Example #1
    static void NonBlockHessenberg(
        MatrixView<T> A, VectorView<T> Ubeta)
#ifdef XDEBUG
        cout<<"Start NonBlock Hessenberg Reduction: A = "<<A<<endl;
        Matrix<T> A0(A);
        // Decompose A into U H Ut
        // H is a Hessenberg Matrix
        // U is a Unitary Matrix
        // On output, H is stored in the upper-Hessenberg part of A
        // U is stored in compact form in the rest of A along with 
        // the vector Ubeta.
        const ptrdiff_t N = A.rowsize();

        TMVAssert(A.colsize() == A.rowsize());
        TMVAssert(N > 0);
        TMVAssert(Ubeta.size() == N-1);
        TMVAssert(A.iscm() || A.isrm());

        // We use Householder reflections to reduce A to the Hessenberg form:
        T* Uj = Ubeta.ptr();
        T det = 0; // Ignore Householder det calculations
        for(ptrdiff_t j=0;j<N-1;++j,++Uj) {
            TMVAssert(Uj >= Ubeta._first);
            TMVAssert(Uj < Ubeta._last);
            *Uj = Householder_Reflect(A.subMatrix(j+1,N,j,N),det);
            if (*Uj != T(0))

#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> U(N,N,T(0));
        U.subMatrix(1,N,1,N) = A.subMatrix(1,N,0,N-1);
        Vector<T> Ubeta2(N);
        Ubeta2.subVector(1,N) = Ubeta;
        Ubeta2(0) = T(0);
        Matrix<T> H = A;
        if (N>2) LowerTriMatrixViewOf(H).offDiag(2).setZero();
        Matrix<T> AA = U*H*U.adjoint();
        if (Norm(A0-AA) > 0.001*Norm(A0)) {
            cerr<<"NonBlock Hessenberg: A = "<<Type(A)<<"  "<<A0<<endl;
            cerr<<"A = "<<A<<endl;
            cerr<<"Ubeta = "<<Ubeta<<endl;
            cerr<<"U = "<<U<<endl;
            cerr<<"H = "<<H<<endl;
            cerr<<"UHUt = "<<AA<<endl;
Example #2
    static inline void Hessenberg(
        MatrixView<T> A, VectorView<T> Ubeta)
        TMVAssert(A.colsize() == A.rowsize());
        TMVAssert(Ubeta.size() == A.rowsize()-1);
        TMVAssert(A.isrm() || A.iscm());
        TMVAssert(Ubeta.step() == 1);

        if (A.rowsize() > 0) {
#ifdef LAP
            if (A.iscm()) 
Example #3
    void MultMV(
        const T alpha, const GenDiagMatrix<Ta>& A, const GenVector<Tx>& x,
        VectorView<T> y)
        // y (+)= alpha * A * x 
        // yi (+)= alpha * Ai * xi
        TMVAssert(A.size() == x.size());
        TMVAssert(A.size() == y.size());
#ifdef XDEBUG
        //cout<<"MultMV: \n";
        //cout<<"alpha = "<<alpha<<endl;
        //cout<<"A = "<<TMV_Text(A)<<"  "<<A<<endl;
        //cout<<"x = "<<TMV_Text(x)<<"  "<<x<<endl;
        //cout<<"y = "<<TMV_Text(y)<<"  "<<y<<endl;
        Vector<T> y0 = y;
        Vector<Tx> x0 = x;
        Matrix<Ta> A0 = A;
        Vector<T> y2 = alpha*A0*x0;
        if (add) y2 += y0;


#ifdef XDEBUG
        if (!(Norm(y-y2) <=
                     (add?Norm(y0):TMV_RealType(T)(0))))) {
            cerr<<"MultMV: alpha = "<<alpha<<endl;
            cerr<<"add = "<<add<<endl;
            cerr<<"A = "<<TMV_Text(A)<<" step "<<A.diag().step()<<"  "<<A0<<endl;
            cerr<<"x = "<<TMV_Text(x)<<" step "<<x.step()<<"  "<<x0<<endl;
            cerr<<"y = "<<TMV_Text(y)<<" step "<<y.step()<<"  "<<y0<<endl;
            cerr<<"-> y = "<<y<<endl;
            cerr<<"y2 = "<<y2<<endl;
Example #4
    static void BlockHessenberg(
        MatrixView<T> A, VectorView<T> Ubeta)
        // Much like the block version of Bidiagonalize, we try to maintain
        // the operation of several successive Householder matrices in
        // a block form, where the net Block Householder is I - YZYt.
        // But as with the bidiagonlization algorithm (and unlike a simple
        // block QR decomposition), we update the matrix from both the left 
        // and the right, so we also need to keep track of the product
        // ZYtm in addition.
        // The block update at the end of the block loop is
        // m' = (I-YZYt) m (I-YZtYt)
        // The Y matrix is stored in the first K columns of m,
        // and the Hessenberg portion of these columns is updated as we go.
        // For the right-hand-side update, m -= mYZtYt, the m on the right
        // needs to be the full original matrix m, including the original
        // versions of these K columns.  Therefore, we can't wait until 
        // the end for this calculation.  
        // Instead, we keep track of mYZt as we progress, so the final update
        // is:
        // m' = (I-YZYt) (m - mYZt Y)
        // We also need to do this same calculation for each column as we
        // progress through the block.
        const ptrdiff_t N = A.rowsize();

#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> A0(A);

        TMVAssert(A.rowsize() == A.colsize());
        TMVAssert(N > 0);
        TMVAssert(Ubeta.size() == N-1);

        ptrdiff_t ncolmax = MIN(HESS_BLOCKSIZE,N-1);
        Matrix<T,RowMajor> mYZt_full(N,ncolmax);
        UpperTriMatrix<T,NonUnitDiag|ColMajor> Z_full(ncolmax);

        T det(0); // Ignore Householder Determinant calculations
        T* Uj = Ubeta.ptr();
        for(ptrdiff_t j1=0;j1<N-1;) {
            ptrdiff_t j2 = MIN(N-1,j1+HESS_BLOCKSIZE);
            ptrdiff_t ncols = j2-j1;
            MatrixView<T> mYZt = mYZt_full.subMatrix(0,N-j1,0,ncols);
            UpperTriMatrixView<T> Z = Z_full.subTriMatrix(0,ncols);

            for(ptrdiff_t j=j1,jj=0;j<j2;++j,++jj,++Uj) { // jj = j-j1

                // Update current column of A
                // m' = (I - YZYt) (m - mYZt Yt)
                // A(0:N,j)' = A(0:N,j) - mYZt(0:N,0:j) Y(j,0:j)t
                A.col(j,j1+1,N) -= mYZt.Cols(0,j) * A.row(j,0,j).Conjugate();
                // A(0:N,j)'' = A(0:N,j) - Y Z Yt A(0:N,j)'
                // Let Y = (L)     where L is unit-diagonal, lower-triangular,
                //         (M)     and M is rectangular
                LowerTriMatrixView<T> L = 
                MatrixView<T> M = A.subMatrix(j+1,N,j1,j);
                // Use the last column of Z as temporary storage for Yt A(0:N,j)'
                VectorView<T> YtAj = Z.col(jj,0,jj);
                YtAj = L.adjoint() * A.col(j,j1+1,j+1);
                YtAj += M.adjoint() * A.col(j,j+1,N);
                YtAj = Z.subTriMatrix(0,jj) * YtAj;
                A.col(j,j1+1,j+1) -= L * YtAj;
                A.col(j,j+1,N) -= M * YtAj;

                // Do the Householder reflection 
                VectorView<T> u = A.col(j,j+1,N);
                T bu = Householder_Reflect(u,det);
                TMVAssert(Uj >= Ubeta._first);
                TMVAssert(Uj < Ubeta._last);
                *Uj = bu;

                // Save the top of the u vector, which isn't actually part of u
                T& Atemp = *u.cptr();
                TMVAssert(IMAG(Atemp) == RealType(T)(0));
                RealType(T) Aorig = REAL(Atemp);
                Atemp = RealType(T)(1);

                // Update Z
                VectorView<T> Zj = Z.col(jj,0,jj);
                Zj = -bu * M.adjoint() * u;
                Zj = Z * Zj;
                Z(jj,jj) = -bu;

                // Update mYtZt:
                // mYZt(0:N,j) = m(0:N,0:N) Y(0:N,0:j) Zt(0:j,j)
                //             = m(0:N,j+1:N) Y(j+1:N,j) Zt(j,j)
                //             = bu* m(0:N,j+1:N) u 
                mYZt.col(jj) = CONJ(bu) * A.subMatrix(j1,N,j+1,N) * u;

                // Restore Aorig, which is actually part of the Hessenberg matrix.
                Atemp = Aorig;

            // Update the rest of the matrix:
            // A(j2,j2-1) needs to be temporarily changed to 1 for use in Y
            T& Atemp = *(A.ptr() + j2*A.stepi() + (j2-1)*A.stepj());
            TMVAssert(IMAG(Atemp) == RealType(T)(0));
            RealType(T) Aorig = Atemp;
            Atemp = RealType(T)(1);

            // m' = (I-YZYt) (m - mYZt Y)
            MatrixView<T> m = A.subMatrix(j1,N,j2,N);
            ConstMatrixView<T> Y = A.subMatrix(j2+1,N,j1,j2);
            m -= mYZt * Y.adjoint();

            // Restore A(j2,j2-1)
            Atemp = Aorig;
            j1 = j2;

#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> U(N,N,T(0));
        U.subMatrix(1,N,1,N) = A.subMatrix(1,N,0,N-1);
        U(0,0) = T(1);
        Vector<T> Ubeta2(N);
        Ubeta2.subVector(1,N) = Ubeta;
        Ubeta2(0) = T(0);
        Matrix<T> H = A;
        if (N>2) LowerTriMatrixViewOf(H).offDiag(2).setZero();
        Matrix<T> AA = U*H*U.adjoint();
        if (Norm(A0-AA) > 0.001*Norm(A0)) {
            cerr<<"NonBlock Hessenberg: A = "<<Type(A)<<"  "<<A0<<endl;
            cerr<<"A = "<<A<<endl;
            cerr<<"Ubeta = "<<Ubeta<<endl;
            cerr<<"U = "<<U<<endl;
            cerr<<"H = "<<H<<endl;
            cerr<<"UHUt = "<<AA<<endl;
            Matrix<T,ColMajor> A2 = A0;
            Vector<T> Ub2(Ubeta.size());
            cerr<<"cf NonBlock: A -> "<<A2<<endl;
            cerr<<"Ubeta = "<<Ub2<<endl;
Example #5
    static void DoNonLapCH_Decompose(SymBandMatrixView<T> A)
        // Cholesky decompostion for a banded Hermitian matrix follows the 
        // same structure as a regular Cholesky decomposition, but we 
        // take advantage of the fact that the column or row lengths are 
        // shorter.
        TMVAssert(A.uplo() == Lower);
        TMVAssert(A.ct() == NonConj);
        TMVAssert(isReal(T()) || A.isherm());
        TMVAssert(A.iscm() || A.isrm());
        TMVAssert(cm == A.iscm());
        const ptrdiff_t N = A.size();
#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> A0(A);
        //cout<<"A = "<<TMV_Text(A)<<"  "<<A<<endl;

        VectorView<TMV_RealType(T)> Adiag = A.diag().realPart();
        const ptrdiff_t nlo = A.nlo();

        if (nlo == 0) {
            TMV_RealType(T)* Ajj= Adiag.ptr();
            const ptrdiff_t ds = Adiag.step();
            for(ptrdiff_t j=0;j<N;++j,Ajj+=ds) {
                TMVAssert(Ajj >= A.realPart()._first);
                TMVAssert(Ajj < A.realPart()._last);
                if (*Ajj <= TMV_RealType(T)(0))  {
#ifdef NOTHROW
                    std::cerr<<"Non Posdef HermBandMatrix found\n"; 
                    throw NonPosDefHermBandMatrix<T>(A);
                *Ajj = TMV_SQRT(*Ajj);
        } else if (cm) {
            TMV_RealType(T)* Ajj= Adiag.ptr();
            const ptrdiff_t ds = Adiag.step();
            ptrdiff_t endcol = nlo+1;
            for(ptrdiff_t j=0;j<N-1;++j,Ajj+=ds) {
                TMVAssert(Ajj >= A.realPart()._first);
                TMVAssert(Ajj < A.realPart()._last);
                if (*Ajj <= TMV_RealType(T)(0))  {
#ifdef NOTHROW
                    std::cerr<<"Non Posdef HermBandMatrix found\n"; 
                    throw NonPosDefHermBandMatrix<T>(A);
                *Ajj = TMV_SQRT(*Ajj);
                A.col(j,j+1,endcol) /= *Ajj;
                A.subSymMatrix(j+1,endcol) -= 
                    A.col(j,j+1,endcol) ^ A.col(j,j+1,endcol).conjugate();
                if (endcol < N) ++endcol;
            TMVAssert(Ajj >= A.realPart()._first);
            TMVAssert(Ajj < A.realPart()._last);
            if (*Ajj <= TMV_RealType(T)(0))  {
#ifdef NOTHROW
                std::cerr<<"Non Posdef HermBandMatrix found\n"; 
                throw NonPosDefHermBandMatrix<T>(A);
            *Ajj = TMV_SQRT(*Ajj);
        } else {
            TMV_RealType(T)* Aii = Adiag.ptr();
            const ptrdiff_t ds = Adiag.step();
            ptrdiff_t startrow = 0;
            TMVAssert(Aii >= A.realPart()._first);
            TMVAssert(Aii < A.realPart()._last);
            if (*Aii <= TMV_RealType(T)(0)) {
#ifdef NOTHROW
                std::cerr<<"Non Posdef HermBandMatrix found\n"; 
                throw NonPosDefHermBandMatrix<T>(A);
            *Aii = TMV_SQRT(*Aii);
            for(ptrdiff_t i=1;i<N;++i) {
                if (i > nlo) ++startrow;
                A.row(i,startrow,i) %= 
                TMVAssert(Aii >= A.realPart()._first);
                TMVAssert(Aii < A.realPart()._last);
                *Aii -= NormSq(A.row(i,startrow,i));
                if (*Aii <= TMV_RealType(T)(0))  {
#ifdef NOTHROW
                    std::cerr<<"Non Posdef HermBandMatrix found\n"; 
                    throw NonPosDefHermBandMatrix<T>(A);
                *Aii = TMV_SQRT(*Aii);

#ifdef XDEBUG
        //cout<<"Done CHDecompose\n";
        BandMatrix<T> L = A.lowerBand();
        BandMatrix<T> A2 = L * L.adjoint();
        TMV_RealType(T) normll = TMV_SQR(Norm(L));
        if (!(Norm(A2-A0) < 0.001*normll)) {
            cerr<<"CH_Decompose: A = "<<TMV_Text(A)<<"  "<<A0<<endl;
            cerr<<"Done: A = "<<A<<endl;
            cerr<<"L = "<<L<<endl;
            cerr<<"Lt = "<<L.adjoint()<<endl;
            cerr<<"L*Lt = "<<A2<<endl;
            cerr<<"Norm(diff) = "<<Norm(A2-A0);
            cerr<<"  Norm(L)^2 = "<<normll<<endl;