            lastError = "incorrect xml header";

    return nullptr;
Example #18
static int compareStrings (const StartEndString& string1, const String& string2) noexcept
    String::CharPointerType s1 (string1.start), s2 (string2.getCharPointer());

    for (;;)
        const int c1 = s1 < string1.end ? (int) s1.getAndAdvance() : 0;
        const int c2 = (int) s2.getAndAdvance();
        const int diff = c1 - c2;

        if (diff != 0)  return diff < 0 ? -1 : 1;
        if (c1 == 0)    break;

    return 0;
Example #19
void GuidoViewer::setFile (String file)
	if (file.length()) {
		GuidoErrCode err = setGMNFile(file.getCharPointer());
		if (err == guidoNoErr) 
			fWindow->setName (file);
		else {
			String msg = GuidoGetErrorString (err);
			if (err == guidoErrParse) {
				msg += " line ";
				msg += GuidoGetParseErrorLine();
			AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon, "Error", msg, "OK", this);
Example #20
MD5::MD5 (const String& text)
    ProcessContext context;
    String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());

    while (! t.isEmpty())
        // force the string into integer-sized unicode characters, to try to make it
        // get the same results on all platforms + compilers.
        uint32 unicodeChar = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian ((uint32) t.getAndAdvance());

        context.processBlock (&unicodeChar, sizeof (unicodeChar));

    context.finish (result);
    int findFirstNonWhitespaceChar (const String& line) noexcept
        String::CharPointerType t (line.getCharPointer());
        int i = 0;

        while (! t.isEmpty())
            if (! t.isWhitespace())
                return i;


        return 0;
    int indexToColumn (int index, const String& line, int spacesPerTab) const noexcept
        jassert (index <= line.length());

        String::CharPointerType t (line.getCharPointer());
        int col = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
            if (t.getAndAdvance() != '\t')
                col += spacesPerTab - (col % spacesPerTab);

        return col;
Example #23
StringPairArray parsePreprocessorDefs (const String& text)
    StringPairArray result;
    String::CharPointerType s (text.getCharPointer());

    while (! s.isEmpty())
        String token, value;
        s = s.findEndOfWhitespace();

        while ((! s.isEmpty()) && *s != '=' && ! s.isWhitespace())
            token << s.getAndAdvance();

        s = s.findEndOfWhitespace();

        if (*s == '=')

            while ((! s.isEmpty()) && *s == ' ')

            while ((! s.isEmpty()) && ! s.isWhitespace())
                if (*s == ',')

                if (*s == '\\' && (s[1] == ' ' || s[1] == ','))

                value << s.getAndAdvance();

        if (token.isNotEmpty())
            result.set (token, value);

    return result;
Example #24
void GlyphArrangement::addCurtailedLineOfText (const Font& font,
                                               const String& text,
                                               const float xOffset,
                                               const float yOffset,
                                               const float maxWidthPixels,
                                               const bool useEllipsis)
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        Array <int> newGlyphs;
        Array <float> xOffsets;
        font.getGlyphPositions (text, newGlyphs, xOffsets);
        const int textLen = newGlyphs.size();
        glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (glyphs.size() + textLen);

        String::CharPointerType t (text.getCharPointer());

        for (int i = 0; i < textLen; ++i)
            const float thisX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i);
            const float nextX = xOffsets.getUnchecked (i + 1);

            if (nextX > maxWidthPixels + 1.0f)
                // curtail the string if it's too wide..
                if (useEllipsis && textLen > 3 && glyphs.size() >= 3)
                    insertEllipsis (font, xOffset + maxWidthPixels, 0, glyphs.size());

                const bool isWhitespace = t.isWhitespace();

                glyphs.add (new PositionedGlyph (font, t.getAndAdvance(),
                                                 xOffset + thisX, yOffset,
                                                 nextX - thisX, isWhitespace));
Example #25
int StringArray::addLines (const String& sourceText)
    int numLines = 0;
    String::CharPointerType text (sourceText.getCharPointer());
    bool finished = text.isEmpty();

    while (! finished)
        String::CharPointerType startOfLine (text);
        size_t numChars = 0;

        for (;;)
            const juce_wchar c = text.getAndAdvance();

            if (c == 0)
                finished = true;

            if (c == '\n')

            if (c == '\r')
                if (*text == '\n')



        add (String (startOfLine, numChars));

    return numLines;
Example #26
    void getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array<int>& glyphs, Array<float>& xOffsets) override
        JNIEnv* env = getEnv();
        const int numChars = text.length();
        jfloatArray widths = env->NewFloatArray (numChars);

        const int numDone = paint.callIntMethod (Paint.getTextWidths, javaString (text).get(), widths);

        HeapBlock<jfloat> localWidths (numDone);
        env->GetFloatArrayRegion (widths, 0, numDone, localWidths);
        env->DeleteLocalRef (widths);

        String::CharPointerType s (text.getCharPointer());

        xOffsets.add (0);

        float x = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numDone; ++i)
            glyphs.add ((int) s.getAndAdvance());
            x += localWidths[i];
            xOffsets.add (x * referenceFontToUnits);
    void parsePathString (Path& path, const String& pathString) const
        String::CharPointerType d (pathString.getCharPointer().findEndOfWhitespace());

        Point<float> subpathStart, last, last2, p1, p2, p3;
        juce_wchar lastCommandChar = 0;
        bool isRelative = true;
        bool carryOn = true;

        const CharPointer_ASCII validCommandChars ("MmLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAaZz");

        while (! d.isEmpty())
            if (validCommandChars.indexOf (*d) >= 0)
                lastCommandChar = d.getAndAdvance();
                isRelative = (lastCommandChar >= 'a' && lastCommandChar <= 'z');

            switch (lastCommandChar)
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1 += last;

                    if (lastCommandChar == 'M' || lastCommandChar == 'm')
                        subpathStart = p1;
                        path.startNewSubPath (p1);
                        lastCommandChar = 'l';
                        path.lineTo (p1);

                    last2 = last;
                    last = p1;

            case 'H':
            case 'h':
                if (parseCoord (d, p1.x, false, true))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1.x += last.x;

                    path.lineTo (p1.x, last.y);

                    last2.x = last.x;
                    last.x = p1.x;

            case 'V':
            case 'v':
                if (parseCoord (d, p1.y, false, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1.y += last.y;

                    path.lineTo (last.x, p1.y);

                    last2.y = last.y;
                    last.y = p1.y;

            case 'C':
            case 'c':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
                     && parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false)
                     && parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p3, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1 += last;
                        p2 += last;
                        p3 += last;

                    path.cubicTo (p1, p2, p3);

                    last2 = p2;
                    last = p3;

            case 'S':
            case 's':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
                     && parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p3, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1 += last;
                        p3 += last;

                    p2 = last + (last - last2);
                    path.cubicTo (p2, p1, p3);

                    last2 = p1;
                    last = p3;

            case 'Q':
            case 'q':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false)
                     && parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1 += last;
                        p2 += last;

                    path.quadraticTo (p1, p2);

                    last2 = p1;
                    last = p2;

            case 'T':
            case 't':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
                    if (isRelative)
                        p1 += last;

                    p2 = last + (last - last2);
                    path.quadraticTo (p2, p1);

                    last2 = p2;
                    last = p1;

            case 'A':
            case 'a':
                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p1, false))
                    String num;

                    if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
                        const float angle = num.getFloatValue() * (180.0f / float_Pi);

                        if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
                            const bool largeArc = num.getIntValue() != 0;

                            if (parseNextNumber (d, num, false))
                                const bool sweep = num.getIntValue() != 0;

                                if (parseCoordsOrSkip (d, p2, false))
                                    if (isRelative)
                                        p2 += last;

                                    if (last != p2)
                                        double centreX, centreY, startAngle, deltaAngle;
                                        double rx = p1.x, ry = p1.y;

                                        endpointToCentreParameters (last.x, last.y, p2.x, p2.y,
                                                                    angle, largeArc, sweep,
                                                                    rx, ry, centreX, centreY,
                                                                    startAngle, deltaAngle);

                                        path.addCentredArc ((float) centreX, (float) centreY,
                                                            (float) rx, (float) ry,
                                                            angle, (float) startAngle, (float) (startAngle + deltaAngle),

                                        path.lineTo (p2);

                                    last2 = last;
                                    last = p2;


            case 'Z':
            case 'z':
                last = last2 = subpathStart;
                d = d.findEndOfWhitespace();
                lastCommandChar = 'M';

                carryOn = false;

            if (! carryOn)

        // paths that finish back at their start position often seem to be
        // left without a 'z', so need to be closed explicitly..
        if (path.getCurrentPosition() == subpathStart)
Example #28
 StringRegion (const String& s) noexcept
     : text (s.getCharPointer()), start (0), length (s.length()) {}
    Drawable* parseSVGElement (const XmlPath& xml)
        if (! xml->hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ("svg"))
            return nullptr;

        DrawableComposite* const drawable = new DrawableComposite();

        setDrawableID (*drawable, xml);

        SVGState newState (*this);

        if (xml->hasAttribute ("transform"))
            newState.addTransform (xml);

        newState.elementX = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("x",      String (newState.elementX)), viewBoxW);
        newState.elementY = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("y",      String (newState.elementY)), viewBoxH);
        newState.width    = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("width",  String (newState.width)),    viewBoxW);
        newState.height   = getCoordLength (xml->getStringAttribute ("height", String (newState.height)),   viewBoxH);

        if (newState.width  <= 0) newState.width  = 100;
        if (newState.height <= 0) newState.height = 100;

        Point<float> viewboxXY;

        if (xml->hasAttribute ("viewBox"))
            const String viewBoxAtt (xml->getStringAttribute ("viewBox"));
            String::CharPointerType viewParams (viewBoxAtt.getCharPointer());
            Point<float> vwh;

            if (parseCoords (viewParams, viewboxXY, true)
                 && parseCoords (viewParams, vwh, true)
                 && vwh.x > 0
                 && vwh.y > 0)
                newState.viewBoxW = vwh.x;
                newState.viewBoxH = vwh.y;

                int placementFlags = 0;

                const String aspect (xml->getStringAttribute ("preserveAspectRatio"));

                if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("none"))
                    placementFlags = RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit;
                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("slice"))        placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::fillDestination;

                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMin"))         placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xLeft;
                    else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("xMax"))    placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xRight;
                    else                                            placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::xMid;

                    if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMin"))         placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yTop;
                    else if (aspect.containsIgnoreCase ("yMax"))    placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yBottom;
                    else                                            placementFlags |= RectanglePlacement::yMid;

                newState.transform = RectanglePlacement (placementFlags)
                                        .getTransformToFit (Rectangle<float> (viewboxXY.x, viewboxXY.y, vwh.x, vwh.y),
                                                            Rectangle<float> (newState.width, newState.height))
                                        .followedBy (newState.transform);
            if (viewBoxW == 0)  newState.viewBoxW = newState.width;
            if (viewBoxH == 0)  newState.viewBoxH = newState.height;

        newState.parseSubElements (xml, *drawable);

        drawable->setContentArea (RelativeRectangle (RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.x),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.x + newState.viewBoxW),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.y),
                                                     RelativeCoordinate (viewboxXY.y + newState.viewBoxH)));

        return drawable;
void BinaryResources::loadFromCpp (const File& cppFileLocation, const String& cppFile)
    StringArray cpp;
    cpp.addLines (cppFile);


    for (int i = 0; i < cpp.size(); ++i)
        if (cpp[i].contains ("JUCER_RESOURCE:"))
            StringArray tokens;
            tokens.addTokens (cpp[i].fromFirstOccurrenceOf (":", false, false), ",", "\"'");

            const String resourceName (tokens[0]);
            const int resourceSize = tokens[1].getIntValue();
            const String originalFileName (cppFileLocation.getSiblingFile (tokens[2].unquoted()).getFullPathName());

            jassert (resourceName.isNotEmpty() && resourceSize > 0);

            if (resourceName.isNotEmpty() && resourceSize > 0)
                const int firstLine = i;

                while (i < cpp.size())
                    if (cpp [i++].contains ("}"))

                const String dataString (cpp.joinIntoString (" ", firstLine, i - firstLine)
                                            .fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("{", false, false));

                MemoryOutputStream out;
                String::CharPointerType t (dataString.getCharPointer());
                int n = 0;

                while (! t.isEmpty())
                    const juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();

                    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                        n = n * 10 + (c - '0');
                    else if (c == ',')
                        out.writeByte ((char) n);
                        n = 0;
                    else if (c == '}')

                jassert (resourceSize < (int) out.getDataSize() && resourceSize > (int) out.getDataSize() - 2);

                MemoryBlock mb (out.getData(), out.getDataSize());
                mb.setSize ((size_t) resourceSize);

                add (resourceName, originalFileName, mb);