Example #1
File: Session.C Project: DTidd/wt
std::vector<User> Session::topUsers(int limit)
  dbo::Transaction transaction(session_);

  Users top = session_.find<User>().orderBy("score desc").limit(limit);

  std::vector<User> result;
  for (Users::const_iterator i = top.begin(); i != top.end(); ++i) {
    dbo::ptr<User> user = *i;
    dbo::ptr<AuthInfo> auth = *user->authInfos.begin();
    std::string name = auth->identity(Auth::Identity::LoginName).toUTF8();

    result.back().name = name;


  return result;
Example #2
SayWindow::SayWindow(Wt::WContainerWidget* parent) : Wt::WContainerWidget(parent)
     // Get the user's name to say Hi with
     HelloApp* app = dynamic_cast<HelloApp*>(Wt::WApplication::instance());
     new Wt::WText(Wt::WString("I have the loggedin user as: ") + app->session().user()->getName() + app->userName(), this);
     addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
     new Wt::WAnchor(Wt::WLink(Wt::WLink::InternalPath, "/ask"), "Go back to ask page", this);
     // Show a list of users
     addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
     new Wt::WText(Wt::WString("in database i have to following users:"), this);
     addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
     addWidget(new Wt::WBreak());
     Wt::WTable* table = new Wt::WTable(this);
     Wt::Dbo::Transaction t(app->session());
     Users users = app->userList();
     int i=0;
     for (Users::const_iterator user=users.begin(); user != users.end(); ++user) {
          table->elementAt(i++, 0)->addWidget(
               new Wt::WText(Wt::WString("user [number] is:") +(*user)->getName())
Example #3
void run()
   * Dbo tutorial section 3. A first session

   * Setup a session, would typically be done once at application startup.
   * For testing, we'll be using Sqlite3's special :memory: database. You
   * can replace this with an actual filename for actual persistence.
  dbo::backend::Sqlite3 sqlite3(":memory:");
  sqlite3.setProperty("show-queries", "true");
  dbo::Session session;


   * Try to create the schema (will fail if already exists).

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);

    User *user = new User();
    user->name = "Joe";
    user->password = "******";
    user->role = User::Visitor;
    user->karma = 13;

    dbo::ptr<User> userPtr = session.add(user);

   * Dbo tutorial section 4. Querying objects

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);

    dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");

    std::cerr << "Joe has karma: " << joe->karma << std::endl;

    dbo::ptr<User> joe2 = session.query< dbo::ptr<User> >
      ("select u from user u").where("name = ?").bind("Joe");

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);

    typedef dbo::collection< dbo::ptr<User> > Users;

    Users users = session.find<User>();

    std::cerr << "We have " << users.size() << " users:" << std::endl;

    for (Users::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i)
      std::cerr << " user " << (*i)->name
		<< " with karma of " << (*i)->karma << std::endl;

   * Dbo tutorial section 5. Updating objects

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);

    dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");

    joe.modify()->password = "******";

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
    dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");
    if (joe)

    dbo::Transaction transaction(session);

    dbo::ptr<User> silly = session.add(new User());
    silly.modify()->name = "Silly";
