Example #1
// *****************************************************************************
Transform dg::LookAt(const Vector &rkPos, const Vector &rkLook, const Vector &rkUp) 
	Real afM[4][4];

	// initialize fourth column of viewing matrix
	afM[0][3] = rkPos.x();
	afM[1][3] = rkPos.y();
	afM[2][3] = rkPos.z();
	afM[3][3] = 1;

	// initialize first three columns of viewing matrix
	Vector kDir = Normalize(rkLook - rkPos);
	Vector kRight = Cross(kDir, Normalize(rkUp));
	Vector kNewUp = Cross(kRight, kDir);
	afM[0][0] = kRight.x();
	afM[1][0] = kRight.y();
	afM[2][0] = kRight.z();
	afM[3][0] = 0.;
	afM[0][1] = kNewUp.x();
	afM[1][1] = kNewUp.y();
	afM[2][1] = kNewUp.z();
	afM[3][1] = 0.;
	afM[0][2] = kDir.x();
	afM[1][2] = kDir.y();
	afM[2][2] = kDir.z();
	afM[3][2] = 0.;

	// camera to world
	Matrix *pkMatrix = new Matrix(afM);
	// world to camera
	Matrix *pkInverse = new Matrix( pkMatrix->inverse() );
	return Transform(pkInverse, pkMatrix, true);
Example #2
bool geometry::clockwise(const Point& a, const Point& b, const Point& c)
	Vector ab = b-a;
	Vector bc = c-b;
	return ab.x()*bc.y()-ab.y()*bc.x()<0;
Example #3
bool geometry::pointsOnLine(const Point& a, const Point& b, const Point& c)
	Vector ab = b-a;
	Vector bc = c-b;
	return ab.x()*bc.y()-ab.y()*bc.x()==0;
Example #4
void LookupGrid::expandGrid(Vector &v)
  if(v.x() > xhi) xhi=v.x();
  if(v.x() < xlo) xlo=v.x();
  if(v.z() > zhi) zhi=v.z();
  if(v.z() < zlo) zlo=v.z();
// Technique borrowed from http://slabode.exofire.net/circle_draw.shtml
void draw_circle( float radius, unsigned int nVerteces )
    const float ROTATION = (2 * 3.145) / nVerteces; // Change in theta.
    const float TANGENTAL_FACTOR = std::tan( ROTATION );
    const float RADIAL_FACTOR    = std::cos( ROTATION );

    Vector<float,2> rv; // Radial vector.
    rv.x( radius ); rv.y( 0.0f );

    std::vector< GLfloat > verteces;
    verteces.reserve( nVerteces );

    verteces.insert( verteces.end(), rv.begin(), rv.end() );

    // Since a circle can be drawn using GL_POLYGON, there is no need to draw
    // the last vertex which is the same as the first. Therefore, nVerteces-1
    // iterations is fine.
    for( unsigned int i=0; i < nVerteces-1; i++ )
        Vector<float,2> tv; // Tangential vector.
        tv.x( -rv.y() ); tv.y( rv.x() );

        rv += tv * TANGENTAL_FACTOR;
        rv *= RADIAL_FACTOR;

        verteces.insert( verteces.end(), rv.begin(), rv.end() );

    using namespace glpp;
    enableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
    vertexPointer( 2, 0, verteces.data() );
    drawArrays( GL_POLYGON, 0, nVerteces );
    disableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
Vector Vector::operator ^(Vector v) const
//Producto vectorial
	Vector pv= Vector( y()*v.z()-z()*v.y(), z()*v.x()-x()*v.z(), x()*v.y()-y()*v.x());
	for(int i=0;i<3;i++) if(fabs(pv.elem(i))<EPSILON) pv.setelem(i,0);
	return pv;
inline Vector<T, Size> cross (const Vector<T, Size>& a, const Vector<T, Size>& b)
	return Vector<T, Size>(
		a.y() * b.z() - b.y() * a.z(),
		a.z() * b.x() - b.z() * a.x(),
		a.x() * b.y() - b.x() * a.y());
Example #8
  * Constructs a Ray out of the compontent Vectors.
  * @param U  The direction that the ray is traveling
  * @param L  The origin of the Ray
 Ray::Ray(const Vector& L, const Vector& U, const Surface* source):
     _iU(1.0 / U.x(), 1.0 / U.y(), 1.0 / U.z()),
     _iL(1.0 / L.x(), 1.0 / L.y(), 1.0 / L.z()),
     _positive({U.x()  > 0.0, U.y()  > 0.0, U.z()  > 0.0}),
     _nonzero ({U.x() != 0.0, U.y() != 0.0, U.z() != 0.0}),
     _source(source) { }
Example #9
 void ARCBuilder::add_line_segment(Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector extrusion,
                                   Double thickness)
      *out << "<line>"
           << "<point x=\"" << p1.x() << "\" y=\"" << p1.y() << "\" />"
           << "<point x=\"" << p2.x() << "\" y=\"" << p2.y() << "\" />"
           << "</line>";
Example #10
 void ARCBuilder::add_ellipse(Vector center, Vector a, Vector b)
     *out << "<ellipse>"
          << "<point x=\"" << center.x() << "\" y=\"" << center.y() << "\"/>"
          << "<point x=\"" << a.x() << "\" y=\"" << a.y() << "\"/>"
          << "<point x=\"" << b.x() << "\" y=\"" << b.y() << "\"/>"
          << "</ellipse>";
        HDINLINE void operator()(Cursor& cursor, Vector& vector, const float3_X & fieldPos)

        if (speciesParticleShape::ParticleShape::support % 2 == 0)
            //even support

            /* for any direction
             * if fieldPos == 0.5 and vector<0.5 
             * shift curser+(-1) and new_vector=old_vector-(-1)
             * (vector.x() < fieldPos.x()) is equal ((fieldPos == 0.5) && (vector<0.5))
            float3_X coordinate_shift(
                                      -float_X(vector.x() < fieldPos.x()),
                                      -float_X(vector.y() < fieldPos.y()),
                                      -float_X(vector.z() < fieldPos.z())
            cursor = cursor(
                            PMacc::math::Int < 3 > (
            //same as: vector = vector - fieldPos - coordinate_shift;
            vector -= (fieldPos + coordinate_shift);
            //odd support

            /* for any direction
             * if fieldPos < 0.5 and vector> 0.5 
             * shift curser+1 and new_vector=old_vector-1
            float3_X coordinate_shift(
                                      float_X(vector.x() > float_X(0.5) && fieldPos.x() != float_X(0.5)),
                                      float_X(vector.y() > float_X(0.5) && fieldPos.y() != float_X(0.5)),
                                      float_X(vector.z() > float_X(0.5) && fieldPos.z() != float_X(0.5))
            cursor = cursor(
                            PMacc::math::Int < 3 > (
            //same as: vector = vector - fieldPos - coordinate_shift;
            vector -= (fieldPos + coordinate_shift);


Example #12
Plane::Plane(const Vector& nor, const Point& p) {
        Vector n = nor.normalized();
        float    d = -(p.x()*n.x() + p.y()*n.y() + p.z()*n.z());

	m_equation[0] = n.x();
	m_equation[1] = n.y();
	m_equation[2] = n.z();
	m_equation[3] = d;
Example #13
Vector transformVec(const Matrix& left, const Vector& right)
    double x = (right.x() * left.x[0][0] + right.y() * left.x[0][1] + right.z() * left.x[0][2]);
    double y = (right.x() * left.x[1][0] + right.y() * left.x[1][1] + right.z() * left.x[1][2]);
    double z = (right.x() * left.x[2][0] + right.y() * left.x[2][1] + right.z() * left.x[2][2]);

    Vector ret(x, y, z);
    return ret;
Example #14
Matrix Matrix::buildRotation( const Vector & rkFrom, const Vector & rkTo )
	// compute dot product between From and To
	Real fCosAngle = rkFrom.dot( rkTo );

	Real fEpsilon = 10e-4;
	if ( Abs( fCosAngle - 1 ) < fEpsilon ) 	/// dot product close to 1.0
		// rotate by an angle of zero with an arbitrary direction
		return buildRotation( 0.0, 1 );	// use y axis
		if ( Abs( fCosAngle + 1.0 ) < fEpsilon ) 	// dot product close to 0.0
			// find an orthogonal direction to create axis
			Vector kOrtho;

			if ( Abs( rkFrom.x() ) < Abs( rkFrom.y() ) )
				if ( Abs( rkFrom.x() ) < Abs( rkFrom.z() ) )
					kOrtho = Vector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );	// use x axis.
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );	// use z axis
				if ( Abs( rkFrom.y() ) < Abs( rkFrom.z() ) )
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );	// use y axis
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );	// use z axis

			// find orthogonal axis to use for rotation
			Vector kAxis( rkFrom.cross( kOrtho ) );	// Axis = From x Ortho (cross prod)

			Real fAngle = ArcCosine( fCosAngle );	// find rotation angle

			// create new rotation matrix about new axis
			return buildRotation( fAngle, kAxis );
			// find orthogonal axis to use for rotation
			Vector kAxis( rkFrom.cross( rkTo ) );	// Axis = From x To (cross prod)
			Real fAngle = ArcCosine( fCosAngle );	// find rotation angle

			// create new rotation matrix about new axis
			return buildRotation( fAngle, kAxis );
void ChainTask::model_update(){
  Vector p = pose.p;

  Frame baker_pose;

  Rotation rot = (baker_pose.Inverse()*pose).M.Inverse();


  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pp;

  // stupid hack for rviz (running locally, wtf?!)
  pp.header.stamp = ros::Time::now() - ros::Duration(0.1);
  pp.header.frame_id = "/pancake";
  tf::PoseKDLToMsg(baker_pose, pp.pose);

  tf::PoseKDLToMsg(pose, pp.pose);

  Frame spatula_pose;

    log(Warning)<<"model update failed for some reason :("<<endlog();

  //reference frame is baker, reference point is end of baker chain

  //reference frame and reference point should be baker root
  changeRefFrame(Jf_spatula,Frame(pose.M, pose.p),Jf_spatula);

  for(unsigned int i=0;i<NC;i++)

  // concatenate the two chi_f
  for(unsigned int i=0; i < 3; i++)
    chi_f(i) = chi_f_baker(i);
  for(unsigned int i=3; i < 6; i++)
    chi_f(i) = chi_f_spatula(i-3);

Example #16
int Plane::intersect(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, Vector *vx) const
    // based on Graphics Gems III, partition3d
    int sign1, sign2;
    double c1 = classify(v1);
    if (c1 < -TOLERANCE)
        sign1 = -1;
    else if (c1 > TOLERANCE)
        sign1 = 1;
    else    // no intersection;  cases 1, 6, 7
        return 0;
    double c2 = classify(v2);
    if (c2 < -TOLERANCE)
        sign2 = -1;
    else if (c2 > TOLERANCE)
        sign2 = 1;
    else {  // intersection at v2;  cases 8, 9
        *vx = v2;
        return sign1;
    if (sign1 == sign2)     // no intersection;  cases 2, 3
        return 0;
    // intersection;  cases 4, 5
    Vector vd = v2 - v1;
    double tt = - (double(_abc * v1) + _d) / double(_abc * vd);
    *vx = v1 + (vd * tt);

    double vd_x = (double)v2.x() - (double)v1.x();
    double vd_y = (double)v2.y() - (double)v1.y();
    double vd_z = (double)v2.z() - (double)v1.z();
    double abc_v1_x = (double)_a * (double)v1.x();
    double abc_v1_y = (double)_b * (double)v1.y();
    double abc_v1_z = (double)_c * (double)v1.z();
    double abc_v1 = abc_v1_x + abc_v1_y + abc_v1_z;
    double abc_vd_x = (double)_a * vd_x;
    double abc_vd_y = (double)_b * vd_y;
    double abc_vd_z = (double)_c * vd_z;
    double abc_vd = abc_vd_x + abc_vd_y + abc_vd_z;
    double ttt = - (((double)_d + abc_v1) / abc_vd);
    double vd_ttt_x = vd_x * ttt;
    double vd_ttt_y = vd_y * ttt;
    double vd_ttt_z = vd_z * ttt;
    double vx_x = (double)v1.x() + vd_ttt_x;
    double vx_y = (double)v1.y() + vd_ttt_y;
    double vx_z = (double)v1.z() + vd_ttt_z;
    *vx = Vector((float)vx_x, (float)vx_y, (float)vx_z);

    return sign1;
Example #17
Matrix::Matrix(const Vector &rkW, const Vector &rkV, const Vector &rkU)
	m_afV[0][0] = rkW.x(); m_afV[0][1] = rkW.y(); m_afV[0][2] = rkW.z();
	m_afV[1][0] = rkV.x(); m_afV[1][1] = rkV.y(); m_afV[1][2] = rkV.z();
	m_afV[2][0] = rkU.x(); m_afV[2][1] = rkU.y(); m_afV[2][2] = rkU.z();

	m_afV[0][3] = m_afV[1][3] = m_afV[2][3] = 0;
	m_afV[3][0] = m_afV[3][1] = m_afV[3][2] = 0;
	m_afV[3][3] = 1.0;
Example #18
 void DrawObject::setScale(const Vector &scale) {
                                                 scale.x(), scale.y(), scale.z()));
                                          pivot_.x()*scale.x(), pivot_.y()*scale.y(), pivot_.z()*scale.z()));
   scaledSize_ = Vector(
                        scale.x() * geometrySize_.x(),
                        scale.y() * geometrySize_.y(),
                        scale.z() * geometrySize_.z());
Example #19
// *****************************************************************************
Transform dg::Rotate(Real fDegrees, const Vector &rkAxis) 
	Vector kA = Normalize(rkAxis);
	Real fSin = Sine(Radians(fDegrees));
	Real fCos = Cosine(Radians(fDegrees));
	Real afM[4][4];

	afM[0][0] = kA.x() * kA.x() + (1.f - kA.x() * kA.x()) * fCos;
	afM[0][1] = kA.x() * kA.y() * (1.f - fCos) - kA.z() * fSin;
	afM[0][2] = kA.x() * kA.z() * (1.f - fCos) + kA.y() * fSin;
	afM[0][3] = 0;

	afM[1][0] = kA.x() * kA.y() * (1.f - fCos) + kA.z() * fSin;
	afM[1][1] = kA.y() * kA.y() + (1.f - kA.y() * kA.y()) * fCos;
	afM[1][2] = kA.y() * kA.z() * (1.f - fCos) - kA.x() * fSin;
	afM[1][3] = 0;

	afM[2][0] = kA.x() * kA.z() * (1.f - fCos) - kA.y() * fSin;
	afM[2][1] = kA.y() * kA.z() * (1.f - fCos) + kA.x() * fSin;
	afM[2][2] = kA.z() * kA.z() + (1.f - kA.z() * kA.z()) * fCos;
	afM[2][3] = 0;

	afM[3][0] = 0;
	afM[3][1] = 0;
	afM[3][2] = 0;
	afM[3][3] = 1;

	Matrix *pkMatrix = new Matrix(afM);
	Matrix *pkInverse = new Matrix( pkMatrix->transpose() );
	return Transform(pkMatrix, pkInverse, true);
Example #20
Vector Vector::crossProduct(Vector const& vector)
  /* Vectors are parallel, thats undefined. */

  double resultX = y()*vector.z() - z()*vector.y(),
         resultY = z()*vector.x() - x()*vector.z(),
         resultZ = x()*vector.y() - y()*vector.x();

  return Vector(resultX, resultY, resultZ);
Example #21
bool Line::intersectionCoefficient(const Line& line, real& coefficient) const
	Vector u = _direction;
	Vector v = line._direction;
	Vector w = _startPoint-line._startPoint;
	real denominator = v.x()*u.y()-v.y()*u.x();
	if (denominator==0) {
		return false;
	coefficient= (v.y()*w.x()-v.x()*w.y())/denominator;
	return true;
Example #22
 __device__ __host__ d_Ray(Vector L, Vector U, int32_t src) :
     L(L), U(U),
     iL(1.0 / L.x(), 1.0 / L.y(), 1.0 / L.z()),
     iU(1.0 / U.x(), 1.0 / U.y(), 1.0 / U.z()),
     positive(), nonzero(), src(src) {
   positive[0] = U.x() > 0;
   positive[1] = U.y() > 0;
   positive[2] = U.z() > 0;
   nonzero [0] = L.x() != 0;
   nonzero [1] = L.y() != 0;
   nonzero [2] = L.z() != 0;
Example #23
void BoundingBox::vminmax(
    const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2,
    Vector *vmin, Vector *vmax)
    float xmin, ymin, zmin;
    float xmax, ymax, zmax;
    fminmax(v1.x(), v2.x(), &xmin, &xmax);
    fminmax(v1.y(), v2.y(), &ymin, &ymax);
    fminmax(v1.z(), v2.z(), &zmin, &zmax);
    *vmin = Vector(xmin, ymin, zmin);
    *vmax = Vector(xmax, ymax, zmax);
void TestVector::testNormalized2()
    Vector v(1,1,1);

    Vector norm = v.normalized();
    Vector min(0.576,0.576,0.576);
    Vector max(0.578,0.578,0.578);

    QVERIFY((norm.x() > min.x()) && (norm.x() < max.x()));
    QVERIFY((norm.y() > min.y()) && (norm.y() < max.y()));
    QVERIFY((norm.z() > min.z()) && (norm.z() < max.z()));
Example #25
Matrix Matrix::buildTransform( const Vector & rkT, const Matrix & rkR, const Vector & rkS )
	Matrix kT(
	    rkS.x() * rkR.m_afV[ 0 ] [ 0 ], rkS.y() * rkR.m_afV[ 0 ] [ 1 ],
	    rkS.z() * rkR.m_afV[ 0 ] [ 2 ], 0.0f,
	    rkS.x() * rkR.m_afV[ 1 ] [ 0 ], rkS.y() * rkR.m_afV[ 1 ] [ 1 ],
	    rkS.z() * rkR.m_afV[ 1 ] [ 2 ], 0.0f,
	    rkS.x() * rkR.m_afV[ 2 ] [ 0 ], rkS.y() * rkR.m_afV[ 2 ] [ 1 ],
	    rkS.z() * rkR.m_afV[ 2 ] [ 2 ], 0.0f,
	    rkT.x(), rkT.y(), rkT.z(), 1.0f );

	return kT;
Example #26
void inv(Field<tensor>& tf, const UList<tensor>& tf1)
    if (tf.empty())

    scalar scale = magSqr(tf1[0]);
    Vector<bool> removeCmpts
        magSqr(tf1[0].xx())/scale < SMALL,
        magSqr(tf1[0].yy())/scale < SMALL,
        magSqr(tf1[0].zz())/scale < SMALL

    if (removeCmpts.x() || removeCmpts.y() || removeCmpts.z())
        tensorField tf1Plus(tf1);

        if (removeCmpts.x())
            tf1Plus += tensor(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

        if (removeCmpts.y())
            tf1Plus += tensor(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0);

        if (removeCmpts.z())
            tf1Plus += tensor(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1);

        TFOR_ALL_F_OP_FUNC_F(tensor, tf, =, inv, tensor, tf1Plus)

        if (removeCmpts.x())
            tf -= tensor(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

        if (removeCmpts.y())
            tf -= tensor(0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0);

        if (removeCmpts.z())
            tf -= tensor(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1);
Example #27
Vector operator*(const Matrix& left, const Vector& right)

    double temp;
    double x = (right.x() * left.x[0][0] + right.y() * left.x[0][1] + right.z() * left.x[0][2] + left.x[0][3]);
    double y = (right.x() * left.x[1][0] + right.y() * left.x[1][1] + right.z() * left.x[1][2] + left.x[1][3]);
    double z = (right.x() * left.x[2][0] + right.y() * left.x[2][1] + right.z() * left.x[2][2] + left.x[2][3]);
    temp   = right.x() * left.x[3][0] + right.y() * left.x[3][1] + right.z() * left.x[3][2] + left.x[3][3];

    Vector ret = Vector(x,y,z);

    ret /= temp;
    return ret;
Example #28
Plane::Plane(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3) {
        Vector u(p2, p1);
        Vector v(p3, p1);

        Vector n = u ^ v;
        float  d = -(p1.x()*n.x() + p1.y()*n.y() + p1.z()*n.z());

	m_equation[0] = n.x();
	m_equation[1] = n.y();
	m_equation[2] = n.z();
	m_equation[3] = d;
Example #29
void promptInitialPosition(Vector& initialPosition)
    BOOL validPosition = FALSE;
        STRING initialPositionString;
        cout << "Entrez la position initiale comme suit X0, Y0, Z0: ";
        getline(cin, initialPositionString);

        CHAR* nextToken = NULL;
        INT tokenCount = 0;
        CHAR* token = strtok_s((CHAR*) initialPositionString.c_str(), ",", &nextToken);
        while (token != NULL && tokenCount < 3) 
            initialPosition[tokenCount] = (FLOAT) atof(token);
	        token = strtok_s(NULL, ",", &nextToken);

        validPosition = TRUE;
        if ( tokenCount != 3 )
            cout << "Nombre de composants invalide" << endl;
            validPosition = FALSE;

        if ( initialPosition.x() < 0.0f || initialPosition.x() > Tp1Constants::PLAYER_ZONE_WIDTH )
            cout << "Valeur en X invalide" << endl;
            validPosition = FALSE;

        if ( initialPosition.y() < 0.0f || initialPosition.y() > Tp1Constants::PLAYER_ZONE_LENGTH )
            cout << "Valeur en Y invalide" << endl;
            validPosition = FALSE;

        if ( initialPosition.z() < 0.0f || initialPosition.z() > Tp1Constants::COURT_REACH )
            cout << "Valeur en Z invalide" << endl;
            validPosition = FALSE;

        if ( !validPosition )
            cout << "Position initiale invalide, veuillez recommencer" << endl << endl;

    } while( !validPosition );
Example #30
// *****************************************************************************
Transform dg::Translate(const Vector &rkDelta) 
	Matrix *pkMatrix, *pkInverse;
	pkMatrix = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, rkDelta.x(),
	                      0, 1, 0, rkDelta.y(),
						  0, 0, 1, rkDelta.z(),
						  0, 0, 0,       1);
	pkInverse = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -rkDelta.x(),
                           0, 1, 0, -rkDelta.y(),
                           0, 0, 1, -rkDelta.z(),
                           0, 0, 0,        1);
	return Transform(pkMatrix, pkInverse, true);