void BattlecruiserManagerExt::setAverageEnemyPosition(const UnitVector& targets)
	if (targets.empty())

	BWAPI::Position sumPos(0, 0);
	for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++)
		if (targets[i]->getPosition().isValid())
			sumPos += targets[i]->getPosition();

	int xPos = (sumPos.x() / targets.size());
	int yPos = (sumPos.y() / targets.size());

	BWAPI::Position avgPos(xPos, yPos);
	_averageEnemyPosition = avgPos;

	if (!_averageEnemyPosition.isValid())
void DragoonManager::executeMicro(const UnitVector & targets, BWAPI::Position regroup) 
	const UnitVector & dragoons = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	UnitVector dragoonTargets;
	for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++) 
		// conditions for targeting
		if (targets[i]->isVisible()) 

	// for each zealot
	BOOST_FOREACH(BWAPI::Unit * dragoon, dragoons)
		if (DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG) BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(dragoon->getPosition().x(), dragoon->getPosition().y(), 
			dragoon->getTargetPosition().x(), dragoon->getTargetPosition().y(), BWAPI::Colors::White);

		// regroup if we have to regroup and we're not near an enemy
		if (order.type == order.Attack && regroup != BWAPI::Position(0,0))// && !unitNearEnemy(dragoon))
			if (DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG) BWAPI::Broodwar->drawCircleMap(dragoon->getPosition().x(), dragoon->getPosition().y(), 3, BWAPI::Colors::Orange, true);

			// if the zealot is outside the regroup area
			if (dragoon->getDistance(regroup) > 100)
				// regroup it
				smartMove(dragoon, regroup);
				smartAttackMove(dragoon, dragoon->getPosition());
		// otherwise this unit is not regrouping
			// if the order is to attack or defend
			if (order.type == order.Attack || order.type == order.Defend) {

				// if there are targets
				if (!dragoonTargets.empty())
					// find the best target for this zealot
					BWAPI::Unit * target = getTarget(dragoon, dragoonTargets);
					// attack it
					smartAttackUnit(dragoon, target);
				// if there are no targets
					// if we're not near the order position
					if (dragoon->getDistance(order.position) > 100)
						// move to it
						smartAttackMove(dragoon, order.position);
void VultureManagerExt::executeMicro(const UnitVector & targets)
	const UnitVector & selectedUnits = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	UnitVector selectedUnitTargets;
	UnitVector nearbyTargets;
	for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++)
		// conditions for targeting
		if (targets[i]->isVisible()
			&& !targets[i]->getType().isFlyer())


	// For each unit
	BOOST_FOREACH(BWAPI::Unit * selectedUnit, selectedUnits)
		// Avg enemy pos
		for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++)
			// conditions for targeting
			if (targets[i]->isVisible()
				&& !targets[i]->getType().isFlyer())
				if (targets[i]->getDistance(selectedUnit) < 500)

		if (!nearbyTargets.empty())

		// eof avg eveeny pos
		// if the order is to attack or defend
		if ((StrategyManager::Instance().getCurrentStrategy() == StrategyManager::Instance().TerranWraithRush1Port)
			&& !isAttack())
			executeTerranWraithRush1Port(selectedUnit, selectedUnitTargets);
		else if (order.type == order.Attack || order.type == order.Defend)
			// if there are targets
			if (!selectedUnitTargets.empty())
				// find the best target for this Marine
				BWAPI::Unit * target = getTarget(selectedUnit, selectedUnitTargets);

				// attack it		
				kiteTarget(selectedUnit, target);

			// if there are no targets
				// if we're not near the order position
				if (selectedUnit->getDistance(order.position) > 100)
					// move to it
					smartAttackMove(selectedUnit, order.position);

		if (Options::Debug::DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG)
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(selectedUnit->getPosition().x(), selectedUnit->getPosition().y(),
				selectedUnit->getTargetPosition().x(), selectedUnit->getTargetPosition().y(), Options::Debug::COLOR_LINE_TARGET);

Example #4
void WraithManagerExt::executeMicro(const UnitVector & targets)
	const UnitVector & selectedUnits = getUnits();
	_noTurretTargetsNo = 0;

	// figure out targets
	UnitVector selectedUnitTargets;
	for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++)
		// conditions for targeting
		if (targets[i]->isVisible())

			if (!isTurret(targets[i]))



	// For each unit
	BOOST_FOREACH(BWAPI::Unit * selectedUnit, selectedUnits)
		// Adjust cloak to the situation
		manageCloak(selectedUnit, selectedUnitTargets);

		// if the order is to attack or defend
		if (order.type == order.Attack || order.type == order.Defend)
			// if there are targets
			if (!selectedUnitTargets.empty())
				// find the best target for this unit
				BWAPI::Unit * target = getTarget(selectedUnit, selectedUnitTargets);

				// attack it				
				kiteTarget(selectedUnit, target);

			// if there are no targets
				// if we're not near the order position
				if (selectedUnit->getDistance(order.position) > 100)
					// move to it	

					// Border movement
					BWAPI::Position movePosition;
					if (order.type == SquadOrder::Attack
						&& (StrategyManager::Instance().getCurrentStrategy() == StrategyManager::Instance().TerranWraithRush1Port))
						movePosition = UnitManagerExt::Instance().getMovePosition(selectedUnit);
						movePosition = order.position;
					// eof Border movement
					if (!movePosition.isValid())

					smartAttackMove(selectedUnit, movePosition);

		if (Options::Debug::DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG)
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(selectedUnit->getPosition().x(), selectedUnit->getPosition().y(),
				selectedUnit->getTargetPosition().x(), selectedUnit->getTargetPosition().y(), Options::Debug::COLOR_LINE_TARGET);
Example #5
void RangedManager::executeMicro(const UnitVector & targets) 
	const UnitVector & rangedUnits = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	UnitVector rangedUnitTargets;
	for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++) 
		// conditions for targeting
		if (targets[i]->isVisible()) 

	// for each zealot
	BOOST_FOREACH(BWAPI::Unit * rangedUnit, rangedUnits)
		// train sub units such as scarabs or interceptors

		// if the order is to attack or defend
		if (order.type == order.Attack || order.type == order.Defend) {

			// if there are targets
			if (!rangedUnitTargets.empty())

				// find the best target for this zealot
				BWAPI::Unit * target = getTarget(rangedUnit, rangedUnitTargets);

				if ( rangedUnit->getType().groundWeapon().maxRange() < target->getDistance(rangedUnit))
					if(rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lurker)
					//BWAPI::Broodwar->printf("############# Lurker in distance: %d ###############",  rangedUnit->getID());

				// attack it
				kiteTarget(rangedUnit, target);
			// if there are no targets

				// if we're not near the order position
				if (rangedUnit->getDistance(order.position) > 100)
					// move to it
					smartAttackMove(rangedUnit, order.position);

		if (Options::Debug::DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG) 
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(rangedUnit->getPosition().x(), rangedUnit->getPosition().y(), 
				rangedUnit->getTargetPosition().x(), rangedUnit->getTargetPosition().y(), Options::Debug::COLOR_LINE_TARGET);
Example #6
void RangedManager::executeMicro(const UnitVector & targets) 
	const UnitVector & rangedUnits = getUnits();

	// figure out targets
	UnitVector rangedUnitTargets;
	for (size_t i(0); i<targets.size(); i++) 
		// conditions for targeting
		if (targets[i]->isVisible()) 

	// for each zealot
	BOOST_FOREACH(BWAPI::Unit * rangedUnit, rangedUnits)
		// train sub units such as scarabs or interceptors

		// if the order is to attack or defend
		if (order.type == order.Attack || order.type == order.Defend || order.type == order.Tanks || order.type == order.Vultures || order.type == order.Goliaths || order.type == order.Marines) {

			// if there are targets
			if (!rangedUnitTargets.empty())
				// find the best target for this zealot
				BWAPI::Unit * target = getTarget(rangedUnit, rangedUnitTargets);

				// attack it
				if (!rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Siege_Tank_Tank_Mode) {
					kiteTarget(rangedUnit, target);
				else {
			// if there are no targets
				// if we're not in range of the position
				if (rangedUnit->getDistance(order.position) > rangedUnit->getInitialType().groundWeapon().maxRange())
					//unsiege tanks if they're sieged
					if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Siege_Tank_Siege_Mode) {
					// move to it
					if (! (order.type == order.Defend)) {
						smartAttackMove(rangedUnit, order.position);
					else {
				//else if we're in range and we're supposed to s
				else if (rangedUnit->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Siege_Tank_Tank_Mode) {

		if (Options::Debug::DRAW_UALBERTABOT_DEBUG) 
			BWAPI::Broodwar->drawLineMap(rangedUnit->getPosition().x(), rangedUnit->getPosition().y(), 
				rangedUnit->getTargetPosition().x(), rangedUnit->getTargetPosition().y(), Options::Debug::COLOR_LINE_TARGET);