Example #1
/// Check if this string ends with the given \p Suffix.
bool StringRef::endswith(StringRef pSuffix) const
  return (m_Length >= pSuffix.length() &&
         0 == compareMemory(end() - pSuffix.length(),
Example #2
bool String::startsWith(const StringRef& strRef) const
    if (len < strRef.length())
        return false;

    return ::memcmp(data(), strRef.data(), strRef.length()) == 0;
Example #3
bool String::endsWith(const StringRef& strRef) const
    if (len < strRef.length())
        return false;

    size_t refLen = strRef.length();
    return ::memcmp(data() + len - refLen, strRef.data(), refLen) == 0;
Example #4
void split(const StringRef & txt, const StringRef & splitter, tStringVector & list, bool all) {
	unsigned int start = 0, end;
	while (start < txt.length()) { // dopóki jest co kopiowaæ
		end = txt.find(splitter, start);
		if (all || start != end)
			list.push_back(txt.substr(start, (end == -1 ? end : end - start)) );
		if (end == -1)
		start = end + splitter.length();
Example #5
int TILParser::toInteger(StringRef s) {
  char* end = nullptr;
  long long val = strtol(s.c_str(), &end, 0);
  // FIXME: some proper error handling here?
  assert(end == s.c_str() + s.length() && "Could not parse string.");
  return static_cast<int>(val);
Example #6
bool ff::Value::CreateString(StringRef str, Value **ppValue)
	assertRetVal(ppValue, false);

	if (!str.length())
		static Value::StaticValue s_data;
		static Value *s_val = nullptr;

		if (!s_val)
			ScopeStaticValueAlloc scopeAlloc;

			if (!s_val)
				s_val = s_data.AsValue();

		*ppValue = s_val;
		*ppValue = NewValueOneRef();

	return true;
Example #7
double TILParser::toDouble(StringRef s) {
  char* end = nullptr;
  double val = strtod(s.c_str(), &end);
  // FIXME: some proper error handling here?
  assert(end == s.c_str() + s.length() && "Could not parse string.");
  return val;
Example #8
int32 String::compare(const StringRef& strRef) const
    size_t strRefLen = strRef.length();
    const char* localData = data();
    const char* strRefData = strRef.data();

    // Emulate behavior of strcmp. That is, do comparison as if the StringRef
    // was nul terminated.
    if (len == strRefLen)
        return ::memcmp(localData, strRefData, len);
    else if (len < strRefLen)
        int32 partial = ::memcmp(localData, strRefData, len);

        if (partial != 0)
            return partial;
        return 1;
        int32 partial = ::memcmp(localData, strRefData, strRefLen);

        if (partial != 0)
            return partial;
        return -1;
Example #9
	String format(const StringRef& fmt, Args... args) {
		const size_t num_args = sizeof...(args);
		String converted[num_args];
		convert_variadic_arguments_to_strings(converted, args...);
		StringBuffer buffer;
		const char* c = fmt.c_str();
		bool escaping = false;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < fmt.length(); ++i) {
			switch (c[i]) {
				case '\\': {
					if (escaping) { escaping = false; buffer.push('\\'); continue; }
					escaping = true;
				case '{': {
					if (!escaping) {
						size_t idx = 0;
						bool valid = true;
						bool anything = false;
						size_t j = i + 1;
						for (; j < fmt.length(); ++j) {
							if (is_numeric(c[j])) {
								idx *= 10;
								idx += c[j] - '0';
								anything = true;
							} else if (c[j] == '}') {
							} else {
								// non-numeric, non-terminator
								valid = false;
						if (valid && anything && idx < num_args) {
							buffer << converted[idx];
							i = j;
			escaping = false;
		return buffer.to_string();
Example #10
const String operator+(const String& str, const StringRef& strRef)
    String ret;
    ret.reserve(str.length() + strRef.length());
    return ret;
Example #11
double Double::parseLocaleDouble(StringRef strRef, bool* ok)
    std::stringstream ss;
    float ret;

    ss.write(strRef.data(), strRef.length());
    ss >> ret;

    // Check that parsing did not fail and that every character was used
    if (!ss.fail() && (ss.tellg() == (std::streampos)strRef.length()))
        Bool::setBool(ok, true);
        return ret;
        Bool::setBool(ok, false);
        return 0.0;
    static void createLines (Array<CodeDocumentLine*>& newLines, StringRef text)
        String::CharPointerType t (text.text);
        int charNumInFile = 0;
        bool finished = false;

        while (! (finished || t.isEmpty()))
            String::CharPointerType startOfLine (t);
            int startOfLineInFile = charNumInFile;
            int lineLength = 0;
            int numNewLineChars = 0;

            for (;;)
                const juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();

                if (c == 0)
                    finished = true;


                if (c == '\r')

                    if (*t == '\n')


                if (c == '\n')

            newLines.add (new CodeDocumentLine (startOfLine, t, lineLength,
                                                numNewLineChars, startOfLineInFile));

        jassert (charNumInFile == text.length());
Example #13
String::String(const StringRef strRef)
    len = strRef.length();

    if (len < SMALL_STR_MAX)
        strData = shortStr;
        reserved = SMALL_STR_LEN;
        ::memcpy(shortStr, strRef.data(), len);
        shortStr[len] = '\0';
        size_t refLen = strRef.length();
        size_t newLen = refLen+1;
        reserved = newLen;
        strData = new char[newLen];
        ::memcpy(strData, strRef.data(), refLen);
        strData[refLen] = '\0';
Example #14
// Tests basic chunked writer functionality
bool test_chunkedwriter_basic() {
    WriteTestSource streamSource;
    ChunkedWriter writer;

    HttpError err = writer.write("0123456789", 10);
    if (err != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Write failed");
        return false;

    err = writer.write("abcd", 4);
    if (err != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Write failed");
        return false;

    err = writer.close();
    if (err != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Close failed");
        return false;

    const StringRef expected =

    if (streamSource.dataWritten.size() != expected.length() ||
        std::memcmp(&streamSource.dataWritten[0], expected.data(), expected.length()) != 0) {
        testf("Did not write expected data");
        return false;

    return true;
Example #15
void BinaryWriter::writeString(const StringRef& str, ln::TextEncoding* encoding)
	if (encoding) {
	if (ln::Environment::byteOrder() == ByteOrder::BigEndian) {

	write(str.data(), str.length() * sizeof(Char));
Example #16
size_t StringRef::findLastNotOf(StringRef charList, size_t from) const
  std::bitset<1 << CHAR_BIT> charBits;

  for (size_t i = 0; charList.length() != i; ++i)

  for (size_t i = std::min(from, mLength) - 1; npos != i; --i)
    if (!charBits.test(static_cast<uchar>(mData[i])))
      return i;

  return npos;
Example #17
bool unescapeUrl(const StringRef& str, String& dest)
    size_t strLen = str.length();
    ShortList<char, 256> buffer(strLen);

    buffer.addBlockBack(str.data(), strLen);

    // Delegate to the in-place function
    if (!unescapeUrlInPlace(buffer.data(), &strLen))
        return false;

    dest.append(buffer.data(), strLen);
    return true;
Example #18
	String Internet::combineUrl(const StringRef& url, const StringRef& parent) {
		Stamina::RegEx regex;
		if (url.empty() || regex.match("#^\\w+://#", url.c_str())) {
			return url;

		// wyci¹gamy poszczególne elementy URLa
		if (!regex.match("#^(\\w+://[^/]+/)([^\\?]+/)?([^\\?/]*)(\\?.*)?$#", parent.c_str()))
			return url;
		if (url.a_str()[0] == '.' && (url.length() < 2 || url.a_str()[1] != '.')) {
			// (http://..../) + (katalog/) + url bez kropki
			return regex[1] + regex[2] + url.substr(1);
		} else if (url.a_str()[0] == '/') {
			// (http://..../) + url bez kreski
			return regex[1] + url.substr(1);
		} else {
			// (http://..../) + (katalog/) + url
			return regex[1] + regex[2] + url;
Example #19
bool Bool::parseBool(StringRef strRef, bool* ok)
    uint32 len = strRef.length();

    if (len == 4)
        bool ret = strRef.engEqualsIgnoreCase("true");
        setBool(ok, ret);
        return ret;
    else if (len == 5)
        bool ret = strRef.engEqualsIgnoreCase("false");
        setBool(ok, ret);
        return ret;
        setBool(ok, false);
        return false;
Example #20
String escapeUrl(const StringRef& str)
    String res;
    size_t strPos = 0;
    size_t strLen = str.length();

    while (strPos < strLen)
        unsigned char uc = (unsigned char)str.charAt(strPos);

        if (safeUrlChars[uc])
        else if (uc == ' ')
            unsigned char hexHigh = uc / 16;
            unsigned char hexLow  = uc % 16;

            char hex1 = hexHigh > 9 ? hexHigh + ('A'-10) : hexHigh + '0';
            char hex2 = hexLow > 9 ? hexLow + ('A'-10) : hexLow + '0';



    return res;
Example #21
bool test_http1_1_keepalive() {
    Socket acceptSocket;
    SocketError socketErr;
    HttpServer server;
    HttpError serverError;
    std::mutex serverMutex;
    std::condition_variable serverCond;
    bool isShutdown = false;

    std::tie(acceptSocket, socketErr) = getAcceptingSocket(Addrinfo::getLoopback(INet::Protocol::Ipv6, 0));
    if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to bind socket for accept with: %d", socketErr);
        return false;

    uint16_t boundPort = acceptSocket.getLocalAddress().getPort();
    StreamSourceSocket streamSource(std::move(acceptSocket));

    server.addHandler("/index.html", [](HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response) {
        response.setStatus(200, "OK");
        response.addHeader("Content-Length", "11");

        HttpOutputStream* outputStream;
        std::tie(outputStream, std::ignore) = response.getOutputStream();
        outputStream->write("Hello World", 11);

    Async::runAsync([&streamSource, &server, &serverError, &serverMutex, &serverCond, &isShutdown] {
        HttpError err = server.start(&streamSource);

        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(serverMutex);
        isShutdown = true;
        serverError = err;

    std::vector<StringRef> requests = {
        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
        "Connection: close\r\n"

        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
        "Connection: close\r\n"
        "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
    std::vector<StringRef> expectedResponses = {
        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World"
        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World"
        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World",

        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\n\r\nHello World",

    for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
        StringRef request = requests[i];
        StringRef expectedResponse = expectedResponses[i];

        char responseBuffer[1024];

        Socket requestSocket;
        std::tie(requestSocket, socketErr) = getConnectedSocket(Addrinfo::getLoopback(INet::Protocol::Ipv6, boundPort));
        if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
            testf("Failed to connect to HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
            return false;
        socketErr = requestSocket.write(request.data(), request.length());
        if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
            testf("Failed to write to HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
            return false;
        uint32_t totalBytesRead = 0;
        std::tie(totalBytesRead, socketErr) = readFully(&requestSocket, responseBuffer, sizeof(responseBuffer));
        if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
            testf("Failed to read from HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
            return false;
        if (StringRef(responseBuffer, totalBytesRead) != expectedResponse) {
            testf("Did not receive expected response. Got:\n%.*s", (size_t)totalBytesRead, responseBuffer);
            return false;


    // Wait for server shutdown and check its error
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(serverMutex);
    serverCond.wait(lock, [&isShutdown] {return isShutdown; });

    if (serverError != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to start HTTP server with: %d", serverError);
        return false;

    return true;
Example #22
bool test_http1_1_chunked_request() {
    Socket acceptSocket;
    SocketError socketErr;
    HttpServer server;
    HttpError serverError;
    std::mutex serverMutex;
    std::condition_variable serverCond;
    bool isShutdown = false;

    bool gotExpectedPost = false;
    HttpError postError = HttpError::Ok;
    bool hadCorrectHeader = false;

    std::tie(acceptSocket, socketErr) = ::getAcceptingSocket(Addrinfo::getLoopback(INet::Protocol::Ipv6, 0));
    if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to bind socket for accept with: %d", socketErr);
        return false;

    uint16_t boundPort = acceptSocket.getLocalAddress().getPort();
    StreamSourceSocket streamSource(std::move(acceptSocket));

    server.addHandler("/formthingy", [&gotExpectedPost, &postError, &hadCorrectHeader](HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response) {
        char readBuffer[1024];
        HttpInputStream& httpInputStream = request.getInputStream();

        HttpError readErr;
        uint32_t readBytes;
        uint32_t totalRead = 0;
        do {
            std::tie(readBytes, readErr) = httpInputStream.read(readBuffer + totalRead, 3); // Intentionally small reads
            totalRead += readBytes;
        } while (readErr == HttpError::Ok);

        if (readErr != HttpError::Eof) {
            postError = readErr;

        postError = httpInputStream.close();

        const StringRef postData = "Some form post data";
        if (totalRead != postData.length()) {
            gotExpectedPost = false;
        } else {
            gotExpectedPost = std::memcmp(postData.data(), readBuffer, postData.length()) == 0;

        StringRef transferEncodingHeader;
        bool hasHeader;
        std::tie(transferEncodingHeader, hasHeader) = request.getHeader("Transfer-Encoding");
        if (!hasHeader) {
            hadCorrectHeader = false;
        } else {
            hadCorrectHeader = transferEncodingHeader.equals("chunked");

        response.setStatus(200, "OK");

    Async::runAsync([&streamSource, &server, &serverError, &serverMutex, &serverCond, &isShutdown] {
        HttpError err = server.start(&streamSource);

        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(serverMutex);
        isShutdown = true;
        serverError = err;

    StringRef request =
        "POST /formthingy HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        "Host: localhost\r\n"
        "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"
        "Connection: close\r\n"
        "Some \r\n"
        "form post data\r\n"
    StringRef expectedResponse = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n";
    char responseBuffer[1024];

    Socket requestSocket;
    std::tie(requestSocket, socketErr) = getConnectedSocket(Addrinfo::getLoopback(INet::Protocol::Ipv6, boundPort));
    if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to connect to HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
        return false;
    socketErr = requestSocket.write(request.data(), request.length());
    if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to write to HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
        return false;
    uint32_t totalBytesRead = 0;
    std::tie(totalBytesRead, socketErr) = readFully(&requestSocket, responseBuffer, sizeof(responseBuffer));
    if (socketErr != SocketError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to read from HTTP socket with: %d", socketErr);
        return false;
    if (StringRef(responseBuffer, totalBytesRead) != expectedResponse) {
        testf("Did not receive expected response. Got:\n%.*s", totalBytesRead, responseBuffer);
        return false;


    // Wait for server shutdown and check its error
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(serverMutex);
    serverCond.wait(lock, [&isShutdown] {return isShutdown; });

    if (serverError != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Failed to start HTTP server with: %d", serverError);
        return false;

    if (!gotExpectedPost) {
        testf("Did not read back expected post data");
        return false;
    if (postError != HttpError::Ok) {
        testf("Received error when reading post data: %d", postError);
        return false;
    if (!hadCorrectHeader) {
        testf("Http request did not have expected Transfer-Encoding header");
        return false;

    return true;
Example #23
ptrdiff_t StringRef::lastIndexOf(const StringRef strRef, size_t endIndex) const {
    assert(endIndex >= 0 && endIndex <= len);

    size_t strRefLen = strRef.length();

    // Deal with zero length strings by always reporting a match at index
    // zero. Nothing is always present.
    if (strRefLen == 0) {
        return 0;

    ptrdiff_t searchLen = (ptrdiff_t)endIndex - (ptrdiff_t)strRefLen;

    // Return -1 for overlong strings as there can be no match.
    if (searchLen < 0) {
        return -1;

    // For short search areas, brute force. It's not worth building a table
    // to speed things up.
    if (searchLen < 256) {
        for (ptrdiff_t i = searchLen; i >= 0; i--) {
            bool match = true;

            for (size_t j = 0; match && j < strRefLen; j++) {
                if (strData[i+j] != strRef.strData[j])
                    match = false;

            if (match)
                return i;

        return -1;

    // Like indexOf, using the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm, but reversed.
    // This also changes how the 'skip' indexes are generated.

    const char* strRefData = strRef.strData;
    size_t strRefLast = strRefLen - 1;

    // Create an array of "skip" offsets when searching the string
    size_t skip[255];

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
        skip[i] = strRefLen;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < strRefLen; i++) {
        skip[(unsigned)strRefData[i]] = strRefLast - (strRefLast - i);

    // Do the reverse search
    const char* searchStart = strData;
    const char* searchPtr = searchStart + endIndex - strRefLen;

    while (searchPtr >= searchStart) {
        if (std::memcmp(searchPtr, strRefData, strRefLen) == 0) {
            return searchPtr - searchStart;

        searchPtr -= skip[(uint8_t)searchPtr[0]];

    // No match found
    return -1;
Example #24
ptrdiff_t StringRef::indexOf(const StringRef strRef, size_t startIndex) const {
    assert(startIndex >= 0 && startIndex <= len);

    size_t strRefLen = strRef.length();

    // Deal with zero length strings by always reporting a match at index
    // zero. Nothing is always present.
    if (strRefLen == 0) {
        return 0;

    size_t searchLen = len - startIndex;

    // Return -1 for overlong strings as there can be no match.
    if (strRefLen > searchLen) {
        return -1;

    // For short search areas, brute force. It's not worth building a table
    // to speed things up.
    if (searchLen < 256) {
        for (size_t i = startIndex; i < len - strRefLen + 1; i++) {
            bool match = true;

            for (size_t j = 0; match && j < strRefLen; j++) {
                if (strData[i+j] != strRef.strData[j])
                    match = false;

            if (match)
                return i;

        return -1;

    // In the general case, use the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm. This has
    // average case of O(n) and worst case O(n*m), which is worse than the
    // Boyer-Moore algorithm, but has the advantage of not requiring memory
    // allocation.

    const char* strRefData = strRef.strData;
    size_t endIndex = strRefLen - 1;

    // Create an array of "skip" offsets when searching the string
    size_t badCharSkip[256];

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        badCharSkip[i] = strRefLen;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < endIndex; i++) {
        badCharSkip[(unsigned)strRefData[i]] = endIndex - i;

    const char* searchEnd = strData + len - strRefLen;
    const char* searchPtr = strData + startIndex;

    while (searchPtr <= searchEnd) {
        for (size_t scan = endIndex;
             searchPtr[scan] == strRef.strData[scan];
            if (scan == 0) // If complete match
                return searchPtr - strData;

        searchPtr += badCharSkip[(uint8_t)searchPtr[endIndex]];

    // No match found
    return -1;
Example #25
inline bool ends_with(const StringRef& input, const StringRef& target) {
  return input.length() >= target.length() &&
      cass::compare(input.data() + (input.length() - target.length()),
                    target.data(), target.size(), StringRef::IsEqual()) == 0;
Example #26
void AioFile::open(StringRef fileName, OpenMode_Enum mode, int permissions)
    // TODO: Properly convert filename
    size_t fileNameLen = fileName.length();

    ShortList<char, 256> charBuf(fileNameLen+1);

    charBuf.addBlockBack(fileName.data(), fileNameLen);

    // Don't inherit any fd
    int flags = O_CLOEXEC;

    // Build permission flags
    // It's legal, if normally pointless, to have no read or write access.
    // You can still access the file length.
    if ((permissions & IO_READ_ACCESS) &&
        (permissions & IO_WRITE_ACCESS))
        flags |= O_RDWR;
    else if (permissions & IO_READ_ACCESS)
        flags |= O_WRONLY;
    else if (permissions & IO_WRITE_ACCESS)
        flags |= O_RDONLY;

    // Build file creation flags
    switch (mode)
        flags |= O_CREAT;
        flags |= O_EXCL;
        flags |= O_CREAT;
        flags |= O_CREAT;
        flags |= O_TRUNC;
        // No extra flags
        flags |= O_TRUNC;

    _fd = UnixUtil::sys_open(charBuf.data(), flags, 0666);

    if (_fd == -1)
        Error error = UnixUtil::getError(errno,
        throw IOException(error);
Example #27
inline StringRef TILParser::copyStr(StringRef s) {
  // Put all strings in the string arena, which must survive
  // for the duration of the compile.
  char* temp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(stringArena_.allocate(s.length()+1));
  return copyStringRef(temp, s);
Example #28
/// Check if this string starts with the given \p Prefix.
bool StringRef::startswith(StringRef pPrefix) const
  return (m_Length >= pPrefix.length() &&
         0 == compareMemory(m_Data, pPrefix.data(), pPrefix.length()));
Example #29
int Connection::write(StringRef buf){
	return write(buf->c_str(), buf->length());
Example #30
	bool Request::send(const StringRef& headers, const StringRef& data) {
		return HttpSendRequest(_hRequest, headers.c_str(), headers.length(), (void*)data.c_str(), data.length())!=0;