Example #1
error_code llvmutil_createtemporaryfile(const Twine &Prefix, StringRef Suffix, SmallVectorImpl<char> &ResultPath) {
    llvm::sys::Path P("/tmp");
    StringRef str = P.str();
    return error_code();
Example #2
void Value::setName(const Twine &NewName) {
  assert(SubclassID != MDStringVal &&
         "Cannot set the name of MDString with this method!");

  // Fast path for common IRBuilder case of setName("") when there is no name.
  if (NewName.isTriviallyEmpty() && !hasName())

  SmallString<256> NameData;
  StringRef NameRef = NewName.toStringRef(NameData);

  // Name isn't changing?
  if (getName() == NameRef)

  assert(!getType()->isVoidTy() && "Cannot assign a name to void values!");

  // Get the symbol table to update for this object.
  ValueSymbolTable *ST;
  if (getSymTab(this, ST))
    return;  // Cannot set a name on this value (e.g. constant).

  if (!ST) { // No symbol table to update?  Just do the change.
    if (NameRef.empty()) {
      // Free the name for this value.
      Name = 0;

    if (Name)

    // NOTE: Could optimize for the case the name is shrinking to not deallocate
    // then reallocated.

    // Create the new name.
    Name = ValueName::Create(NameRef.begin(), NameRef.end());

  // NOTE: Could optimize for the case the name is shrinking to not deallocate
  // then reallocated.
  if (hasName()) {
    // Remove old name.
    Name = 0;

    if (NameRef.empty())

  // Name is changing to something new.
  Name = ST->createValueName(NameRef, this);
Example #3
static void getPath(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Path, const MDNode *MD) {
	StringRef Filename = DIScope(MD).getFilename();
	if (sys::path::is_absolute(Filename))
		Path.append(Filename.begin(), Filename.end());
		sys::path::append(Path, DIScope(MD).getDirectory(), Filename);
Example #4
// parser<double>/parser<float> implementation
static bool parseDouble(Option &O, StringRef Arg, double &Value) {
  SmallString<32> TmpStr(Arg.begin(), Arg.end());
  const char *ArgStart = TmpStr.c_str();
  char *End;
  Value = strtod(ArgStart, &End);
  if (*End != 0)
    return O.error("'" + Arg + "' value invalid for floating point argument!");
  return false;
error_code MemoryBuffer::getFile(StringRef Filename,
                                 OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> &result,
                                 int64_t FileSize,
                                 bool RequiresNullTerminator) {
  // Ensure the path is null terminated.
  SmallString<256> PathBuf(Filename.begin(), Filename.end());
  return MemoryBuffer::getFile(PathBuf.c_str(), result, FileSize,
Example #6
static std::error_code getRelocationValueString(const COFFObjectFile *Obj,
                                                const RelocationRef &Rel,
                                                SmallVectorImpl<char> &Result) {
  symbol_iterator SymI = Rel.getSymbol();
  StringRef SymName;
  if (std::error_code EC = SymI->getName(SymName))
    return EC;
  Result.append(SymName.begin(), SymName.end());
  return std::error_code();
Example #7
static bool getNumber(const StringRef &S, uint64_t &N) {
  N = 0;
  for (StringRef::iterator I = S.begin(), E = S.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (*I >= '0' && *I <= '9')
      N = N * 10 + (*I - '0');
      return false;

  return true;
/// \brief Find the end of the end of the directive, either the beginning of a
/// newline or the end of file.
// \return The offset into the file where the directive ends along with a
// boolean value indicating whether the directive ends because the end of file
// was reached or not.
static std::pair<unsigned, bool> findDirectiveEnd(SourceLocation HashLoc,
                                                  SourceManager &SM,
                                                  const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
  FileID FID = SM.getFileID(HashLoc);
  unsigned Offset = SM.getFileOffset(HashLoc);
  StringRef Content = SM.getBufferData(FID);
  Lexer Lex(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), LangOpts, Content.begin(),
            Content.begin() + Offset, Content.end());
  Token Tok;

  // This loop look for the newline after our directive but avoids the ones part
  // of a multi-line comments:
  //     #include <foo> /* long \n comment */\n
  //                            ~~ no        ~~ yes
  for (;;) {
    // find the beginning of the end-of-line sequence
    StringRef::size_type EOLOffset = Content.find_first_of("\r\n", Offset);
    // ends because EOF was reached
    if (EOLOffset == StringRef::npos)
      return std::make_pair(Content.size(), true);

    // find the token that contains our end-of-line
    unsigned TokEnd = 0;
    do {
      TokEnd = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()) + Tok.getLength();

      // happens when the whitespaces are eaten after a multiline comment
      if (Tok.is(tok::eof))
        return std::make_pair(EOLOffset, false);
    } while (TokEnd < EOLOffset);

    // the end-of-line is not part of a multi-line comment, return its location
    if (Tok.isNot(tok::comment))
      return std::make_pair(EOLOffset, false);

    // for the next search to start after the end of this token
    Offset = TokEnd;
Example #9
PooledStringPtr StringPool::intern(StringRef Key) {
  table_t::iterator I = InternTable.find(Key);
  if (I != InternTable.end())
    return PooledStringPtr(&*I);

  entry_t *S = entry_t::Create(Key.begin(), Key.end());
  S->getValue().Pool = this;

  return PooledStringPtr(S);
Example #10
/// Reencode well-formed UTF-8 as UTF-32.
/// This entry point is only called from compiler-internal entry points, so does
/// only minimal validation. In particular, it does *not* check for overlong
/// encodings.
/// If \p mapNonSymbolChars is true, non-symbol ASCII characters (characters
/// except [$_a-zA-Z0-9]) are also encoded like non-ASCII unicode characters.
/// Returns false if \p InputUTF8 contains surrogate code points.
static bool convertUTF8toUTF32(StringRef InputUTF8,
                               std::vector<uint32_t> &OutUTF32,
                               bool mapNonSymbolChars) {
  auto ptr = InputUTF8.begin();
  auto end = InputUTF8.end();
  while (ptr < end) {
    uint8_t first = *ptr++;
    if (first < 0x80) {
      if (NewMangling::isValidSymbolChar(first) || !mapNonSymbolChars) {
      } else {
        OutUTF32.push_back((uint32_t)first + 0xD800);
    } else if (first < 0xC0) {
      // Invalid continuation byte.
      return false;
    } else if (first < 0xE0) {
      // Two-byte sequence.
      if (ptr == end)
        return false;
      uint8_t second = *ptr++;
      if (!isContinuationByte(second))
        return false;
      OutUTF32.push_back(((first & 0x1F) << 6) | (second & 0x3F));
    } else if (first < 0xF0) {
      // Three-byte sequence.
      if (end - ptr < 2)
        return false;
      uint8_t second = *ptr++;
      uint8_t third = *ptr++;
      if (!isContinuationByte(second) || !isContinuationByte(third))
        return false;
      OutUTF32.push_back(((first & 0xF) << 12) | ((second & 0x3F) << 6)
                                               | ( third  & 0x3F      ));
    } else if (first < 0xF8) {
      // Four-byte sequence.
      if (end - ptr < 3)
        return false;
      uint8_t second = *ptr++;
      uint8_t third = *ptr++;
      uint8_t fourth = *ptr++;
      if (!isContinuationByte(second) || !isContinuationByte(third)
          || !isContinuationByte(fourth))
        return false;
      OutUTF32.push_back(((first & 0x7) << 18) | ((second & 0x3F) << 12)
                                               | ((third  & 0x3F) <<  6)
                                               | ( fourth & 0x3F       ));
    } else {
      // Unused sequence length.
      return false;
  return true;
Example #11
/* Based on the one from Support/Unix/PathV2 but with different default rights */
static llvm::error_code create_directory(const llvm::Twine& path)
    using namespace llvm;
    SmallString<128> path_storage;
    StringRef p = path.toNullTerminatedStringRef(path_storage);
    if (::mkdir(p.begin(), 0755) == -1) {
        if (errno != errc::file_exists)
            return error_code(errno, system_category());
    return error_code::success();
Example #12
const char *CodeCompletionAllocator::CopyString(const Twine &String) {
  SmallString<128> Data;
  StringRef Ref = String.toStringRef(Data);
  // FIXME: It would be more efficient to teach Twine to tell us its size and
  // then add a routine there to fill in an allocated char* with the contents
  // of the string.
  char *Mem = (char *)Allocate(Ref.size() + 1, 1);
  std::copy(Ref.begin(), Ref.end(), Mem);
  Mem[Ref.size()] = 0;
  return Mem;
Example #13
TimerGroup::TimerGroup(StringRef name)
  : Name(name.begin(), name.end()), FirstTimer(0) {
  // Add the group to TimerGroupList.
  sys::SmartScopedLock<true> L(*TimerLock);
  if (TimerGroupList)
    TimerGroupList->Prev = &Next;
  Next = TimerGroupList;
  Prev = &TimerGroupList;
  TimerGroupList = this;
Example #14
StringRef camel_case::appendSentenceCase(SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer,
                                         StringRef string) {
  // Trivial case: empty string.
  if (string.empty())
    return StringRef(buffer.data(), buffer.size());

  // Uppercase the first letter, append the rest.
  buffer.append(string.begin() + 1, string.end());
  return StringRef(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
Example #15
 unsigned getStringIndex(StringRef Str) {
   StringMap<unsigned>::iterator i = StringTableMap.find(Str);
   if (i == StringTableMap.end()) {
     unsigned Index = StringTable.size();
     StringTable.append(Str.begin(), Str.end());
     StringTableMap[Str] = Index;
     return Index;
   return i->second;
// This function is an adaptation from StringLiteral::getLocationOfByte in llvm-3.7.1\src\tools\clang\lib\AST\Expr.cpp
splitStringLiteral(StringLiteral *S, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &Features, const TargetInfo &Target)
    // Loop over all of the tokens in this string until we find the one that
    // contains the byte we're looking for.
    unsigned TokNo = 0;

    std::vector<std::string> result;
    for (TokNo = 0; TokNo < S->getNumConcatenated(); ++TokNo)
        SourceLocation StrTokLoc = S->getStrTokenLoc(TokNo);

        // Get the spelling of the string so that we can get the data that makes up
        // the string literal, not the identifier for the macro it is potentially
        // expanded through.
        SourceLocation StrTokSpellingLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(StrTokLoc);

        // Re-lex the token to get its length and original spelling.
        std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(StrTokSpellingLoc);
        bool Invalid = false;
        StringRef Buffer = SM.getBufferData(LocInfo.first, &Invalid);
        if (Invalid)
            continue; // We ignore this part

        const char *StrData = Buffer.data() + LocInfo.second;

        // Create a lexer starting at the beginning of this token.
        Lexer TheLexer(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(LocInfo.first), Features,
            Buffer.begin(), StrData, Buffer.end());
        Token TheTok;
        if (TheTok.isAnyIdentifier())
            // It should not be, since we are parsing inside a string literal, but it can happen with special macros such as __func__
            // of __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ that are not resolved at this time. In that case, we just ignore them...
        // Get the spelling of the token.
        SmallString<32> SpellingBuffer;

        bool StringInvalid = false;
        const char *SpellingPtr = &SpellingBuffer[0];
        unsigned TokLen = Lexer::getSpelling(TheTok, SpellingPtr, SM, Features, &StringInvalid);
        if (StringInvalid)

        const char *SpellingStart = SpellingPtr;
        const char *SpellingEnd = SpellingPtr + TokLen;
        result.push_back(std::string(SpellingStart, SpellingEnd));

    return result;
Example #17
bool Identifier::isOperatorSlow() const {
  StringRef data = str();
  auto *s = reinterpret_cast<llvm::UTF8 const *>(data.begin()),
  *end = reinterpret_cast<llvm::UTF8 const *>(data.end());
  llvm::UTF32 codePoint;
  llvm::ConversionResult res =
    llvm::convertUTF8Sequence(&s, end, &codePoint, llvm::strictConversion);
  assert(res == llvm::conversionOK && "invalid UTF-8 in identifier?!");
  return !empty() && isOperatorStartCodePoint(codePoint);
Example #18
static std::string QuoteProgramPathIfNeeded(StringRef Command) {
  if (Command.find_first_of(' ') == StringRef::npos)
    return Command;
  else {
    std::string ret;
    ret.reserve(Command.size() + 3);
    ret.append(Command.begin(), Command.end());
    return ret;
Example #19
void MCObjectStreamer::EmitBytes(StringRef Data) {
  MCDwarfLineEntry::Make(this, getCurrentSectionOnly());
  MCDataFragment *DF = getOrCreateDataFragment();
  flushPendingLabels(DF, DF->getContents().size());
  DF->getContents().append(Data.begin(), Data.end());

  // EmitBytes might not cover all possible ways we emit data (or could be used
  // to emit executable code in some cases), but is the best method we have
  // right now for checking this.
  MCSection *Sec = getCurrentSectionOnly();
Example #20
/// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
/// formal arguments into the %0 slots.  The result is appended onto the Str
/// array.
void Diagnostic::
FormatDiagnostic(SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
    if (!StoredDiagMessage.empty()) {
        OutStr.append(StoredDiagMessage.begin(), StoredDiagMessage.end());

    StringRef Diag =

    FormatDiagnostic(Diag.begin(), Diag.end(), OutStr);
Example #21
static size_t findNull(StringRef S, size_t EntSize) {
  // Optimize the common case.
  if (EntSize == 1)
    return S.find(0);

  for (unsigned I = 0, N = S.size(); I != N; I += EntSize) {
    const char *B = S.begin() + I;
    if (std::all_of(B, B + EntSize, [](char C) { return C == 0; }))
      return I;
  return StringRef::npos;
Example #22
/// getEditBuffer - Get or create a RewriteBuffer for the specified FileID.
RewriteBuffer &Rewriter::getEditBuffer(FileID FID) {
  std::map<FileID, RewriteBuffer>::iterator I =
  if (I != RewriteBuffers.end() && I->first == FID)
    return I->second;
  I = RewriteBuffers.insert(I, std::make_pair(FID, RewriteBuffer()));

  StringRef MB = SourceMgr->getBufferData(FID);
  I->second.Initialize(MB.begin(), MB.end());

  return I->second;
Example #23
void RewriteBuffer::InsertText(unsigned OrigOffset, StringRef Str,
                               bool InsertAfter) {

  // Nothing to insert, exit early.
  if (Str.empty()) return;

  unsigned RealOffset = getMappedOffset(OrigOffset, InsertAfter);
  Buffer.insert(RealOffset, Str.begin(), Str.end());

  // Add a delta so that future changes are offset correctly.
  AddInsertDelta(OrigOffset, Str.size());
Example #24
bool coreFoundation::followsCreateRule(const FunctionDecl *fn) {
  // For now, *just* base this on the function name, not on anything else.

  const IdentifierInfo *ident = fn->getIdentifier();
  if (!ident) return false;
  StringRef functionName = ident->getName();
  StringRef::iterator it = functionName.begin();
  StringRef::iterator start = it;
  StringRef::iterator endI = functionName.end();
  while (true) {
    // Scan for the start of 'create' or 'copy'.
    for ( ; it != endI ; ++it) {
      // Search for the first character.  It can either be 'C' or 'c'.
      char ch = *it;
      if (ch == 'C' || ch == 'c') {
        // Make sure this isn't something like 'recreate' or 'Scopy'.
        if (ch == 'c' && it != start && isalpha(*(it - 1)))


    // Did we hit the end of the string?  If so, we didn't find a match.
    if (it == endI)
      return false;
    // Scan for *lowercase* 'reate' or 'opy', followed by no lowercase
    // character.
    StringRef suffix = functionName.substr(it - start);
    if (suffix.startswith("reate")) {
      it += 5;
    else if (suffix.startswith("opy")) {
      it += 3;
    } else {
      // Keep scanning.
    if (it == endI || !islower(*it))
      return true;
    // If we matched a lowercase character, it isn't the end of the
    // word.  Keep scanning.
  return false;
Example #25
std::string Disassembler::rawBytesToString(StringRef Bytes) {
  static const char hex_rep[] = "0123456789abcdef";

  std::string Str;

  for (StringRef::iterator i = Bytes.begin(), e = Bytes.end(); i != e; ++i) {
    Str += hex_rep[(*i & 0xF0) >> 4];
    Str += hex_rep[*i & 0xF];
    Str += ' ';

  return Str;
Example #26
// Escape XML characters inside the raw string.
static void emitString(llvm::raw_svector_ostream &OS, const StringRef Raw) {
  for (StringRef::iterator I = Raw.begin(), E = Raw.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    char c = *I;
    switch (c) {
    default:   OS << c; break;
    case '&':  OS << "&amp;"; break;
    case '<':  OS << "&lt;"; break;
    case '>':  OS << "&gt;"; break;
    case '\'': OS << "&apos;"; break;
    case '\"': OS << "&quot;"; break;
Example #27
StringRef EnumInfoCache::getEnumInfoKey(const clang::EnumDecl *decl,
                                        SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch) {
  StringRef moduleName;
  if (auto moduleOpt = getClangSubmoduleForDecl(decl)) {
    if (*moduleOpt)
      moduleName = (*moduleOpt)->getTopLevelModuleName();
  if (moduleName.empty())
    moduleName = decl->getASTContext().getLangOpts().CurrentModule;

  StringRef enumName = decl->getDeclName()
                           ? decl->getName()
                           : decl->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl()->getName();

  if (moduleName.empty())
    return enumName;

  scratch.append(moduleName.begin(), moduleName.end());
  scratch.append(enumName.begin(), enumName.end());
  return StringRef(scratch.data(), scratch.size());
Example #28
 Expected<std::string> getAbsolutePath(StringRef /*Authority*/, StringRef Body,
                                       StringRef HintPath) const override {
   if (!HintPath.startswith(testRoot()))
     return make_error<StringError>(
         "Hint path doesn't start with test root: " + HintPath,
   if (!Body.consume_front("/"))
     return make_error<StringError>(
         "Body of an unittest: URI must start with '/'",
   SmallString<16> Path(Body.begin(), Body.end());
   return testPath(Path);
Example #29
/// isValidName - Return true if Name is a valid custom metadata handler name.
static bool isValidName(StringRef MDName) {
  if (MDName.empty())
    return false;
  if (!isalpha(MDName[0]))
    return false;
  for (StringRef::iterator I = MDName.begin() + 1, E = MDName.end(); I != E;
       ++I) {
    if (!isalnum(*I) && *I != '_' && *I != '-' && *I != '.')
      return false;
  return true;
Example #30
bool asctime(const StringRef &value, posix_time::ptime &datetime)
    using namespace gregorian;
    using namespace posix_time;

    typedef date::year_type::value_type year_type;
    typedef date::month_type::value_type month_type;
    typedef date::day_type::value_type day_type;
    typedef time_duration::hour_type hour_type;
    typedef time_duration::min_type min_type;
    typedef time_duration::sec_type sec_type;

    static const std::basic_regex<typename StringRef::value_type>
        regex("(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) " // day
              "(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) " // month-1
              "((?:\\d| )\\d) " // day-2
              "(\\d{2}):" // hour-3
              "(\\d{2}):" // minutes-4
              "(\\d{2}) " // seconds-5
              "(\\d{4})" // year-6

    std::match_results<typename StringRef::const_iterator> matches;
    if (!std::regex_match(value.begin(), value.end(), matches, regex))
        return false;

    hour_type hour = from_decimal_submatch<hour_type>(matches[3]);
    min_type min = from_decimal_submatch<min_type>(matches[4]);
    sec_type sec = from_decimal_submatch<sec_type>(matches[5]);

    if (hour > 23 || min > 59 || sec > 60)
        return false;

    try {
        datetime = ptime(date(from_decimal_submatch<year_type>(matches[6]),
                              [&matches]() {
                                  auto m = matches[2];
                                  if (*m.first == ' ')
                                  return from_decimal_submatch<day_type>(m);
                         time_duration(hour, min, sec));
    } catch(std::out_of_range&) {
        return false;

    return true;