void doListOperations()
   UtlSList testList;

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);
   // take the first half off the front
   if (!testList.isEmpty())
      getCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS / 2);

   // take the rest off the end by reference
   if (!testList.isEmpty())
      UtlContainable* lastItem = testList.last();
      delete dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.removeReference(lastItem));

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);

   // search the list for each item by value
   UtlString target;
   int targetIndex;
   for (targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS; targetIndex += 1)
      target = string[targetIndex];
      UtlString* found = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.find(&target));
      if (found)
         externalForSideEffects = found->length();
   // get the object in the middle of the list by index, and remove it by value
      int numberLeft = testList.entries();
      UtlString* middle = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.at((numberLeft / 2)));
      delete dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(testList.remove(middle));

   // fill the list
   appendCountItems(testList, NUM_PERFORMANCE_STRINGS);

   // iterate over each item in the list
   UtlSListIterator iterate(testList);
   UtlString* item;
   while ((item = dynamic_cast<UtlString*>(iterate())))
      externalForSideEffects = item->length();
      delete item;
Example #2
    void utlTestRemove(RemoveType type)

        int testCount = 5 ; 
        const char* prefix = "";
        if (type == TEST_REMOVE)
            prefix = "test the remove(UtlContainable* c) method where c" ;

        else if (type == TEST_REMOVE_REF)
            prefix = "test the removeReference(UtlContainable* c) where c" ;
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "is the first entry's reference ", \
               "is the last entry' reference ", \
               "is the mid entry's value(not reference) ", \
               "is the first of multiple matches and is the value match ", \
               "has no match at all " \
        } ;
        const char* suffix1 = " :- Verify returned value" ; 
        const char* suffix2 = " :- Verify total entries" ; 

        commonList.insertAt(2, commonContainables_Clone[4]) ; 

        UtlString notExistCollectable("This cannot and willnot exist");
        UtlContainable* itemToRemove[] = { \
                           commonContainables[0], commonContainables[commonEntriesCount -1 ], \
                           commonContainables_Clone[2], commonContainables[4], \
                           &notExistCollectable \
        } ; 
        int totalEnt = commonEntriesCount + 1; 

        UtlContainable* expectedValue[] = { \
                           commonContainables[0], commonContainables[commonEntriesCount -1 ], \
                           commonContainables[2], commonContainables_Clone[4], \
                           NULL \
        int entriesValue[] = { --totalEnt, --totalEnt, --totalEnt, --totalEnt, totalEnt } ; 

        totalEnt = commonEntriesCount + 1;

        UtlContainable* expectedRef[] = { \
                           commonContainables[0], commonContainables[commonEntriesCount -1 ], \
                           NULL, commonContainables[4], \
                           NULL \
        int entriesRef[] = { --totalEnt, --totalEnt, totalEnt, --totalEnt, totalEnt } ;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
            string msg ; 
            if (type == TEST_REMOVE)
                TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix1) ;
                UtlContainable* retValue = commonList.remove(itemToRemove[i]) ;
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValue[i], retValue) ; 
                TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ; 
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), entriesValue[i], (int)commonList.entries()) ; 
            else if (type == TEST_REMOVE_REF)
                UtlContainable* uRemoved = commonList.removeReference(itemToRemove[i]) ; 
                TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i],  suffix2) ; 
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedRef[i], uRemoved) ; 
                TestUtilities::createMessage(3, &msg, prefix, Msgs[i], suffix2) ;
                CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), entriesRef[i], (int)commonList.entries()) ;
    } //utlRemove