void CPopsTestHarness::CopyScriptFileL(const TDesC& aScriptFile)
	TParse parsedScriptFile;
	if (!parsedScriptFile.DrivePresent())
		// This isn't a full path name so we need to resolve it
		iTestUtils->ResolveFile(K_POPS_COMPONENT_NAME, aScriptFile, parsedScriptFile);
	iTestUtils->CopyScriptFileL(parsedScriptFile.FullName(), _L("110"));
Example #2
/*static*/ TInt CJournalFile::CheckFileNameL(RFs&, const TDesC& aFileName)
	TParse parse;

	User::LeaveIfError(parse.Set(aFileName, NULL, NULL));

	if (!parse.DrivePresent())
	if (!parse.PathPresent())
	TDriveUnit drive(parse.Drive());
	return drive;
@SYMTestCaseID          PDS-SQL-UT-4224
@SYMTestCaseDesc        CSqlServer::GetBackUpListL() functional test
@SYMTestPriority        High
@SYMTestActions         Calls CSqlServer::GetBackUpListL() and tests the output, when the drive is read-only,
                        when there is a sub-directory which name is matching the search pattern.
@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
void GetBackupListFunctionalTest()
    CSqlServer* server = NULL;
    TRAPD(err, server = CreateSqlServerL());
    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    //Case 1: database with specified uid bellow do exist (on drive C). There will be one subdirectory matching the search pattern. 
    const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum1 = EDriveC;
    const TUid KDbUid = {0x98765432};
	TDriveUnit testDrive(KTestDrvNum1);
	TDriveName testDriveName = testDrive.Name();
	//One test directory will be created, which name will be matching the search pattern.
	//The directory name should not be included in the list with the file names.
    TFileName testFileName;
    err = server->Fs().PrivatePath(testFileName);
    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    _LIT(KTestPath, "t_startup\\");
    TParse parse;
    err = parse.Set(testFileName, &testDriveName, 0);
    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    err = server->Fs().MkDirAll(parse.FullName());
    TEST(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists);
    RArray<HBufC*> files;
    TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum1, files));
    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    TInt fileCnt = files.Count();
    for(TInt i=0;i<fileCnt;++i)
		TPtrC fname = files[i]->Des();
		TheTest.Printf(_L("Db: %S\r\n"), &fname);
		TEST(fname.FindF(KTestPath) < 0);
		//The name should include the full path + the drive
		err = parse.Set(fname, 0, 0);
		TEST2(err, KErrNone);
		TDriveName driveName(parse.Drive());
		delete files[i];
		TEST(driveName == testDriveName);		
    //Case 2: drive Z:. No files should be returned.
    const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum2 = EDriveZ;
    TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum2, files));
    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
    fileCnt = files.Count();
    TEST2(fileCnt, 0);
    //Case 3: drive A:. The drive does not exist. No files should be returned.
    const TDriveNumber KTestDrvNum3 = EDriveA;
    TRAP(err, server->GetBackUpListL(KDbUid, KTestDrvNum3, files));
	TheTest.Printf(_L("Drive %d, err=%d\r\n"), KTestDrvNum3, err);
    fileCnt = files.Count();
    TEST2(fileCnt, 0);
    delete server;
Example #4
EXPORT_C CPrinterModelList* CPrintSetup::ModelNameListL(RFs& aFs)
/** Gets the names of all printer models supported.

The function scans all directories in the search path list which were added 
using AddPrinterDriverDirL(). It returns a list of the printer models supported 
by the .pdr files found in those directories.

@param aFs A connection to a file server session.
@leave KErrNoMemory There is insufficient memory to perform the operation. 
@return The list of printer models supported. */
	if (!iModelList)
		CPdrModelList* modelList = CPdrModelList::NewL();
		// define some variables that are used in the loops, so it only gets done once
		TDriveList driveList;
		TDriveInfo driveInfo;
		TEntry entry;
		TParse parser;
		// get a list of available drives
		for (TInt i=iDriverDirList->Count()-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)
			TInt err = parser.Set((*iDriverDirList)[i],NULL,NULL);
			if (err==KErrNone)
				if (parser.DrivePresent())
					{// if there is a drive present add the path straight
					err = aFs.Entry(parser.DriveAndPath(),entry);
					if (err==KErrNone)
						modelList->AddDirectoryL(parser.DriveAndPath()); // add dir
					for (TInt n=0 ; n<KMaxDrives ; n++)
						{// if there's no drive scan all drives for matching directories
						if (driveList[n]!=0)
							if (driveInfo.iType!=EMediaNotPresent && driveInfo.iType!=EMediaRemote)
								TDriveUnit drive(n);
								err = parser.Set(drive.Name(),&(*iDriverDirList)[i],NULL);
								if (err==KErrNone)
									err = aFs.Entry(parser.DriveAndPath(),entry);
								if (err==KErrNone)
									modelList->AddDirectoryL(parser.DriveAndPath()); // add dir
		CleanupStack::Pop(); // modelList
		iModelList = modelList;
	return iModelList->ScanForModelsL();