Example #1
static inline std::streamsize
get_frame(std::istream& is, std::vector<char>& buf)
	using boost::lexical_cast;
	using boost::starts_with;

	static const std::string b{"--RaNd0m"};
	static const std::string cl{"Content-length: "};

	std::string line{};

	do {
		std::getline(is, line);
	while (is.good() && !starts_with(line, b));

	do {
		std::getline(is, line);
	while (is.good() && !starts_with(line, cl));

	if (is.eof()) {
		return false;
	else if (is.bad()) {
		throw std::runtime_error{"Error finding start of frame."};

	std::size_t n;

	try {
		auto s = line.substr(cl.length(), line.length() - cl.length() - 1);
		n = boost::lexical_cast<std::size_t>(std::move(s));
	catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) {
		throw std::runtime_error{"Error parsing content length."};

	if (n <= 0) {
		throw std::runtime_error{"Content length not positive."};

	if (buf.size() < n) {

	std::getline(is, line);
	if (!(line.length() == 1 && line[0] == '\r')) {
		throw std::runtime_error{"Expected \"\\r\\n\" before frame contents."};
	is.read(buf.data(), n);

	if (is.bad()) {
		throw std::runtime_error{"Error reading frame contents."};
	else {
		return true;
Example #2
void UploaderImp::TranslateRequest()
	std::istream s( &request_ );

	std::string line;

	s >> line; //method

	if( line == "GET" ) method_ = GET;
	else if( line == "HEAD" ) method_ = HEAD;
	else throw Unhandled(400, "Unknown method" );

	s >> line; //object
	if( !starts_with( line, "/uri-res/N2R?" ) ) 
		throw Unhandled(400, "Requested uri type is not supported");

	std::string last = urn_;
	urn_ = line.substr(line.find('?') + 1);

	fileInfo_ = System::GetShareMgr()->GetByUrn( urn_ ); 

	if(last != urn_)
		System::LogBas() << "Host " << endpoint_ << " requested file: " << fileInfo_.Name() << std::endl;

	while( std::getline( s, line ) && line != "\r" )
		std::string value = boost::trim_copy( line.substr( line.find( ':' ) + 1 ) );
		if( istarts_with( line, "Connection:" ) ) 
			keepAlive_ = iequals( value, "keep-alive" );
		else if( istarts_with( line, "X-Nick:" ) ) 
			nick_ = value;
		else if(istarts_with(line, "User-Agent:") && client_ != value)
			client_ = value;
				throw Unhandled(403, "Client software is restricted");
		else if( istarts_with( line, "Range:" ) )
			file_offset_t first = 0;
			file_offset_t last = 0;

			int result = sscanf( value.c_str(), "bytes=%llu-%llu", &first, &last );
			if( result == 0 ) throw Unhandled(416, "Couldn't parse range");
			if( result == 1 ) range_.SetBoundary( first, fileInfo_.Size() - 1);
			if( result == 2 ) range_.SetBoundary( first, last );

	if( range_.Empty() ) throw std::range_error( "Range is empty" );
//	std::cout << range_.Last() << " " << fileInfo.Size() << std::endl;
	if( range_.Last() >= fileInfo_.Size() ) 
		throw Unhandled(416, "Range is too large" );
Example #3
void mdb_shell::filter_metaprogram() {

  using boost::starts_with;
  using boost::ends_with;
  using boost::trim_copy;

  using vertex_descriptor = metaprogram::vertex_descriptor;
  using edge_descriptor = metaprogram::edge_descriptor;
  using edge_property = metaprogram::edge_property;
  using discovered_t = metaprogram::discovered_t;

  static const std::string wrap_prefix = "metashell::impl::wrap<";
  static const std::string wrap_suffix = ">";

  // TODO this check could be made more strict,
  // since we now whats inside wrap<...> (mp->get_evaluation_result)
  auto is_wrap_type = [](const std::string& type) {
    return starts_with(type, wrap_prefix) && ends_with(type, wrap_suffix);

  std::string env_buffer = env.get();
  int line_number = std::count(env_buffer.begin(), env_buffer.end(), '\n');

  // First disable everything
  for (edge_descriptor edge : mp->get_edges()) {
    mp->get_edge_property(edge).enabled = false;

  // We will traverse the interesting edges later
  std::stack<edge_descriptor> edge_stack;

  // Enable the interesting root edges
  for (edge_descriptor edge : mp->get_out_edges(mp->get_root_vertex())) {
    edge_property& property = mp->get_edge_property(edge);
    const std::string& target_name =
    // Filter out edges, that is not instantiated by the entered type
    if (property.point_of_instantiation.name == internal_file_name &&
        property.point_of_instantiation.row == line_number + 2 &&
        (property.kind == instantiation_kind::template_instantiation ||
        property.kind == instantiation_kind::memoization) &&
        (!is_wrap_type(target_name) ||
         property.kind != instantiation_kind::memoization))
      property.enabled = true;

  discovered_t discovered(mp->get_num_vertices());
  // Traverse the graph to enable all edges which are reachable from the
  // edges enabled above
  while (!edge_stack.empty()) {
    edge_descriptor edge = edge_stack.top();


    vertex_descriptor vertex = mp->get_target(edge);

    if (discovered[vertex]) {

    for (edge_descriptor out_edge : mp->get_out_edges(vertex)) {
      edge_property& property = mp->get_edge_property(out_edge);
      if (property.kind == instantiation_kind::template_instantiation ||
         property.kind == instantiation_kind::memoization)
        property.enabled = true;

  // Unwrap vertex names
  for (metaprogram::vertex_descriptor vertex : mp->get_vertices()) {
    std::string& name = mp->get_vertex_property(vertex).name;
    if (is_wrap_type(name)) {
      name = trim_copy(name.substr(
          name.size() - wrap_prefix.size() - wrap_suffix.size()));
      if (!is_template_type(name)) {
        for (metaprogram::edge_descriptor in_edge : mp->get_in_edges(vertex)) {
          mp->get_edge_property(in_edge).kind =

  // Clang sometimes produces equivalent instantiations events from the same
  // point. Filter out all but one of each
  for (metaprogram::vertex_descriptor vertex : mp->get_vertices()) {

    typedef std::tuple<file_location, instantiation_kind, vertex_descriptor>

    std::set<set_element_t> similar_edges;

    for (metaprogram::edge_descriptor edge : mp->get_out_edges(vertex)) {
      metaprogram::edge_property& edge_property =

      set_element_t set_element = std::make_tuple(

      auto it = similar_edges.find(set_element);
      if (it != similar_edges.end()) {
        edge_property.enabled = false;
      } else {
FortranProgramDeclarationsAndDefinitions::visit (SgNode * node)
  using boost::filesystem::path;
  using boost::filesystem::system_complete;
  using boost::iequals;
  using boost::starts_with;
  using boost::lexical_cast;
  using std::string;

  if (isSgSourceFile (node))
    path p = system_complete (path (isSgSourceFile (node)->getFileName ()));

    currentSourceFile = p.filename ();

    Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Source file '" + currentSourceFile
        + "' detected", Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
  else if (Globals::getInstance ()->isInputFile (currentSourceFile))
     * ======================================================
     * Only process this portion of the AST if we recognise
     * this source file as one passed on the command line. In
     * Fortran, .rmod files are sometimes generated whose
     * traversal should be avoided
     * ======================================================

    switch (node->variantT ())
      case V_SgModuleStatement:
        SgModuleStatement * moduleStatement = isSgModuleStatement (node);

        currentModuleName = moduleStatement->get_name ().getString ();

        fileNameToModuleNames[currentSourceFile].push_back (currentModuleName);

        moduleNameToFileName[currentModuleName] = currentSourceFile;

        Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Module '" + currentModuleName
            + "' in file '" + currentSourceFile + "'", Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL,
            __FILE__, __LINE__ );


      case V_SgProcedureHeaderStatement:
         * ======================================================
         * We need to store all subroutine definitions since we
         * later have to copy and modify the user kernel subroutine
         * ======================================================
        SgProcedureHeaderStatement * procedureHeaderStatement =
            isSgProcedureHeaderStatement (node);

        string const subroutineName =
            procedureHeaderStatement->get_name ().getString ();

        subroutinesInSourceCode[subroutineName] = procedureHeaderStatement;

        ROSE_ASSERT (currentModuleName.size() > 0);

        moduleNameToSubroutines[currentModuleName].push_back (subroutineName);

        subroutineToFileName[subroutineName] = currentSourceFile;

        Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage (
            "Found procedure header statement '"
                + procedureHeaderStatement->get_name ().getString ()
                + "' in file '" + currentSourceFile + "', and module '"
                + currentModuleName + "'", Debug::FUNCTION_LEVEL, __FILE__,


      case V_SgFunctionCallExp:
         * ======================================================
         * Function call found in the AST. Get its actual arguments
         * and the callee name
         * ======================================================
        SgFunctionCallExp * functionCallExp = isSgFunctionCallExp (node);

        SgExprListExp * actualArguments = functionCallExp->get_args ();

        string const
            calleeName =
                functionCallExp->getAssociatedFunctionSymbol ()->get_name ().getString ();

        Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Found function call '"
            + calleeName + "'", Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);

        if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_SET) ||
             iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_SET_HDF5) )
           * ======================================================
           * An OP_SET variable declared through an OP_DECL_SET call
           * ======================================================
          bool isHDF5Format = false;
          if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_SET_HDF5) ) isHDF5Format = true;
          FortranOpSetDefinition * opSetDeclaration =
              new FortranOpSetDefinition (actualArguments, isHDF5Format);

          OpSetDefinitions[opSetDeclaration->getVariableName ()]
              = opSetDeclaration;
        else if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_MAP) ||
                  iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_MAP_HDF5) )
           * ======================================================
           * An OP_MAP variable declared through an OP_DECL_MAP call
           * ======================================================

          bool isHDF5Format = false;
          if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_MAP_HDF5) )
            isHDF5Format = true;

            Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("This is the HDF5 version: '"
              + calleeName + "'", Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
          FortranOpMapDefinition * opMapDeclaration =
              new FortranOpMapDefinition (actualArguments, isHDF5Format);

          OpMapDefinitions[opMapDeclaration->getVariableName ()]
              = opMapDeclaration;
        else if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_DAT) ||
                  iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_DAT_HDF5) )
           * ======================================================
           * An OP_DAT variable declared through an OP_DECL_DAT call
           * ======================================================
          bool isHDF5Format = false;
          if ( iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_DAT_HDF5) ) isHDF5Format = true;

          FortranOpDatDefinition * opDatDeclaration =
              new FortranOpDatDefinition (actualArguments, isHDF5Format);

          OpDatDefinitions[opDatDeclaration->getVariableName ()]
              = opDatDeclaration;
        else if (iequals (calleeName, OP2::OP_DECL_CONST))
           * ======================================================
           * A constant declared through an OP_DECL_CONST call
           * ======================================================

          FortranOpConstDefinition * opConstDeclaration =
              new FortranOpConstDefinition (actualArguments, functionCallExp);

          OpConstDefinitions[opConstDeclaration->getVariableName ()]
              = opConstDeclaration;
        else if (starts_with (calleeName, OP2::OP_PAR_LOOP))
           * ======================================================
           * The first argument to an 'OP_PAR_LOOP' call should be
           * a reference to the kernel function. Cast it and proceed,
           * otherwise throw an exception
           * ======================================================

          SgExprListExp * actualArguments = functionCallExp->get_args ();

          SgFunctionRefExp * functionRefExpression = isSgFunctionRefExp (
              actualArguments->get_expressions ().front ());

          ROSE_ASSERT (functionRefExpression != NULL);

          string const
              userSubroutineName =
                  functionRefExpression->getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration ()->get_name ().getString ();

          Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Found '" + calleeName
              + "' with (host) user subroutine '" + userSubroutineName + "'",
              Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);

          if (parallelLoops.find (userSubroutineName) == parallelLoops.end ())
            int numberOfOpArgs = getLoopSuffixNumber ( calleeName );

             * ======================================================
             * If this kernel has not been previously encountered then
             * build a new parallel loop representation
             * ======================================================

            FortranParallelLoop * parallelLoop = new FortranParallelLoop (

            parallelLoop->addFileName (currentSourceFile);

            parallelLoops[userSubroutineName] = parallelLoop;

            Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Parallel loop with '"
                + lexical_cast <string> (numberOfOpArgs)  + "' arguments",
                Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);
            analyseParallelLoopArguments (parallelLoop, actualArguments,

            parallelLoop->checkArguments ();
            parallelLoop->setIncrementalID (IDCounter);
            Debug::getInstance ()->debugMessage ("Parallel loop for '"
                + userSubroutineName + "' already created",
                Debug::OUTER_LOOP_LEVEL, __FILE__, __LINE__);

            ParallelLoop * parallelLoop = parallelLoops[userSubroutineName];

            parallelLoop->addFunctionCallExpression (functionCallExp);

            parallelLoop->addFileName (currentSourceFile);


Example #5
karaoke_match_result auto_match_karaoke(std::vector<std::string> const& source_strings, std::string const& dest_string) {
	karaoke_match_result result = { 0, 0 };
	if (source_strings.empty()) return result;

	using namespace boost::locale::boundary;
	using boost::starts_with;

	result.source_length = 1;
	ssegment_index destination_characters(character, begin(dest_string), end(dest_string));
	auto src = boost::to_lower_copy(source_strings[0]);
	auto dst = destination_characters.begin();
	auto dst_end = destination_characters.end();

	// Eat all the whitespace at the beginning of the source and destination
	// syllables and exit if either ran out.
	auto eat_whitespace = [&]() -> bool {
		size_t i = 0, first_non_whitespace = 0;
		while (is_whitespace(next_codepoint(src.c_str(), &i)))
			first_non_whitespace = i;
		if (first_non_whitespace)
			src = src.substr(first_non_whitespace);

		while (dst != dst_end && is_whitespace(dst->str())) {

		// If we ran out of dest then this needs to match the rest of the
		// source syllables (this probably means the user did something wrong)
		if (dst == dst_end) {
			result.source_length = source_strings.size();
			return true;

		return src.empty();

	if (eat_whitespace()) return result;

	// We now have a non-whitespace character at the beginning of both source
	// and destination. Check if the source starts with a romanized kana, and
	// if it does then check if the destination also has the appropriate
	// character. If it does, match them and repeat.
	while (!src.empty()) {
		// First check for a basic match of the first character of the source and dest
		auto first_src_char = ssegment_index(character, begin(src), end(src)).begin()->str();
		if (compare(first_src_char, dst->str()) == 0) {
			src.erase(0, first_src_char.size());
			if (eat_whitespace()) return result;

		auto check = [&](kana_pair const& kp) -> bool {
			if (!starts_with(&*dst->begin(), kp.kana)) return false;

			src = src.substr(strlen(kp.romaji));
			for (size_t i = 0; kp.kana[i]; ) {
				i += dst->length();
			return true;

		bool matched = false;
		for (auto const& match : romaji_to_kana(src)) {
			if (check(match)) {
				if (eat_whitespace()) return result;
				matched = true;
		if (!matched) break;

	// Source and dest are now non-empty and start with non-whitespace.
	// If there's only one character left in the dest, it obviously needs to
	// match all of the source syllables left.
	if (std::distance(dst, dst_end) == 1) {
		result.source_length = source_strings.size();
		return result;

	// We couldn't match the current character, but if we can match the *next*
	// syllable then we know that everything in between must belong to the
	// current syllable. Do this by looking up to KANA_SEARCH_DISTANCE
	// characters ahead in destination and seeing if we can match them against
	// the beginning of a syllable after this syllable.
	// If a match is found, make a guess at how much source and destination
	// should be selected based on the distances it was found at.

	// The longest kanji are 'uketamawa.ru' and 'kokorozashi', each with a
	// reading consisting of five kana. This means each each character from
	// the destination can match at most five syllables from the source.
	static const int max_character_length = 5;

	// Arbitrarily chosen limit on the number of dest characters to try
	// skipping. Higher numbers probably increase false-positives.
	static const int dst_lookahead_max = 3;

	for (size_t lookahead = 0; lookahead < dst_lookahead_max; ++lookahead) {
		if (++dst == dst_end) break;

		// Transliterate this character if it's a known hiragana or katakana character
		std::vector<const char *> translit;
		auto next = std::next(dst);
		if (next != dst_end)
			boost::copy(kana_to_romaji(dst->str() + next->str()), back_inserter(translit));
		boost::copy(kana_to_romaji(dst->str()), back_inserter(translit));

		// Search for it and the transliterated version in the source
		int src_lookahead_max = (lookahead + 1) * max_character_length;
		int src_lookahead_pos = 0;
		for (auto const& syl : source_strings) {
			// Don't count blank syllables in the max search distance
			if (is_whitespace(syl)) continue;
			if (++src_lookahead_pos == 1) continue;
			if (src_lookahead_pos > src_lookahead_max) break;

			std::string lsyl = boost::to_lower_copy(syl);
			if (!(starts_with(syl, dst->str()) || util::any_of(translit, [&](const char *str) { return starts_with(lsyl, str); })))

			// The syllable immediately after the current one matched, so
			// everything up to the match must go with the current syllable.
			if (src_lookahead_pos == 2) {
				result.destination_length += lookahead + 1;
				return result;

			// The match was multiple syllables ahead, so just divide the
			// destination characters evenly between the source syllables
			result.destination_length += 1;
			result.source_length = static_cast<size_t>((src_lookahead_pos - 1.0) / (lookahead + 1.0) + .5);
			return result;

	// We wouldn't have gotten here if the dest was empty, so make sure at
	// least one character is selected
	result.destination_length = std::max<size_t>(result.destination_length, 1u);

	return result;