Example #1
void bmodMotionState::getWorldTransform(btTransform &worldTrans) const {
	if(obj->getEntities()->size() == 0) {
		worldTrans = btTransform(btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1));

	edict_t * entity = INDEXENT(obj->getEntities()->front());

	worldTrans = btTransform(btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), btVector3(entity->v.origin.x, entity->v.origin.y, entity->v.origin.z));
	btVector3 angles;
	EulerMatrix(angles, worldTrans.getBasis());
void InverseTransformPoint3x3(btVector3& out, const btVector3& in, const btTransform& tr)
	const btMatrix3x3& rot = tr.getBasis();
	const btVector3& r0 = rot[0];
	const btVector3& r1 = rot[1];
	const btVector3& r2 = rot[2];

	const btScalar x = r0.x()*in.x() + r1.x()*in.y() + r2.x()*in.z();
	const btScalar y = r0.y()*in.x() + r1.y()*in.y() + r2.y()*in.z();
	const btScalar z = r0.z()*in.x() + r1.z()*in.y() + r2.z()*in.z();

	out.setValue(x, y, z);
Example #3
QDomElement SimDomElement::transformToNode(QDomDocument &doc, const btTransform t)
	QDomElement trans = doc.createElement( "transform" );
	QDomElement origin = doc.createElement( "origin" );
	origin.appendChild(vectorToNode(doc, t.getOrigin()));
	QDomElement rotate = doc.createElement( "rotation" );
	rotate.appendChild(basisToNode(doc, t.getBasis()));
	return trans;
Example #4
ork::CMatrix4 btmtx4toorkmtx4( const btTransform& mtx )
{	ork::CMatrix4 rval;
	ork::CVector3 position = ! mtx.getOrigin();
	rval.SetTranslation( position );
	const btMatrix3x3& mtx33 = mtx.getBasis();
	for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
	{	const btVector3& vec = mtx33.getColumn(i);
	return rval;
Example #5
D3DXMATRIX BulletPhysics::ConvertBTMatrix( btTransform &trn ) 
	//do crazy math shit
	btVector3 R = trn.getBasis().getColumn(0);
	btVector3 U = trn.getBasis().getColumn(1);
	btVector3 L = trn.getBasis().getColumn(2);
	btVector3 P = trn.getOrigin();

	D3DXVECTOR3 vR, vU, vL, vP;
	vR.x = R.x();vR.y = R.y();vR.z = R.z();
	vU.x = U.x();vU.y = U.y();vU.z = U.z();
	vL.x = L.x();vL.y = L.y();vL.z = L.z();
	vP.x = P.x();vP.y = P.y();vP.z = P.z();

	D3DXMATRIX matOutput;
	matOutput._11 = vR.x;matOutput._12 = vR.y;matOutput._13 = vR.z;matOutput._14 = 0.f;
	matOutput._21 = vU.x;matOutput._22 = vU.y;matOutput._23 = vU.z;matOutput._24 = 0.f;
	matOutput._31 = vL.x;matOutput._32 = vL.y;matOutput._33 = vL.z;matOutput._34 = 0.f;
	matOutput._41 = vP.x;matOutput._42 = vP.y;matOutput._43 = vP.z;matOutput._44 = 1.f;

	return matOutput;
btVector3 tgBulletSpringCableAnchor::getContactNormal() const

#ifdef USE_BASIS
	const btTransform tr = attachedBody->getWorldTransform();
    btVector3 newNormal = (tr.getBasis() * contactNormal);
    newNormal = newNormal.length() > 0.0 ? newNormal.normalize() : btVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    //assert(newNormal.length() == 1.0);
    return newNormal;
	return contactNormal;

Example #7
minko::math::fromBulletTransform(const btTransform& transform)
    auto basis = transform.getBasis();
    auto translation = transform.getOrigin();

    return minko::math::mat4(
        basis[0][0], basis[1][0], basis[2][0], 0.f,
        basis[0][1], basis[1][1], basis[2][1], 0.f,
        basis[0][2], basis[1][2], basis[2][2], 0.f,
        translation[0], translation[1], translation[2], 1.f
void btTriangleMeshShape::getAabb(const btTransform& trans,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const

	btVector3 localHalfExtents = btScalar(0.5)*(m_localAabbMax-m_localAabbMin);
	localHalfExtents += btVector3(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());
	btVector3 localCenter = btScalar(0.5)*(m_localAabbMax+m_localAabbMin);

	btMatrix3x3 abs_b = trans.getBasis().absolute();

	btVector3 center = trans(localCenter);

	btVector3 extent = localHalfExtents.dot3(abs_b[0], abs_b[1], abs_b[2]);
	aabbMin = center - extent;
	aabbMax = center + extent;
void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
	btVector3 halfExtents = (m_localAabbMax-m_localAabbMin)* m_localScaling * btScalar(0.5);

	btVector3 localOrigin(0, 0, 0);
	localOrigin[m_upAxis] = (m_minHeight + m_maxHeight) * btScalar(0.5);
	localOrigin *= m_localScaling;

	btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t.getBasis().absolute();  
	btVector3 center = t.getOrigin();
    btVector3 extent = halfExtents.dot3(abs_b[0], abs_b[1], abs_b[2]);
	extent += btVector3(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());

	aabbMin = center - extent;
	aabbMax = center + extent;
Example #10
void btBoxShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
	btVector3 halfExtents = getHalfExtents();

	btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t.getBasis().absolute();  
	btPoint3 center = t.getOrigin();
	btVector3 extent = btVector3(abs_b[0].dot(halfExtents),
	extent += btVector3(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());

	aabbMin = center - extent;
	aabbMax = center + extent;

Example #11
void btConvexShape::project(const btTransform& trans, const btVector3& dir, btScalar& min, btScalar& max) const
	btVector3 localAxis = dir*trans.getBasis();
	btVector3 vtx1 = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(localAxis));
	btVector3 vtx2 = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(-localAxis));

	min = vtx1.dot(dir);
	max = vtx2.dot(dir);

		btScalar tmp = min;
		min = max;
		max = tmp;
void SimpleDynamicSceneObject::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& trans)
#if 1
	btVector3 btComOffset(comOffset.getX(), comOffset.getY(), comOffset.getZ());
	btComOffset = trans.getBasis() * btComOffset;

	btTransform comTrans(trans.getRotation(), trans.getOrigin() + btComOffset);
	btTransform comTrans(trans);

	// +com


Example #13
/**\fn void print_btTransform(btTransform xf)
 * \brief print a btTransform object
 * \param xf - a btTransform object to print
 * \return void
 *  \ingroup Kinematics
void print_btTransform(btTransform xf)
	btMatrix3x3 rr = xf.getBasis();
	btVector3 vv = xf.getOrigin();
	std::stringstream ss;

	cout << fixed;
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
		for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
			ss << rr[i][j] << "\t ";
		ss << vv[i] << endl;
	ss << "0\t 0\t 0\t 1\n";
	log_msg("\n%s", ss.str().c_str());
Example #14
File: bt.hpp Project: quyse/inanity
inline mat4x4 fromBt(const btTransform& a)
	mat4x4 r;
	const btMatrix3x3& basis = a.getBasis();
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
			r(j, i) = basis[i][j];
		r(3, i) = 0;
	const btVector3& origin = a.getOrigin();
	r(0, 3) = origin.x();
	r(1, 3) = origin.y();
	r(2, 3) = origin.z();
	r(3, 3) = 1;
	return r;
Example #15
					virtual btScalar reportHit(const btVector3& hitNormalLocal, btScalar hitFraction, int partId, int triangleIndex )
						btCollisionWorld::LocalShapeInfo	shapeInfo;
						shapeInfo.m_shapePart = partId;
						shapeInfo.m_triangleIndex = triangleIndex;

						btVector3 hitNormalWorld = m_colObjWorldTransform.getBasis() * hitNormalLocal;

						btCollisionWorld::LocalRayResult rayResult

						bool	normalInWorldSpace = true;
						return m_resultCallback->addSingleResult(rayResult,normalInWorldSpace);
Example #16
void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
    btVector3 halfExtents = (m_localAabbMax-m_localAabbMin)* m_localScaling * btScalar(0.5);
    halfExtents += btVector3(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());

    btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t.getBasis().absolute();
    btPoint3 center = t.getOrigin();
    btVector3 extent = btVector3(abs_b[0].dot(halfExtents),

    aabbMin = center - extent;
    aabbMax = center + extent;

Example #17
minko::math::fromBulletTransform(const btTransform&                transform,
                                 minko::math::Matrix4x4::Ptr    output)
    auto basis            = transform.getBasis();
    auto translation    = transform.getOrigin();

    if (output == nullptr)
        output = Matrix4x4::create();

    return output->initialize(
        basis[0][0], basis[0][1], basis[0][2], translation[0],
        basis[1][0], basis[1][1], basis[1][2], translation[1],
        basis[2][0], basis[2][1], basis[2][2], translation[2],
        0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
static void draw(btTransform trans)
	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	//glScaled(0.3f, 0.3f, 1);
    glTranslatef(trans.getOrigin().getX(), trans.getOrigin().getY(), 0);
	btScalar yaw, pitch, roll;
	trans.getBasis().getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll);
	glRotatef(yaw*180/3.14159265358979f, 0,0,1);
    glVertex2f(-10, -10);
    glVertex2f(10, -10);
    glVertex2f(10, 10);
    glVertex2f(-10, 10);
Example #19
/** set the world transform of the linked position
 * @param worldTrans the transform to set the position to
 * @warning this method is called by physics library and should
 * not be called directly
void MotionState::setWorldTransform (const btTransform &worldTrans)
    // static objects don't move
    if (this->position == nullptr)

	const btVector3& location = worldTrans.getOrigin();
	const btMatrix3x3& matrix = worldTrans.getBasis();
	btVector3 upV = matrix.getColumn(1);
    btVector3 forwardV = matrix.getColumn(2);                           

	// TODO: clean this up, no need to use 
	(*this->position) = Position(
		Vector3(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ()),
		Vector3(forwardV.getX(), forwardV.getY(), forwardV.getZ()),
		Vector3(upV.getX(), upV.getY(), upV.getZ())
Example #20
void btBarrelShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
	btVector3 halfExtents; 

	btMatrix3x3 abs_b = t.getBasis().absolute();  
	btVector3 center = t.getOrigin();
	btVector3 extent = btVector3(abs_b[0].dot(halfExtents),
	extent += btVector3(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());

	aabbMin = center - extent;
	aabbMax = center + extent;

bool TrackDisplay::transform(const btTransform &pose, const btVector3 &scaleIn,
		Ogre::Vector3& pos, Ogre::Quaternion& orient, Ogre::Vector3& scaleOut) {

	pos = Ogre::Vector3(pose.getOrigin().x(), pose.getOrigin().y(),

	btQuaternion quat;
	orient = Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY;
	orient = Ogre::Quaternion(quat.w(), quat.x(), quat.y(), quat.z()) * orient;

	scaleOut = Ogre::Vector3(scaleIn.x(), scaleIn.y(), scaleIn.z());

	return true;
void btConvexHullShape::project(const btTransform& trans, const btVector3& dir, btScalar& min, btScalar& max) const
#if 1
	min = FLT_MAX;
	max = -FLT_MAX;
	btVector3 witnesPtMin;
	btVector3 witnesPtMax;

	int numVerts = m_unscaledPoints.size();
	for(int i=0;i<numVerts;i++)
		btVector3 vtx = m_unscaledPoints[i] * m_localScaling;
		btVector3 pt = trans * vtx;
		btScalar dp = pt.dot(dir);
		if(dp < min)	
			min = dp;
			witnesPtMin = pt;
		if(dp > max)	
			max = dp;
	btVector3 localAxis = dir*trans.getBasis();
	btVector3 vtx1 = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(localAxis));
	btVector3 vtx2 = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(-localAxis));

	min = vtx1.dot(dir);
	max = vtx2.dot(dir);

		btScalar tmp = min;
		min = max;
		max = tmp;

Example #23
BodyParticle::modelTransform(unsigned int a_index, const btTransform &a_transform) const{
	const btMatrix3x3& basis(a_transform.getBasis());
	const btVector3& row_x(basis[0]);
	const btVector3& row_y(basis[1]);
	const btVector3& row_z(basis[2]);
	const btVector3& origin(a_transform.getOrigin());
	glm::vec3 worldPos(0.0);
	const glm::vec3& objectPos(m_particles[a_index]);

	worldPos.x = row_x.getX() * objectPos.x + row_x.getY() * objectPos.y + row_x.getZ() * objectPos.z;
	worldPos.y = row_y.getX() * objectPos.x + row_y.getY() * objectPos.y + row_y.getZ() * objectPos.z;
	worldPos.z = row_z.getX() * objectPos.x + row_z.getY() * objectPos.y + row_z.getZ() * objectPos.z;

	worldPos.x += origin.getX();
	worldPos.y += origin.getY();
	worldPos.z += origin.getZ();

	return worldPos;
    TransformMatrix TransformMatrix::fromBullet(btTransform trans)
        auto matrix = TransformMatrix::identity();
        auto origin = trans.getOrigin();
        auto base = trans.getBasis();

        // Position
        matrix.values[0][3] = origin.getX()*1000.0;
        matrix.values[1][3] = origin.getY()*1000.0;
        matrix.values[2][3] = origin.getZ()*1000.0;

        // Rotation
        for (int x=0; x<3; x++) {
            for (int y=0; y<3; y++) {
                matrix.values[x][y] = base[x][y];

        return matrix;
void btContinuousConvexCollision::computeClosestPoints( const btTransform& transA, const btTransform& transB,btPointCollector& pointCollector)
	if (m_convexB1)
		btGjkPairDetector gjk(m_convexA,m_convexB1,m_convexA->getShapeType(),m_convexB1->getShapeType(),m_convexA->getMargin(),m_convexB1->getMargin(),m_simplexSolver,m_penetrationDepthSolver);		
		btGjkPairDetector::ClosestPointInput input;
		input.m_transformA = transA;
		input.m_transformB = transB;
	} else
		//convex versus plane
		const btConvexShape* convexShape = m_convexA;
		const btStaticPlaneShape* planeShape = m_planeShape;
		bool hasCollision = false;
		const btVector3& planeNormal = planeShape->getPlaneNormal();
		const btScalar& planeConstant = planeShape->getPlaneConstant();
		btTransform convexWorldTransform = transA;
		btTransform convexInPlaneTrans;
		convexInPlaneTrans= transB.inverse() * convexWorldTransform;
		btTransform planeInConvex;
		planeInConvex= convexWorldTransform.inverse() * transB;
		btVector3 vtx = convexShape->localGetSupportingVertex(planeInConvex.getBasis()*-planeNormal);

		btVector3 vtxInPlane = convexInPlaneTrans(vtx);
		btScalar distance = (planeNormal.dot(vtxInPlane) - planeConstant);

		btVector3 vtxInPlaneProjected = vtxInPlane - distance*planeNormal;
		btVector3 vtxInPlaneWorld = transB * vtxInPlaneProjected;
		btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB = transB.getBasis() * planeNormal;

void	btPolyhedralContactClipping::clipHullAgainstHull(const btVector3& separatingNormal1, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullA, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullB, const btTransform& transA,const btTransform& transB, const btScalar minDist, btScalar maxDist,btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface::Result& resultOut)

	btVector3 separatingNormal = separatingNormal1.normalized();
	const btVector3 c0 = transA * hullA.m_localCenter;
	const btVector3 c1 = transB * hullB.m_localCenter;
	const btVector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;

	btScalar curMaxDist=maxDist;
	int closestFaceB=-1;
	btScalar dmax = -FLT_MAX;
		for(int face=0;face<hullB.m_faces.size();face++)
			const btVector3 Normal(hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[0], hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[1], hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[2]);
			const btVector3 WorldNormal = transB.getBasis() * Normal;
			btScalar d = WorldNormal.dot(separatingNormal);
			if (d > dmax)
				dmax = d;
				closestFaceB = face;
				btVertexArray worldVertsB1;
					const btFace& polyB = hullB.m_faces[closestFaceB];
					const int numVertices = polyB.m_indices.size();
					for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
						const btVector3& b = hullB.m_vertices[polyB.m_indices[e0]];

	if (closestFaceB>=0)
		clipFaceAgainstHull(separatingNormal, hullA, transA,worldVertsB1, minDist, maxDist,resultOut);

Example #27
/* Returns the support point of the minkowski sum:
 * MSUM(Pellet, ConvexShape)
void supportPoints (const btTransform xformRay,
		    const btTransform xformB,
		    const int shapeType,
		    const void* shape,
		    SpuConvexPolyhedronVertexData* convexVertexData,
		    const btScalar marginB,
		    const btVector3& seperatingAxis,
		    btVector3& w,
		    btVector3& supVertexRay,
		    btVector3& supVertexB)
	btVector3 saUnit = seperatingAxis;
	btVector3 SupportPellet = xformRay(0.0001 * -saUnit);
	btVector3 rotatedSeperatingAxis = seperatingAxis * xformB.getBasis();
	btVector3 SupportShape = xformB(localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(shapeType, (void*)shape, rotatedSeperatingAxis, convexVertexData));
	SupportShape += saUnit * marginB;
	w = SupportPellet - SupportShape;
	supVertexRay = SupportPellet;
	supVertexB = SupportShape;
Example #28
//  draw sphere
void DebugDrawer::drawSphere(btScalar radius, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color, int half)
	btVector3 p = transform.getOrigin();
	const btMatrix3x3& m = transform.getBasis();

	const btVector3 x = m * btVector3(radius,0,0);
	const btVector3 y = m * btVector3(0,radius,0);
	const btVector3 z = m * btVector3(0,0,radius);

	const float PI2 = 2*M_PI, ad = M_PI/15.f;
		btVector3 p1, p1o = p + y, p2o = p + x, p3o = p + y;
		for (float a = ad; a <= PI2+ad; a += ad)
			float s = sinf(a), c = cosf(a);
			p1 = p - s*x + c*y;  drawLine(p1o, p1, color);	p1o = p1;
			p1 = p - s*z + c*x;  drawLine(p2o, p1, color);	p2o = p1;
			p1 = p - s*z + c*y;  drawLine(p3o, p1, color);	p3o = p1;
void btConvexHullShape::project(const btTransform& trans, const btVector3& dir, btScalar& minProj, btScalar& maxProj, btVector3& witnesPtMin,btVector3& witnesPtMax) const
#if 1
	minProj = FLT_MAX;
	maxProj = -FLT_MAX;

	int numVerts = m_unscaledPoints.size();
	for(int i=0;i<numVerts;i++)
		btVector3 vtx = m_unscaledPoints[i] * m_localScaling;
		btVector3 pt = trans * vtx;
		btScalar dp = pt.dot(dir);
		if(dp < minProj)	
			minProj = dp;
			witnesPtMin = pt;
		if(dp > maxProj)	
			maxProj = dp;
	btVector3 localAxis = dir*trans.getBasis();
	witnesPtMin  = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(localAxis));
	witnesPtMax = trans(localGetSupportingVertex(-localAxis));

	minProj = witnesPtMin.dot(dir);
	maxProj = witnesPtMax.dot(dir);


Example #30
	void setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans)
	    const btMatrix3x3& basis  = worldTrans.getBasis();
	    const btVector3&   origin = worldTrans.getOrigin();

        transform[0][0] = basis[0].x();
        transform[0][1] = basis[0].y();
        transform[0][2] = basis[0].z();
        transform[0][3] = origin.x();

        transform[1][0] = basis[1].x();
        transform[1][1] = basis[1].y();
        transform[1][2] = basis[1].z();
        transform[1][3] = origin.y();

        transform[2][0] = basis[2].x();
        transform[2][1] = basis[2].y();
        transform[2][2] = basis[2].z();
        transform[2][3] = origin.z();
