/*!a Test case for the isEmpty() method. * The test data for this test are :- * a) When the list has just been created. * b) When the list has one entry in it * c) When the list has multiple entries in it. * d) When all the entries in a list have been removed using get. * e) When all the entries in a list have been removed using removeAll() */ void testIsEmpty() { const int testCount = 5 ; const char* prefix = "Test the isEmpty() method when " ; const char* Msgs[] = { \ "the list has just been created" , \ "the list has just one entry in it", \ "the list has multiple entries in it", \ "all the list entries have been retreieved using get()", \ "all the list entries have been retreived using removeAll()" \ } ; UtlDList newList ; UtlDList secondNewList ; UtlDList commonList_Clone ; // first populate a list and then retreive all elements using get for (int i = 0 ; i < commonEntriesCount ; i++) { commonList_Clone.append(commonContainables_Clone[i]) ; } for (int j = 0 ; j < commonEntriesCount; j++) { commonList_Clone.get(); } UtlString uS1 = UtlString("Lone Entry") ; newList.append(&uS1) ; // populate the second list and then clear all entries. secondNewList.append(&uS1) ; UtlInt uI1 = UtlInt(232) ; secondNewList.append(&uI1) ; secondNewList.removeAll() ; UtlDList* testLists[] = { \ &emptyList, &newList, &commonList, &commonList_Clone, &secondNewList \ } ; bool expectedValue[] = { true, false, false, true, true } ; for (int k = 0 ; k < testCount; k++) { string msg ; TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, Msgs[k]) ; UtlBoolean actual = testLists[k] -> isEmpty() ; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), (UtlBoolean)expectedValue[k], \ actual) ; } } // testIsEmpty
/*!a test the removeAll() method. * * The test data for this method is * a) When the list is empty * b) When the list has one entry. * c) When the list multiple entries * d) When removeAll has been called and entries are added again * d) When the removeAll is called twice on the list. */ void testClear() { const int testCount = 5 ; const char* prefix = "Test the removeAll() method when :- " ; const char* Msgs[] = { \ "the list is empty", \ "the list has one entry", \ "the list has multiple entries", \ "removeAll() has been called and entries are added again", \ "removeAll() has already been called", \ } ; const char* suffix = " :- Verify number of entries after removeAll()" ; UtlDList uSingleList ; UtlDList uAddAfterClear ; UtlDList uDoubleClear ; uSingleList.append(&commonString1) ; // call removeAll() on a list and then add entries again. uAddAfterClear.append(&commonInt1) ; uAddAfterClear.append(&commonString1) ; uAddAfterClear.removeAll() ; uAddAfterClear.append(&commonInt2) ; // call removeAll on a list twice. uDoubleClear.append(&commonString3) ; uDoubleClear.append(&commonInt3) ; uDoubleClear.removeAll() ; UtlDList* testLists[] = { \ &emptyList, &uSingleList, &commonList, &uAddAfterClear, &uDoubleClear } ; int expectedEntries[] = { 0 , 0, 0, 1, 0 } ; // since we are not calling removeAll for all the data, do it outside the for loop. emptyList.removeAll() ; uSingleList.removeAll() ; commonList.removeAll() ; // no removeAll() for uAddAfterClear uDoubleClear.removeAll() ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++) { string msg ; TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix) ; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data() , expectedEntries[i], \ (int)testLists[i]->entries()) ; } } //testClear()