config_file_iterator::Impl::substitute_macros( cstring& where )
    cstring::size_type pos;

    while( (pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_begin )) != cstring::npos ) {
        m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), pos );

        where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_begin.size() );

        pos = where.find( m_macro_ref_end );

        BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( pos != cstring::npos, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "incomplete macro reference" ) );

        cstring value = *get_macro_value( where.substr( 0, pos ), false );
        m_post_subst_line.append( value.begin(), value.size() );

        where.trim_left( where.begin() + pos + m_macro_ref_end.size() );

    if( !m_post_subst_line.empty() ) {
        m_post_subst_line.append( where.begin(), where.size() );
        where = m_post_subst_line;
string translateRk86(cstring in) {
  string out;
  const char* inp = in.c_str();
  char* o = (char*)out.c_str();
  while(*inp) {
    char c = translateRk86c(*inp++);
    if(c==0) raise("Имя файла "+in+" содержит неподдерживаемый РК86 символ.");
    *o++ = c;
  return out;
Example #3
cstring ReferenceMap::newName(cstring base) {
    // Maybe in the future we'll maintain information with per-scope identifiers,
    // but today we are content to generate globally-unique identifiers.

    // If base has a suffix of the form _(\d+), then we discard the suffix.
    // under the assumption that it is probably a generated suffix.
    // This will not impact correctness.
    unsigned len = base.size();
    const char digits[] = "0123456789";
    const char* s = base.c_str();
    while (len > 0 && strchr(digits, s[len-1])) len--;
    if (len > 0 && base[len - 1] == '_')
        base = base.substr(0, len - 1);

    cstring name = cstring::make_unique(usedNames, base, '_');
    return name;
config_file_iterator::Impl::get_next_line( cstring& line )
    bool broken_line = false;


    while( !m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() || !!m_curr_level->m_parent.get() ) {
        // 10. Switch to upper include level if current one is finished
        // 20.  Read/append next file line
        // 30.  Increment line number
        // 40.  Remove comments
        // 50.  Remove trailing and leading spaces
        // 60.  Skip empty string
        // 70.  Concatenate broken lines if needed. Put the result into line
        // 80.  If line is not completed, try to finish it by reading the next line
        // 90.  Process command line
        // 100. Substitute macros references with their definitions
        // 110. Next line found.

        if( m_curr_level->m_stream.eof() ) {                                                // 10 //
            m_curr_level = m_curr_level->m_parent;

        std::ifstream&  input   = m_curr_level->m_stream;
        char_type* buffer_insert_pos = broken_line ? m_buffer.get() + line.size() : m_buffer.get();

        input.getline( buffer_insert_pos, (std::streamsize)(m_buffer_size - line.size()),   // 20 //
                       m_line_delimeter );

        cstring next_line( buffer_insert_pos,
                           input.gcount() > 0
                           ? buffer_insert_pos + (input.eof() ? input.gcount() : (input.gcount()-1))
                           : buffer_insert_pos );

        m_curr_level->m_curr_location.second++;                                             // 30 //

        cstring::size_type comment_pos = next_line.find( m_sl_comment_delimeter );
        if( comment_pos != cstring::npos )
            next_line.trim_right( next_line.begin()+comment_pos );                          // 40 //

        if( m_trim_trailing_spaces )                                                        // 50 //
        if( m_trim_leading_spaces && !broken_line )

        if( next_line.is_empty() ) {                                                        // 60 //
            if( m_skip_empty_lines )
                next_line.assign( buffer_insert_pos, buffer_insert_pos );

        line = broken_line ? cstring( line.begin(), next_line.end() ) : next_line;          // 70 //

        broken_line = match_back( line, m_line_beak );
        if( broken_line ) {                                                                 // 80 //
            line.trim_right( 1 );

        if( match_front( line, m_command_delimeter ) ) {                                    // 90 //
            process_command_line( line );

        if( !is_active_line() )

        substitute_macros( line );                                                          // 100 //

        return true;                                                                        // 110 //

    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( !broken_line, BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "broken line is not completed" ) );
    BOOST_RT_PARAM_VALIDATE_LOGIC( m_conditional_states.size() == 0,
                                   BOOST_RT_PARAM_LITERAL( "matching endif command is missing" ) );

    return false;
 static bool         match_back( cstring str, cstring pattern )
     return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( str.size() - pattern.size() ) == pattern;
 static bool         match_front( cstring str, cstring pattern )
     return str.size() >= pattern.size() && str.substr( 0, pattern.size() ) == pattern;
Example #7
 // Constructor // !! could we eliminate shared_ptr
 explicit    logic_error( cstring msg ) : m_msg( new dstring( msg.begin(), msg.size() ) ) {}
Example #8
 std::string interpret( cstring, cstring source ) const
     return std::string( source.begin(), source.size() );