Example #1
void WindowTree::onRenderItem( RenderContext & context, const RectInt & window, PointInt & pos, Item * pItem )
	WindowStyle * pStyle = windowStyle();
	ASSERT( pStyle );
	Font * pFont = windowStyle()->font();
	ASSERT( pFont );

	// get the depth of this item
	int depth = itemDepth( pItem );
	// determine the X position based on it's depth
	pos.x = window.left + (depth * m_Indent);
	// get the size of the label text
	SizeInt labelSize( pFont->size( pItem->sLabel ) );
	// determine the height of this item
	int height = (int)(labelSize.height + TREE_ITEM_BUFFER);
	RectInt itemRect( window.left, pos.y, window.right, pos.y + height );

	// check if this item is highlighted or not
	if ( m_CursorInWindow && itemRect.inRect( m_LastCursorPosition ) )
		onHighlight( pItem );

	PrimitiveMaterial::push( context.display(), WHITE, PrimitiveMaterial::ALPHA );

	if ( pItem->dwFlags & BUTTON )
		bool expanded = (pItem->dwFlags & EXPANDED) != 0;
		Color backColor( expanded ? pStyle->backColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR : pStyle->backColor() );
		Color shadeColor( expanded ? pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_LIGHT_COLOR : pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR );
		Color lightColor( expanded ? pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR : pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_LIGHT_COLOR );

		// render the button
		pushBackground( context, itemRect, backColor, TREE_BUTTON_STYLE, TREE_BUTTON_BORDER );
		pushBorder( context, itemRect, lightColor, shadeColor, TREE_BUTTON_STYLE, TREE_BUTTON_BORDER );

		// draw glow around this object if the mouse is currently over this button
		if ( m_pCursorOver == pItem )

		// place the label in the center of the button
		PointInt labelPos( itemRect.center() - PointInt( labelSize.width / 2, labelSize.height / 2 ) );
		// draw the label
		Font::push( context.display(), pFont, labelPos, pItem->sLabel, pItem->cColor );
		if ( m_pSelected == pItem )
			pushBackground( context, itemRect, pStyle->highColor(), 0, 0 );
		if ( m_pCursorOver == pItem )
			pushGlow( context, itemRect, TREE_GLOW_SIZE, TREE_GLOW_INNER, TREE_GLOW_OUTER, 0, 0 );

		PointInt labelPos( pos.x, (int)(pos.y + (TREE_ITEM_BUFFER / 2)) );
		// render the label text`
		Font::push( context.display(), pFont, labelPos, pItem->sLabel, pItem->cColor );


	// move y down
	pos.y += (int)(height + WINDOW_TREE_SPACING);