Example #1
FPropertyEditor::FPropertyEditor( const TSharedRef<FPropertyNode>& InPropertyNode, const TSharedRef<IPropertyUtilities>& InPropertyUtilities )
	: PropertyEditConditions()
	, PropertyHandle( NULL )
	, PropertyNode( InPropertyNode )
	, PropertyUtilities( InPropertyUtilities )
	, EditConditionProperty( NULL )
	// FPropertyEditor isn't built to handle CategoryNodes
	check( InPropertyNode->AsCategoryNode() == NULL );

	UProperty* Property = InPropertyNode->GetProperty();

	if( Property )
		//see if the property supports some kind of edit condition and this isn't the "parent" property of a static array
		const bool bStaticArray = Property->ArrayDim > 1 && InPropertyNode->GetArrayIndex() == INDEX_NONE;

		if ( Property->HasMetaData( TEXT( "EditCondition" ) ) && !bStaticArray ) 
			if ( !GetEditConditionPropertyAddress( /*OUT*/EditConditionProperty, *InPropertyNode, PropertyEditConditions ) )
				EditConditionProperty = NULL;

	PropertyHandle = PropertyEditorHelpers::GetPropertyHandle( InPropertyNode, PropertyUtilities->GetNotifyHook(), PropertyUtilities );
	check( PropertyHandle.IsValid() && PropertyHandle->IsValidHandle() );
bool SPropertyEditorCombo::Supports( const TSharedRef< class FPropertyEditor >& InPropertyEditor )
	const TSharedRef< FPropertyNode > PropertyNode = InPropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode();
	const UProperty* Property = InPropertyEditor->GetProperty();
	int32 ArrayIndex = PropertyNode->GetArrayIndex();

	if(	((Property->IsA(UByteProperty::StaticClass()) && Cast<const UByteProperty>(Property)->Enum)
		||	(Property->IsA(UNameProperty::StaticClass()) && Property->GetFName() == NAME_InitialState)
		||	(Property->IsA(UStrProperty::StaticClass()) && Property->HasMetaData(TEXT("Enum")))
		&&	( ( ArrayIndex == -1 && Property->ArrayDim == 1 ) || ( ArrayIndex > -1 && Property->ArrayDim > 0 ) ) )
		return true;

	return false;
bool SPropertyEditorClass::Supports(const TSharedRef< class FPropertyEditor >& InPropertyEditor)
        return false;

    const TSharedRef< FPropertyNode > PropertyNode = InPropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode();
    const UProperty* Property = InPropertyEditor->GetProperty();
    int32 ArrayIndex = PropertyNode->GetArrayIndex();

    if ((Property->IsA(UClassProperty::StaticClass()) || Property->IsA(UAssetClassProperty::StaticClass()))
            && ((ArrayIndex == -1 && Property->ArrayDim == 1) || (ArrayIndex > -1 && Property->ArrayDim > 0)))
        return true;

    return false;
bool SPropertyEditorEditInline::Supports( const TSharedRef< class FPropertyEditor >& InPropertyEditor )
	const TSharedRef< FPropertyNode > PropertyNode = InPropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode();
	return SPropertyEditorEditInline::Supports( &PropertyNode.Get(), PropertyNode->GetArrayIndex() );