bool FDockingDragOperation::CanDockInNode(const TSharedRef<SDockingNode>& DockNode, EViaTabwell IsDockingViaTabwell ) const
	const TSharedRef<FTabManager> TargetTabManager = DockNode->GetDockArea()->GetTabManager();
	const TSharedRef<FTabManager> TabManagerOfOrigin = this->TabOwnerAreaOfOrigin->GetTabManager();

	if (TabBeingDragged->GetTabRole() == ETabRole::NomadTab)
		if ( IsDockingViaTabwell == FDockingDragOperation::DockingViaTabWell )
			// Nomad tabs can be docked in in any tab well.
			return true;
			return TargetTabManager != FGlobalTabmanager::Get();
	else if (TabBeingDragged->GetTabRole() == ETabRole::MajorTab)
		// Major tabs can only be stacked; they should not 
		// be allowed to split areas. They are also confined to their
		// tab manager of origin.
		// The only exception is an empty area, where docking the tab should be really easy.
		const bool bTabManagerMatches = TargetTabManager == TabManagerOfOrigin;
		const bool bCanDockInEmptyArea = DockNode->GetNodeType() == SDockingNode::DockArea && StaticCastSharedRef<SDockingArea>(DockNode)->GetChildNodes().Num() == 0;
		return bTabManagerMatches && (IsDockingViaTabwell == FDockingDragOperation::DockingViaTabWell || bCanDockInEmptyArea);
		// Most commonly, tabs are confined to their tab manager of origin.
		return (TargetTabManager == TabManagerOfOrigin);
 * DragTestArea widgets invoke this method when a drag enters them
 * @param ThePanel   That tab well that we just dragged something into.
void FDockingDragOperation::OnTabWellEntered( const TSharedRef<class SDockingTabWell>& ThePanel )
	// We just pulled the tab into some TabWell (in some DockNode).
	// Hide our decorator window and let the DockNode handle previewing what will happen if we drop the node.
	HoveredTabPanelPtr = ThePanel;

	TabBeingDragged->SetDraggedOverDockArea( ThePanel->GetDockArea() );