Example #1
TEST(TStr, ToUc) {
	TStr Mixedcase = "AbCd";	
	TStr Uppercase = "ABCD";
	TStr Empty = "";
	TStr Empty2;
	EXPECT_EQ(Mixedcase, Uppercase);
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty, Empty2);
Example #2
bool TFFile::Next(TStr& FNm){
  // if need to recurse
  if (!SubFFile.Empty()){
    if (SubFFile->Next(FNm)){CurFNm=FNm; CurFNmN++; return true;}
    else {SubFFile=NULL;}
  // for all required file-paths
  while (FPathN<FPathV.Len()){
    // try to find anything within FPathV[FPathN] directory
    while (true) {
      // if directory not open -> open next first
      if (!FFileDesc->FDesc) {
        if ((++FPathN)<FPathV.Len()) {
          FFileDesc->FDesc = opendir(FPathV[FPathN].CStr());
        } else break;
        if (!FFileDesc->FDesc) break;   // failed to open this one; pass control to outer loop

      FFileDesc->DirEnt = readdir(FFileDesc->FDesc);

      if (FFileDesc->DirEnt) {
        // found something
        TStr FBase = FFileDesc->GetFBase();
        FNm = FPathV[FPathN]+FBase;

        struct stat Stat;
        int ErrCd = stat(FNm.CStr(), &Stat);
        Assert(ErrCd==0); // !bn: assert-with-exception [pa se drugje po tej funkciji]

        if (S_ISREG(Stat.st_mode)) {
          if ((FBase!=".")&&(FBase!="..")){
            TStr FExt=FNm.GetFExt(); if (!CsImpP){FExt.ToUc(); FBase.ToUc();}
            if (((FExtV.Empty())||(FExtV.SearchForw(FExt)!=-1))&&
              CurFNm=FNm; CurFNmN++; return true;}
        } else if (S_ISDIR(Stat.st_mode) && RecurseP) {
          if ((FBase!=".")&&(FBase!="..")){
            TStr SubFPath=FPathV[FPathN]+FBase;
            TStrV SubFPathV; SubFPathV.Add(SubFPath);
            SubFFile=New(SubFPathV, FExtV, FBaseWc, RecurseP);
            if (SubFFile->Next(FNm)){CurFNm=FNm; CurFNmN++; return true;}
            else {SubFFile=NULL;}
      } else {
        // end of directory; clean up (ignore DirEnt, it's allocated within FDesc), pass control to outer loop
        FFileDesc->DirEnt = NULL;
        int ErrCd = closedir(FFileDesc->FDesc);
        FFileDesc->FDesc = NULL;
  // not found
  CurFNm=""; CurFNmN=-1; return false;