#include#include void myFunction(){ TH1D* myHist = new TH1D("myHist", "My Histogram", 10, 0, 10); Double_t binWidth = myHist->GetBinWidth(1); std::cout << "Bin width of first bin in myHist: " << binWidth << std::endl; }
#includeThis code creates a histogram with 10 bins ranging from 0 to 10 and calculates the total bin width by multiplying the bin width of the first bin by the total number of bins. Therefore, the package library being used is ROOT.#include void myFunction2(){ TH1D* myHist = new TH1D("myHist", "My Histogram", 10, 0, 10); Double_t totalBinWidth = myHist->GetBinWidth(0) * myHist->GetNbinsX(); std::cout << "Total bin width of myHist: " << totalBinWidth << std::endl; }