Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)

  master::Flags flags;

  // The following flags are executable specific (e.g., since we only
  // have one instance of libprocess per execution, we only want to
  // advertise the IP and port option once, here).
  Option<string> ip;
  flags.add(&ip, "ip", "IP address to listen on");

  uint16_t port;
  flags.add(&port, "port", "Port to listen on", MasterInfo().port());

  Option<string> zk;
            "ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters)\n"
            "May be one of:\n"
            "  zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  file:///path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)");

  bool help;
            "Prints this help message",

  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv);

  if (load.isError()) {
    cerr << load.error() << endl;
    usage(argv[0], flags);

  if (flags.version) {

  if (help) {
    usage(argv[0], flags);

  // Initialize modules. Note that since other subsystems may depend
  // upon modules, we should initialize modules before anything else.
  if (flags.modules.isSome()) {
    Try<Nothing> result = ModuleManager::load(flags.modules.get());
    if (result.isError()) {
      cerr << "Error loading modules: " << result.error() << endl;

  // Initialize libprocess.
  if (ip.isSome()) {
    os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_IP", ip.get());

  os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_PORT", stringify(port));


  logging::initialize(argv[0], flags, true); // Catch signals.

  LOG(INFO) << "Build: " << build::DATE << " by " << build::USER;

  LOG(INFO) << "Version: " << MESOS_VERSION;

  if (build::GIT_TAG.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git tag: " << build::GIT_TAG.get();

  if (build::GIT_SHA.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git SHA: " << build::GIT_SHA.get();

  allocator::AllocatorProcess* allocatorProcess =
    new allocator::HierarchicalDRFAllocatorProcess();
  allocator::Allocator* allocator =
    new allocator::Allocator(allocatorProcess);

  state::Storage* storage = NULL;
  Log* log = NULL;

  if (flags.registry == "in_memory") {
    if (flags.registry_strict) {
      EXIT(1) << "Cannot use '--registry_strict' when using in-memory storage"
              << " based registry";
    storage = new state::InMemoryStorage();
  } else if (flags.registry == "replicated_log" ||
             flags.registry == "log_storage") {
    // TODO(bmahler): "log_storage" is present for backwards
    // compatibility, can be removed before 0.19.0.
    if (flags.work_dir.isNone()) {
      EXIT(1) << "--work_dir needed for replicated log based registry";

    Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(flags.work_dir.get());
    if (mkdir.isError()) {
      EXIT(1) << "Failed to create work directory '" << flags.work_dir.get()
              << "': " << mkdir.error();

    if (zk.isSome()) {
      // Use replicated log with ZooKeeper.
      if (flags.quorum.isNone()) {
        EXIT(1) << "Need to specify --quorum for replicated log based"
                << " registry when using ZooKeeper";

      string zk_;
      if (strings::startsWith(zk.get(), "file://")) {
        const string& path = zk.get().substr(7);
        const Try<string> read = os::read(path);
        if (read.isError()) {
          EXIT(1) << "Failed to read from file at '" + path + "': "
                  << read.error();
        zk_ = read.get();
      } else {
        zk_ = zk.get();

      Try<URL> url = URL::parse(zk_);
      if (url.isError()) {
        EXIT(1) << "Error parsing ZooKeeper URL: " << url.error();

      log = new Log(
          path::join(flags.work_dir.get(), "replicated_log"),
          path::join(url.get().path, "log_replicas"),
    } else {
      // Use replicated log without ZooKeeper.
      log = new Log(
          path::join(flags.work_dir.get(), "replicated_log"),
    storage = new state::LogStorage(log);
  } else {
    EXIT(1) << "'" << flags.registry << "' is not a supported"
            << " option for registry persistence";


  state::protobuf::State* state = new state::protobuf::State(storage);
  Registrar* registrar = new Registrar(flags, state);
  Repairer* repairer = new Repairer();

  Files files;

  MasterContender* contender;
  MasterDetector* detector;

  // TODO(vinod): 'MasterContender::create()' should take
  // Option<string>.
  Try<MasterContender*> contender_ = MasterContender::create(zk.get(""));
  if (contender_.isError()) {
    EXIT(1) << "Failed to create a master contender: " << contender_.error();
  contender = contender_.get();

  // TODO(vinod): 'MasterDetector::create()' should take
  // Option<string>.
  Try<MasterDetector*> detector_ = MasterDetector::create(zk.get(""));
  if (detector_.isError()) {
    EXIT(1) << "Failed to create a master detector: " << detector_.error();
  detector = detector_.get();

  Option<Authorizer*> authorizer = None();
  if (flags.acls.isSome()) {
    Try<Owned<Authorizer> > authorizer_ = Authorizer::create(flags.acls.get());
    if (authorizer_.isError()) {
      EXIT(1) << "Failed to initialize the authorizer: "
              << authorizer_.error() << " (see --acls flag)";
    Owned<Authorizer> authorizer__ = authorizer_.get();
    authorizer = authorizer__.release();

  LOG(INFO) << "Starting Mesos master";

  Master* master =
    new Master(

  if (zk.isNone()) {
    // It means we are using the standalone detector so we need to
    // appoint this Master as the leader.


  delete master;
  delete allocator;
  delete allocatorProcess;

  delete registrar;
  delete repairer;
  delete state;
  delete storage;
  delete log;

  delete contender;
  delete detector;

  if (authorizer.isSome()) {
    delete authorizer.get();

  return 0;
Example #2
// TODO(karya): Show library author info for failed library/module.
Try<Nothing> ModuleManager::verifyModule(
    const string& moduleName,
    const ModuleBase* moduleBase)
  if (moduleBase->mesosVersion == NULL ||
      moduleBase->moduleApiVersion == NULL ||
      moduleBase->authorName == NULL ||
      moduleBase->authorEmail == NULL ||
      moduleBase->description == NULL ||
      moduleBase->kind == NULL) {
    return Error("Error loading module '" + moduleName + "'; missing fields");

  // Verify module API version.
  if (stringify(moduleBase->moduleApiVersion) != MESOS_MODULE_API_VERSION) {
    return Error(
        "Module API version mismatch. Mesos has: " MESOS_MODULE_API_VERSION ", "
        "library requires: " + stringify(moduleBase->moduleApiVersion));

  if (!kindToVersion.contains(moduleBase->kind)) {
    return Error("Unknown module kind: " + stringify(moduleBase->kind));

  Try<Version> mesosVersion = Version::parse(MESOS_VERSION);

  Try<Version> minimumVersion = Version::parse(kindToVersion[moduleBase->kind]);

  Try<Version> moduleMesosVersion = Version::parse(moduleBase->mesosVersion);
  if (moduleMesosVersion.isError()) {
    return Error(moduleMesosVersion.error());

  if (moduleMesosVersion.get() < minimumVersion.get()) {
    return Error(
        "Minimum supported mesos version for '" + stringify(moduleBase->kind) +
        "' is " + stringify(minimumVersion.get()) + ", but module is compiled "
        "with version " + stringify(moduleMesosVersion.get()));

  if (moduleBase->compatible == NULL) {
    if (moduleMesosVersion.get() != mesosVersion.get()) {
      return Error(
          "Mesos has version " + stringify(mesosVersion.get()) +
          ", but module is compiled with version " +
    return Nothing();

  if (moduleMesosVersion.get() > mesosVersion.get()) {
    return Error(
        "Mesos has version " + stringify(mesosVersion.get()) +
        ", but module is compiled with version " +

  bool result = moduleBase->compatible();
  if (!result) {
    return Error("Module " + moduleName + "has determined to be incompatible");

  return Nothing();
Example #3
Try<Nothing> ModuleManager::load(const Modules& modules)
  Lock lock(&mutex);

  foreach (const Modules::Library& library, modules.libraries()) {
    string libraryName;
    if (library.has_file()) {
      libraryName = library.file();
    } else if (library.has_name()) {
      libraryName = os::libraries::expandName(library.name());
    } else {
      return Error("Library name or path not provided");

    if (!dynamicLibraries.contains(libraryName)) {
      Owned<DynamicLibrary> dynamicLibrary(new DynamicLibrary());
      Try<Nothing> result = dynamicLibrary->open(libraryName);
      if (!result.isSome()) {
        return Error(
            "Error opening library: '" + libraryName + "': " + result.error());

      dynamicLibraries[libraryName] = dynamicLibrary;

    // Load module manifests.
    foreach (const Modules::Library::Module& module, library.modules()) {
      if (!module.has_name()) {
        return Error(
            "Error: module name not provided with library '" + libraryName +

      // Check for possible duplicate module names.
      const std::string moduleName = module.name();
      if (moduleBases.contains(moduleName)) {
        return Error("Error loading duplicate module '" + moduleName + "'");

      // Load ModuleBase.
      Try<void*> symbol = dynamicLibraries[libraryName]->loadSymbol(moduleName);
      if (symbol.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Error loading module '" + moduleName + "': " + symbol.error());
      ModuleBase* moduleBase = (ModuleBase*) symbol.get();

      // Verify module compatibility including version, etc.
      Try<Nothing> result = verifyModule(moduleName, moduleBase);
      if (result.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Error verifying module '" + moduleName + "': " + result.error());

      moduleBases[moduleName] = (ModuleBase*) symbol.get();

      // Now copy the supplied module-specific parameters.

  return Nothing();
Example #4
// TODO(josephw): Parse this string with a protobuf.
Try<Docker::Container> Docker::Container::create(const string& output)
  Try<JSON::Array> parse = JSON::parse<JSON::Array>(output);
  if (parse.isError()) {
    return Error("Failed to parse JSON: " + parse.error());

  // TODO(benh): Handle the case where the short container ID was
  // not sufficiently unique and 'array.values.size() > 1'.
  JSON::Array array = parse.get();
  if (array.values.size() != 1) {
    return Error("Failed to find container");


  JSON::Object json = array.values.front().as<JSON::Object>();

  Result<JSON::String> idValue = json.find<JSON::String>("Id");
  if (idValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find Id in container");
  } else if (idValue.isError()) {
    return Error("Error finding Id in container: " + idValue.error());

  string id = idValue.get().value;

  Result<JSON::String> nameValue = json.find<JSON::String>("Name");
  if (nameValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find Name in container");
  } else if (nameValue.isError()) {
    return Error("Error finding Name in container: " + nameValue.error());

  string name = nameValue.get().value;

  Result<JSON::Object> stateValue = json.find<JSON::Object>("State");
  if (stateValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find State in container");
  } else if (stateValue.isError()) {
    return Error("Error finding State in container: " + stateValue.error());

  Result<JSON::Number> pidValue = stateValue.get().find<JSON::Number>("Pid");
  if (pidValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find Pid in State");
  } else if (pidValue.isError()) {
    return Error("Error finding Pid in State: " + pidValue.error());

  pid_t pid = pid_t(pidValue.get().as<int64_t>());

  Option<pid_t> optionalPid;
  if (pid != 0) {
    optionalPid = pid;

  Result<JSON::String> startedAtValue =
  if (startedAtValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find StartedAt in State");
  } else if (startedAtValue.isError()) {
    return Error("Error finding StartedAt in State: " + startedAtValue.error());

  bool started = startedAtValue.get().value != "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z";

  Result<JSON::String> ipAddressValue =
  if (ipAddressValue.isNone()) {
    return Error("Unable to find NetworkSettings.IPAddress in container");
  } else if (ipAddressValue.isError()) {
    return Error(
        "Error finding NetworkSettings.Name in container: " +

  string ipAddress = ipAddressValue.get().value;

  return Docker::Container(output, id, name, optionalPid, started, ipAddress);
Example #5
  // This method will be called when a container running as non-root user tries
  // to use a shared persistent volume or a PARENT type SANDBOX_PATH volume, the
  // parameter `path` will be the source path of the volume.
  Future<gid_t> allocate(const string& path, VolumeGidInfo::Type type)
    gid_t gid;

    // If a gid has already been allocated for the specified path,
    // just return the gid.
    if (infos.contains(path)) {
      gid = infos[path].gid();

      LOG(INFO) << "Use the allocated gid " << gid << " of the volume path '"
                << path << "'";

      // If we are already setting ownership for the specified path, skip the
      // additional setting.
      if (setting.contains(path)) {
        return setting[path]->future();
    } else {
      struct stat s;
      if (::stat(path.c_str(), &s) < 0) {
        return Failure("Failed to stat '" + path + "': " + os::strerror(errno));

      // If the gid of the specified path is in the total gid range, just
      // return the gid. This could happen in the case that nested container
      // uses persistent volume, in which case we did a workaround in the
      // default executor to set up a volume mapping (i.e., map the persistent
      // volume to a PARENT type SANDBOX_PATH volume for the nested container)
      // so that the nested container can access the persistent volume.
      // Please note that in the case of shared persistent volume, operator
      // should NOT restart agent with a different total gid range, otherwise
      // the gid of the shared persistent volume may be overwritten if a nested
      // container tries to use the shared persistent volume after the restart.
      if (totalGids.contains(s.st_gid)) {
        gid = s.st_gid;

        LOG(INFO) << "Use the gid " << gid << " for the volume path '" << path
                  << "' which should be the mount point of another volume "
                  << "which is actually allocated with the gid";
      } else {
        // Allocate a free gid to the specified path and then set the
        // ownership for it.
        if (freeGids.empty()) {
          return Failure(
              "Failed to allocate gid to the volume path '" + path +
              "' because the free gid range is exhausted");

        gid = freeGids.begin()->lower();

        LOG(INFO) << "Allocating gid " << gid << " to the volume path '"
                  << path << "'";

        freeGids -= gid;

        VolumeGidInfo info;

        infos.put(path, info);

        Try<Nothing> status = persist();
        if (status.isError()) {
          return Failure(
              "Failed to save state of volume gid infos: " + status.error());

        Owned<Promise<gid_t>> promise(new Promise<gid_t>());

        Future<gid_t> future = async(&setVolumeOwnership, path, gid, true)
          .then([path, gid](const Try<Nothing>& result) -> Future<gid_t> {
            if (result.isError()) {
              return Failure(
                  "Failed to set the owner group of the volume path '" + path +
                  "' to " + stringify(gid) + ": " + result.error());

            return gid;
          .onAny(defer(self(), [=](const Future<gid_t>&) {

        setting[path] = promise;

        return promise->future();

    return gid;
Example #6
Try<ResourcesState> ResourcesState::recover(
    const std::string& rootDir,
    bool strict)
  ResourcesState state;

  const string& path = paths::getResourcesInfoPath(rootDir);
  if (!os::exists(path)) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Failed to find resources file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  Try<int> fd = os::open(path, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
  if (fd.isError()) {
    string message =
      "Failed to open resources file '" + path + "': " + fd.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  Result<Resource> resource = None();
  while (true) {
    // Ignore errors due to partial protobuf read and enable undoing
    // failed reads by reverting to the previous seek position.
    resource = ::protobuf::read<Resource>(fd.get(), true, true);
    if (!resource.isSome()) {

    state.resources += resource.get();

  // Always truncate the file to contain only valid resources.
  // NOTE: This is safe even though we ignore partial protobuf read
  // errors above, because the 'fd' is properly set to the end of the
  // last valid resource by 'protobuf::read()'.
  if (ftruncate(fd.get(), lseek(fd.get(), 0, SEEK_CUR)) != 0) {
    return ErrnoError("Failed to truncate resources file '" + path + "'");

  // After reading a non-corrupted resources file, 'record' should be
  // 'none'.
  if (resource.isError()) {
    string message =
      "Failed to read resources file  '" + path + "': " + resource.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  Try<Nothing> close = os::close(fd.get());
  if (close.isError()) {
    string message =
      "Failed to close resources file '" + path + "': " + close.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  return state;
Example #7
int main(int argc, char** argv)

  using mesos::internal::tests::flags; // Needed to disabmiguate.

  // Load flags from environment and command line but allow unknown
  // flags (since we might have gtest/gmock flags as well).
  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv, true);

  if (load.isError()) {
    cerr << flags.usage(load.error()) << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (flags.help) {
    cout << flags.usage() << endl;
    testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); // Get usage from gtest too.
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  // Initialize Modules.
  Try<Nothing> result = tests::initModules(flags.modules);
  if (result.isError()) {
    cerr << "Error initializing modules: " << result.error() << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Disable /metrics/snapshot rate limiting, but do not
  // overwrite whatever the user set.

  // If `process::initialize()` returns `false`, then it was called before this
  // invocation, meaning the authentication realm for libprocess-level HTTP
  // endpoints was set incorrectly. This should be the first invocation.
  if (!process::initialize(None(), DEFAULT_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_REALM)) {
    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE) << "The call to `process::initialize()` in the tests' "
                       << "`main()` was not the function's first invocation";

  // Be quiet by default!
  if (!flags.verbose) {
    flags.quiet = true;

  // Initialize logging.
  logging::initialize(argv[0], flags, true);

  // Initialize gmock/gtest.
  testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";

  cout << "Source directory: " << flags.source_dir << endl;
  cout << "Build directory: " << flags.build_dir << endl;

  // Instantiate our environment. Note that it will be managed by
  // gtest after we add it via testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment.
  environment = new Environment(flags);


  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
Example #8
Future<Nothing> PosixFilesystemIsolatorProcess::update(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const Resources& resources)
  if (!infos.contains(containerId)) {
    return Failure("Unknown container");

  const Owned<Info>& info = infos[containerId];

  // TODO(jieyu): Currently, we only allow non-nested relative
  // container paths for volumes. This is enforced by the master. For
  // those volumes, we create symlinks in the executor directory.
  Resources current = info->resources;

  // We first remove unneeded persistent volumes.
  foreach (const Resource& resource, current.persistentVolumes()) {
    // This is enforced by the master.

    // Ignore absolute and nested paths.
    const string& containerPath = resource.disk().volume().container_path();
    if (strings::contains(containerPath, "/")) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping updating symlink for persistent volume "
                   << resource << " of container " << containerId
                   << " because the container path '" << containerPath
                   << "' contains slash";

    if (resources.contains(resource)) {

    string link = path::join(info->directory, containerPath);

    LOG(INFO) << "Removing symlink '" << link << "' for persistent volume "
              << resource << " of container " << containerId;

    Try<Nothing> rm = os::rm(link);
    if (rm.isError()) {
      return Failure(
          "Failed to remove the symlink for the unneeded "
          "persistent volume at '" + link + "'");

  // We then link additional persistent volumes.
  foreach (const Resource& resource, resources.persistentVolumes()) {
    // This is enforced by the master.

    // Ignore absolute and nested paths.
    const string& containerPath = resource.disk().volume().container_path();
    if (strings::contains(containerPath, "/")) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping updating symlink for persistent volume "
                   << resource << " of container " << containerId
                   << " because the container path '" << containerPath
                   << "' contains slash";

    if (current.contains(resource)) {

    string original = paths::getPersistentVolumePath(flags.work_dir, resource);

    // Set the ownership of the persistent volume to match that of the
    // sandbox directory.
    // NOTE: Currently, persistent volumes in Mesos are exclusive,
    // meaning that if a persistent volume is used by one task or
    // executor, it cannot be concurrently used by other task or
    // executor. But if we allow multiple executors to use same
    // persistent volume at the same time in the future, the ownership
    // of the persistent volume may conflict here.
    // TODO(haosdent): Consider letting the frameworks specify the
    // user/group of the persistent volumes.
    struct stat s;
    if (::stat(info->directory.c_str(), &s) < 0) {
      return Failure("Failed to get ownership for '" + info->directory + "': " +

    // TODO(hausdorff): (MESOS-5461) Persistent volumes maintain the invariant
    // that they are used by one task at a time. This is currently enforced by
    // `os::chown`. Windows does not support `os::chown`, we will need to
    // revisit this later.
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
    LOG(INFO) << "Changing the ownership of the persistent volume at '"
              << original << "' with uid " << s.st_uid
              << " and gid " << s.st_gid;

    Try<Nothing> chown = os::chown(s.st_uid, s.st_gid, original, true);
    if (chown.isError()) {
      return Failure(
          "Failed to change the ownership of the persistent volume at '" +
          original + "' with uid " + stringify(s.st_uid) +
          " and gid " + stringify(s.st_gid) + ": " + chown.error());
    string link = path::join(info->directory, containerPath);

    if (os::exists(link)) {
      // NOTE: This is possible because 'info->resources' will be
      // reset when slave restarts and recovers. When the slave calls
      // 'containerizer->update' after the executor re-registers,
      // we'll try to relink all the already symlinked volumes.
      Result<string> realpath = os::realpath(link);
      if (!realpath.isSome()) {
        return Failure(
            "Failed to get the realpath of symlink '" + link + "': " +
            (realpath.isError() ? realpath.error() : "No such directory"));

      // A sanity check to make sure the target of the symlink does
      // not change. In fact, this is not supposed to happen.
      // NOTE: Here, we compare the realpaths because 'original' might
      // contain symbolic links.
      Result<string> _original = os::realpath(original);
      if (!_original.isSome()) {
        return Failure(
            "Failed to get the realpath of volume '" + original + "': " +
            (_original.isError() ? _original.error() : "No such directory"));

      if (realpath.get() != _original.get()) {
        return Failure(
            "The existing symlink '" + link + "' points to '" +
            _original.get() + "' and the new target is '" +
            realpath.get() + "'");
    } else {
      LOG(INFO) << "Adding symlink from '" << original << "' to '"
                << link << "' for persistent volume " << resource
                << " of container " << containerId;

      Try<Nothing> symlink = ::fs::symlink(original, link);
      if (symlink.isError()) {
        return Failure(
            "Failed to symlink persistent volume from '" +
            original + "' to '" + link + "'");

  // Store the updated resources.
  info->resources = resources;

  return Nothing();
Example #9
  void launchTask(ExecutorDriver* driver, const TaskInfo& task)
    if (launched) {
      TaskStatus status;
          "Attempted to run multiple tasks using a \"command\" executor");


    CHECK(task.has_command()) << "Expecting task " << task.task_id()
                              << " to have a command!";

    std::cout << "Starting task " << task.task_id() << std::endl;

    // TODO(benh): Clean this up with the new 'Fork' abstraction.
    // Use pipes to determine which child has successfully changed
    // session. This is needed as the setsid call can fail from other
    // processes having the same group id.
    int pipes[2];
    if (pipe(pipes) < 0) {
      perror("Failed to create a pipe");

    // Set the FD_CLOEXEC flags on these pipes
    Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(pipes[0]);
    if (cloexec.isError()) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to cloexec(pipe[0]): " << cloexec.error()
                << std::endl;

    cloexec = os::cloexec(pipes[1]);
    if (cloexec.isError()) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to cloexec(pipe[1]): " << cloexec.error()
                << std::endl;

    if ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to fork to run '" << task.command().value() << "': "
                << strerror(errno) << std::endl;

    if (pid == 0) {
      // In child process, we make cleanup easier by putting process
      // into it's own session.

      // NOTE: We setsid() in a loop because setsid() might fail if another
      // process has the same process group id as the calling process.
      while ((pid = setsid()) == -1) {
        perror("Could not put command in its own session, setsid");

        std::cout << "Forking another process and retrying" << std::endl;

        if ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
          perror("Failed to fork to launch command");

        if (pid > 0) {
          // In parent process. It is ok to suicide here, because
          // we're not watching this process.

      if (write(pipes[1], &pid, sizeof(pid)) != sizeof(pid)) {
        perror("Failed to write PID on pipe");


      // The child has successfully setsid, now run the command.
      std::cout << "sh -c '" << task.command().value() << "'" << std::endl;
      execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c",
            task.command().value().c_str(), (char*) NULL);
      perror("Failed to exec");

    // In parent process.

    // Get the child's pid via the pipe.
    if (read(pipes[0], &pid, sizeof(pid)) == -1) {
      std::cerr << "Failed to get child PID from pipe, read: "
                << strerror(errno) << std::endl;


    std::cout << "Forked command at " << pid << std::endl;

    // Monitor this process.

    TaskStatus status;

    launched = true;
Example #10
// Fetch URI into directory.
Try<string> fetch(
    const string& uri,
    const string& directory)
  LOG(INFO) << "Fetching URI '" << uri << "'";

  // Some checks to make sure using the URI value in shell commands
  // is safe. TODO(benh): These should be pushed into the scheduler
  // driver and reported to the user.
  if (uri.find_first_of('\\') != string::npos ||
      uri.find_first_of('\'') != string::npos ||
      uri.find_first_of('\0') != string::npos) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "URI contains illegal characters, refusing to fetch";
    return Error("Illegal characters in URI");

  // Grab the resource using the hadoop client if it's one of the known schemes
  // TODO(tarnfeld): This isn't very scalable with hadoop's pluggable
  // filesystem implementations.
  // TODO(matei): Enforce some size limits on files we get from HDFS
  if (strings::startsWith(uri, "hdfs://") ||
      strings::startsWith(uri, "hftp://") ||
      strings::startsWith(uri, "s3://") ||
      strings::startsWith(uri, "s3n://")) {
    Try<string> base = os::basename(uri);
    if (base.isError()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid basename for URI: " << base.error();
      return Error("Invalid basename for URI");
    string path = path::join(directory, base.get());

    HDFS hdfs;

    LOG(INFO) << "Downloading resource from '" << uri
              << "' to '" << path << "'";
    Try<Nothing> result = hdfs.copyToLocal(uri, path);
    if (result.isError()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "HDFS copyToLocal failed: " << result.error();
      return Error(result.error());

    return path;
  } else if (strings::startsWith(uri, "http://") ||
             strings::startsWith(uri, "https://") ||
             strings::startsWith(uri, "ftp://") ||
             strings::startsWith(uri, "ftps://")) {
    string path = uri.substr(uri.find("://") + 3);
    if (path.find("/") == string::npos ||
        path.size() <= path.find("/") + 1) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Malformed URL (missing path)";
      return Error("Malformed URI");

    path =  path::join(directory, path.substr(path.find_last_of("/") + 1));
    LOG(INFO) << "Downloading '" << uri << "' to '" << path << "'";
    Try<int> code = net::download(uri, path);
    if (code.isError()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Error downloading resource: " << code.error().c_str();
      return Error("Fetch of URI failed (" + code.error() + ")");
    } else if (code.get() != 200) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Error downloading resource, received HTTP/FTP return code "
                 << code.get();
      return Error("HTTP/FTP error (" + stringify(code.get()) + ")");

    return path;
  } else { // Copy the local resource.
    string local = uri;
    bool fileUri = false;
    if (strings::startsWith(local, string(FILE_URI_LOCALHOST))) {
      local = local.substr(sizeof(FILE_URI_LOCALHOST) - 1);
      fileUri = true;
    } else if (strings::startsWith(local, string(FILE_URI_PREFIX))) {
      local = local.substr(sizeof(FILE_URI_PREFIX) - 1);
      fileUri = true;

    if(fileUri && !strings::startsWith(local, "/")) {
      return Error("File URI only supports absolute paths");

    if (local.find_first_of("/") != 0) {
      // We got a non-Hadoop and non-absolute path.
      if (os::hasenv("MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME")) {
        local = path::join(os::getenv("MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME"), local);
        LOG(INFO) << "Prepended environment variable "
                  << "MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME to relative path, "
                  << "making it: '" << local << "'";
      } else {
        LOG(ERROR) << "A relative path was passed for the resource but the "
                   << "environment variable MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME is not set. "
                   << "Please either specify this config option "
                   << "or avoid using a relative path";
        return Error("Could not resolve relative URI");

    Try<string> base = os::basename(local);
    if (base.isError()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << base.error();
      return Error("Fetch of URI failed");

    // Copy the resource to the directory.
    string path = path::join(directory, base.get());
    std::ostringstream command;
    command << "cp '" << local << "' '" << path << "'";
    LOG(INFO) << "Copying resource from '" << local
              << "' to '" << directory << "'";

    int status = os::system(command.str());
    if (status != 0) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy '" << local
                 << "' : Exit status " << status;
      return Error("Local copy failed");

    return path;
Example #11
 Result(const Try<T>& _t)
   : data(_t.isSome() ?
          Try<Option<T>>(Some(_t.get())) :
          Try<Option<T>>(Error(_t.error()))) {}
Example #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  CommandInfo commandInfo;
  // Construct URIs from the encoded environment string.
  const std::string& uris = os::getenv("MESOS_EXECUTOR_URIS");
  foreach (const std::string& token, strings::tokenize(uris, " ")) {
    // Delimiter between URI, execute permission and extract options
    // Expected format: {URI}+[01][XN]
    //  {URI} - The actual URI for the asset to fetch
    //  [01]  - 1 if the execute permission should be set else 0
    //  [XN]  - X if we should extract the URI (if it's compressed) else N
    size_t pos = token.rfind("+");
    CHECK(pos != std::string::npos)
      << "Invalid executor uri token in env " << token;

    CommandInfo::URI uri;
    uri.set_value(token.substr(0, pos));
    uri.set_executable(token.substr(pos + 1, 1) == "1");
    uri.set_extract(token.substr(pos + 2, 1) == "X");


    << "Missing MESOS_WORK_DIRECTORY environment variable";
  std::string directory = os::getenv("MESOS_WORK_DIRECTORY");

  // We cannot use Some in the ternary expression because the compiler needs to
  // be able to infer the type, thus the explicit Option<string>.
  // TODO(idownes): Add an os::hasenv that returns an Option<string>.
  Option<std::string> user = os::hasenv("MESOS_USER")
    ? Option<std::string>(os::getenv("MESOS_USER")) // Explicit so it compiles.
    : None();

  // Fetch each URI to a local file, chmod, then chown if a user is provided.
  foreach (const CommandInfo::URI& uri, commandInfo.uris()) {
    // Fetch the URI to a local file.
    Try<string> fetched = fetch(uri.value(), directory);
    if (fetched.isError()) {
      EXIT(1) << "Failed to fetch: " << uri.value();

    // Chmod the fetched URI if it's executable, else assume it's an archive
    // that should be extracted.
    if (uri.executable()) {
      Try<Nothing> chmod = os::chmod(
          fetched.get(), S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
      if (chmod.isError()) {
        EXIT(1) << "Failed to chmod " << fetched.get() << ": " << chmod.error();
    } else if (uri.extract()) {
      //TODO(idownes): Consider removing the archive once extracted.
      // Try to extract the file if it's recognized as an archive.
      Try<bool> extracted = extract(fetched.get(), directory);
      if (extracted.isError()) {
        EXIT(1) << "Failed to extract "
                << fetched.get() << ":" << extracted.error();
    } else {
      LOG(INFO) << "Skipped extracting path '" << fetched.get() << "'";

    // Recursively chown the directory if a user is provided.
    if (user.isSome()) {
      Try<Nothing> chowned = os::chown(user.get(), directory);
      if (chowned.isError()) {
        EXIT(1) << "Failed to chown " << directory << ": " << chowned.error();

  return 0;
Example #13
static Future<string> launch(
    const string& path,
    const vector<string>& argv)
  Try<Subprocess> s = subprocess(

  string command = strings::join(
      ", ",
      strings::join(", ", argv));

  if (s.isError()) {
    return Failure(
        "Failed to execute the subprocess '" + command + "': " + s.error());

  return await(
    .then([command](const tuple<
        Future<string>>& t) -> Future<string> {
      Future<Option<int>> status = std::get<0>(t);
      if (!status.isReady()) {
        return Failure(
            "Failed to get the exit status of the subprocess: " +
            (status.isFailed() ? status.failure() : "discarded"));

      if (status->isNone()) {
        return Failure("Failed to reap the subprocess");

      if (status->get() != 0) {
        Future<string> error = std::get<2>(t);
        if (!error.isReady()) {
            return Failure(
                "Unexpected result from the subprocess: " +
                 WSTRINGIFY(status->get()) + ", stderr='" +
                 error.get() + "'");

        return Failure("Subprocess '" + command + "' failed: " + error.get());

      Future<string> output = std::get<1>(t);
      if (!output.isReady()) {
         return Failure(
            "Failed to read stdout from '" + command + "': " +
            (output.isFailed() ? output.failure() : "discarded"));

      return output;
Example #14
  // This method will be called in two cases:
  //   1. When a shared persistent volume is destroyed by agent, the parameter
  //      `path` will be the shared persistent volume's path.
  //   2. When a container is destroyed by containerizer, the parameter `path`
  //      will be the container's sandbox path.
  // We search if the given path is contained in `infos` (for the case 1) or is
  // the parent directory of any volume paths in `infos` (for the case 2, i.e.,
  // the PARENT type SANDBOX_PATH volume must be a subdirectory in the parent
  // container's sandbox) and then free the allocated gid for the found path(s).
  Future<Nothing> deallocate(const string& path)
    vector<string> sandboxPathVolumes;

    bool changed = false;
    for (auto it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); ) {
      const VolumeGidInfo& info = it->second;
      const string& volumePath = info.path();

      if (strings::startsWith(volumePath, path)) {
        if (volumePath != path) {
          // This is the case of the PARENT type SANDBOX_PATH volume.

        gid_t gid = info.gid();

        LOG(INFO) << "Deallocated gid " << gid << " for the volume path '"
                  << volumePath << "'";

        // Only return the gid to the free range if it is in the total
        // range. The gid may not be in the total range in the case that
        // Mesos agent is restarted with a different total range and we
        // deallocate gid for a previous volume path from the old range.
        if (totalGids.contains(gid)) {
          freeGids += gid;

        it = infos.erase(it);
        changed = true;
      } else {

    // For the PARENT type SANDBOX_PATH volume, it will exist for a while
    // (depending on GC policy) after the container is destroyed. So to
    // avoid leaking it to other containers in the case that its gid is
    // allocated to another volume, we need to change its owner group back
    // to the original one (i.e., the primary group of its owner).
    vector<Future<Try<Nothing>>> futures;
    vector<pair<string, gid_t>> volumeGids;
    foreach (const string& volume, sandboxPathVolumes) {
      // Get the uid of the volume's owner.
      struct stat s;
      if (::stat(volume.c_str(), &s) < 0) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to stat '" << volume << "': "
                     << os::strerror(errno);


      Result<string> user = os::user(s.st_uid);
      if (!user.isSome()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get username for the uid " << s.st_uid
                     << ": " << (user.isError() ? user.error() : "not found");


      // Get the primary group ID of the user.
      Result<gid_t> gid = os::getgid(user.get());
      if (!gid.isSome()) {
        LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get gid for the user '" << user.get()
                     << "': " << (gid.isError() ? gid.error() : "not found");


      futures.push_back(async(&setVolumeOwnership, volume, gid.get(), false));
      volumeGids.push_back({volume, gid.get()});

    return await(futures)
          [=](const vector<Future<Try<Nothing>>>& results) -> Future<Nothing> {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
              const Future<Try<Nothing>>& result = results[i];
              const string& path = volumeGids[i].first;
              const gid_t gid = volumeGids[i].second;

              if (!result.isReady()) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set the owner group of the volume "
                             << "path '" << path << "' back to " << gid << ": "
                             << (result.isFailed() ?
                                 result.failure() : "discarded");
              } else if (result->isError()) {
                LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set the owner group of the volume "
                             << "path '" << path << "' back to " << gid << ": "
                             << result->error();

            if (changed) {
              Try<Nothing> status = persist();
              if (status.isError()) {
                return Failure(
                    "Failed to save state of volume gid infos: " +

            return Nothing();
Example #15
Try<Socket> Socket::create(Kind kind, Option<int> s)
  // If the caller passed in a file descriptor, we do
  // not own its life cycle and must not close it.
  bool owned = s.isNone();

  if (owned) {
    // Supported in Linux >= 2.6.27.
#if defined(SOCK_NONBLOCK) && defined(SOCK_CLOEXEC)
    Try<int> fd =
      network::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);

    if (fd.isError()) {
      return Error("Failed to create socket: " + fd.error());
    Try<int> fd = network::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (fd.isError()) {
      return Error("Failed to create socket: " + fd.error());

    Try<Nothing> nonblock = os::nonblock(fd.get());
    if (nonblock.isError()) {
      return Error("Failed to create socket, nonblock: " + nonblock.error());

    Try<Nothing> cloexec = os::cloexec(fd.get());
    if (cloexec.isError()) {
      return Error("Failed to create socket, cloexec: " + cloexec.error());

    s = fd.get();

  switch (kind) {
    case POLL: {
      Try<std::shared_ptr<Socket::Impl>> socket =
      if (socket.isError()) {
        if (owned) {
        return Error(socket.error());
      return Socket(socket.get());
    case SSL: {
      Try<std::shared_ptr<Socket::Impl>> socket =
      if (socket.isError()) {
        if (owned) {
        return Error(socket.error());
      return Socket(socket.get());
    // By not setting a default we leverage the compiler errors when
    // the enumeration is augmented to find all the cases we need to
    // provide.
Example #16
// This "fetcher program" is invoked by the slave's fetcher actor
// (Fetcher, FetcherProcess) to "fetch" URIs into the sandbox directory
// of a given task. Its parameters are provided in the form of the env
// var MESOS_FETCHER_INFO which contains a FetcherInfo (see
// fetcher.proto) object formatted in JSON. These are set by the actor
// to indicate what set of URIs to process and how to proceed with
// each one. A URI can be downloaded directly to the task's sandbox
// directory or it can be copied to a cache first or it can be reused
// from the cache, avoiding downloading. All cache management and
// bookkeeping is centralized in the slave's fetcher actor, which can
// have multiple instances of this fetcher program running at any
// given time. Exit code: 0 if entirely successful, otherwise 1.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  mesos::internal::logging::Flags flags;

  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv);

  CHECK_SOME(load) << "Could not load flags: " << load.error();

  logging::initialize(argv[0], flags, true); // Catch signals.

  const Option<std::string> jsonFetcherInfo = os::getenv("MESOS_FETCHER_INFO");
    << "Missing MESOS_FETCHER_INFO environment variable";

  LOG(INFO) << "Fetcher Info: " << jsonFetcherInfo.get();

  Try<JSON::Object> parse = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(jsonFetcherInfo.get());
  CHECK_SOME(parse) << "Failed to parse MESOS_FETCHER_INFO: " << parse.error();

  Try<FetcherInfo> fetcherInfo = ::protobuf::parse<FetcherInfo>(parse.get());
    << "Failed to parse FetcherInfo: " << fetcherInfo.error();

    << "Missing sandbox directory";

  const string sandboxDirectory = fetcherInfo.get().sandbox_directory();

  const Option<string> cacheDirectory =
    fetcherInfo.get().has_cache_directory() ?
      Option<string>::some(fetcherInfo.get().cache_directory()) :

  const Option<string> frameworksHome =
    fetcherInfo.get().has_frameworks_home() ?
      Option<string>::some(fetcherInfo.get().frameworks_home()) :

  // Fetch each URI to a local file, chmod, then chown if a user is provided.
  foreach (const FetcherInfo::Item& item, fetcherInfo.get().items()) {
    Try<string> fetched =
      fetch(item, cacheDirectory, sandboxDirectory, frameworksHome);
    if (fetched.isError()) {
      EXIT(1) << "Failed to fetch '" << item.uri().value()
              << "': " + fetched.error();
    } else {
      LOG(INFO) << "Fetched '" << item.uri().value()
                << "' to '" << fetched.get() << "'";

  // Recursively chown the sandbox directory if a user is provided.
  if (fetcherInfo.get().has_user()) {
    Try<Nothing> chowned = os::chown(
    if (chowned.isError()) {
      EXIT(1) << "Failed to chown " << sandboxDirectory
              << ": " << chowned.error();

  return 0;
Example #17
Try<TaskState> TaskState::recover(
    const string& rootDir,
    const SlaveID& slaveId,
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const ExecutorID& executorId,
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const TaskID& taskId,
    bool strict)
  TaskState state;
  state.id = taskId;
  string message;

  // Read the task info.
  string path = paths::getTaskInfoPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId, taskId);
  if (!os::exists(path)) {
    // This could happen if the slave died after creating the task
    // directory but before it checkpointed the task info.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to find task info file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  const Result<Task>& task = ::protobuf::read<Task>(path);

  if (task.isError()) {
    message = "Failed to read task info from '" + path + "': " + task.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  if (task.isNone()) {
    // This could happen if the slave died after opening the file for
    // writing but before it checkpointed anything.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Found empty task info file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  state.info = task.get();

  // Read the status updates.
  path = paths::getTaskUpdatesPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId, taskId);
  if (!os::exists(path)) {
    // This could happen if the slave died before it checkpointed any
    // status updates for this task.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to find status updates file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  // Open the status updates file for reading and writing (for
  // truncating).
  Try<int> fd = os::open(path, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);

  if (fd.isError()) {
    message = "Failed to open status updates file '" + path +
              "': " + fd.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  // Now, read the updates.
  Result<StatusUpdateRecord> record = None();
  while (true) {
    // Ignore errors due to partial protobuf read and enable undoing
    // failed reads by reverting to the previous seek position.
    record = ::protobuf::read<StatusUpdateRecord>(fd.get(), true, true);

    if (!record.isSome()) {

    if (record.get().type() == StatusUpdateRecord::UPDATE) {
    } else {

  // Always truncate the file to contain only valid updates.
  // NOTE: This is safe even though we ignore partial protobuf read
  // errors above, because the 'fd' is properly set to the end of the
  // last valid update by 'protobuf::read()'.
  if (ftruncate(fd.get(), lseek(fd.get(), 0, SEEK_CUR)) != 0) {
    return ErrnoError(
        "Failed to truncate status updates file '" + path + "'");

  // After reading a non-corrupted updates file, 'record' should be
  // 'none'.
  if (record.isError()) {
    message = "Failed to read status updates file  '" + path +
              "': " + record.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  // Close the updates file.
  Try<Nothing> close = os::close(fd.get());

  if (close.isError()) {
    message = "Failed to close status updates file '" + path +
              "': " + close.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  return state;
Example #18
int main(int argc, char** argv)

  master::Flags flags;

  // The following flags are executable specific (e.g., since we only
  // have one instance of libprocess per execution, we only want to
  // advertise the IP and port option once, here).
  Option<string> ip;
  flags.add(&ip, "ip", "IP address to listen on");

  uint16_t port;
  flags.add(&port, "port", "Port to listen on", MasterInfo().port());

  Option<string> zk;
            "ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters)\n"
            "May be one of:\n"
            "  zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  file:///path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)");

  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv);

  if (load.isError()) {
    cerr << flags.usage(load.error()) << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (flags.version) {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  if (flags.help) {
    cout << flags.usage() << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  // Initialize modules. Note that since other subsystems may depend
  // upon modules, we should initialize modules before anything else.
  if (flags.modules.isSome()) {
    Try<Nothing> result = ModuleManager::load(flags.modules.get());
    if (result.isError()) {
      EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE) << "Error loading modules: " << result.error();

  // Initialize hooks.
  if (flags.hooks.isSome()) {
    Try<Nothing> result = HookManager::initialize(flags.hooks.get());
    if (result.isError()) {
      EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE) << "Error installing hooks: " << result.error();

  // Initialize libprocess.
  if (ip.isSome()) {
    os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_IP", ip.get());

  os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_PORT", stringify(port));


  logging::initialize(argv[0], flags, true); // Catch signals.

  LOG(INFO) << "Build: " << build::DATE << " by " << build::USER;

  LOG(INFO) << "Version: " << MESOS_VERSION;

  if (build::GIT_TAG.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git tag: " << build::GIT_TAG.get();

  if (build::GIT_SHA.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git SHA: " << build::GIT_SHA.get();

  // Create an instance of allocator.
  const std::string allocatorName = flags.allocator;
  Try<Allocator*> allocator = Allocator::create(allocatorName);

  if (allocator.isError()) {
      << "Failed to create '" << allocatorName
      << "' allocator: " << allocator.error();

  LOG(INFO) << "Using '" << allocatorName << "' allocator";

  state::Storage* storage = NULL;
  Log* log = NULL;

  if (flags.registry == "in_memory") {
    if (flags.registry_strict) {
        << "Cannot use '--registry_strict' when using in-memory storage"
        << " based registry";
    storage = new state::InMemoryStorage();
  } else if (flags.registry == "replicated_log" ||
             flags.registry == "log_storage") {
    // TODO(bmahler): "log_storage" is present for backwards
    // compatibility, can be removed before 0.19.0.
    if (flags.work_dir.isNone()) {
        << "--work_dir needed for replicated log based registry";

    Try<Nothing> mkdir = os::mkdir(flags.work_dir.get());
    if (mkdir.isError()) {
        << "Failed to create work directory '" << flags.work_dir.get()
        << "': " << mkdir.error();

    if (zk.isSome()) {
      // Use replicated log with ZooKeeper.
      if (flags.quorum.isNone()) {
          << "Need to specify --quorum for replicated log based"
          << " registry when using ZooKeeper";

      Try<zookeeper::URL> url = zookeeper::URL::parse(zk.get());
      if (url.isError()) {
        EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE) << "Error parsing ZooKeeper URL: " << url.error();

      log = new Log(
          path::join(flags.work_dir.get(), "replicated_log"),
          path::join(url.get().path, "log_replicas"),
    } else {
      // Use replicated log without ZooKeeper.
      log = new Log(
          path::join(flags.work_dir.get(), "replicated_log"),
    storage = new state::LogStorage(log);
  } else {
      << "'" << flags.registry << "' is not a supported"
      << " option for registry persistence";


  state::protobuf::State* state = new state::protobuf::State(storage);
  Registrar* registrar = new Registrar(flags, state);
  Repairer* repairer = new Repairer();

  Files files;

  MasterContender* contender;
  MasterDetector* detector;

  // TODO(vinod): 'MasterContender::create()' should take
  // Option<string>.
  Try<MasterContender*> contender_ = MasterContender::create(zk.getOrElse(""));
  if (contender_.isError()) {
      << "Failed to create a master contender: " << contender_.error();
  contender = contender_.get();

  // TODO(vinod): 'MasterDetector::create()' should take
  // Option<string>.
  Try<MasterDetector*> detector_ = MasterDetector::create(zk.getOrElse(""));
  if (detector_.isError()) {
      << "Failed to create a master detector: " << detector_.error();
  detector = detector_.get();

  Option<Authorizer*> authorizer = None();
  if (flags.acls.isSome()) {
    Try<Owned<Authorizer>> create = Authorizer::create(flags.acls.get());

    if (create.isError()) {
        << "Failed to initialize the authorizer: "
        << create.error() << " (see --acls flag)";

    // Now pull out the authorizer but need to make a copy since we
    // get a 'const &' from 'Try::get'.
    authorizer = Owned<Authorizer>(create.get()).release();

  Option<shared_ptr<RateLimiter>> slaveRemovalLimiter = None();
  if (flags.slave_removal_rate_limit.isSome()) {
    // Parse the flag value.
    // TODO(vinod): Move this parsing logic to flags once we have a
    // 'Rate' abstraction in stout.
    vector<string> tokens =
      strings::tokenize(flags.slave_removal_rate_limit.get(), "/");

    if (tokens.size() != 2) {
        << "Invalid slave_removal_rate_limit: "
        << flags.slave_removal_rate_limit.get()
        << ". Format is <Number of slaves>/<Duration>";

    Try<int> permits = numify<int>(tokens[0]);
    if (permits.isError()) {
        << "Invalid slave_removal_rate_limit: "
        << flags.slave_removal_rate_limit.get()
        << ". Format is <Number of slaves>/<Duration>"
        << ": " << permits.error();

    Try<Duration> duration = Duration::parse(tokens[1]);
    if (duration.isError()) {
        << "Invalid slave_removal_rate_limit: "
        << flags.slave_removal_rate_limit.get()
        << ". Format is <Number of slaves>/<Duration>"
        << ": " << duration.error();

    slaveRemovalLimiter = new RateLimiter(permits.get(), duration.get());

  if (flags.firewall_rules.isSome()) {
    vector<Owned<FirewallRule>> rules;

    const Firewall firewall = flags.firewall_rules.get();

    if (firewall.has_disabled_endpoints()) {
      hashset<string> paths;

      foreach (const string& path, firewall.disabled_endpoints().paths()) {

      rules.emplace_back(new DisabledEndpointsFirewallRule(paths));
Example #19
int main(int argc, char** argv)

  master::Flags flags;

  // The following flags are executable specific (e.g., since we only
  // have one instance of libprocess per execution, we only want to
  // advertise the IP and port option once, here).
  Option<string> ip;
  flags.add(&ip, "ip", "IP address to listen on");

  uint16_t port;
  flags.add(&port, "port", "Port to listen on", MasterInfo().port());

  string zk;
            "ZooKeeper URL (used for leader election amongst masters)\n"
            "May be one of:\n"
            "  zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path\n"
            "  file://path/to/file (where file contains one of the above)",

  bool help;
            "Prints this help message",

  Try<Nothing> load = flags.load("MESOS_", argc, argv);

  if (load.isError()) {
    cerr << load.error() << endl;
    usage(argv[0], flags);

  if (help) {
    usage(argv[0], flags);

  // Initialize libprocess.
  if (ip.isSome()) {
    os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_IP", ip.get());

  os::setenv("LIBPROCESS_PORT", stringify(port));


  logging::initialize(argv[0], flags, true); // Catch signals.

  LOG(INFO) << "Build: " << build::DATE << " by " << build::USER;

  LOG(INFO) << "Version: " << MESOS_VERSION;

  if (build::GIT_TAG.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git tag: " << build::GIT_TAG.get();

  if (build::GIT_SHA.isSome()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Git SHA: " << build::GIT_SHA.get();

  allocator::AllocatorProcess* allocatorProcess =
    new allocator::HierarchicalDRFAllocatorProcess();
  allocator::Allocator* allocator =
    new allocator::Allocator(allocatorProcess);

  state::Storage* storage = NULL;

  if (strings::startsWith(flags.registry, "zk://")) {
    // TODO(benh):
    EXIT(1) << "ZooKeeper based registry unimplemented";
  } else if (flags.registry == "local") {
    storage = new state::LevelDBStorage(path::join(flags.work_dir, "registry"));
  } else {
    EXIT(1) << "'" << flags.registry << "' is not a supported"
            << " option for registry persistence";


  state::protobuf::State* state = new state::protobuf::State(storage);
  Registrar* registrar = new Registrar(state);
  Repairer* repairer = new Repairer();

  Files files;

  MasterContender* contender;
  MasterDetector* detector;

  Try<MasterContender*> contender_ = MasterContender::create(zk);
  if (contender_.isError()) {
    EXIT(1) << "Failed to create a master contender: " << contender_.error();
  contender = contender_.get();

  Try<MasterDetector*> detector_ = MasterDetector::create(zk);
  if (detector_.isError()) {
    EXIT(1) << "Failed to create a master detector: " << detector_.error();
  detector = detector_.get();

  LOG(INFO) << "Starting Mesos master";

  Master* master =
    new Master(

  if (zk == "") {
    // It means we are using the standalone detector so we need to
    // appoint this Master as the leader.


  delete master;
  delete allocator;
  delete allocatorProcess;

  delete registrar;
  delete repairer;
  delete state;
  delete storage;

  delete contender;
  delete detector;

  return 0;
Example #20
// Recursive version of `RemoveDirectory`. Two things are notable about this
// implementation:
// 1. Unlike `rmdir`, this requires Windows-formatted paths, and therefore
//    should be in the `internal` namespace.
// 2. To match the semantics of the POSIX implementation, this function
//    implements the semantics of `rm -r`, rather than `rmdir`. In particular,
//    if `path` points at a file, this function will delete it, while a call to
//    `rmdir` will not.
inline Try<Nothing> recursive_remove_directory(
    const std::string& path, bool removeRoot, bool continueOnError)
  // NOTE: Special case required to match the semantics of POSIX. See comment
  // above. As below, this also handles symlinks correctly, i.e., given a path
  // to a symlink, we delete the symlink rather than the target.
  if (os::stat::isfile(path)) {
    return os::rm(path);

  // Appending a slash here if the path doesn't already have one simplifies
  // path join logic later, because (unlike Unix) Windows doesn't like double
  // slashes in paths.
  std::string current_path;

  if (!strings::endsWith(path, "\\")) {
    current_path = path + "\\";
  } else {
    current_path = path;

  // Get first file matching pattern `X:\path\to\wherever\*`.
  WIN32_FIND_DATA found;
  const std::string search_pattern = current_path + "*";
  const SharedHandle search_handle(
      FindFirstFile(search_pattern.c_str(), &found),

  if (search_handle.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    return WindowsError(
        "`os::internal::recursive_remove_directory` failed when searching "
        "for files with pattern '" + search_pattern + "'");

  do {
    // NOTE: do-while is appropriate here because folder is guaranteed to have
    // at least a file called `.` (and probably also one called `..`).
    const std::string current_file(found.cFileName);

    const bool is_current_directory = current_file.compare(".") == 0;
    const bool is_parent_directory = current_file.compare("..") == 0;

    // Don't try to delete `.` and `..` files in directory.
    if (is_current_directory || is_parent_directory) {

    // Path to remove.
    const std::string current_absolute_path = current_path + current_file;

    const bool is_directory = os::stat::isdir(current_absolute_path);

    // Delete current path, whether it's a directory, file, or symlink.
    if (is_directory) {
      Try<Nothing> removed = recursive_remove_directory(
          current_absolute_path, true, continueOnError);

      if (removed.isError()) {
        if (continueOnError) {
          LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to delete directory " << current_absolute_path
                       << " with error " << removed.error();
        } else {
          return Error(removed.error());
    } else {
      // NOTE: this also handles symbolic links.
      if (::remove(current_absolute_path.c_str()) != 0) {
        if (continueOnError) {
              << "`os::internal::recursive_remove_directory`"
              << " attempted to delete file '"
              << current_absolute_path << "', but failed";
        } else {
          return WindowsError(
              "`os::internal::recursive_remove_directory` attempted to delete "
              "file '" + current_absolute_path + "', but failed");
  } while (FindNextFile(search_handle.get(), &found));

  // Finally, remove current directory unless `removeRoot` is disabled.
  if (removeRoot && ::_rmdir(current_path.c_str()) == -1) {
    if (continueOnError) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "`os::internal::recursive_remove_directory`"
                   << " attempted to delete directory '"
                   << current_path << "', but failed";
      return ErrnoError("rmdir failed in 'continueOnError' mode");
    } else {
      return ErrnoError(
          "`os::internal::recursive_remove_directory` attempted to delete "
          "directory '" + current_path + "', but failed");

  return Nothing();
Example #21
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    flags::FlagsBase flags;
    flags.setUsageMessage("Usage: " + Path(argv[0]).basename() + " <master>");

    Duration timeout;
              "How long to wait to resolve master",

    // TODO(marco): `verbose` is also a great candidate for FlagsBase.
    bool verbose;
              "Be verbose",

    // Load flags from environment and command line, and remove
    // them from argv.
    Try<flags::Warnings> load = flags.load(None(), &argc, &argv);

    if (load.isError()) {
        cerr << flags.usage(load.error()) << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (flags.help) {
        cout << flags.usage() << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    // Log any flag warnings.
    foreach (const flags::Warning& warning, load->warnings) {
        LOG(WARNING) << warning.message;

    // 'master' argument must be the only argument left after parsing.
    if (argc != 2) {
        cerr << flags.usage("There must be only one argument: <master>") << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    string master = argv[1];
    Try<mesos::master::detector::MasterDetector*> detector =

    if (detector.isError()) {
        cerr << "Failed to create a master detector: " << detector.error() << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    Future<Option<MasterInfo> > masterInfo = detector.get()->detect();

    if (!masterInfo.await(timeout)) {
        cerr << "Failed to detect master from '" << master
             << "' within " << timeout << endl;
        return -1;
    } else {

        if (masterInfo.isFailed()) {
            cerr << "Failed to detect master from '" << master
                 << "': " << masterInfo.failure() << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // The future is not satisfied unless the result is Some.
    cout << strings::remove(masterInfo.get().get().pid(), "master@") << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #22
Try<pid_t> LinuxLauncher::fork(
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    const lambda::function<int()>& childFunction)
  // Create a freezer cgroup for this container if necessary.
  Try<bool> exists = cgroups::exists(hierarchy, cgroup(containerId));
  if (exists.isError()) {
    return Error("Failed to check existence of freezer cgroup: " +

  if (!exists.get()) {
    Try<Nothing> created = cgroups::create(hierarchy, cgroup(containerId));

    if (created.isError()) {
      return Error("Failed to create freezer cgroup: " + created.error());

  // Use a pipe to block the child until it's been moved into the freezer
  // cgroup.
  int pipes[2];
  // We assume this should not fail under reasonable conditions so we use CHECK.
  CHECK(pipe(pipes) == 0);

  // Use the _childMain helper which moves the child into a new session and
  // blocks on the pipe until we're ready for it to run.
  lambda::function<int()> func =
    lambda::bind(&_childMain, childFunction, pipes);

  // Stack for the child.
  // - unsigned long long used for best alignment.
  // - static is ok because each child gets their own copy after the clone.
  // - 8 MiB appears to be the default for "ulimit -s" on OSX and Linux.
  static unsigned long long stack[(8*1024*1024)/sizeof(unsigned long long)];

  LOG(INFO) << "Cloning child process with flags = " << namespaces;

  pid_t pid;
  if ((pid = ::clone(
          &stack[sizeof(stack)/sizeof(stack[0]) - 1],  // stack grows down
          namespaces | SIGCHLD,   // Specify SIGCHLD as child termination signal
          static_cast<void*>(&func))) == -1) {
      return ErrnoError("Failed to clone child process");

  // Parent.

  // Move the child into the freezer cgroup. Any grandchildren will also be
  // contained in the cgroup.
  Try<Nothing> assign = cgroups::assign(hierarchy, cgroup(containerId), pid);

  if (assign.isError()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to assign process " << pid
                << " of container '" << containerId << "'"
                << " to its freezer cgroup: " << assign.error();
    kill(pid, SIGKILL);
    return Error("Failed to contain process");

  // Now that we've contained the child we can signal it to continue by
  // writing to the pipe.
  int buf;
  ssize_t len;
  while ((len = write(pipes[1], &buf, sizeof(buf))) == -1 && errno == EINTR);

  if (len != sizeof(buf)) {
    // Ensure the child is killed.
    kill(pid, SIGKILL);
    return Error("Failed to synchronize child process");

  // Store the pid (session id and process group id) if this is the first
  // process forked for this container.
  if (!pids.contains(containerId)) {
    pids.put(containerId, pid);

  return pid;
Example #23
Try<RunState> RunState::recover(
    const string& rootDir,
    const SlaveID& slaveId,
    const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
    const ExecutorID& executorId,
    const ContainerID& containerId,
    bool strict)
  RunState state;
  state.id = containerId;
  string message;

  // See if the sentinel file exists. This is done first so it is
  // known even if partial state is returned, e.g., if the libprocess
  // pid file is not recovered. It indicates the slave removed the
  // executor.
  string path = paths::getExecutorSentinelPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId);

  state.completed = os::exists(path);

  // Find the tasks.
  Try<list<string> > tasks = paths::getTaskPaths(

  if (tasks.isError()) {
    return Error(
        "Failed to find tasks for executor run " + containerId.value() +
        ": " + tasks.error());

  // Recover tasks.
  foreach (const string& path, tasks.get()) {
    TaskID taskId;

    Try<TaskState> task = TaskState::recover(
        rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId, taskId, strict);

    if (task.isError()) {
      return Error(
          "Failed to recover task " + taskId.value() + ": " + task.error());

    state.tasks[taskId] = task.get();
    state.errors += task.get().errors;

  // Read the forked pid.
  path = paths::getForkedPidPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId);
  if (!os::exists(path)) {
    // This could happen if the slave died before the isolator
    // checkpointed the forked pid.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to find executor forked pid file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  Try<string> pid = os::read(path);

  if (pid.isError()) {
    message = "Failed to read executor forked pid from '" + path +
              "': " + pid.error();

    if (strict) {
      return Error(message);
    } else {
      LOG(WARNING) << message;
      return state;

  if (pid.get().empty()) {
    // This could happen if the slave died after opening the file for
    // writing but before it checkpointed anything.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Found empty executor forked pid file '" << path << "'";
    return state;

  Try<pid_t> forkedPid = numify<pid_t>(pid.get());
  if (forkedPid.isError()) {
    return Error("Failed to parse forked pid " + pid.get() +
                 ": " + forkedPid.error());

  state.forkedPid = forkedPid.get();

  // Read the libprocess pid.
  path = paths::getLibprocessPidPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId);

  if (os::exists(path)) {
    pid = os::read(path);

    if (pid.isError()) {
      message = "Failed to read executor libprocess pid from '" + path +
                "': " + pid.error();

      if (strict) {
        return Error(message);
      } else {
        LOG(WARNING) << message;
        return state;

    if (pid.get().empty()) {
      // This could happen if the slave died after opening the file for
      // writing but before it checkpointed anything.
      LOG(WARNING) << "Found empty executor libprocess pid file '" << path
                   << "'";
      return state;

    state.libprocessPid = process::UPID(pid.get());
    state.http = false;

    return state;

  path = paths::getExecutorHttpMarkerPath(
      rootDir, slaveId, frameworkId, executorId, containerId);

  if (!os::exists(path)) {
    // This could happen if the slave died before the executor
    // registered with the slave.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to find executor libprocess pid/http marker file";
    return state;

  state.http = true;

  return state;
Example #24
  void launchTask(ExecutorDriver* driver, const TaskInfo& task)
    if (run.isSome()) {
      // TODO(alexr): Use `protobuf::createTaskStatus()`
      // instead of manually setting fields.
      TaskStatus status;
          "Attempted to run multiple tasks using a \"docker\" executor");


    // Capture the TaskID.
    taskId = task.task_id();

    // Capture the kill policy.
    if (task.has_kill_policy()) {
      killPolicy = task.kill_policy();

    LOG(INFO) << "Starting task " << taskId.get();


    CHECK(task.container().type() == ContainerInfo::DOCKER);

    Try<Docker::RunOptions> runOptions = Docker::RunOptions::create(
        task.resources() + task.executor().resources(),
        None(), // No extra devices.

    if (runOptions.isError()) {
      // TODO(alexr): Use `protobuf::createTaskStatus()`
      // instead of manually setting fields.
      TaskStatus status;
        "Failed to create docker run options: " + runOptions.error());



    // We're adding task and executor resources to launch docker since
    // the DockerContainerizer updates the container cgroup limits
    // directly and it expects it to be the sum of both task and
    // executor resources. This does leave to a bit of unaccounted
    // resources for running this executor, but we are assuming
    // this is just a very small amount of overcommit.
    run = docker->run(

    run->onAny(defer(self(), &Self::reaped, lambda::_1));

    // Delay sending TASK_RUNNING status update until we receive
    // inspect output. Note that we store a future that completes
    // after the sending of the running update. This allows us to
    // ensure that the terminal update is sent after the running
    // update (see `reaped()`).
    inspect = docker->inspect(containerName, DOCKER_INSPECT_DELAY)
      .then(defer(self(), [=](const Docker::Container& container) {
        if (!killed) {
          containerPid = container.pid;

          // TODO(alexr): Use `protobuf::createTaskStatus()`
          // instead of manually setting fields.
          TaskStatus status;
          if (container.ipAddress.isSome()) {
            // TODO(karya): Deprecated -- Remove after 0.25.0 has shipped.
            Label* label = status.mutable_labels()->add_labels();

            NetworkInfo* networkInfo =

            // Copy the NetworkInfo if it is specified in the
            // ContainerInfo. A Docker container has at most one
            // NetworkInfo, which is validated in containerizer.
            if (task.container().network_infos().size() > 0) {

            NetworkInfo::IPAddress* ipAddress = networkInfo->add_ip_addresses();

            containerNetworkInfo = *networkInfo;

        return Nothing();

    inspect.onFailed(defer(self(), [=](const string& failure) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to inspect container '" << containerName << "'"
                 << ": " << failure;

      // TODO(bmahler): This is fatal, try to shut down cleanly.
      // Since we don't have a container id, we can only discard
      // the run future.

    inspect.onReady(defer(self(), &Self::launchCheck, task));

        defer(self(), &Self::launchHealthCheck, containerName, task));