Example #1
File: tmw.cpp Project: mrktj/tmwa
int tmw_CheckChatSpam(dumb_ptr<map_session_data> sd, XString message)
    nullpo_retr(1, sd);
    TimeT now = TimeT::now();

    if (pc_isGM(sd))
        return 0;

    if (now > sd->chat_reset_due)
        sd->chat_reset_due = static_cast<time_t>(now) + battle_config.chat_spam_threshold;
        sd->chat_lines_in = 0;

    if (now > sd->chat_repeat_reset_due)
        sd->chat_repeat_reset_due =
            static_cast<time_t>(now) + (battle_config.chat_spam_threshold * 60);
        sd->chat_total_repeats = 0;


    // Penalty for repeats.
    if (sd->chat_lastmsg.startswith(message) || message.startswith(sd->chat_lastmsg))
        sd->chat_lines_in += battle_config.chat_lame_penalty;
        sd->chat_total_repeats = 0;

    // Penalty for lame, it can stack on top of the repeat penalty.
    if (tmw_CheckChatLameness(sd, message))
        sd->chat_lines_in += battle_config.chat_lame_penalty;

    sd->chat_lastmsg = message;

    if (sd->chat_lines_in >= battle_config.chat_spam_flood
        || sd->chat_total_repeats >= battle_config.chat_spam_flood)
        sd->chat_lines_in = sd->chat_total_repeats = 0;

        tmw_AutoBan(sd, "chat"_s, battle_config.chat_spam_ban);

        return 1;

    if (battle_config.chat_spam_ban &&
        (sd->chat_lines_in >= battle_config.chat_spam_warn
         || sd->chat_total_repeats >= battle_config.chat_spam_warn))
        clif_displaymessage(sd->sess, "WARNING: You are about to be automatically banned for spam!"_s);
        clif_displaymessage(sd->sess, "WARNING: Please slow down, do not repeat, and do not SHOUT!"_s);

    return 0;
Example #2
bool extract(XString str, HumanTimeDiff *iv)
    // str is a sequence of [-+]?[0-9]+([ay]|m|[jd]|h|mn|s)
    // there are NO spaces here
    // parse by counting the number starts
    auto is_num = [](char c)
    { return c == '-' || c == '+' || ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); };
    if (!str || !is_num(str.front()))
        return false;
    *iv = HumanTimeDiff{};
    while (str)
        auto it = std::find_if_not(str.begin(), str.end(), is_num);
        auto it2 = std::find_if(it, str.end(), is_num);
        XString number = str.xislice_h(it);
        XString suffix = str.xislice(it, it2);
        str = str.xislice_t(it2);

        short *ptr = nullptr;
        if (suffix == "y"_s || suffix == "a"_s)
            ptr = &iv->year;
        else if (suffix == "m"_s)
            ptr = &iv->month;
        else if (suffix == "j"_s || suffix == "d"_s)
            ptr = &iv->day;
        else if (suffix == "h"_s)
            ptr = &iv->hour;
        else if (suffix == "mn"_s)
            ptr = &iv->minute;
        else if (suffix == "s"_s)
            ptr = &iv->second;
            return false;
        if (number.startswith('+') && !number.startswith("+-"_s))
            number = number.xslice_t(1);
        if (*ptr || !extract(number, ptr))
            return false;
    return true;
Example #3
bool is_comment(XString line)
    return not line or line.startswith("//"_s);