void MyFunctions::BuildGradeNormMap() {
	// This function build the gradeNormMap if it isn't already filled
	if (gradeNormMap.size() > 0) return;  // Already filled
	// This is build from the Students root file.  Maybe this should be from a course file instead?
	TFile* f = new TFile("Students.root");
	TTree* studentTree = (TTree*)f->Get("Students");
	Student* student = 0;
	studentTree->SetBranchAddress("student", &student);
	Long64_t nentries = studentTree->GetEntriesFast();
	for (Long64_t jentry = 0; jentry < nentries; jentry++) {
		//Loop over all terms for this student and accumulate grade distribution info
		for (auto const& grade : student->Grades()) {
			// Only look at Fall and Spring Terms
			int term = grade.term;
			if (!regularSemester(term)) continue;
			if (!ValidGrade(grade.grade)) continue;
			auto thisKey = std::make_pair(grade.course, 0);
			auto thisKeyAll = std::make_pair("AllCourses", 0);
			MyFunctions::gradeNormMap[thisKey].AddGrade(grade.grade);  // Will automatically create entry in map if it doesn't exist
			auto termKey = std::make_pair(grade.course, term);
			auto termKeyAll = std::make_pair("AllCourses", term);