Example #1
	void Config::loadFile(const string& path)
		XMLDocument document;
		if (document.LoadFile(path.c_str()) == XML_NO_ERROR) {
			XMLElement* file = document.FirstChildElement("file");
			if (file) {
				XMLElement* config = file->FirstChildElement("config");
				while (config) {
					const char* name = config->Attribute("name");
					if (name) {
						     if (strcmp(name, "DefaultGravity") == 0)       config->QueryDoubleAttribute("value", &Config::DefaultGravity);
						else if (strcmp(name, "PlayerMoveSpeed") == 0)      config->QueryDoubleAttribute("value", &Config::PlayerMoveSpeed);
						else if (strcmp(name, "PlayerJumpSpeed") == 0)      config->QueryDoubleAttribute("value", &Config::PlayerJumpSpeed);
						else if (strcmp(name, "MaxCrosshairDistance") == 0) config->QueryDoubleAttribute("value", &Config::MaxCrosshairDistance);
						else if (strcmp(name, "MaxGibsOnScreen") == 0)      config->QueryUnsignedAttribute("value", &Config::MaxGibsOnScreen);
						else if (strcmp(name, "GibsMin") == 0)              config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::GibsMin);
						else if (strcmp(name, "GibsMax") == 0)              config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::GibsMax);
						else if (strcmp(name, "BloodParticles") == 0)       config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::BloodParticles);
						else if (strcmp(name, "GibMaxSpeedX") == 0)         config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::GibMaxSpeedX);
						else if (strcmp(name, "GibMaxSpeedY") == 0)         config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::GibMaxSpeedY);
						else if (strcmp(name, "BloodMaxSpeedX") == 0)       config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::BloodMaxSpeedX);
						else if (strcmp(name, "BloodMaxSpeedY") == 0)       config->QueryIntAttribute("value", &Config::BloodMaxSpeedY);
					config = config->NextSiblingElement("config");
		} else {
			cout << document.GetErrorStr1() << endl;
			cout << document.GetErrorStr2() << endl;
Example #2
// Loads the campaign data
int _Campaign::Init() {

	Log.Write("_Campaign::Init - Loading file irrlamb.xml");

	// Open the XML file
	std::string LevelFile = std::string("levels/main.xml");
	XMLDocument Document;
	if(Document.LoadFile(LevelFile.c_str()) != XML_NO_ERROR) {
		Log.Write("Error loading level file with error id = %d", Document.ErrorID());
		Log.Write("Error string 1: %s", Document.GetErrorStr1());
		Log.Write("Error string 2: %s", Document.GetErrorStr2());
		return 0;

	// Check for level tag
	XMLElement *CampaignsElement = Document.FirstChildElement("campaigns");
	if(!CampaignsElement) {
		Log.Write("Could not find campaigns tag");
		return 0;

	// Load campaigns
	XMLElement *CampaignElement = CampaignsElement->FirstChildElement("campaign");
	for(; CampaignElement != 0; CampaignElement = CampaignElement->NextSiblingElement("campaign")) {

		CampaignStruct Campaign;
		Campaign.Name = CampaignElement->Attribute("name");

		// Get levels
		XMLElement *LevelElement = CampaignElement->FirstChildElement("level");
		for(; LevelElement != 0; LevelElement = LevelElement->NextSiblingElement("level")) {
			LevelStruct Level;
			Level.File = LevelElement->GetText();
			Level.DataPath = Game.GetWorkingPath() + "levels/" + Level.File + "/";
			Level.Unlocked = 0;
			LevelElement->QueryIntAttribute("unlocked", &Level.Unlocked);

			::Level.Init(Level.File, true);
			Level.NiceName = ::Level.GetLevelNiceName();



	return 1;
	void ImageMapWorldCreator::readXML(MapDirectory* mapDirectory, Engine* engine, SDL_Surface* surface, World* world)
		XMLDocument document;
		if (document.LoadFile(mapDirectory->getXMLPath().c_str()) == XML_NO_ERROR) {
			XMLElement* mapElement = document.FirstChildElement("map");
			if (mapElement) {
				XMLElement* backgroundsElement = mapElement->FirstChildElement("backgrounds");
				XMLElement* texturesElement = mapElement->FirstChildElement("textures");
				if (texturesElement) {
					readTexturesElement(texturesElement, surface);
				if (backgroundsElement) {
					readBackgroundsElement(backgroundsElement, engine, mapDirectory, world);
		} else {
			cout << document.GetErrorStr1() << endl;
			cout << document.GetErrorStr2() << endl;
Example #4
Game::LoadMap( const std::string & filename )
  XMLDocument doc;

  if ( doc.ErrorID() != XML_NO_ERROR )
    ostringstream ss;
    ss << "Loadfile:" << g_TinyXmlErrors[doc.ErrorID()] << " " << doc.GetErrorStr1() << " " << doc.GetErrorStr2();
    throw XmlParsingException(ss.str());


  // Load rooms
  XMLElement *pElem = doc.FirstChildElement( "Room");
  while( pElem != NULL )
    g_Log << "loading..." << pElem->Attribute("id");
    Room *pRoom  = NULL;
    // Custom rooms
    if ( pElem->Attribute("class")) 
      std::string classID = pElem->Attribute("class");
      pRoom = RoomFactory::Create(classID);
      pRoom = new Room();	
    pRoom->Load( *pElem );
    if ( m_Rooms.find(pRoom->GetId()) != m_Rooms.end()) 
      throw DuplicateRoomIdException(pRoom->GetId());
    m_Rooms[pRoom->GetId()] = pRoom;
    pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement("Room");
  // Load transitions

  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement( "Transitions");
  if ( pElem != NULL ) 
    pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Transition");
    while( pElem != NULL )
      const char * from = pElem->Attribute("from");
      const char * to = pElem->Attribute("to");
      const char * direction = pElem->Attribute("direction");
      const char * oneway = pElem->Attribute("oneway");

      if ( direction == NULL ) throw AttributeMissingException("Direction is missing from transition");
      if ( from == NULL ) throw AttributeMissingException("From attribute is missing from transition!");
      if ( to == NULL )   throw AttributeMissingException("To attribute is missing from transition!");
      // check is from a proper id
      if ( m_Rooms.find(from) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
	ostringstream ss;
	ss << from << " is not a proper room id";
	throw InvalidAttributeException(ss.str());
      // check is to a proper id
      if ( m_Rooms.find(to) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
	ostringstream ss;
	ss << to << " is not a proper room id";
	throw InvalidAttributeException(ss.str());
      string tmp = direction;
      transform(tmp.begin(),tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), [] (char c){ return tolower(c);});    
      Direction dir = kNumDirs;
      if ( tmp == "east" ) dir = East;
      else if ( tmp == "north" ) dir = North;
      else if ( tmp == "south" ) dir = South;
      else if ( tmp == "west" ) dir = West;
      else throw InvalidAttributeException("Direction is not properly set");
      m_Rooms[from]->SetNextRoom(dir, m_Rooms[to]);
      if ( !oneway )
	m_Rooms[to]->SetNextRoom(g_Opposite[dir], m_Rooms[from]);
      pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement("Transition");
    throw ElementMissingException("Transitions is missing!");
  // set current room
  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("OnStart");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) throw ElementMissingException("No OnStart defined");

  pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("CurrentRoom");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) 
    cout << "No current room set, problems might arise\n";
    const char *szRoomId = pElem->Attribute("id");
    if ( szRoomId == NULL) throw InvalidAttributeException("Bad format CurrentRoom");
    string tmp = szRoomId;
    if ( m_Rooms.find(tmp) == m_Rooms.end() ) 
      ostringstream ss;
      ss << "No room " << tmp << " found!";
      throw ElementMissingException(ss.str());
  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("OnStart");
  pElem = pElem->FirstChildElement("Story");
  if ( pElem == NULL ) throw ElementMissingException("Story");
  m_Story = (pElem->GetText() == NULL) ? "" : pElem->GetText();

  pElem = doc.FirstChildElement("Player");
  if ( !pElem ) throw new ElementMissingException("Player");
Example #5
// Loads a level file
int _Level::Init(const std::string &LevelName, bool HeaderOnly) {
		Log.Write("_Level::Init - Loading level: %s", LevelName.c_str());
	// Get paths
	this->LevelName = LevelName;
	LevelNiceName = "";
	std::string LevelFile = LevelName + "/" + LevelName + ".xml";
	std::string FilePath = Game.GetWorkingPath() + std::string("levels/") + LevelFile;
	std::string CustomFilePath = Save.GetCustomLevelsPath() + LevelFile;
	std::string DataPath = Game.GetWorkingPath() + std::string("levels/") + LevelName + "/";

	// See if custom level exists first
	IsCustomLevel = false;
	std::ifstream CustomLevelExists(CustomFilePath.c_str());
	if(CustomLevelExists) {
		IsCustomLevel = true;
		FilePath = CustomFilePath;
		DataPath = Save.GetCustomLevelsPath() + LevelName + "/";

	// Open the XML file
	XMLDocument Document;
	if(Document.LoadFile(FilePath.c_str()) != XML_NO_ERROR) {
		Log.Write("Error loading level file with error id = %d", Document.ErrorID());
		Log.Write("Error string 1: %s", Document.GetErrorStr1());
		Log.Write("Error string 2: %s", Document.GetErrorStr2());
		return 0;

	// Check for level tag
	XMLElement *LevelElement = Document.FirstChildElement("level");
	if(!LevelElement) {
		Log.Write("Could not find level tag");
		return 0;

	// Level version
	if(LevelElement->QueryIntAttribute("version", &LevelVersion) == XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE) {
		Log.Write("Could not find level version");
		return 0;

	// Check required game version
	GameVersion = LevelElement->Attribute("gameversion");
	if(GameVersion == "") {
		Log.Write("Could not find game version attribute");
		return 0;

	// Load level info
	XMLElement *InfoElement = LevelElement->FirstChildElement("info");
	if(InfoElement) {
		XMLElement *NiceNameElement = InfoElement->FirstChildElement("name");
		if(NiceNameElement) {
			LevelNiceName = NiceNameElement->GetText();

	// Return after header is read
	if(HeaderOnly) {
		return true;

	// Load default lua script
	Scripts.push_back(Game.GetWorkingPath() + "scripts/default.lua");

	// Options
	bool Fog = false;
	bool EmitLight = false;
	Level.ClearColor.set(255, 0, 0, 0);

	// Load options
	XMLElement *OptionsElement = LevelElement->FirstChildElement("options");
	if(OptionsElement) {

		// Does the player emit light?
		XMLElement *EmitLightElement = OptionsElement->FirstChildElement("emitlight");
		if(EmitLightElement) {
			EmitLightElement->QueryBoolAttribute("enabled", &EmitLight);

	// Load world
	XMLElement *ResourcesElement = LevelElement->FirstChildElement("resources");
	if(ResourcesElement) {

		// Load scenes
		for(XMLElement *SceneElement = ResourcesElement->FirstChildElement("scene"); SceneElement != 0; SceneElement = SceneElement->NextSiblingElement("scene")) {

			// Get file
			std::string File = SceneElement->Attribute("file");
			if(File == "") {
				Log.Write("Could not find file attribute on scene");
				return 0;

			// Reset fog
			irrDriver->setFog(video::SColor(0, 0, 0, 0), video::EFT_FOG_EXP, 0, 0, 0.0f);

			// Load scene
			if(IsCustomLevel) {
				irrScene->loadScene(File.c_str(), &UserDataLoader);
			else {
				irrScene->loadScene((DataPath + File).c_str(), &UserDataLoader);

			// Set texture filters on meshes in the scene
			core::array<irr::scene::ISceneNode *> MeshNodes;
				irrScene->getSceneNodesFromType(scene::ESNT_MESH, MeshNodes);
			for(u32 i = 0; i < MeshNodes.size(); i++) {
				if(EmitLight && Config.Shaders) {
					video::SMaterial &Material = MeshNodes[i]->getMaterial(0);
					int ShaderType = 0;
					if(Material.MaterialType == video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL) {
						ShaderType = 1;

				MeshNodes[i]->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, Config.TrilinearFiltering);
				for(u32 j = 0; j < MeshNodes[i]->getMaterialCount(); j++) {
					for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
						MeshNodes[i]->getMaterial(j).TextureLayer[k].AnisotropicFilter = Config.AnisotropicFiltering;
							Fog = true;

		// Load collision
		for(XMLElement *CollisionElement = ResourcesElement->FirstChildElement("collision"); CollisionElement != 0; CollisionElement = CollisionElement->NextSiblingElement("collision")) {

			// Get file
			std::string File = CollisionElement->Attribute("file");
			if(File == "") {
				Log.Write("Could not find file attribute on collision");
				return 0;

			// Create template
			TemplateStruct *Template = new TemplateStruct;
			Template->CollisionFile = DataPath + File;
			Template->Type = _Object::COLLISION;
			Template->Mass = 0.0f;

			// Create spawn
			SpawnStruct *ObjectSpawn = new SpawnStruct;
			ObjectSpawn->Template = Template;

		// Load scripts
		for(XMLElement *ScriptElement = ResourcesElement->FirstChildElement("script"); ScriptElement != 0; ScriptElement = ScriptElement->NextSiblingElement("script")) {
			// Get file
			std::string File = ScriptElement->Attribute("file");
			if(File == "") {
				Log.Write("Could not find file attribute on script");
				return 0;

			Scripts.push_back(DataPath + File);
		// Load sounds
		for(XMLElement *SoundElement = ResourcesElement->FirstChildElement("sound"); SoundElement != 0; SoundElement = SoundElement->NextSiblingElement("sound")) {
			// Get file
			std::string File = SoundElement->Attribute("file");
			if(File == "") {
				Log.Write("Could not find file attribute on sound");
				return 0;
			// Attempt to load sound

	// Load templates
	XMLElement *TemplatesElement = LevelElement->FirstChildElement("templates");
	if(TemplatesElement) {
		int TemplateID = 0;
		for(XMLElement *TemplateElement = TemplatesElement->FirstChildElement(); TemplateElement != 0; TemplateElement = TemplateElement->NextSiblingElement()) {
			// Create a template
			TemplateStruct *Template = new TemplateStruct;
			Template->Fog = Fog;

			// Get the template properties
			if(!GetTemplateProperties(TemplateElement, *Template))
				return 0;

			// Assign options
			Template->TemplateID = TemplateID;
			if(EmitLight) {
				// Use shaders on materials that receive light
					Template->CustomMaterial = Graphics.GetCustomMaterial(0);

				// Set the player to emit light
				if(Template->Type == _Object::PLAYER || Template->Type == _Object::ORB)
					Template->EmitLight = true;

			// Store for later

	// Load object spawns
	XMLElement *ObjectsElement = LevelElement->FirstChildElement("objects");
	if(ObjectsElement) {
		for(XMLElement *ObjectElement = ObjectsElement->FirstChildElement(); ObjectElement != 0; ObjectElement = ObjectElement->NextSiblingElement()) {
			// Create an object spawn
			SpawnStruct *ObjectSpawn = new SpawnStruct;

			// Get the object properties
			if(!GetObjectSpawnProperties(ObjectElement, *ObjectSpawn))
				return 0;

			// Store for later

	return 1;