btFixedConstraint::btFixedConstraint(btRigidBody& rbA,btRigidBody& rbB, const btTransform& frameInA,const btTransform& frameInB)
	m_pivotInA = frameInA.getOrigin();
	m_pivotInB = frameInB.getOrigin();
	m_relTargetAB = frameInA.getRotation()*frameInB.getRotation().inverse();

Example #2
	///getAabb's default implementation is brute force, expected derived classes to implement a fast dedicated version
void btEmptyShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
	btVector3 margin(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());

	aabbMin = t.getOrigin() - margin;

	aabbMax = t.getOrigin() + margin;

Example #3
void DebugDraw::drawSphere(btScalar radius, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color) {
    sf::CircleShape circle(radius);
    circle.setPosition(transform.getOrigin().x(), transform.getOrigin().y());
    circle.setOrigin(radius, radius);
Example #4
Transform SWPhysics::toSWTransform(btTransform& o) {
    Transform ret;
    Vector3f trans(o.getOrigin().getX(), o.getOrigin().getY(), o.getOrigin().getZ());
    Vector3f rot(o.getRotation().getX(), o.getRotation().getY(), o.getOrigin().getZ());
    Vector3f scal(1);
    return ret;
void btPersistentManifold::refreshContactPoints(const btTransform& trA,const btTransform& trB)
	int i;
	printf("refreshContactPoints posA = (%f,%f,%f) posB = (%f,%f,%f)\n",
	/// first refresh worldspace positions and distance
	for (i=getNumContacts()-1;i>=0;i--)
		btManifoldPoint &manifoldPoint = m_pointCache[i];
		manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnA = trA( manifoldPoint.m_localPointA );
		manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnB = trB( manifoldPoint.m_localPointB );
		manifoldPoint.m_distance1 = (manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnA -  manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnB).dot(manifoldPoint.m_normalWorldOnB);

	/// then 
	btScalar distance2d;
	btVector3 projectedDifference,projectedPoint;
	for (i=getNumContacts()-1;i>=0;i--)
		btManifoldPoint &manifoldPoint = m_pointCache[i];
		//contact becomes invalid when signed distance exceeds margin (projected on contactnormal direction)
		if (!validContactDistance(manifoldPoint))
		} else
			//contact also becomes invalid when relative movement orthogonal to normal exceeds margin
			projectedPoint = manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnA - manifoldPoint.m_normalWorldOnB * manifoldPoint.m_distance1;
			projectedDifference = manifoldPoint.m_positionWorldOnB - projectedPoint;
			distance2d =;
			if (distance2d  > getContactBreakingThreshold()*getContactBreakingThreshold() )
			} else
				//contact point processed callback
				if (gContactProcessedCallback)
#endif //
static SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btScalar capsuleCapsuleDistance(
	btVector3& normalOnB,
	btVector3& pointOnB,
	btScalar capsuleLengthA,
	btScalar capsuleRadiusA,
	btScalar capsuleLengthB,
	btScalar capsuleRadiusB,
	int capsuleAxisA,
	int capsuleAxisB,
	const btTransform& transformA,
	const btTransform& transformB,
	btScalar distanceThreshold)
	btVector3 directionA = transformA.getBasis().getColumn(capsuleAxisA);
	btVector3 translationA = transformA.getOrigin();
	btVector3 directionB = transformB.getBasis().getColumn(capsuleAxisB);
	btVector3 translationB = transformB.getOrigin();

	// translation between centers

	btVector3 translation = translationB - translationA;

	// compute the closest points of the capsule line segments

	btVector3 ptsVector;  // the vector between the closest points

	btVector3 offsetA, offsetB;  // offsets from segment centers to their closest points
	btScalar tA, tB;             // parameters on line segment

	segmentsClosestPoints(ptsVector, offsetA, offsetB, tA, tB, translation,
						  directionA, capsuleLengthA, directionB, capsuleLengthB);

	btScalar distance = ptsVector.length() - capsuleRadiusA - capsuleRadiusB;

	if (distance > distanceThreshold)
		return distance;

	btScalar lenSqr = ptsVector.length2();
		//degenerate case where 2 capsules are likely at the same location: take a vector tangential to 'directionA'
		btVector3 q;
		btPlaneSpace1(directionA, normalOnB, q);
		// compute the contact normal
		normalOnB = ptsVector * -btRecipSqrt(lenSqr);
	pointOnB = transformB.getOrigin() + offsetB + normalOnB * capsuleRadiusB;

	return distance;
void btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld::rayTestSingle(const btTransform& rayFromTrans, const btTransform& rayToTrans,
											 btCollisionObject* collisionObject,
											 const btCollisionShape* collisionShape,
											 const btTransform& colObjWorldTransform,
											 RayResultCallback& resultCallback)
	if (collisionShape->isSoftBody())
		btSoftBody* softBody = btSoftBody::upcast(collisionObject);
		if (softBody)
			btSoftBody::sRayCast softResult;
			if (softBody->rayTest(rayFromTrans.getOrigin(), rayToTrans.getOrigin(), softResult))
				if (softResult.fraction <= resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction)
					btCollisionWorld::LocalShapeInfo shapeInfo;
					shapeInfo.m_shapePart = 0;
					shapeInfo.m_triangleIndex = softResult.index;
					// get the normal
					btVector3 rayDir = rayToTrans.getOrigin() - rayFromTrans.getOrigin();
					btVector3 normal = -rayDir;

					if (softResult.feature == btSoftBody::eFeature::Face)
						normal = softBody->m_faces[softResult.index].m_normal;
						if ( > 0)
							// normal always point toward origin of the ray
							normal = -normal;

					btCollisionWorld::LocalRayResult rayResult(collisionObject,
					bool normalInWorldSpace = true;
					resultCallback.addSingleResult(rayResult, normalInWorldSpace);
		btCollisionWorld::rayTestSingle(rayFromTrans, rayToTrans, collisionObject, collisionShape, colObjWorldTransform, resultCallback);
Example #8
void convertBtTransform2Transform(btTransform bulletTransform, Transform *transform) {
    btVector3 pos = bulletTransform.getOrigin();
    btQuaternion rot = bulletTransform.getRotation();

    transform->set_position(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
    transform->set_rotation(rot.getW(), rot.getX(), rot.getY(), rot.getZ());
void btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::debugDrawSphere(btScalar radius, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
	btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();

	const btVector3 xoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(radius,0,0);
	const btVector3 yoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0,radius,0);
	const btVector3 zoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0,0,radius);

	// XY 
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-xoffs, start+yoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+yoffs, start+xoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+xoffs, start-yoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-yoffs, start-xoffs, color);

	// XZ
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-xoffs, start+zoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+zoffs, start+xoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+xoffs, start-zoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-zoffs, start-xoffs, color);

	// YZ
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-yoffs, start+zoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+zoffs, start+yoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start+yoffs, start-zoffs, color);
	getDebugDrawer()->drawLine(start-zoffs, start-yoffs, color);
Example #10
void RigidBody::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans)
    Quaternion newWorldRotation = ToQuaternion(worldTrans.getRotation());
    Vector3 newWorldPosition = ToVector3(worldTrans.getOrigin()) - newWorldRotation * centerOfMass_;
    RigidBody* parentRigidBody = 0;

    // It is possible that the RigidBody component has been kept alive via a shared pointer,
    // while its scene node has already been destroyed
    if (node_)
        // If the rigid body is parented to another rigid body, can not set the transform immediately.
        // In that case store it to PhysicsWorld for delayed assignment
        Node* parent = node_->GetParent();
        if (parent != GetScene() && parent)
            parentRigidBody = parent->GetComponent<RigidBody>();

        if (!parentRigidBody)
            ApplyWorldTransform(newWorldPosition, newWorldRotation);
            DelayedWorldTransform delayed;
            delayed.rigidBody_ = this;
            delayed.parentRigidBody_ = parentRigidBody;
            delayed.worldPosition_ = newWorldPosition;
            delayed.worldRotation_ = newWorldRotation;

CIwFMat Physics::GetMatrixFromWheelInfo( const btWheelInfo w, const btRigidBody* b )
	CIwFMat modelMatrix( CIwMat::g_Identity );

	const btTransform btTrans = w.m_worldTransform;
	const btVector3 pos = btTrans.getOrigin();

	const float posX = pos.getX();
	const float posY = pos.getY();
	const float posZ = pos.getZ();

	const CIwFVec3 position( posX, posY, posZ );

	const btQuaternion q = btTrans.getRotation();
	CIwFVec3 rot;
	QuaternionToEuler( q, rot );

	const btQuaternion qBody = b->getOrientation();
	CIwFVec3 rotBody;
	QuaternionToEuler( qBody, rotBody );
	CIwFMat mat = CIwFMat::g_Identity;
	mat.PostRotateX( rot.x );
	mat.PostRotateY( -rotBody.y );		// mat.PostRotateY( rot.y ); fix for rotating wheels by y axis, there are glitches after 360 degrees rotating
	mat.PostRotateZ( -rotBody.z );
	modelMatrix.CopyRot( mat );
	modelMatrix.SetTrans( position );

	return modelMatrix;
void LIPhyDynamicsWorld::sphereSweepTest (float radius, const btTransform& rayFromWorld, const btTransform& rayToWorld, ConvexResultCallback& resultCallback) const
	LIPhyRaycastHook* hook;

	/* Test against normal objects. */
	btSphereShape shape (radius);
	convexSweepTest (&shape, rayFromWorld, rayToWorld, resultCallback);

	/* Test against raycast hooks. */
	btVector3 src = rayFromWorld.getOrigin();
	btVector3 dst = rayToWorld.getOrigin();
	for (hook = raycast_hooks ; hook != NULL ; hook = hook->next)
		hook->sphereSweepTest (radius, src, dst, resultCallback);
 virtual void setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans) {
     if(NULL == mVisibleobj) return; // silently return before we set a node
     btQuaternion rot = worldTrans.getRotation();
     mVisibleobj->setOrientation(rot.w(), rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z());
     btVector3 pos = worldTrans.getOrigin();
     mVisibleobj->setPosition(pos.x(), pos.y()+5, pos.z()-5);
Example #14
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans) {
    btQuaternion rot = worldTrans.getRotation();
    m_entity->setRotation(rot.getAngle() * rot.getAxis().z());
    btVector3 pos = worldTrans.getOrigin();
    m_entity->setPosition(glm::vec2(pos.x(), pos.y()));
    m_transform = worldTrans;
void BulletRigidBodyObject::updateObjectFromBullet(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    assert(mFixed == false);

    LocationInfo& locinfo = mParent->info(mID);

    btVector3 pos = worldTrans.getOrigin();
    btVector3 vel = mObjRigidBody->getLinearVelocity();
    TimedMotionVector3f newLocation(mParent->context()->simTime(), MotionVector3f(Vector3f(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()), Vector3f(vel.x(), vel.y(), vel.z())));
    mParent->setLocation(mID, newLocation);
    BULLETLOG(insane, "Updating " << mID << " to velocity " << vel.x() << " " << vel.y() << " " << vel.z());
    btQuaternion rot = worldTrans.getRotation();
    btVector3 angvel = mObjRigidBody->getAngularVelocity();
    Vector3f angvel_siri(angvel.x(), angvel.y(), angvel.z());
    float angvel_angle = angvel_siri.normalizeThis();
    TimedMotionQuaternion newOrientation(
            Quaternion(rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z(), rot.w()),
            Quaternion(angvel_siri, angvel_angle)
    mParent->setOrientation(mID, newOrientation);

Example #16
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans) {
    btQuaternion rot = worldTrans.getRotation();
    m_Entity->rotation = rot.getAngle() * (180.f/M_PI) * rot.getAxis().z();
    btVector3 pos = worldTrans.getOrigin();
    m_Entity->position = pos;
    m_Transform = worldTrans;
Example #17
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    if (!_entity) {
    _entity->setPosition(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset());



    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {

        const uint32_t OWNERSHIP_BID_DELAY = 50;
        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > OWNERSHIP_BID_DELAY) {
            //qDebug() << "Warning -- claiming something I saw moving." << getName();
            _candidateForOwnership = true;
    } else {
        _loopsWithoutOwner = 0;

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform()... changed entity:" << _entity->getEntityItemID();
        qCDebug(physics) << "       last edited:" << _entity->getLastEdited() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastEdited()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "    last simulated:" << _entity->getLastSimulated() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastSimulated()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "      last updated:" << _entity->getLastUpdated() << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastUpdated()) << "ago";
//broken due to scaling
void btSphereShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t,btVector3& aabbMin,btVector3& aabbMax) const
	const btVector3& center = t.getOrigin();
	btVector3 extent(getMargin(),getMargin(),getMargin());
	aabbMin = center - extent;
	aabbMax = center + extent;
Example #19
			void position_and_orientation_from_transform(glm::vec3& out_position, glm::quat& out_orientation, const btTransform& world_transform)
				const btVector3& origin = world_transform.getOrigin();
				const btQuaternion& rot = world_transform.getRotation();
				out_position = glm::vec3(origin.x(), origin.y(), origin.z());
				out_orientation = glm::quat(rot.w(), rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z());
Example #20
    /// btMotionState override. Called when Bullet wants to tell us the body's current transform
    void setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans)
        /// \todo For a large scene, applying the changed transforms of rigid bodies is slow (slower than the physics simulation itself,
        /// or handling collisions) due to the large number of signals being fired.
        // Cannot modify server-authoritative physics object, rather get the transform changes through placeable attributes
        const bool hasAuthority = rigidBody->HasAuthority();
        if (!hasAuthority && !clientExtrapolating)
        if (placeable.Expired())
        Placeable* p = placeable;
        // Important: disconnect our own response to attribute changes to not create an endless loop!
        disconnected = true;
        AttributeChange::Type changeType = hasAuthority ? AttributeChange::Default : AttributeChange::LocalOnly;

        // Set transform
        float3 position = worldTrans.getOrigin();
        Quat orientation = worldTrans.getRotation();
        // Non-parented case
        if (p->parentRef.Get().IsEmpty())
            Transform newTrans = p->transform.Get();
            newTrans.SetPos(position.x, position.y, position.z);
            p->transform.Set(newTrans, changeType);
        // The placeable has a parent itself
            Urho3D::Node* parent = p->UrhoSceneNode()->GetParent();
            if (parent)
                position = parent->WorldToLocal(position);
                orientation = parent->GetWorldRotation().Inverse() * orientation;
                Transform newTrans = p->transform.Get();
                p->transform.Set(newTrans, changeType);
        // Set linear & angular velocity
        if (body)
            // Performance optimization: because applying each attribute causes signals to be fired, which is slow in a large scene
            // (and furthermore, on a server, causes each connection's sync state to be accessed), do not set the linear/angular
            // velocities if they haven't changed
            float3 linearVel = body->getLinearVelocity();
            float3 angularVel = RadToDeg(body->getAngularVelocity());
            if (!linearVel.Equals(rigidBody->linearVelocity.Get()))
                rigidBody->linearVelocity.Set(linearVel, changeType);
            if (!angularVel.Equals(rigidBody->angularVelocity.Get()))
                rigidBody->angularVelocity.Set(angularVel, changeType);
        disconnected = false;
	void get_plane_equation_transformed(const btTransform & trans,btVector4 &equation)
		equation[0] = trans.getBasis().getRow(0).dot(m_planeNormal);
		equation[1] = trans.getBasis().getRow(1).dot(m_planeNormal);
		equation[2] = trans.getBasis().getRow(2).dot(m_planeNormal);
		equation[3] = trans.getOrigin().dot(m_planeNormal) + m_planeConstant;
Example #22
// This callback is invoked by the physics simulation at the end of each simulation step...
// iff the corresponding RigidBody is DYNAMIC and has moved.
void EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    if (!_entity) {

    _entity->setPosition(bulletToGLM(worldTrans.getOrigin()) + ObjectMotionState::getWorldOffset());

    if (_entity->getSimulatorID().isNull()) {

        if (_loopsWithoutOwner > LOOPS_FOR_SIMULATION_ORPHAN && usecTimestampNow() > _nextOwnershipBid) {
            //qDebug() << "Warning -- claiming something I saw moving." << getName();

    #ifdef WANT_DEBUG
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        qCDebug(physics) << "EntityMotionState::setWorldTransform()... changed entity:" << _entity->getEntityItemID();
        qCDebug(physics) << "       last edited:" << _entity->getLastEdited()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastEdited()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "    last simulated:" << _entity->getLastSimulated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastSimulated()) << "ago";
        qCDebug(physics) << "      last updated:" << _entity->getLastUpdated()
                         << formatUsecTime(now - _entity->getLastUpdated()) << "ago";
Example #23
// virtual
void AvatarMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans) {
    const float SPRING_TIMESCALE = 0.5f;
    btVector3 currentPosition = worldTrans.getOrigin();
    btVector3 offsetToTarget = glmToBullet(getObjectPosition()) - currentPosition;
    float distance = offsetToTarget.length();
    if ((1.0f - tau) * distance > _diameter) {
        // the avatar body is far from its target --> slam position
        btTransform newTransform;
        newTransform.setOrigin(currentPosition + offsetToTarget);
    } else {
        // the avatar body is near its target --> slam velocity
        btVector3 velocity = glmToBullet(getObjectLinearVelocity()) + (1.0f / SPRING_TIMESCALE) * offsetToTarget;
        // slam its rotation
        btTransform newTransform = worldTrans;
Example #24
void Body::Update(float dt, btTransform& Parent)
	btVector3 parentPos;
	parentPos = Parent.getOrigin();

	//Get Offset Rotation of a model(child)
	btQuaternion LocalRot;
	LocalRot = btQuaternion(m_yaw, m_pitch, m_roll);

	btQuaternion parentRotation;
	parentRotation = Parent.getRotation();

	//Construct Directx Matricies out of give Quaternion rotations, sets up proper transformation of a model, Global + local
	XMMATRIX matrixChildRotation = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion(XMLoadFloat4(&XMFLOAT4(LocalRot.getX(), LocalRot.getY(), LocalRot.getZ(), LocalRot.getW())));
	XMMATRIX matrixParentRotation = XMMatrixRotationQuaternion(XMLoadFloat4(&XMFLOAT4(parentRotation.getX(), parentRotation.getY(), parentRotation.getZ(), parentRotation.getW())));

	//calcualte the final rotation by multiplying quaternions using dxmatrix
	XMMATRIX matrixFinalRotation = matrixChildRotation * matrixParentRotation;

	XMFLOAT3 m_offset = XMFLOAT3(0, 0, 0);
	XMMATRIX childOffset = XMMatrixTranslation(m_offset.x, m_offset.y, m_offset.z);

	XMMATRIX zeroWorld = XMMatrixTranslation(0, 0, 0);

	XMMATRIX translationMat = XMMatrixTranslation(parentPos.getX(), parentPos.getY(), parentPos.getZ());
	XMMATRIX scaleMat = XMMatrixScaling(m_scale, m_scale, m_scale);
	XMMATRIX worldMat = childOffset * matrixFinalRotation * zeroWorld * scaleMat * translationMat;

	XMStoreFloat4x4(&m_worldMat, worldMat);
Example #25
void bmodMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans) {
	//don't affect immovable objects

	Vector origin = Vector((float*)(worldTrans.getOrigin().m_floats));
	btVector3 btAngles;
	MatrixEuler(worldTrans.getBasis(), btAngles);
	Vector angles = Vector((float*)btAngles.m_floats);
	btRigidBody * body = obj->getRigidBody();
	Vector velocity;
	Vector avelocity;
	if(!body->getDeactivationTime()) {
		velocity = Vector((float*)body->getLinearVelocity().m_floats);
		btVector3 btAvelocity = body->getAngularVelocity();
		avelocity = Vector(-btAvelocity[1], btAvelocity[2], btAvelocity[0]) * SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD;

	std::list<int> * entities = obj->getEntities();
	for(std::list<int>::iterator it = entities->begin(); it != entities->end(); ++it) {
		edict_t * entity = INDEXENT(*it);
		SET_ORIGIN(entity, origin);
		entity->v.angles = angles;
		entity->v.velocity = velocity;
		entity->v.avelocity = avelocity;
Example #26
Matrix cast(const btTransform& t){
	return Matrix(
void CBaseGameEntity::setGraphicTrans(btTransform trans)
    btVector3 v = trans.getOrigin();
    m_node->setPosition(v.getX(), v.getY(), v.getZ());

    btQuaternion q = trans.getRotation();
    m_node->setOrientation(q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z());
Example #28
	void MyMotionState::setWorldTransform(const btTransform &xWorldTrans) 
		if(NULL == mSceneNode) return; // silently return before we set a node
		btQuaternion xRot = xWorldTrans.getRotation();
		mSceneNode->setOrientation(xRot.w(), xRot.x(), xRot.y(), xRot.z());
		btVector3 xPos = xWorldTrans.getOrigin();
		mSceneNode->setPosition(xPos.x(), xPos.y(), xPos.z());
Example #29
 virtual void setWorldTransform(const btTransform &worldTrans) {
     if(NULL == mVisibleobj) return; // silently return before we SET a node
     btQuaternion rot = worldTrans.getRotation();
     mVisibleobj->setOrientation(rot.w(), rot.x(), rot.y(), rot.z());
     btVector3 pos = worldTrans.getOrigin();
     // TODO **** XXX need to fix this up such that it renders properly since this doesnt know the scale of the node
     // also the getCube function returns a cube that isnt centered on Z
     mVisibleobj->setPosition(pos.x(), pos.y()+5, pos.z()-5);
Example #30
/** set the world transform of the linked position
 * @param worldTrans the transform to set the position to
 * @warning this method is called by physics library and should
 * not be called directly
void MotionState::setWorldTransform (const btTransform &worldTrans)
	// set the location/origin
	const btVector3& location = worldTrans.getOrigin();
	this->position->getLocation().set(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ());
	// set the basis/rotational matrix