FReply FCurveColorCustomization::OnCreateButtonClicked()
	if (CurveWidget.IsValid())
		FString DefaultAsset = FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(Owner->GetOutermost()->GetName()) + TEXT("/") + Owner->GetName() + TEXT("_ExternalCurve");

		TSharedRef<SDlgPickAssetPath> NewCurveDlg =
			.Title(LOCTEXT("NewCurveDialogTitle", "Choose Location for External Curve Asset"))

		if (NewCurveDlg->ShowModal() != EAppReturnType::Cancel)
			FString Package(NewCurveDlg->GetFullAssetPath().ToString());
			FString Name(NewCurveDlg->GetAssetName().ToString());
			FString Group(TEXT(""));

			// Find (or create!) the desired package for this object
			UPackage* Pkg = CreatePackage(NULL, *Package);
			UPackage* OutermostPkg = Pkg->GetOutermost();

			TArray<UPackage*> TopLevelPackages;
			TopLevelPackages.Add( OutermostPkg );
			if (!PackageTools::HandleFullyLoadingPackages(TopLevelPackages, LOCTEXT("CreateANewObject", "Create a new object")))
				// User aborted.
				return FReply::Handled();

			if (!PromptUserIfExistingObject(Name, Package, Group, Pkg))
				return FReply::Handled();

			// PromptUserIfExistingObject may have GCed and recreated our outermost package - re-acquire it here.
			OutermostPkg = Pkg->GetOutermost();

			// Create a new asset and set it as the external curve
			FName AssetName = *Name;
			UCurveLinearColor* NewCurve = Cast<UCurveLinearColor>(CurveWidget->CreateCurveObject(UCurveLinearColor::StaticClass(), Pkg, AssetName));
			if( NewCurve )
				// run through points of editor data and add to external curve
				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++)
					CopyCurveData(&RuntimeCurve->ColorCurves[Index], &NewCurve->FloatCurves[Index]);

				// Set the new object as the sole selection.
				USelection* SelectionSet = GEditor->GetSelectedObjects();
				SelectionSet->Select( NewCurve );

				// Notify the asset registry

				// Mark the package dirty...

				// Make sure expected type of pointer passed to SetValue, so that it's not interpreted as a bool
	return FReply::Handled();