Example #1
    /*!a Test case to test the destroy() 
    *    method. 
    void testRemoveAndDestroy()
        const char* prefix  = "test the destroy() method " ; 
        UtlContainableTestStub uStub(0) ;
        UtlContainableTestStub* uStubPtr ;
        uStubPtr = new UtlContainableTestStub(1) ;
        commonList.append(&uStub) ;
        commonList.append(uStubPtr) ;
        int cCountBefore = UtlContainableTestStub :: getCount() ; 

        UtlBoolean returnValue = commonList.destroy(uStubPtr) ; 
        UtlContainable* uLast = commonList.last() ; 
        string msg ; 
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify the return value") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg.data(), returnValue) ;
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify that the entry is removed") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), (void*)&uStub, (void*)uLast) ; 
        // The CollectableTestStub has been implemented such that a static counter gets decremented
        // for every descruction of an object instance. To verify that the object was destroyed, 
        // verify that the static count went down. 
        int cCountAfter = UtlContainableTestStub :: getCount() ;
        TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefix, ":- Verify that the object was deleted") ; 
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), cCountBefore -1, cCountAfter) ; 
OsStatus CpNotificationRegister::unsubscribe(CP_NOTIFICATION_TYPE notificationType,
                                             const SipDialog& callbackSipDialog)
   OsStatus result = OS_FAILED;

   UtlInt key((int)notificationType);
   UtlSList* pDialogList = dynamic_cast<UtlSList*>(m_register.findValue(&key));
   if (!pDialogList)
      return OS_SUCCESS;

   if (pDialogList)
      UtlSListIterator itor(*pDialogList);

      while (itor())
         SipDialog* pSipDialog = dynamic_cast<SipDialog*>(itor.item());
         if (pSipDialog && pSipDialog->compareDialogs(callbackSipDialog) != SipDialog::DIALOG_MISMATCH)

      result = OS_SUCCESS;

   return result;
void MpRtpInputAudioConnection::handleStartReceiveRtp(UtlSList& codecList,
                                                      OsSocket& rRtpSocket,
                                                      OsSocket& rRtcpSocket)
   m_bAudioReceived = FALSE;
   m_inactiveFrameCount = 0;

   if (codecList.entries() > 0)
      // if RFC2833 DTMF is disabled
      if (!m_bRFC2833DTMFEnabled)
         UtlSListIterator itor(codecList);
         SdpCodec* pCodec = NULL;
         // go through all codecs, if you find telephone event, remove it
         while (itor())
            pCodec = dynamic_cast<SdpCodec*>(itor.item());
            if (pCodec && pCodec->getCodecType() == SdpCodec::SDP_CODEC_TONES)

      // continue only if numCodecs is still greater than 0
      if (codecList.entries() > 0)
         // initialize jitter buffers for all codecs
   // No need to synchronize as the decoder is not part of the
   // flowgraph.  It is part of this connection/resource
   prepareStartReceiveRtp(rRtpSocket, rRtcpSocket);
   // No need to synchronize as the decoder is not part of the
   // flowgraph.  It is part of this connection/resource
   if (codecList.entries() > 0)
      if (mpDtmfDetector)

   sendConnectionNotification(MP_NOTIFICATION_START_RTP_RECEIVE, 0);