bool embObjVirtualAnalogSensor::open(yarp::os::Searchable &config)
    std::string str;
        _verbose = true;
        str=" ";

    yTrace() << str;

    // Read stuff from config file
        yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor missing some configuration parameter. Check logs and your config file.";
        return false;

    // Tmp variables
    Bottle          groupEth;
    ACE_TCHAR       address[64];
    ACE_UINT16      port;

    Bottle groupTransceiver = Bottle(config.findGroup("TRANSCEIVER"));
        yError() << "embObjVirtualAnalogSensor: Can't find TRANSCEIVER group in config files";
        return false;

    Bottle groupProtocol = Bottle(config.findGroup("PROTOCOL"));
        yError() << "embObjVirtualAnalogSensor: Can't find PROTOCOL group in config files";
        return false;

    // Get both PC104 and EMS ip addresses and port from config file
    groupEth  = Bottle(config.findGroup("ETH"));
    Bottle parameter1( groupEth.find("PC104IpAddress").asString() );    // .findGroup("IpAddress");
    port      = groupEth.find("CmdPort").asInt();              // .get(1).asInt();
    snprintf(_fId.pc104IPaddr.string, sizeof(_fId.pc104IPaddr.string), "%s", parameter1.toString().c_str());
    _fId.pc104IPaddr.port = port;

    Bottle parameter2( groupEth.find("IpAddress").asString() );    // .findGroup("IpAddress");
    snprintf(_fId.boardIPaddr.string, sizeof(_fId.boardIPaddr.string), "%s", parameter2.toString().c_str());
    _fId.boardIPaddr.port = port;

    sscanf(_fId.boardIPaddr.string,"\"%d.%d.%d.%d", &_fId.boardIPaddr.ip1, &_fId.boardIPaddr.ip2, &_fId.boardIPaddr.ip3, &_fId.boardIPaddr.ip4);
    sscanf(_fId.pc104IPaddr.string,"\"%d.%d.%d.%d", &_fId.pc104IPaddr.ip1, &_fId.pc104IPaddr.ip2, &_fId.pc104IPaddr.ip3, &_fId.pc104IPaddr.ip4);

    snprintf(_fId.boardIPaddr.string, sizeof(_fId.boardIPaddr.string), "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", _fId.boardIPaddr.ip1, _fId.boardIPaddr.ip2, _fId.boardIPaddr.ip3, _fId.boardIPaddr.ip4, _fId.boardIPaddr.port);
    snprintf(_fId.pc104IPaddr.string, sizeof(_fId.pc104IPaddr.string), "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", _fId.pc104IPaddr.ip1, _fId.pc104IPaddr.ip2, _fId.pc104IPaddr.ip3, _fId.pc104IPaddr.ip4, _fId.pc104IPaddr.port);

    //   Debug info
    snprintf(, sizeof(, "embObjAnalogSensor: referred to EMS: %d at address %s\n", _fId.boardNumber, address);       // Saving User Friendly Id

    Value val =config.findGroup("ETH").check("Ems",Value(1), "Board number");
        _fId.boardNumber =val.asInt();
        yError () << "embObjAnalogSensor: EMS Board number identifier not found for IP" << _fId.pc104IPaddr.string;
        return false;

    ethManager = TheEthManager::instance();
    if(NULL == ethManager)
        yError() << "Unable to instantiate ethManager";
        return false;

    // N.B.: use a dynamic_cast to extract correct interface when using this pointer
    _fId.interface = this;
    _fId.type = ethFeatType_AnalogVirtual;

    /* Once I'm ok, ask for resources, through the _fId struct I'll give the ip addr, port and
    *  and boradNum to the ethManagerin order to create the ethResource requested.
    * I'll Get back the very same sturct filled with other data useful for future handling
    * like the EPvector and EPhash_function */
    res = ethManager->requestResource(config, groupTransceiver, groupProtocol, _fId);
    if(NULL == res)
        yError() << "EMS device not instantiated... unable to continue";
        return false;

    /*IMPORTANT: implement isEpManagedByBoard like every embObj obj when virtaulAnalogSensor will be exist in eo proto!!!!*/
//    if(!isEpManagedByBoard())
//    {
//        yError() << "EMS "<< _fId.boardNumber << "is not connected to virtual analog sensor";
//        return false;
//    }
//    if(!res->verifyProtocol(groupProtocol, eoprot_endpoint_???))
//    {
//        yError() << "embObjVirtualAnalogSensor and board "<< _fId.boardNumber << "dont not have the same eoprot_endpoint_??? protocol version: DO A FW UPGRADE";
//        return false;
//    }

    yTrace() << "EmbObj Virtual Analog Sensor for board "<< _fId.boardNumber << "instantiated correctly";

    opened = true;
    return true;