Example #1
TileVector PathFinder::FindPath() const
	TileSet closed = {};
	TileSet open = { &m_source };

	CostMap g_score; // Cost from start to this node.
	CostMap f_score; // Cost to get to this node + estimated cost to dest.
	CameFromMap cameFrom;

	g_score[&m_source] = 0;
	f_score[&m_source] = _Heuristic(m_source, m_dest);

	while (!open.empty())
		// Take the element in the open set with least total estimated cost.
		Tile* curr = *std::min_element(open.begin(), open.end(),
			[&f_score](Tile* a, Tile* b)
				return (f_score[a] < f_score[b]);

		if (curr == &m_dest)
			// We've found the best path.
			return _Reconstruct(cameFrom, m_dest);

		for (Tile* neighbour : _Neighbours(m_map, *curr))
			if (closed.find(neighbour) != closed.end())

			int tentative_g_score = g_score[curr] + neighbour->MoveCost();

			// If neighbour isn't in the open set, or we have found a better path to neighbour, update it.
			if ((open.find(neighbour) == open.end()) || (tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbour]))
				// This could be done without recalculating the heuristic, if desired.
				cameFrom[neighbour] = curr;
				g_score[neighbour] = tentative_g_score;
				f_score[neighbour] = tentative_g_score + _Heuristic(*neighbour, m_dest);

	// Failure
	printf("No path\n");
Example #2
void Map::ForEachReachableTile( const Unit* unit, ForEachReachableTileCallback callback )
    assertion( unit, "Cannot find reachable tiles for null Unit!" );
    assertion( callback.IsValid(), "Cannot call invalid callback on reachable tiles!" );

    // Find all reachable tiles for the Unit.
    TileSet reachableTiles;
    FindReachableTiles( unit, reachableTiles );

    for( auto it = reachableTiles.begin(); it != reachableTiles.end(); ++it )
        // Invoke the callback on all reachable tiles.
        callback.Invoke( *it, unit );