bool changeFrameSkippingHolds(QKeyEvent *e) { if ((e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) == 0 || e->key() != Qt::Key_Down && e->key() != Qt::Key_Up) return false; TApp *app = TApp::instance(); TFrameHandle *fh = app->getCurrentFrame(); if (!fh->isEditingScene()) return false; int row = fh->getFrame(); int col = app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); TXsheet *xsh = app->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col); if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { if (cell.isEmpty()) { int r0, r1; if (xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1)) { while (row <= r1 && xsh->getCell(row, col).isEmpty()) row++; if (xsh->getCell(row, col).isEmpty()) return false; } else return false; } else { while (xsh->getCell(row, col) == cell) row++; } } else { // Key_Up while (row >= 0 && xsh->getCell(row, col) == cell) row--; if (row < 0) return false; cell = xsh->getCell(row, col); while (row > 0 && xsh->getCell(row - 1, col) == cell) row--; } fh->setFrame(row); return true; }
void redo() const override { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(m_col, r0, r1); if (r0 <= r1) { xsh->clearCells(r0, m_col, r1 - r0 + 1); xsh->updateFrameCount(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); } }
ClearColumnCellsUndo(int col) : m_col(col), m_r0(0) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1); m_r0 = r0; if (r0 > r1) return; for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { m_oldFrames.push_back(xsh->getCell(r, col)); } }
static bool canMergeColumns(int column, int mColumn, bool forMatchlines) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); if (xsh->getColumn(column)->isLocked()) return false; int start, end; xsh->getCellRange(column, start, end); if (start > end) return false; std::vector<TXshCell> cell(end - start + 1); std::vector<TXshCell> mCell(end - start + 1); xsh->getCells(start, column, cell.size(), &(cell[0])); xsh->getCells(start, mColumn, cell.size(), &(mCell[0])); TXshSimpleLevel *level = 0, *mLevel = 0; TXshLevelP xl; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) { if (cell[i].isEmpty() || mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; if (!level) { level = cell[i].getSimpleLevel(); xl = cell[i].m_level; } else if (level != cell[i].getSimpleLevel()) return false; if (!mLevel) mLevel = mCell[i].getSimpleLevel(); else if (mLevel != mCell[i].getSimpleLevel()) return false; if (!mLevel || !level || // potrebbero non essere dei simplelevel (forMatchlines && (level->getType() != TZP_XSHLEVEL || mLevel->getType() != TZP_XSHLEVEL))) return false; else if (!forMatchlines) { if (level->getType() != mLevel->getType()) return false; if (level->getType() != PLI_XSHLEVEL && level->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL) return false; // Check level type write support. Based on TTool::updateEnabled() if (level->getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL && (level->getPath().getType() == "psd" || // PSD files. level->is16BitChannelLevel() || // 16bpc images. level->getProperties()->getBpp() == 1)) { // Black & White images. return false; } } } return true; }
ResequenceUndo(int col, int count) : m_index(col), m_r0(0), m_newFramesCount(count) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1); m_r0 = r0; assert(r0 <= r1); if (r0 > r1) return; for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(r, col); assert(cell.isEmpty() || cell.m_level->getChildLevel()); m_oldFrames.push_back(cell.m_frameId); } }
void redo() const override { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(m_index, r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); if (r0 > r1) return; TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(r0, m_index); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); assert(cell.m_level->getChildLevel()); xsh->clearCells(r0, m_index, r1 - r0 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < m_newFramesCount; i++) { cell.m_frameId = TFrameId(i + 1); xsh->setCell(m_r0 + i, m_index, cell); } TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
void undo() const override { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(m_index, r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); if (r0 > r1) return; TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(r0, m_index); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); assert(cell.m_level->getChildLevel()); xsh->clearCells(r0, m_index, r1 - r0 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_oldFrames.size(); i++) { TFrameId fid = m_oldFrames[i]; if (fid != TFrameId::EMPTY_FRAME) { cell.m_frameId = fid; xsh->setCell(m_r0 + i, m_index, cell); } } TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
bool canMergeColumns(int column, int mColumn, bool forMatchlines) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int start, end; xsh->getCellRange(column, start, end); if (start > end) return false; std::vector<TXshCell> cell(end - start + 1); std::vector<TXshCell> mCell(end - start + 1); xsh->getCells(start, column, cell.size(), &(cell[0])); xsh->getCells(start, mColumn, cell.size(), &(mCell[0])); TXshSimpleLevel *level = 0, *mLevel = 0; TXshLevelP xl; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) { if (cell[i].isEmpty() || mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; if (!level) { level = cell[i].getSimpleLevel(); xl = cell[i].m_level; } else if (level != cell[i].getSimpleLevel()) return false; if (!mLevel) mLevel = mCell[i].getSimpleLevel(); else if (mLevel != mCell[i].getSimpleLevel()) return false; if (!mLevel || !level || // potrebbero non essere dei simplelevel (forMatchlines && (level->getType() != TZP_XSHLEVEL || mLevel->getType() != TZP_XSHLEVEL))) return false; else if (!forMatchlines) { if (level->getType() != mLevel->getType()) return false; if (level->getType() != PLI_XSHLEVEL && level->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL) return false; } } return true; }
void mergeColumns(int column, int mColumn, bool isRedo) { MergeColumnsSessionId++; TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int start, end; xsh->getCellRange(column, start, end); if (start > end) return; vector<TXshCell> cell(end - start + 1); vector<TXshCell> mCell(end - start + 1); xsh->getCells(start, column, cell.size(), &(cell[0])); xsh->getCells(start, mColumn, cell.size(), &(mCell[0])); TXshColumn *col = xsh->getColumn(column); TXshColumn *mcol = xsh->getColumn(mColumn); vector<MatchlinePair> matchingLevels; std::set<TFrameId> alreadyDoneSet; TXshSimpleLevel *level = 0, *mLevel = 0; TXshLevelP xl; bool areRasters = false; std::map<TFrameId, QString> images; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) { if (cell[i].isEmpty() || mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; if (!level) { level = cell[i].getSimpleLevel(); xl = cell[i].m_level; } else if (level != cell[i].getSimpleLevel()) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("It is not possible to perform a merging involving more than one level per column.")); return; } if (!mLevel) mLevel = mCell[i].getSimpleLevel(); else if (mLevel != mCell[i].getSimpleLevel()) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("It is not possible to perform a merging involving more than one level per column.")); return; } TImageP img = cell[i].getImage(true); TImageP match = mCell[i].getImage(false); TFrameId fid = cell[i].m_frameId; TFrameId mFid = mCell[i].m_frameId; if (!img || !match) continue; if (alreadyDoneSet.find(fid) == alreadyDoneSet.end()) { TRasterImageP timg = (TRasterImageP)img; TRasterImageP tmatch = (TRasterImageP)match; TVectorImageP vimg = (TVectorImageP)img; TVectorImageP vmatch = (TVectorImageP)match; if (timg) { if (!tmatch) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("Only raster levels can be merged to a raster level.")); return; } areRasters = true; } else if (vimg) { if (!vmatch) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("Only vector levels can be merged to a vector level.")); return; } } else { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("It is possible to merge only Toonz vector levels or standard raster levels.")); return; } QString id = "MergeColumnsUndo" + QString::number(MergeColumnsSessionId) + "-" + QString::number(fid.getNumber()); TImageCache::instance()->add(id, (timg) ? timg->cloneImage() : vimg->cloneImage()); images[fid] = id; TAffine imgAff, matchAff; getColumnPlacement(imgAff, xsh, start + i, column, false); getColumnPlacement(matchAff, xsh, start + i, mColumn, false); TAffine dpiAff = getDpiAffine(level, fid); TAffine mdpiAff = getDpiAffine(mLevel, mFid); matchingLevels.push_back(MatchlinePair(cell[i], imgAff * dpiAff, mCell[i], matchAff * mdpiAff)); alreadyDoneSet.insert(fid); } } if (matchingLevels.empty()) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("It is possible to merge only Toonz vector levels or standard raster levels.")); return; } ToonzScene *sc = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); TXshSimpleLevel *simpleLevel = sc->getLevelSet()->getLevel(column)->getSimpleLevel(); if (!isRedo) TUndoManager::manager()->add(new MergeColumnsUndo(xl, MergeColumnsSessionId, column, level, images, mColumn, level->getPalette())); if (areRasters) { mergeRasterColumns(matchingLevels); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) //the saveboxes must be updated { if (cell[i].isEmpty() || mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; if (!cell[i].getImage(false) || !mCell[i].getImage(false)) continue; ToolUtils::updateSaveBox(cell[i].getSimpleLevel(), cell[i].m_frameId); } } else mergeVectorColumns(matchingLevels); TXshLevel *sl = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene()->getLevelSet()->getLevel(column); vector<TFrameId> fidsss; sl->getFids(fidsss); invalidateIcons(sl, fidsss); sl->setDirtyFlag(true); level->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
void mergeCmapped(int column, int mColumn, const QString &fullpath, bool isRedo) { static int MergeCmappedSessionId = 0; MergeCmappedSessionId++; TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int start, end; int mStart, mEnd; xsh->getCellRange(column, start, end); xsh->getCellRange(mColumn, mStart, mEnd); if (start > end) return; vector<TXshCell> cell(max(end, mEnd) - min(start, mStart) + 1); vector<TXshCell> mCell(cell.size()); xsh->getCells(min(start, mStart), column, cell.size(), &(cell[0])); if (mColumn != -1) xsh->getCells(min(start, mStart), mColumn, cell.size(), &(mCell[0])); TXshColumn *col = xsh->getColumn(column); TXshColumn *mcol = xsh->getColumn(mColumn); vector<MergeCmappedPair> matchingLevels; std::map<MergedPair, TFrameId> computedMergedMap; TXshSimpleLevel *level = 0, *mLevel = 0; TXshLevel *xl; std::map<TFrameId, QString> images; double dpix = 0, dpiy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) { if (!cell[i].isEmpty() && dpix == 0) ((TToonzImageP)(cell[i].getImage(false)))->getDpi(dpix, dpiy); if (!level) { level = cell[i].getSimpleLevel(); xl = cell[i].m_level.getPointer(); } if (!mLevel) mLevel = mCell[i].getSimpleLevel(); } if (!level || !mLevel) return; TFilePath fp(fullpath.toStdString()); TXshLevel *txl = level->getScene()->createNewLevel(level->getType(), fp.getWideName(), level->getResolution()); TXshSimpleLevel *newLevel = txl->getSimpleLevel(); newLevel->setPalette(level->getPalette()); newLevel->clonePropertiesFrom(level); newLevel->setPath(fp); TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->notifySceneChanged(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->notifyCastChange(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) { if (cell[i].isEmpty() && mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; TAffine imgAff, matchAff; getColumnPlacement(imgAff, xsh, min(start, mStart) + i, column, false); getColumnPlacement(matchAff, xsh, min(start, mStart) + i, mColumn, false); //std::map<TFrameId, TFrameId>::iterator it; MergedPair mp(cell[i].isEmpty() ? TFrameId() : cell[i].getFrameId(), mCell[i].isEmpty() ? TFrameId() : mCell[i].getFrameId(), imgAff.inv() * matchAff); std::map<MergedPair, TFrameId>::iterator computedMergedIt = computedMergedMap.find(mp); if (computedMergedIt != computedMergedMap.end()) { TXshCell newCell(newLevel, computedMergedIt->second); xsh->setCell(i, column, newCell); cell[i] = newCell; continue; } TFrameId newFid(++count); //level->getLastFid().getNumber()+1); TDimension dim = level->getResolution(); TToonzImageP newImage; if (cell[i].isEmpty()) { newImage = TToonzImageP(TRasterCM32P(dim), TRect(0, 0, dim.lx - 1, - 1)); newImage->setDpi(dpix, dpiy); } else newImage = (TToonzImageP)(cell[i].getImage(false)->cloneImage()); newImage->setPalette(level->getPalette()); newLevel->setFrame(newFid, newImage); TXshCell newCell(newLevel, newFid); xsh->setCell(i, column, newCell); computedMergedMap[mp] = newCell.getFrameId(); cell[i] = newCell; TImageP img = cell[i].getImage(true); TImageP match = mCell[i].getImage(true); TFrameId fid = cell[i].m_frameId; TFrameId mFid = mCell[i].m_frameId; if (!img || !match) continue; TToonzImageP timg = (TToonzImageP)img; TToonzImageP tmatch = (TToonzImageP)match; QString id = "MergeCmappedUndo" + QString::number(MergeCmappedSessionId) + "-" + QString::number(fid.getNumber()); TImageCache::instance()->add(id, timg->clone()); images[fid] = id; TAffine dpiAff = getDpiAffine(level, fid); TAffine mdpiAff = getDpiAffine(mLevel, mFid); matchingLevels.push_back(MergeCmappedPair(cell[i], imgAff * dpiAff, mCell[i], matchAff * mdpiAff)); } if (!isRedo) { TPalette *plt = level->getPalette(); TPaletteHandle *pltHandle = new TPaletteHandle(); pltHandle->setPalette(plt); int styleCount = plt->getStyleCount(); TUndoManager::manager()->add(new MergeCmappedUndo(txl, MergeCmappedSessionId, column, level, images, mColumn, plt)); } removeLevel(xl); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); mergeCmapped(matchingLevels); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cell.size(); i++) //the saveboxes must be updated { if (cell[i].isEmpty() || mCell[i].isEmpty()) continue; if (!cell[i].getImage(false) || !mCell[i].getImage(false)) continue; TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell[i].getSimpleLevel(); const TFrameId &fid = cell[i].m_frameId; ToolUtils::updateSaveBox(sl, fid); IconGenerator::instance()->invalidate(sl, fid); sl->setDirtyFlag(true); } newLevel->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
int TApp::getCurrentImageType() { /*-- 現在のセルの種類に関係無く、Splineを選択中はベクタを編集できるようにする * --*/ if (getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) return TImage::VECTOR; TXshSimpleLevel *sl = 0; if (getCurrentFrame()->isEditingScene()) { int row = getCurrentFrame()->getFrame(); int col = getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); if (col < 0) #ifdef LINETEST return TImage::RASTER; #else { int levelType = Preferences::instance()->getDefLevelType(); return (levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) ? TImage::VECTOR : // RASTER image type includes both TZI_XSHLEVEL (levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) ? TImage::TOONZ_RASTER : TImage::RASTER; // and OVL_XSHLEVEL level types } #endif TXsheet *xsh = getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col); if (cell.isEmpty()) { int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1); if (0 <= r0 && r0 <= r1) { /*-- Columnに格納されている一番上のLevelのTypeに合わせる--*/ cell = xsh->getCell(r0, col); } else /*-- Columnが空の場合 --*/ { #ifdef LINETEST return TImage::RASTER; #else int levelType = Preferences::instance()->getDefLevelType(); return (levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) ? TImage::VECTOR : (levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) ? TImage::TOONZ_RASTER : TImage::RASTER; #endif } } sl = cell.getSimpleLevel(); } else if (getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel()) sl = getCurrentLevel()->getSimpleLevel(); if (sl) { switch (sl->getType()) { case TZP_XSHLEVEL: return TImage::TOONZ_RASTER; case OVL_XSHLEVEL: return TImage::RASTER; case PLI_XSHLEVEL: default: return TImage::VECTOR; case MESH_XSHLEVEL: return TImage::MESH; } } return TImage::VECTOR; }
TImage *TTool::touchImage() { if (!m_application) return 0; m_cellsData.clear(); m_isLevelCreated = false; m_isFrameCreated = false; Preferences *pref = Preferences::instance(); bool isAutoCreateEnabled = pref->isAutoCreateEnabled(); bool animationSheetEnabled = pref->isAnimationSheetEnabled(); bool isAutoStretchEnabled = pref->isAutoStretchEnabled(); TFrameHandle *currentFrame = m_application->getCurrentFrame(); TXshLevelHandle *currentLevel = m_application->getCurrentLevel(); if (currentFrame->isEditingLevel()) { // Editing level // no level => return 0 TXshLevel *xl = currentLevel->getLevel(); if (!xl) return 0; TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel(); if (!sl || sl->isEmpty()) return 0; TFrameId fid = currentFrame->getFid(); TImageP img = sl->getFrame(fid, true); if (!img) { // no drawing found if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly() || !isAutoCreateEnabled) return 0; // create a new drawing img = sl->createEmptyFrame(); sl->setFrame(fid, img); currentLevel->notifyLevelChange(); m_isFrameCreated = true; } return img.getPointer(); } else { // editing xsheet if (m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) return 0; TSceneHandle *currentScene = m_application->getCurrentScene(); ToonzScene *scene = currentScene->getScene(); int row = currentFrame->getFrame(); int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); if (col < 0) return 0; TXsheetHandle *currentXsheet = m_application->getCurrentXsheet(); TXsheet *xsh = currentXsheet->getXsheet(); if (!xsh) return 0; TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col); TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel(); if (sl != 0) { // current cell is not empty if (isAutoCreateEnabled && animationSheetEnabled && row > 0 && xsh->getCell(row - 1, col) == xsh->getCell(row, col)) { // animationSheet is enabled and the current cell is a "hold". We must // create a new drawing. // measure the hold length (starting from the current row) : r0-r1 int r0 = row, r1 = row; if (isAutoStretchEnabled) while (xsh->getCell(r1 + 1, col) == cell) r1++; // find the proper frameid (possibly addisng suffix, in order to avoid a // fid already used) TFrameId fid = getNewFrameId(sl, row); // create the new drawing TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame(); m_isFrameCreated = true; // insert the drawing in the level sl->setFrame(fid, img); // update the cell cell = TXshCell(sl, fid); // update the xsheet (change the current cell and possibly all the // following "hold") for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) xsh->setCell(r, col, cell); // notify currentXsheet->notifyXsheetChanged(); currentScene->notifyCastChange(); currentLevel->notifyLevelChange(); m_cellsData.push_back(r0); m_cellsData.push_back(r1); m_cellsData.push_back(0); } // we've found the image. return it. return cell.getImage(true).getPointer(); } // current cell is empty. if (!isAutoCreateEnabled) return 0; // get the column range int r0, r1; xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1); if (animationSheetEnabled && r0 <= r1) { // animation sheet enabled and not empty column. We must create a new // drawing in the column level and possibly add "holds" // find the last not-empty cell before the current one (a) and the first // after (b) int a = row - 1, b = row + 1; while (a >= r0 && xsh->getCell(a, col).isEmpty()) a--; while (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).isEmpty()) b++; // find the level we must attach to if (a >= r0) { // there is a not-emtpy cell before the current one sl = xsh->getCell(a, col).getSimpleLevel(); } else if (b <= r1) { sl = xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel(); } if (sl) { // note: sl should be always !=0 (the column is not empty) // if - for some reason - it is ==0 then we skip to the standard (i.e. // !animationSheetEnabled) beahviour // create the drawing // find the proper frameid (possibly addisng suffix, in order to avoid a // fid already used) TFrameId fid = getNewFrameId(sl, row); // create the new drawing TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame(); m_isFrameCreated = true; // insert the drawing in the level sl->setFrame(fid, img); // update the cell cell = TXshCell(sl, fid); xsh->setCell(row, col, cell); // create holds if (!isAutoStretchEnabled) { m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(2); // vuoto => nuovo } else { if (a >= r0) { // create a hold before : [a+1, row-1] TXshCell aCell = xsh->getCell(a, col); for (int i = a + 1; i < row; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, aCell); m_cellsData.push_back(a + 1); m_cellsData.push_back(row - 1); m_cellsData.push_back(1); // vuoto => vecchio if (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel() == sl) { // create also a hold after for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell); m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(b - 1); m_cellsData.push_back(2); // vuoto => nuovo } else { m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(2); // vuoto => nuovo } } else if (b <= r1) { // create a hold after for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell); m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(b - 1); m_cellsData.push_back(2); // vuoto => nuovo } } } // notify & return currentXsheet->notifyXsheetChanged(); currentScene->notifyCastChange(); currentLevel->notifyLevelChange(); return cell.getImage(true).getPointer(); } if (row > 0 && xsh->getCell(row - 1, col).getSimpleLevel() != 0 && !animationSheetEnabled) { sl = xsh->getCell(row - 1, col).getSimpleLevel(); if (sl->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL || sl->getPath().getFrame() != TFrameId::NO_FRAME) { // la cella precedente contiene un drawing di un livello. animationSheet // e' disabilitato // creo un nuovo frame currentLevel->setLevel(sl); if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly()) return 0; TFrameId fid = sl->index2fid(sl->getFrameCount()); TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame(); m_isFrameCreated = true; sl->setFrame(fid, img); cell = TXshCell(sl, fid); xsh->setCell(row, col, cell); currentXsheet->notifyXsheetChanged(); currentScene->notifyCastChange(); currentLevel->notifyLevelChange(); return img.getPointer(); } } // animation sheet disabled or empty column. autoCreate is enabled: we must // create a new level int levelType = pref->getDefLevelType(); TXshLevel *xl = scene->createNewLevel(levelType); sl = xl->getSimpleLevel(); m_isLevelCreated = true; // create the drawing TFrameId fid = animationSheetEnabled ? getNewFrameId(sl, row) : TFrameId(1); TImageP img = sl->createEmptyFrame(); m_isFrameCreated = true; sl->setFrame(fid, img); cell = TXshCell(sl, fid); xsh->setCell(row, col, cell); if (animationSheetEnabled) { m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(row); m_cellsData.push_back(2); // vuoto => nuovo } currentXsheet->notifyXsheetChanged(); currentScene->notifyCastChange(); currentLevel->notifyLevelChange(); return img.getPointer(); } }