void Pfm2AudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
    // You should use this method to restore your parameters from this memory block,
    // whose contents will have been created by the getStateInformation() call.

    // This getXmlFromBinary() helper function retrieves our XML from the binary blob..
    ScopedPointer<XmlElement> xmlState (getXmlFromBinary (data, sizeInBytes));

    if (xmlState != nullptr)
        String name = xmlState->getStringAttribute("presetName");
        for (int k=0; k<13; k++) {
            presetName[k] = 0;
        for (int k=0; k<13 && name.toRawUTF8()[k] != 0; k++) {
            presetName[k] = name.toRawUTF8()[k];
        if (pfm2Editor) {
        printf(">>> PresetName : %s\n", presetName);
        // make sure that it's actually our type of XML object..
        if (xmlState->hasTagName ("PreenFM2AppStatus")) {
            for (int k=0; k<NUMBER_OF_PROGRAM; k++) {
                if (xmlState->getStringAttribute("Preset" + String(k)) != String::empty){
                    programName[k] = xmlState->getStringAttribute("Preset" + String(k));
            double value;
            for (int p=0; p< parameterSet.size(); p++) {
                if (p == nrpmIndex[2047]) continue;

                if (xmlState->getStringAttribute(teragon::Parameter::makeSafeName(parameterSet[p]->getName()).c_str()) != String::empty) {
                    value  = (float) xmlState->getDoubleAttribute (teragon::Parameter::makeSafeName(parameterSet[p]->getName()).c_str(), value);
                    parameterSet.setScaled(p, value, this);
                } else {
                    printf("Cannot set %d : %s\n", p, parameterSet[p]->getName().c_str());
			// If no UI we must set current
			currentMidiChannel = parameterSet[nrpmIndex[2045]]->getValue();
            // REDRAW UI
            for (int p=0; p< parameterSet.size(); p++) {
                const MidifiedFloatParameter* midifiedFP = dynamic_cast<const MidifiedFloatParameter*>(parameterSet[p]);
                if (midifiedFP != nullptr) {

            // Flush NRPN
Example #2
FatalError::FatalError (char const* message, char const* fileName, int lineNumber)
    typedef CriticalSection LockType;

    static LockType s_mutex;

    std::lock_guard <LockType> lock (s_mutex);

    String const backtraceString = SystemStats::getStackBacktrace ();

    char const* const szStackBacktrace = backtraceString.toRawUTF8 ();

    String const fileNameString = fileName;

    char const* const szFileName = fileNameString.toRawUTF8 ();

    Reporter* const reporter (s_reporter);

    if (reporter != nullptr)
        reporter->onFatalError (message, szStackBacktrace, szFileName, lineNumber);

    Process::terminate ();
Example #3
bool SysexComm::setInput(String target) {
    if ( input != NULL ) {
        delete input;
        input = NULL;
    if ( listener == NULL )
        return true;
    StringArray devices = MidiInput::getDevices();
    int idx = devices.indexOf(target);

    if ( idx == -1 ) {
        TRACE("device %s not found", target.toRawUTF8());
        inputName = "";
        if ( target == "None" || target == "" )
            return true;
        return false;

    input = MidiInput::openDevice(idx, listener);
    if ( input == NULL ) {
        TRACE("unable to open %s", target.toRawUTF8());
        return false;

    inputName = target;
    TRACE("sysex %s opened", target.toRawUTF8());
    return true;
Example #4
bool SysexComm::setOutput(String target) {
    if ( output != NULL ) {
        delete output;
        output = NULL;
    StringArray devices = MidiOutput::getDevices();
    int idx = devices.indexOf(target);
    if ( idx == -1 ) {
        TRACE("device %s not found", target.toRawUTF8());
        outputName = "";
        if ( target == "None" || target == "" )
            return true;
        return false;
    output = MidiOutput::openDevice(idx);
    if ( output == NULL ) {
        TRACE("unable to open %s", target.toRawUTF8());
        return false;

    outputName = target;
    TRACE("sysex %s opened", target.toRawUTF8());
    return true;
Example #5
 bool Database::executeQuery (var& results, const String& sql, const QueryArgs& args)
     if (nullptr == db)
         return false;
     char* err = nullptr;
     int res = SQLITE_ERROR;
     if (! sql.containsChar ('?'))
         res = sqlite3_exec (db, sql.toRawUTF8(), ksp1_query_var, &results, &err);
         String query;
         int start = 0;
         int end = 0;
         for (const var& val : args)
             end = sql.indexOf (start, "?");
             query << sql.substring (start, end);
             if (val.isString())
                 query << "'" << val.toString() << "'";
                 query << val.toString();
             start = end + 1;
         query << sql.substring (start);
         res = sqlite3_exec (db, query.toRawUTF8(), ksp1_query_var, &results, &err);
     const bool result = (res == SQLITE_OK);
     if (res == SQLITE_OK) {
     } else {
     if (err)
         DBG ("SQL Error: " << err);
         sqlite3_free (err);
         err = nullptr;
     return result;
void AppsPageComponent::focusApp(AppIconButton* appButton, const String& windowId) {
  DBG("AppsPageComponent::focusApp - " << appButton->shell);
  String focusShell = "echo 'focus_client_by_window_id("+windowId+")' | awesome-client";
  StringArray focusCmd{"sh", "-c", focusShell.toRawUTF8()};
  ChildProcess focusWindow;
bool OpenGLShaderProgram::addShader (const String& code, GLenum type)
    GLuint shaderID = context.extensions.glCreateShader (type);

    const GLchar* c = code.toRawUTF8();
    context.extensions.glShaderSource (shaderID, 1, &c, nullptr);

    context.extensions.glCompileShader (shaderID);

    GLint status = GL_FALSE;
    context.extensions.glGetShaderiv (shaderID, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status);

    if (status == GL_FALSE)
        GLchar infoLog [16384];
        GLsizei infoLogLength = 0;
        context.extensions.glGetShaderInfoLog (shaderID, sizeof (infoLog), &infoLogLength, infoLog);
        errorLog = String (infoLog, (size_t) infoLogLength);

        // Your GLSL code contained compile errors!
        // Hopefully this compile log should help to explain what went wrong.
        DBG (errorLog);

        return false;

    context.extensions.glAttachShader (getProgramID(), shaderID);
    context.extensions.glDeleteShader (shaderID);
    return true;
Example #8
	void heartbeat()
		if (mNeedToEnd)
			Time now = Time::getCurrentTime();
			RelativeTime dt = (now - mLastXYTime);
			if (dt.inMilliseconds() > 200)
				mNeedToEnd = false;
		if (!mAddress) return;
		int src = mEditor->getOscLeapSource();
		if (src != mSource)
			String s = "Source "; s << (src+1);
			lo_send(mAddress, kSelectSourcePath, "s", s.toRawUTF8());
			mSource = src;
		FPoint p = mFilter->getSourceXY01(src);
		if (mSourceXY != p)
			//fprintf(stderr, "sent new pos to %s\n", kSourceXYPath);
			lo_send(mAddress, kSourceXYPath, "ff", p.y, p.x);
			mSourceXY = p;
void DiauproPluginAudioProcessor::handleAsyncUpdate ()

    if (editor != nullptr && editorReady) {
        vcoRtTime = diauproVCOProcessor.getRoundTripTime();
        vcoProcessTime = diauproVCOProcessor.getProcessTime() ;
        vcoRtMaxTime = jmax(vcoRtMaxTime, vcoRtTime);
        if (vcoRtTime > 0.0) vcoRtMinTime = jmin(vcoRtMinTime, vcoRtTime);
        vcoNetStatus = diauproVCOProcessor.hasActiveNetworkConnection();
        vcaRtTime = diauproVCAProcessor.getRoundTripTime();
        vcaProcessTime = diauproVCAProcessor.getProcessTime() ;
        vcaRtMaxTime = jmax(vcaRtMaxTime, vcaRtTime);
        if (vcaRtTime > 0.0) vcaRtMinTime = jmin(vcaRtMinTime, vcaRtTime);
        vcaNetStatus = diauproVCAProcessor.hasActiveNetworkConnection();
        nullRtTime = diauproNullProcessor.getRoundTripTime();
        nullProcessTime = diauproNullProcessor.getProcessTime() ;
        nullRtMaxTime = jmax(nullRtMaxTime, nullRtTime);
        if (nullRtTime > 0.0) nullRtMinTime = jmin(nullRtMinTime, nullRtTime);
        nullNetStatus = diauproNullProcessor.hasActiveNetworkConnection();
        if(((DiauproPluginAudioProcessorEditor *)editor)->isReady()) editor->repaint ();
        //nullNetStatus, nullAsync, nullRtTime, nullProcessTime
        String log = String::formatted("%d,%d,%f,%f\n", nullNetStatus, nullAsync, nullRtTime, nullProcessTime );
        logfile->write(log.toRawUTF8(), log.length()  );
Example #10
ID3DBlob* D3D11Context::compileShaderFromBinaryData (const char* id, const char* entry, const char* target)
    String fileId = String (id).replaceCharacter ('.', '_');
    int dataSize;
    const char* data = BinaryData::getNamedResource (fileId.toRawUTF8(), dataSize);

    if (nullptr == data)
        return nullptr;

    ShaderCompileDesc desc;
    desc.name = id;
    desc.entry = entry;
    desc.target = target;
    desc.source = data;
    desc.sourceSize = (size_t)dataSize;

    ShaderCompileResult ret = compileShader (desc);

    if (ret.errorMessage)
        const char* str = (const char*)ret.errorMessage->GetBufferPointer();
        errLog (str);

    return ret.byteCode;
Example #11
static void writeManifestFile(PluginListManager& plm)
    String text;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Header

    text += "@prefix lv2:  <" LV2_CORE_PREFIX "> .\n";
    text += "@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .\n";
    text += "@prefix ui:   <" LV2_UI_PREFIX "> .\n";
    text += "\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Plugins

    for (LinkedList<const NativePluginDescriptor*>::Itenerator it = plm.descs.begin2(); it.valid(); it.next())
        const NativePluginDescriptor* const& pluginDesc(it.getValue(nullptr));
        CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(pluginDesc != nullptr);

        const String label(pluginDesc->label);

        text += "<http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/plugins/" + label + ">\n";
        text += "    a lv2:Plugin ;\n";
        text += "    lv2:binary <carla" PLUGIN_EXT "> ;\n";
        text += "    rdfs:seeAlso <" + label + ".ttl> .\n";
        text += "\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // UI

    text += "<http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/ui-embed>\n";
    text += "    a <" LV2_UI__X11UI "> ;\n";
    text += "    ui:binary <carla" PLUGIN_EXT "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:extensionData <" LV2_PROGRAMS__UIInterface "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:optionalFeature <" LV2_UI__fixedSize "> ,\n";
    text += "                        <" LV2_UI__noUserResize "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:requiredFeature <" LV2_INSTANCE_ACCESS_URI "> ,\n";
    text += "                        <" LV2_UI__resize "> .\n";
    text += "\n";

    text += "<http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/ui-ext>\n";
    text += "    a <" LV2_EXTERNAL_UI__Widget "> ;\n";
    text += "    ui:binary <carla" PLUGIN_EXT "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:extensionData <" LV2_UI__idleInterface "> ,\n";
    text += "                      <" LV2_UI__showInterface "> ,\n";
    text += "                      <" LV2_PROGRAMS__UIInterface "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:requiredFeature <" LV2_INSTANCE_ACCESS_URI "> .\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Write file now

    std::fstream manifest("carla.lv2/manifest.ttl", std::ios::out);
    manifest << text.toRawUTF8();
Example #12
    static bool multicast (int handle, const String& multicastIPAddress,
                           const String& interfaceIPAddress, bool join) noexcept
        struct ip_mreq mreq;

        zerostruct (mreq);
        mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (multicastIPAddress.toRawUTF8());
        mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

        if (interfaceIPAddress.isNotEmpty())
            mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = inet_addr (interfaceIPAddress.toRawUTF8());

        return setsockopt (handle, IPPROTO_IP,
                           join ? IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
                                : IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
                           (const char*) &mreq, sizeof (mreq)) == 0;
Example #13
StringTS::StringTS(String S, int64 ts_software)
	str = new uint8[S.length()];
	memcpy(str, S.toRawUTF8(), S.length());
	timestamp = ts_software;

	len = S.length();
Example #14
StringTS::StringTS(String S)
	Time t;
	str = new uint8[S.length()];
	memcpy(str, S.toRawUTF8(), S.length());
	timestamp = t.getHighResolutionTicks();

	len = S.length();
Example #15
    void Database::executeUpdate (const String& sql, const QueryArgs& args)
        if (nullptr == db)

        char* err = nullptr;
        int res = SQLITE_ERROR;

        if (! sql.containsChar ('?')) {
            res = sqlite3_exec (db, sql.toRawUTF8(), ksp1_query_var, this, &err);
        } else {
            String query;
            int start = 0;
            int end = 0;

            for (const var& val : args)
                const bool isString = val.isString();

                end = sql.indexOf (start, "?");
                query << sql.substring (start, end);

                if (isString)
                    query << "'";

                query << val.toString();

                if (isString)
                    query << "'";

                start = end + 1;

            query << sql.substring (start);
            res = sqlite3_exec (db, query.toRawUTF8(), ksp1_query_var, this, &err);

        if (err)
            DBG ("SQL Error: " << err);
            sqlite3_free (err);
            err = nullptr;
int HDF5FileBase::createGroupIfDoesNotExist(String path)
	if (!opened) return -1;
	try {
	catch (FileIException)
		return createGroup(path);
	return 0;
Example #17
const char* carla_get_supported_file_extensions()

    static CarlaString retText;

    if (retText.isEmpty())
        retText =
        // Base types
        // MIDI files
        // fluidsynth (sf2)
        // linuxsampler (gig and sfz)
        // zynaddsubfx presets

        // Audio files
            using namespace juce;

            AudioFormatManager afm;

            String juceFormats;

            for (AudioFormat **it=afm.begin(), **end=afm.end(); it != end; ++it)
                const StringArray& exts((*it)->getFileExtensions());

                for (String *eit=exts.begin(), *eend=exts.end(); eit != eend; ++eit)
                    juceFormats += String(";*" + (*eit)).toRawUTF8();

            retText += juceFormats.toRawUTF8();

    return retText;
Example #18
void PanelEngine::updateUIEnveloppe(const char* paramName) {
    const char** pointName = enveloppe[0]->getPointSuffix();
    for (int k=0; k<NUMBER_OF_OPERATORS; k++) {
        const char* pString = enveloppe[k]->getName().toRawUTF8();

        for (int p=2; p < enveloppe[k]->getNumberOfPoints() * 2; p++) {
            String name = String(pString) + String(pointName[p - 2]);

            if (paramName != nullptr && name != String(paramName)) {

            teragon::Parameter* paramToMap =  parameterSet->get(name.toRawUTF8());
            // Will remove that later but dont' BUG for the moment if that doesn't fit
            if (paramToMap == nullptr) {
                printf("Enveloppe point %s does not exist...\r\n", name.toRawUTF8());

            if (panelParameterMap[name] == nullptr) {
                panelParameterMap.set(name ,paramToMap);
            // And let's update the value and update the UI Without sending modification !!!
            // No modification : we dont want sliderValueChanged to be called in the different panels
            if ((p & 0x1) == 0) {
                if (paramToMap->getValue() != enveloppe[k]->getX(p / 2)) {
                    enveloppe[k]->setX(p / 2, paramToMap->getValue());

            } else {
                if (paramToMap->getValue() != enveloppe[k]->getY(p / 2)) {
                    enveloppe[k]->setY(p / 2, paramToMap->getValue());
Example #19
bool OutputStream::writeString (const String& text)
   #if (JUCE_STRING_UTF_TYPE == 8)
    return write (text.toRawUTF8(), text.getNumBytesAsUTF8() + 1);
    // (This avoids using toUTF8() to prevent the memory bloat that it would leave behind
    // if lots of large, persistent strings were to be written to streams).
    const size_t numBytes = text.getNumBytesAsUTF8() + 1;
    HeapBlock<char> temp (numBytes);
    text.copyToUTF8 (temp, numBytes);
    return write (temp, numBytes);
Example #20
void jojo_bang (t_jojo *x)
    const ScopedLock myLock (x->lock_); 
    post ("Public / %s", x->public_.toString().toRawUTF8());
    post ("Private / %s", x->private_.toString().toRawUTF8());
    String myText (CharPointer_UTF8 ("P\xc3\xa9p\xc3\xa9 p\xc3\xa8te en ao\xc3\xbbt!"));
    post ("%s", myText.toRawUTF8());
    const juce::MemoryBlock blockBegin (myText.toRawUTF8(), myText.getNumBytesAsUTF8() + 1);

    BigInteger bitArray;
    bitArray.loadFromMemoryBlock (blockBegin);
    x->public_.applyToValue (bitArray);             /* Encrypt with the public key. */

    post ("%s", bitArray.toString (16).toRawUTF8());
    x->private_.applyToValue (bitArray);            /* Then decrypt with the private key. */
    const juce::MemoryBlock blockEnd (bitArray.toMemoryBlock());
    post ("%s", blockEnd.toString().toRawUTF8());
Example #21
static void create_state(struct SoundPlugin *plugin, hash_t *state){
  const MessageManagerLock mmLock;
  Data *data = (Data*)plugin->data;
  AudioPluginInstance *audio_instance = data->audio_instance;

  // save state
    MemoryBlock destData;

    if (destData.getSize() > 0){
      String stateAsString = destData.toBase64Encoding();    
      HASH_put_chars(state, "audio_instance_state", stateAsString.toRawUTF8());

  // save program state
    MemoryBlock destData;

    if (destData.getSize() > 0){
      String stateAsString = destData.toBase64Encoding();    
      HASH_put_chars(state, "audio_instance_program_state", stateAsString.toRawUTF8());

  HASH_put_int(state, "audio_instance_current_program", audio_instance->getCurrentProgram());

  HASH_put_int(state, "x_pos", data->x);
  HASH_put_int(state, "y_pos", data->y);
Example #22
    static bool bindSocket (SocketHandle handle, int port, const String& address) noexcept
        if (handle <= 0 || ! isValidPortNumber (port))
            return false;

        struct sockaddr_in addr;
        zerostruct (addr); // (can't use "= { 0 }" on this object because it's typedef'ed as a C struct)

        addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
        addr.sin_port = htons ((uint16) port);
        addr.sin_addr.s_addr = address.isNotEmpty() ? ::inet_addr (address.toRawUTF8())
                                                    : htonl (INADDR_ANY);

        return ::bind (handle, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof (addr)) >= 0;
Example #23
static void writeManifestFile(PluginListManager& plm)
    String text;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Header

    text += "@prefix lv2:  <" LV2_CORE_PREFIX "> .\n";
    text += "@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .\n";
    text += "@prefix ui:   <" LV2_UI_PREFIX "> .\n";
    text += "\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Plugins

    for (LinkedList<const NativePluginDescriptor*>::Itenerator it = plm.descs.begin(); it.valid(); it.next())
        const NativePluginDescriptor* const& pluginDesc(it.getValue());
        const String label(pluginDesc->label);

        text += "<http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/plugins/" + label + ">\n";
        text += "    a lv2:Plugin ;\n";
        text += "    lv2:binary <carla-native" PLUGIN_EXT "> ;\n";
        text += "    rdfs:seeAlso <" + label + ".ttl> .\n";
        text += "\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // UI

    text += "<http://kxstudio.sf.net/carla/ui>\n";
    text += "    a <" LV2_EXTERNAL_UI__Widget "> ;\n";
    text += "    ui:binary <carla-native" PLUGIN_EXT "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:extensionData ui:idleInterface ,\n";
    text += "                      ui:showInterface ,\n";
    text += "                      <" LV2_PROGRAMS__UIInterface "> ;\n";
    text += "    lv2:requiredFeature <" LV2_INSTANCE_ACCESS_URI "> .\n";

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Write file now

    std::fstream manifest("carla-native.lv2/manifest.ttl", std::ios::out);
    manifest << text.toRawUTF8();
Example #24
bool Tunefish4AudioProcessor::loadProgram(eU32 index)
    String path = pluginLocation +
    File::separatorString + String("tf4programs") + File::separatorString +
    String("program") + String(index) + String(".txt");

    File file(path);
    FileInputStream *stream = file.createInputStream();
    if (!stream)
        return false;

    String name = stream->readNextLine();

        String line = stream->readNextLine();

        if (line.length() == 0)
            return true;

        StringArray parts;
        parts.addTokens(line, ";", String::empty);

        if (parts.size() == 2)
            String key = parts[0];
            eF32 value = parts[1].getFloatValue();

            for(eU32 i=0;i<TF_PARAM_COUNT;i++)
                if (key == TF_NAMES[i])
                    programs[index].setParam(i, value);

    return true;
Example #25
void Config::setRpcIpAndOptionalPort (std::string const& newAddress)
    String const s (newAddress.c_str ());
    int const colonPosition = s.lastIndexOfChar (':');

    if (colonPosition != -1)
        String const ipPart = s.substring (0, colonPosition);
        String const portPart = s.substring (colonPosition + 1, s.length ());

        setRpcIP (ipPart.toRawUTF8 ());
        setRpcPort (portPart.getIntValue ());
        setRpcIP (newAddress);
Image JUCE_API getIconFromApplication (const String& applicationPath, const int size)
    Image hostIcon;

    if (CFStringRef pathCFString = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, applicationPath.toRawUTF8(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
        if (CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault, pathCFString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 1))
            if (CFBundleRef appBundle = CFBundleCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, url))
                if (CFTypeRef infoValue = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey (appBundle, CFSTR("CFBundleIconFile")))
                    if (CFGetTypeID (infoValue) == CFStringGetTypeID())
                        CFStringRef iconFilename = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef> (infoValue);
                        CFStringRef resourceURLSuffix = CFStringHasSuffix (iconFilename, CFSTR(".icns")) ? nullptr : CFSTR("icns");
                        if (CFURLRef iconURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL (appBundle, iconFilename, resourceURLSuffix, nullptr))
                            if (CFStringRef iconPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (iconURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle))
                                File icnsFile (CFStringGetCStringPtr (iconPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
                                hostIcon = getIconFromIcnsFile (icnsFile, size);
                                CFRelease (iconPath);

                            CFRelease (iconURL);

                CFRelease (appBundle);

            CFRelease (url);

        CFRelease (pathCFString);

    return hostIcon;
Example #27
void DexedAudioProcessorEditor::saveCart() {
    File startFileName = processor->activeFileCartridge.exists() ? processor->activeFileCartridge : processor->dexedCartDir;

    FileChooser fc ("Export DX sysex...", processor->dexedCartDir, "*.syx", 1);
    if ( fc.browseForFileToSave(true) ) {
        String f = fc.getResults().getReference(0).getFullPathName();
        char syx_data[4104];
        exportSysexCart((char *) syx_data, (char *) &processor->sysex, 0);
        ofstream fp_out(f.toRawUTF8(), ios::binary);
        fp_out.write((char *)syx_data, 4104);
        if (fp_out.fail()) {
            AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
                                              "Unable to write: " + f);
Example #28
int LAudioAppComponent::setAudioChannels(lua_State *L) {
    if(audioOpen) {
        lua_pushliteral(L, "audio channels already set.");
        return 2;
    int numInputChannels = LUA::checkAndGetNumber<int>(2, 0);
    int numOutputChannels = LUA::checkAndGetNumber<int>(2, 2);
    String audioError = deviceManager.initialise (numInputChannels, numOutputChannels, nullptr, true);
    jassert (audioError.isEmpty());
    if(audioError.isEmpty()) {
        deviceManager.addAudioCallback (&audioSourcePlayer);
        audioOpen = true;
        lua_pushboolean(L, true);
        return 1;
        lua_pushstring(L, audioError.toRawUTF8());
        return 2;
Example #29
void DexedAudioProcessorEditor::loadCart(File file) {
    String f = file.getFullPathName();
    uint8_t syx_data[4104];
    ifstream fp_in(f.toRawUTF8(), ios::binary);
    if (fp_in.fail()) {
        AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
                                          "Unable to open: " + f);
    fp_in.read((char *)syx_data, 4104);
    if ( processor->importSysex((char *) &syx_data) ) {
        global.setSystemMessage(String("Unkown sysex format !?"));
    global.programs->setSelectedId(processor->getCurrentProgram()+1, dontSendNotification);
    processor->activeFileCartridge = file;
static String getLinkedFile (const String& file)
    HeapBlock<char> buffer (8194);
    const int numBytes = (int) readlink (file.toRawUTF8(), buffer, 8192);
    return String::fromUTF8 (buffer, jmax (0, numBytes));