config_file_iterator::Impl::substitute_macros( cstring& where )
    cstring::size_type pos;

    while( (pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_begin )) != cstring::npos ) {
        m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), pos );

        where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_begin.size() );

        pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_end );

        BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( pos != cstring::npos, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "incomplete macro reference" ) );

        cstring value = *get_macro_value( where.substr( 0, pos ), false );
        m_post_subst_line.append( value.begin(), value.size() );

        where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_end.size() );

    if( !m_post_subst_line.empty() ) {
        m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), where.size() );
        where = m_post_subst_line;
include_level::include_level( cstring file_name, cstring path_separators, include_level* parent_ )
: m_parent( parent_ )
    if( file_name.is_empty() )

    assign_op( m_curr_location.first, file_name, 0 );
    m_curr_location.second = 0;

    m_stream.open( m_curr_location.first.c_str() );

    if( !m_stream.is_open() && !!m_parent.get() ) {
        cstring            parent_path = m_parent->m_curr_location.first;
        cstring::iterator  it          = unit_test::find_last_of( parent_path.begin(), parent_path.end(),
                                                                  path_separators.end() );

        if( it != parent_path.end() ) {
            assign_op( m_curr_location.first, cstring( parent_path.begin(), it+1 ), 0 );
            m_curr_location.first.append( file_name.begin(), file_name.end() );
            m_stream.open( m_curr_location.first.c_str() );

    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_stream.is_open(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "couldn't open file " ) << file_name );
    static bool _( cstring source, boost::optional<bool>& res )
        BOOST_RT_PARAM_TRACE( "In interpret_argument_value_impl<bool>" );

        static literal_cstring YES( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "YES" ) );
        static literal_cstring Y( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "Y" ) );
        static literal_cstring NO( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "NO" ) );
        static literal_cstring N( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "N" ) );
        static literal_cstring one( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "1" ) );
        static literal_cstring zero( BOOST_RT_PARAM_CSTRING_LITERAL( "0" ) );


        if( case_ins_eq( source, YES ) || case_ins_eq( source, Y ) || case_ins_eq( source, one ) ) {
            res = true;
            return true;
        else if( case_ins_eq( source, NO ) || case_ins_eq( source, N ) || case_ins_eq( source, zero ) ) {
            res = false;
            return true;
        else {
            res = true;
            return source.is_empty();
Example #4
inline void
putenv_impl( cstring name, cstring value )
    using namespace std;
    // !! this may actually fail. What should we do?
    setenv( name.begin(), value.begin(), 1 );
Example #5
    bool    interpret( cstring param_name, cstring source ) const
        static cstring const s_YES( "YES" );
        static cstring const s_Y( "Y" );
        static cstring const s_NO( "NO" );
        static cstring const s_N( "N" );
        static cstring const s_TRUE( "TRUE" );
        static cstring const s_FALSE( "FALSE" );
        static cstring const s_one( "1" );
        static cstring const s_zero( "0" );


        if( source.is_empty() ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_YES ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_Y ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_one ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_TRUE ) )
            return true;

        if( case_ins_eq( source, s_NO ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_N ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_zero ) ||
            case_ins_eq( source, s_FALSE ) )
            return false;

        BOOST_TEST_I_THROW( format_error( param_name ) << source << " can't be interpreted as bool value." );
Example #6
bool fromstringhex(cstring s, arrayvieww<byte> val)
	if (val.size()*2 != s.length()) return false;
	bool ok = true;
	for (size_t i=0;i<val.size();i++)
		ok &= fromstringhex(s.substr(i*2, i*2+2), val[i]);
	return ok;
string translateRk86(cstring in) {
  string out;
  const char* inp = in.c_str();
  char* o = (char*)out.c_str();
  while(*inp) {
    char c = translateRk86c(*inp++);
    if(c==0) raise("Имя файла "+in+" содержит неподдерживаемый РК86 символ.");
    *o++ = c;
  return out;
Example #8
bmlwriter::mode bmlwriter::type_core(cstring val)
	if (val == "") return anon;
	char first = val[0];
	char last = val[val.length()-1];
	if (val.contains("\n") || first==' ' || first=='\t' || last==' ' || last=='\t') return multiline;
	if (val.contains("\"")) return col;
	if (val.contains(" ") || val.contains("\t")) return quote;
	return eq;
Example #9
string bmlwriter::escape(cstring val)
	string esc = "-";
	bool needescape = (val.startswith("-"));
	for (byte c : val.bytes())
		if (isalnum(c) || c=='.') esc+=c;
		else if (c=='-') esc+="--";
		else { esc+="-"+tostringhex<2>((uint8_t)c); needescape=true; }
	if (needescape) return esc;
	else return val;
Example #10
bool fromstring(cstring s, double& out)
	out = 0;
	auto tmp_s = s.c_str();
	const char * tmp_cp = tmp_s;
	if (*tmp_cp != '-' && !isdigit(*tmp_cp)) return false;
	char * tmp_cpo;
	double ret = strtod(drop0x(tmp_cp), &tmp_cpo);
	if (tmp_cpo != tmp_cp + s.length()) return false;
	if (!isdigit(tmp_cpo[-1])) return false;
	if (ret==HUGE_VAL || ret==-HUGE_VAL) return false;
	out = ret;
	return true;
Example #11
 basic_param( cstring name, bool is_optional, bool is_repeatable, Modifiers const& m )
 : p_name( name.begin(), name.end() )
 , p_description( nfp::opt_get( m, description, std::string() ) )
 , p_help( nfp::opt_get( m, runtime::help, std::string() ) )
 , p_env_var( nfp::opt_get( m, env_var, std::string() ) )
 , p_value_hint( nfp::opt_get( m, value_hint, std::string() ) )
 , p_optional( is_optional )
 , p_repeatable( is_repeatable )
 , p_has_optional_value( m.has( optional_value ) )
 , p_has_default_value( m.has( default_value ) || is_repeatable )
 , p_callback( nfp::opt_get( m, callback, callback_type() ) )
     add_cla_id( help_prefix, name, ":" );
Example #12
static size_t linelen(const cstring& input)
	//pointers are generally a bad idea, but this is such a hotspot it's worth it
	const uint8_t * inputraw = input.bytes().ptr();
	size_t nlpos = 0;
	if (input.bytes_hasterm())
		while (!isendl(inputraw[nlpos])) nlpos++;
		size_t inputlen = input.length();
		while (nlpos < inputlen && !isendl(inputraw[nlpos])) nlpos++;
	return nlpos;
Example #13
//returns size of leading whitespace and comments
static size_t bml_size_white(const cstring& data)
	int i = 0;
	while (data[i]==' ' || data[i]=='\t') i++;
	if (data[i]=='#' || (data[i]=='/' && data[i+1]=='/')) return data.length();
	else return i;
static bool
is_valid_identifier( cstring const& source )
    if( source.is_empty() )
        return false;

    cstring::const_iterator it = source.begin();

    if( !std::isalpha( *it ) )
        return false;

    while( ++it < source.end() ) {
        if( !std::isalnum( *it ) && *it != BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( '_' ) && *it != BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( '-' ) )
            return false;

    return true;
Example #15
cstring ReferenceMap::newName(cstring base) {
    // Maybe in the future we'll maintain information with per-scope identifiers,
    // but today we are content to generate globally-unique identifiers.

    // If base has a suffix of the form _(\d+), then we discard the suffix.
    // under the assumption that it is probably a generated suffix.
    // This will not impact correctness.
    unsigned len = base.size();
    const char digits[] = "0123456789";
    const char* s = base.c_str();
    while (len > 0 && strchr(digits, s[len-1])) len--;
    if (len > 0 && base[len - 1] == '_')
        base = base.substr(0, len - 1);

    cstring name = cstring::make_unique(usedNames, base, '_');
    return name;
Example #16
static string replace(char c1, char c2, cstring s) {
	StringBuffer buf;
	for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
		if(s[i] == c1)
			buf << c2;
			buf << s[i];
	return buf.toString();
config_file_iterator::Impl::process_else( cstring line )
    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() > 0 && m_conditional_states.back(),
                                   BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "else without matching if" ) );

    m_inactive_ifdef_level = m_conditional_states.size() == m_inactive_ifdef_level ? 0 : m_conditional_states.size();

    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( line.is_empty(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "unexpected tokens at the end of else command" ) );
Example #18
messagewin::messagewin(cstring p, cstring opt):
	  toplevel(p.lower(), opt)
	sessionid = 0;
	info = false;
	serverentry = NULL;
Example #19
inline bool
interpret_argument_value( cstring source, hexerboost::optional<std::list<T> >& res, int )
    BOOST_RT_PARAM_TRACE( "In interpret_argument_value<std::list<T>>" );

    res = std::list<T>();

    while( !source.is_empty() ) {
        // !! should we use token_iterator
        cstring::iterator single_value_end = std::find( source.begin(), source.end(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( ',' ) );

        hexerboost::optional<T> value;
        interpret_argument_value( cstring( source.begin(), single_value_end ), value, 0 );

        res->push_back( *value );

        source.trim_left( single_value_end + 1 );

    return true;
void StructTypeReplacement::flatten(const P4::TypeMap* typeMap,
                                    cstring prefix,
                                    const IR::Type* type,
                                    IR::IndexedVector<IR::StructField> *fields) {
    if (auto st = type->to<IR::Type_Struct>()) {
        structFieldMap.emplace(prefix, st);
        for (auto f : st->fields)
            flatten(typeMap, prefix + "." + f->name, f->type, fields);
    cstring fieldName = prefix.replace(".", "_") +
    fieldNameRemap.emplace(prefix, fieldName);
    fields->push_back(new IR::StructField(IR::ID(fieldName), type->getP4Type()));
Example #21
void	irctext::attrwrite(const int mode, const cstring &msg, 
                           const cstring &extratags)
	cstring	tags = extratags;
	// colors to use (possibly?)
	int	use_fg = fg, use_bg = bg;

	if(mode == 0 || msg.length() == 0)
		if(msg.length() != 0)
			text::insert("end", msg, tags);
	if(mode & MODE_BOLD)
		tags += " attr_b";
	if(mode & MODE_INVERSE)
		// swap colors
		if(mode & MODE_COLOR && use_fg != -1 && use_bg != -1)
			int	t = use_fg;
			use_fg = use_bg;
			use_bg = t;
			tags += " attr_i";	// standard tag
	if(mode & MODE_UNDERLINE)
		tags += " attr_u";
	if(mode & MODE_COLOR)
		if(use_fg != -1)
			tags << " fg" << use_fg;
		if(use_bg != -1)
			tags << " bg" << use_bg;
	text::insert("end", msg, tags);
Example #22
PathName PathName::join(cstring component) const {
    if (component.isNullOrEmpty())
        throw std::logic_error("Empty string for pathname component");
    if (str.isNullOrEmpty())
        return PathName(component);
    char last = str[str.size() - 1];
    for (char c : pathSeparators) {
        if (c == last) {
            auto result = str + component;
            return PathName(result);
    auto result = str + separator() + component;
    return PathName(result);
config_file_iterator::Impl::process_command_line( cstring line )
    line.trim_left( m_command_delimeter.size() );

    unit_test::string_token_iterator tit( line, unit_test::max_tokens = 2 );

    command_handler_map::const_iterator it = m_command_handler_map.find( *tit );

    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( it != m_command_handler_map.end(), BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "Invalid command " ) << *tit );


    (it->second)( *tit );
get_param_value( param_namespace const& where_from,
                 cstring                name_part1,
                 cstring                name_part2,
                 cstring                name_part3,
                 cstring                name_part4,
                 cstring                name_part5 )
    if( name_part2.is_empty() ) {
        boost::optional<cstring> res;

        BOOST_TEST_FOREACH( parameter const&, p, where_from ) {
            if( p.p_name == name_part1 ) {
                res = cstring( p.p_value );

        return res;
Example #25
void bmlwriter::node(cstring name, cstring val, mode m, bool enter)
	m = type(val, m);
	bool inlined = (m <= icol && m_caninline && !enter);
	if (m_data)
		if (inlined) m_data += " ";
		else m_data += "\n"+indent();
	if ((m==anon || m==eq || m==quote) && enter) m_caninline = true;
	if (m==icol || m==col || m==multiline) m_caninline = false;
	//for other modes, inlinability isn't affected
	switch (m)
		case ianon:
		case anon:
			m_data += name;
		case ieq:
		case eq:
			m_data += name+"="+val;
		case iquote:
		case quote:
			m_data += name+"=\""+val+"\"";
		case icol:
		case col:
			m_data += name+": "+val;
		case multiline:
			string prefix = "\n"+indent()+":";
			m_data += name + prefix + val.replace("\n", prefix);
	if (!enter) m_indent--;
Example #26
 * Parse a literal string.
 * @param litt	Literal string to parse (first character is ignored).
void Parser::parseLitt(io::InStream& in, cstring litt) throw(json::Exception) {
	for(int i = 1; i < litt.length(); i++)
		if(nextChar(in) != litt[i])
			error("unknown identifier");
config_file_iterator::Impl::get_next_line( cstring& line )
    bool broken_line = false;


    while( !m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() || !!m_curr_level->m_parent.get() ) {
        // 10. Switch to upper include level if current one is finished
        // 20.  Read/append next file line
        // 30.  Increment line number
        // 40.  Remove comments
        // 50.  Remove trailing and leading spaces
        // 60.  Skip empty string
        // 70.  Concatenate broken lines if needed. Put the result into line
        // 80.  If line is not completed, try to finish it by reading the next line
        // 90.  Process command line
        // 100. Substitute macros references with their definitions
        // 110. Next line found.

        if( m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() ) {                                                // 10 //
            m_curr_level = m_curr_level->m_parent;

        std::ifstream&  input   = m_curr_level->m_stream;
        char_type* buffer_insert_pos = broken_line ? m_buffer.get() + line.size() : m_buffer.get();

        input.getline( buffer_insert_pos, (std::streamsize)(m_buffer_size - line.size()),   // 20 //
                       m_line_delimeter );

        cstring next_line( buffer_insert_pos,
                           input.gcount() > 0
                           ? buffer_insert_pos + (input.eof() ? input.gcount() : (input.gcount()-1))
                           : buffer_insert_pos );

        m_curr_level->m_curr_location.second++;                                             // 30 //

        cstring::size_type comment_pos = next_line.find( m_sl_comment_delimeter );
        if( comment_pos != cstring::npos )
            next_line.trim_right( next_line.begin()+comment_pos );                          // 40 //

        if( m_trim_trailing_spaces )                                                        // 50 //
        if( m_trim_leading_spaces && !broken_line )

        if( next_line.is_empty() ) {                                                        // 60 //
            if( m_skip_empty_lines )
                next_line.assign( buffer_insert_pos, buffer_insert_pos );

        line = broken_line ? cstring( line.begin(), next_line.end() ) : next_line;          // 70 //

        broken_line = match_back( line, m_line_beak );
        if( broken_line ) {                                                                 // 80 //
            line.trim_right( 1 );

        if( match_front( line, m_command_delimeter ) ) {                                    // 90 //
            process_command_line( line );

        if( !is_active_line() )

        substitute_macros( line );                                                          // 100 //

        return true;                                                                        // 110 //

    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( !broken_line, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "broken line is not completed" ) );
    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() == 0,
                                   BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "matching endif command is missing" ) );

    return false;
 static bool         match_back( cstring str, cstring pattern )
     return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( str.size() - pattern.size() ) == pattern;
 static bool         match_front( cstring str, cstring pattern )
     return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( 0, pattern.size() ) == pattern;
Example #30
int wunlink(const wcstring &file_name)
    const cstring tmp = wcs2string(file_name);
    return unlink(tmp.c_str());