void Gradebook::exportStudent(const string studentID,  string saveLocation) const
	vector<string> newFields;
	vector<string> newData;

	for(set<Course>::const_iterator course = m_courses.begin(); course != m_courses.end(); ++course)
		string courseName = course->m_courseName;
		int year = course->m_year;
		string semester = SemesterString[course->m_semester];
		int idField = 0;
		int nameField = 0;

		//get the user ID / Student ID field
		for(Student::const_iterator field = course->m_fields.begin(); field != course->m_fields.end(); ++field)
			string f = *field;
			if (f.compare("Student Id") == 0 || f.compare("User ID") == 0) {
			else idField++;

		//iterating through the students
		for(vector<Student>::const_iterator student = course->m_students.begin(); student != course->m_students.end(); ++student)
			Student s = *student;

			//checking every student ID for a match
			if (s[idField].compare(studentID) == 0)

				if (newData.size() == 0) newData.push_back(s[idField]); //first entry of the created csv is always the id
				if (newFields.size() == 0) newFields.push_back("User ID");

				//get iterators for the fields and for the data
				Student::const_iterator sit = s.begin();
				Student::const_iterator f = course->m_fields.begin();

				//we can iterate through both vectors together since the fields and data should always match at a given index
				while ((sit != s.end()) && (f != course->m_fields.end()))
					string fval = *f; //current header title
					std:transform(fval.begin(), fval.end(), fval.begin(), ::tolower); //makes fval lower case for more accurate checking

					//we only keep the fields that aren't related to the names and user ids
					if (fval.find("name") == string::npos && fval.find("student id") == string::npos && fval.find("user id") == string::npos)
						stringstream ss;
						//building new header titles in the form courseName-semester-year-title
						ss << courseName << "-" << semester << "-" << year << "-" << *f;
						string sout = ss.str();
						sout.erase(remove(sout.begin(), sout.end(), '\r'), sout.end()); //removes newlines

						string dout = *sit;
						dout.erase(remove(dout.begin(), dout.end(), '\r'), dout.end()); //removes newlines



	if (newData.size() == 0) {
		cout << "No match found for student " << studentID << endl;

	//writing out

	ofstream outfile((saveLocation).c_str());

	int ctr = 0;

	//writing the fields
	for (vector<string>::const_iterator fw = newFields.begin(); fw != newFields.end(); ++fw) {
		outfile << *fw;
		if (ctr != newFields.size()-1) outfile << ",";
		ctr = 0;
		outfile << endl;

	//writing the data
	for (vector<string>::const_iterator dr = newData.begin(); dr != newData.end(); ++dr) {
		outfile << *dr;
		if (ctr != newData.size()-1) outfile << ",";
	cout << "Exported student " << studentID << " to " << saveLocation << endl;